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Place half a loaf of whole wheat bread in a food processor on high for a few seconds to create breadcrumbs. Add 1 large egg, 1 Tbsp. Taco Seasoning, 2 Beef Flavor Enhancers, 1 Tbsp. onion powder, 1 tsp. garlic powder, and 1 tsp. ground cumin. Form dime-sized meatballs from this mixture. Use a large skillet with a lid. Place a quart of beef broth in the skillet and cook the meatballs in it for 10 minutes over medium heat with a lid on the skillet. Drain when done. You can crumble them up to use as taco meat. Sprinkle on more Taco Seasoning, if desired, after they are crumbled. Use as you would any cooked taco meat.