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Here is a list of the 38 Bach Flower Essences Remedies and their uses. Each of them can be directed at a particular characteristic or emotional state. They are good at balancing the emotions of highly sensitive people who are easily overwhelmed by their world or Empathic Sensitives.

The key to choosing the most appropriate remedy lies in the way you are feeling at the moment. You only need to think about the sort of person you are, how you are feeling at present, and match it with the descriptions of the Bach Flower emotional states. Consider your attitude and feelings, fears and worries, and the reasons why you have them, to determine the correct remedies you should use. There may be more than one flower essence which would be most beneficial at the moment. It is suggested that you use no more than six different flower essences at a particular time. Bach Flower remedies work best over a period of time. Take the remedies for a period of one month at least.

Bach Remedies are 100% natural and a safe method of healing. They have no side-effects and can be taken by anyone. You can buy them ready made or make them yourself from stock essence bottles which you can purchase at any good herb store.


Get a 30ml bottle. Place four drops of each of the essences you have chosen combining up to 6 or 7 essences. Add one teaspoon apple cider vinegar as a preservative. Fill it with pure mineral water. Shake the bottle very well. Take two drops in the mouth underneath the tongue or mix into a glass of water or juice four times daily, and whenever you are feeling upset or distressed, until relief is obtained. The only essence you take more of is Rescue Remedy, and that is 4 drops under the tongue, four times daily. It does no good to take more than suggested and will only waste your flower essences. These flower essences work on the emotional system to rebalance it over a period of time.



Aspen is for fear of the unknown which fill the person with panic for no apparent or known reason. It is for those who have fears and anxieties which suddenly arise for no apparent reasons. They feel vulnerable as if they have no protection, and have a feeling of impending danger with no rational basis.


Cherry Plum is for persons who fear losing control emotionally, financially, and mentally. This remedy is needed when there is a lack of emotional control, such as sudden outbursts of irrational rage, violence, or hysteria. It is for people who are obsessed with control, control of children, partners, work colleagues, etc. Those in this desperate frame of mind are often on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It teaches trust in one's wisdom and courage to follow one's path.


Mimulus is for any type fear of known things: the dark, heights, disease, death, poverty, illness, failure, water, being lonely, accidents, people, etc. These are the fears of everyday living. Mimulus is for the persons who tend to withdraw from any anxiety-producing situation, and become shy, and feel uneasy with people they do not know. It is also helpful with animals who are overly shy or fearful.


Red Chestnut is for persons who are always overly concerned for the welfare of loved ones and are afraid of something happening to them. This remedy helps reduce excessive anxiety and helps a person to step back and be of objective help and radiate positivity.


Rock Rose is the remedy for situations in which one experiences extreme fear, terror, and panic. It is useful in alleviating terror experienced in reliving past terrifying experiences, such as war or acts of violence, and in situations in which one experiences panic or terror, such as examinations, public performances, retrenchment, etc. It also helps adults and children who suffer from nightmares. It brings confidence and calm. It is also useful in alleviating terror in anticipation of future events, examinations, public performances, etc. Rock Rose is the appropriate remedy if the fear leads to panic or terror.



Cerato is for those who lack trust in their own decisions and are uncertain. They don't trust the wisdom of their own judgement and always need external advice and opinions of others, even when such advice is misguided. They are always in self doubt. They constantly seek guidance from external authorities to provide their lives with direction. Cerato helps people to trust their inner guidance and helps in releasing their restrictive habits.


Gentian is the remedy for despondency and discouragement after a setback, when the person has become discouraged and disheartened by even small obstacles. The cause of the depression is always known. It teaches confidence about the ability to overcome problems and allows a positive attitude to return, to face life’s challenges with courage and a light heart.


Gorse is for feelings of hopelessness and despair. For those who give up in the belief that nothing more can be done, for instance in the case of chronic illness. Teaches confidence in a solution or cure as one of the components of healing and imparts such confidence. Gorse helps rekindle the flame of life, allows the person to see a light at the end of the tunnel, when all seems lost and in despair.


