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25 minutes of Apassionata Classical Music

My Free Classical Music You Can Listen To While Doing These Affirmations Several Times Daily

I enjoy excellent mental and physical health.

I am fully functional in every way.

I am a confident, fully capable, strong, independent person.

My body now quickly and easily adjusts to its perfect healthy weight.

I easily maintain a healthy weight for the rest of my life.

I have many true friends who are always there for me.

I am surrounded by loving emotional and spiritual support.

People motivate and encourage me daily.

I am easily understood by everyone.

Everyone likes me and wants to be my true friend.

Everyone genuinely loves me with unconditional love.

People give ME lots of NEW expensive gifts now.

I am now open to receive all my blessings that the Universe has for me.

I always get everything I want and need.

Only good, good, good comes into my life now and always.

My positive mindset now creates the perfect life for me.

I now own a new home with all new furnishings that is perfect for me.

I drive the perfect new car for me.

I have the perfect new life for me.

I wear the perfect new clothes for me that look so nice.

My hair and makeup always looks fantastic.

My fragrance always smells wonderful, fresh, and clean.

My teeth are very straight, white, and clean always.

My breath is always minty fresh and clean.

I always have a lot of energy to do all the things that I need to do each day.

I enjoy perfect health, perfect wealth, and true happiness now and always.

I am a very affluent person. There is always plenty of money in my bank account for anything I want or need.

I bless money to flow easily to me from the north, south, east, and west in total grace.

I am active, attractive, and in demand.

I am an excellent manager.

I look and feel great every day.

I easily avoid foods that are not right for me.

I eat what is good for my body and mind.

Every cell of my body and mind exudes beauty and health.

I respect myself.

I control my weight easily.

My body is great in every way, and I love and appreciate myself. I fully accept myself in every way.

I relax into my perfect healthy weight.

I let my slim Self emerge.

I am nourished; I am satisfied in every way.

I burn fat continuously. My metabolism is high.

I am active and full of energy.

I love to exercise by dancing to my music.

Exercise is something I enjoy doing daily.

I achieve my goals with ease.

I appreciate all things, including myself.

I enjoy life to its fullest each day.

I honor myself; I honor my body and mind. I value myself highly, and build myself to a strong, capable, mentally healthy individual.

I have a strong, healthy, and fully functional nervous system.

I respect the integrity and wisdom of my body and mind.

I eat less; I weigh less.

I feel appreciated and loved by everyone.

I am beautiful, whole, complete, slender, sensual, and satisfied.

All is well within my world. There is no condemnation in me, for me, or round about me.

I am calm and at total peace within.

I am truly happy with my life.

I am always safe and secure wherever I go.

I enjoy my time alone in total peace and quiet so that I can quickly heal in every way.

High self-esteem, peace, calm, security, safety, happiness, cheerfulness, success, complete satisfaction, motivation, encouragement, affluence, excellent mental and physical health, and true love for myself and others are my present state of mind.

Every day, in every way, I get better and better.

Everything works together FOR me now.

Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Life

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