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The Bird Flu quickly depletes your system of all its Vitamin C. If you become sick with the Bird Flu, start increasing your Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid Powder) dosage dramatically. Your bowel tolerance dose will rise as it is used to detoxify your body from the virus toxins. It may rise to as much as 100,000-200,000 mg (100 to 200 grams) per day (adult dose). Take up to 4000 mg per dose, with increased number of dosages. Use only Ascorbic Acid powder as this is the best home way to get such large amounts of Vitamin C.

Start taking 12,000 mg of each of l-lysine, l-proline and l-glycine per day, in divided doses.

Take good quality multi vitamin and multi minerals tablets daily. Take a Calcium/Magnesium Supplement daily.

Daily take in divided doses:

1000 mg oregano

4000 mg turmeric extract

4000 mg ginger

4000 mg garlic

45 mg zinc/3 mg copper

1500 mg N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)

2000 mg green tea per day

Increase fluid intake to 3-4 quarts pure water per day.

Drink soy or whey protein shakes made from a good quality soy or whey powder.

You might want to buy some NA5 masks to wear.

These supplies came from the following link, if you would like to click on it and read it.

Bird Flu Prevention Article

Home Remedies