Hornbeam is for the feeling that one doesn't have the strength to get through the normal activities of the day. It is a mental weariness at the thought of what lies ahead, causing procrastination and lethargy so that work which was once a pleasure has become a chore. There is a feeling that we cannot cope because we just do not have the strength, but this is not due to exhaustion or tiredness from overwork. Hornbeam remedy puts back freshness, strength, and enthusiasm, with energy to change and strength to approach the problem afresh. It helps to develop mental liveliness and alertness, and an enthusiasm for life.


Scleranthus is for people who suffer from indecision, an inability to choose between alternatives. They are often torn between two choices and can't decide between them, and are often subject to mood swings. It teaches concentration, inner balance, and flexibility. Scleranthus helps create a healthy equilibrium between inner feeling and outer reaction and thus brings balance to a persons life.


Wild Oats is for people who feel they have come to a crossroad in life and do not know which way to go, and are unable to choose a path. They want to accomplish something in their lives but have no clear sense of purpose and feel dissatisfied and uncertain. Wild Oats teaches focus and direction.



Chestnut Bud is for those who fail to learn from their mistakes. They repeat the same mistakes over and over again, and never learn from past experiences. Also for people who continually fall back into old self-defending habits. Chestnut Bud asserts the person to gain wisdom from life experiences, to be a good learner, and to pay attention to the present.


Clematis is for persons who are inattentive, dreamy, absent-minded, and lost in a world of their own. They find their lives unhappy and are constantly escaping into the future and withdraw into fantasy worlds of their own. They are ungrounded and indifferent to the details of everyday life, and and tend never to put any energy into day-to-day practicalities. They do not live their full potential. Clematis gives stability to be grounded and establish a bridge between the physical world and the world of ideas. It helps a person begin to feel more comfortable in the present and become productive and self-fulfilled and convert thoughts to action.


Honeysuckle is for persons who notalgically live in the past, believing that the past was always better. It was the good old days. They dwell too much on lost loved ones or on ambitions which were never realized, and often never expect happiness again. Honeysuckle assists to remember and reflect on past happiness and cherish memories without losing sight of the importance of the present. It helps the mind to focus on the present and teaches the ability to live joyfully in the present.


Mustard is for depression of unknown origin. This black cloud-like depression arrives suddenly and disappears just as suddenly, for no apparent reason. Mustard remedy brings about a more harmonious relationship between the conscious and subconscious aspects of the self and teaches inner stability, cheerfulness, and serenity.


Olive is for mental and physical exhaustion, when energy reserves are completely used up. There is exhaustion on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. For exhaustion which results from prolonged periods of stress on both mental and physical levels and from overwork. For instance, those studying for examinations, those involved in heavy material work, or those physically exhausted or for a person recuperating after a long illness and is weak and tired. The Olive remedy energizes and assists in giving strength and vitality, restoring the person to a dynamic presence in the world.


White Chestnut is for persons who are tormented by worrying and have repetitive unwanted thoughts and worries which seem to endlessly reocccur and which can cause insomnia. White Chestnut helps to restore stillness to the mind and brings new calm and clarity and a balanced state of mind.


Wild Rose is for people who withdraw from participation in life. They become apathetic and are resigned to whatever happens. They make no effort to find joy in their lives. They do not like change because it requires effort. They resign to the notion that things will never get better, and easily surrender to the victim mentality. For instance, if they become ill they give into their illness. They are neither happy nor sad, neither excited nor depressed, they lack vital energy and sparkle. Wild Rose assists in putting back the passion for life, restoring inner joy, vitality, and enthusiasm and the ability to make life meaningful.



Heather is for people who have a need to constantly talk about themselves and their problems. They hate being alone. They are totally self-obsessed with every detail of their health, family, friends, and their safety if they are alone. People tend to avoid them, and they become lonely. Heather is the remedy when people become totally obsessed with their troubles, ailments, and problems. It teaches the ability to listen sensitively to others.


Impatiens is for people who are constantly in a state of impatience and irritability. They do everything in a hurry as if there is too little time. They tend to be short and brusque with others who are not quite as quick and have no patience for what they see as the slowness of others. They are restless, jumpy, and fretful, and act and think quickly. They cannot accept support from those around them, and their intolerance and impatience prevents them from developing good cooperative working relationships. They often prefer to work alone. This remedy is required whenever there is irritability or restlessness due to impatience. It teaches empathy, understanding, and patience with others.


Water Violet is for people who are aloof and cut off from others. They keep to themselves and are independent, loners, sometimes being proud and aloof. They suffer and bear their grief in silence keeping a distance between themselves and others. This leads to their loneliness. This remedy helps to break down the barrier and bring about a comfortable connection with others. It teaches them to interact and welcome others with friendliness without sacrificing their independence.



Agrimony is for people who hide their feelings, sadness, and torments behind a social mask. They hide their troubles from themselves and others, making light of inner difficulties and rarely burdening others with them. All day long they are brave, happy people carrying on with their life. They feel that if they reveal the true nature of their feelings they will be rejected. They avoid arguments and confrontations. The agony, inner suffering results in a restless and sleepless night, and they may use alcohol, drugs, food, or work to escape their pain. This remedy helps people to be able to be honest and express their feelings. It frees them from emotional bondage, so they do not have to pretend to be happy when they are not.


Centaury is for people who find it hard to stand up for themselves. They respond to the demands of others and to save the peace. They always try to please others, and find it difficult to say no to them, even when they are being exploited. Stronger personalities often take advantage of these kindhearted people. This remedy assists people to remain gentle but firm, allowing them to respond to their own needs as well as those of others. It teaches the strength to follow one's own path in life.


Holly is for those who are troubled by feelings of jealousy, envy, hatred, revenge, and suspicion because they feel they don't get enough love. This would be the appropriate remedy and would assist in transforming these negative feelings into the positive opposite. It teaches one to be truly loving.


Walnut is for the transition times in one's life. It is a remedy for change. The transition can be a natural progression of life such as puberty, adolescence, menopause, retirement, or death, or it can be to cope with changes during life, such as ending a marriage, going through a divorce, moving into another house, taking on a new job, etc. This remedy eases all transitions. It is for those who are easily influenced by outside circumstances and may be detoured from the positive changes they want to make in their lives. It helps to adjust to changes and helps to guide us through the events so that we do not lose our way.



Crab Apple is for people who feel unclean in some way. It may be physical or in the mind, also for self-hatred. An example is people who feel that they must wash over and over again because they feel they have been contaminated in some way. It is the cleansing remedy for feelings of shame, uncleanliness, or a poor self-image. This remedy teaches acceptance of the body and the environment, and to be able to see small problems in our existence exactly like they are.


Elm is for people who feel overwhelmed or overburdened by responsibilities. They over-commit themselves and find that the pressures and responsibilities of work and family obligations are so overwhelming that they feel inadequate and totally worn out, and that a task is just too difficult to accomplish. This remedy helps the mind to calm down and place the problem into perspective. It helps restore the self-assurance and teaches composure and the ability to see problems in the appropriate perspective. It develops the positive attitude that life is also for living and not only for work.


Larch is to help those who lack self-confidence and anticipate failure. They perceive themselves as less capable than other people, and they lack self-esteem. They doubt their own abilities and admire other people’s success. They feel inferior to other people. Their fear of making a fool of themselves often makes them feel shy and inhibited, and they make no attempt to succeed. If one is experiencing self-doubt and lack of confidence or fear of failure in attempting something important, Larch remedy would be appropriate. It teaches self-confidence and the determination to accept challenges.


Oak is for people who never give up hope, who get the job done, regardless of difficulties. They keep going past the point of exhaustion and are solid and reliable like an Oak tree. Other people often go to the those persons for guidance and comfort. Irrespective of illness, these persons persevere and struggle on. This remedy helps to restore physical strength and gives these persons joy in their endeavors, and teaches them the ability to take it easy at times, as a human being you need it.


Pine is the remedy for people who feel stuck in regret about past failure, especially if there are feelings of guilt. One cannot change the past, but can change the attitude towards it. Holding onto the past will not make it be able to change it. This remedy is for those who are never satisfied with themselves and blame themselves for not doing better. They hope they can undo past imperfections and often develop a perfectionist attitude. They suffer from guilt and frequently blame themselves for the mistakes of others and are always apologizing. This remedy helps develop a positive attitude towards the past and teaches self-acceptance and self-forgiveness.


Star of Bethlemen is for shock or whenever there has been a trauma to the system, for example after bad news or an accident, after falling victim to physical or emotional violence, whether experienced recently or in the past. Star of Bethlehem will help to unblock the feeling and so relieve the deep-seated sadness, paving the way for recovery. Very often shock is delayed and becomes deep-seated to be manifested in a strange and unconnected way. If shock can be established as the core reason for a condition, even if it is years later, Star of Bethlehem remedy will be the appropriate remedy. It helps in recovering from traumas and integrate them into the present life.


Sweet Chestnut is needed when life has taken the person to their limits of endurance and cannot take any more. It is for desperate mental anguish, when everything has been tried and there is no light left, the feeling that one has reached the limits of one's endurance. It is helpful at midlife crisis, or when long-term stress reaches a crisis point, or crises brought about by illness and injuries. This remedy helps to lift the utter despair so that faith can be restored. It teaches one to believe that change is possible and to trust oneself and the benevolence of the universe.


Willow is for those who fall into the poor-me, the universe is against me mentality. They have developed a victim consciousness. It is for resentment and the feeling that life is unfair. One may also resent the cheerfulness of others. This remedy assists by helping us to create a positive outlook. It is important to remember that a negative attitude can create a negative reality. It turns a negative attitude into a positive one. It teaches us to take responsibility for our lives and helps to lift us out of the hole of self-pity and adapt a more optimistic and positive approach to life.



Beech is for people who can be very critical of the behavior of others and have a readiness to find fault. Lacking in tolerance and empathy, they find other people annoying and irritating. This remedy makes us less judgmental of others, and develops a person’s sensitivity to the needs of others and the capacity to accept and welcome differences in other people. It also develops empathy so as to adopt a more understanding and tolerant attitude. It teaches one to be able to accept and look beyond differences.


Chicory is for people who impose selfish and possessive love, because they feel no one cares about them, they are over-involved and possessive of family and close friends and impose their own standards on those they love. This remedy helps these persons to let go and to love and care for the family without demanding love and attention in return. It teaches unconditional love and assists the person to develop a sense of their own capacities to love unconditionally and to trust life.


Rock Water is for those who have a rigid obsession with ideals and therefore live by a strict regimen or set of standards. In trying to live up to their ideals they will sacrifice and deny their feelings and desires. This often alienates them from their family and friends. They are excessively hard on themselves and adopt repressive, rigid personal regimens. This remedy helps people to be less rigid and more lenient with themselves, and to let go of obsessive behavior, thereby developing a more flexible and more adaptable approach to life. In this way spontaneous needs and desires can be accommodated and there is place for enjoyment and pleasure.


Vervain is for people who want to convert everybody else to their way of thinking and need to convince others of the rightness of their own beliefs. They are enthusiastic about projects and aims, but their zeal may sabotage their good intentions. They can often push themselves so hard that they are unable to relax and enjoy life. This remedy helps people not to be narrow and insular, and helps them to relax and give themselves a chance to rest. It teaches one the ability to see other viewpoints and imparts a genuine enthusiasm which inspires others.


Vine is for those who are self-assured, dominant, and inflexible. They insist that others do things their way, the "controller," the "boss," or "dictator" personality. They can become tyrannical. These people are strong, aggressive, decisive, and self-sufficient. Because they are usually so successful, they believe they can impose their way of doing things on everyone else. This remedy does not take self-assurance or leadership away, but the extreme sides of the behavior patterns become less harsh. They become willing to cooperate and understand the views of others. Vine teaches one that genuine leadership means encouraging the leadership qualities in others, not turning people into manipulative puppets.


This is an emergency combination of five Bach Flower Essences called Rescue Remedy. It contains Rock Rose, Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, and Star of Bethlehem. Rescue Remedy is needed in case of emergency situations, such as shock, traumas, and any stressful life events, past or present. It also helps you go through any type difficult situations, such as a death in the family, exams and job interviews in a calm and relaxed state of mind. Any type traumatic event suffered remains in your system until it is cleared. Four drops of Rescue Remedy are needed to be taken underneath the tongue four times a day until the emotions are balanced again.




Here is a click-on link where you can fill out a questionnaire, then they will mix the flower essences you requested (up to six) all in one bottle, and send them to you upon purchase:


Here is a click-on link where you can purchase an Inner Healing Report. It will give you the flower essences you need to buy based on your natal chart information.