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These Flower Essences are listed in alphabetical order. Flower Essences can rebalance your emotions. You will know you need a particular Flower Essence if the imbalances listed fits your emotions.

You take two drops at a time underneath your tongue so it works sublingually. It does no good to take more than two drops at a time, or you just waste your flower essence. The one exception being, Rescue Remedy taken four drops at a time underneath the tongue. Flower Essences are not supposed to interfere with any medications you are taking, but you might want to check with your pharmacist for surety of this. It will take at least one bottle to rebalance your emotional system, maybe more depending on the severity of your imbalance. You will be able to tell a difference in yourself after a couple weeks or so of taking the Flower Essences. You will also know when you need only take maintenance doses because you will be able to tell a difference in yourself. Then, take a maintenance dose once or twice a week, from then on until you feel completely in charge of your emotions. From then on you can handle it as you see fit. Work on balancing one problem at a time, taking no more than six of the flower essences at a time. You can find all of these plus MANY others listed in the following book of Flower Essences, and I highly recommend buying a copy for personal reference. It is $19.95 in the USA and called, "FLOWER ESSENCE REPERTORY" by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz. Get your favorite bookstore to order a copy for you. Barnes and Noble online can ship it straight to your door. (

Here is my webpage about the 38 Bach Flower Essences:


Here is a click-on link that lists the 38 Bach Flower Essences where you can also purchase them online:


Here is a click-on link where you can fill out a questionnaire, then they will mix the flower essences you requested (up to six) all in one bottle, and send them to you upon purchase:


You can do a SEARCH online for the flower essences by typing in the words, flower essences, or by typing in the name of the individual flower essences you seek.

Here are some addresses you can write to obtain flower essences but most of them can be purchased at any good herb store in your area.

Flower Essence Services
P. O. Box 1769
Nevada City, CA 95959

Ellon USA
644 Merrick Road
Lynbrook, NY 11563

Imbalance - Anxiety hidden by a mask of cheerfulness; denial and avoidance of emotional pain, addictive behavior to anesthetize feelings
Positive Qualities after Essence - Emotional Honesty, acknowledging and working with emotional pain, obtaining true inner peace

Imbalance - Overuse or misuse of fiery, creative forces; feeling burned out to your job or life
Positive Qualities after Essence - Creative activity balance and centered in vital energy of life.

Imbalance - Overly abstract sense of feminity; alienation of or rejection of female organs; females who reject their earthly aspect and identify more with their cosmic spiritual self
Positive Qualities after Essence - the integration of the feminine and female selves, promoting circulation between the higher and lower energy centers; acceptance of one's femininity grounded in a deepened experience of the female body. The soul learns that its full energy and potential depends on the utilization of the body female as well as the spirit female.

Imbalance - Fear of death, resistance to letting go of life or to crossing the spiritual threshold; denial of reality of spiritual world
Positive Qualities after Essence - Spiritual surrender at death or at times of deep transformation; opening the heart to the spiritual world

Imbalance - Feeling cut off, bereft of spiritual guidance and protection.
Positive Qualities after Essence - Feeling protection and guidance from spiritual beings, especially at threshold experiences such as birth and death

Imbalance - Disconnection of Higher Self from body during shock or trauma; disassociation, unconsciousness
Positive Qualities after Essence - Conscious embodiment, especially during shock or trauma; recovery from deep-seated shock or trauma that may be locked in body

Imbalance - Fear of the unknown, vague anxiety and apprehension, hidden fears, nightmares
Positive Qualities after Essence - Trust and confidence to meet the unknown, drawing inner strength from the spiritual world

Imbalance - Defensiveness, insecurity, mistrust of others, estrangement from the spiritual world, having had a lack of support from your father in childhood
Positive Qualities after Essence - Childlike innocence, faith, and trust; feeling at home in the world, at ease with oneself, supported and loved; connected with the spiritual world

Imbalance - Polarization of sexuality and spirituality, often leading to clandestine behavior or marital stress
Positive Qualities after Essence - Integration of sexuality and spirituality into a sacred wholeness

Imbalance - Critical, judgmental attitudes, intolerance, perfectionistic expectations of others; oversensitive to one's social and physical environment
Positive Qualities after Essence - Tolerance, acceptance of others' differences and imperfections, seeing the good within each person and situation

Imbalance - Being caught in relationships or lifestyle which are abusive, addictive, violent; dark brooding emotions
Positive Qualities after Essence - Courage to confront rather than retreat from abusive or threatening situations

Imbalance - Avoidance or repression of traumatic or painful aspects of the personality
Positive Qualities after Essence - Awake consciousness capable of acknowledging all aspects of the Self; penetrating insight

Imbalance - Inability to translate goals and ideals into concrete action or viable activities
Positive Qualities after Essence - Exuberant manifestation in the world; clearly directed forces of will, decisive actions

Imbalance - Forming relationships based on fear or possessiveness; emotional co-dependence; needed when someone has died that you loved very much or even moved away from you (can be friend or family) - needed in divorce or any relationships that have been dissolved or are greatly afflicted in some way - needed when one person gives their personal power to another
Positive Qualities after Essence - The soul learns to fill itself from within with strong spiritual forces, so that the capacity to love another is based on the ability to honor and nourish the Self; loves others uncondtionally, with an open heart; emotional freedom

Imbalance - Heavy-heartedness, lack of confidence in facing difficult circumstances
Positive Qualities after Essence - Borage is an excellent heart remedy, especially for the feeling of heaviness of the heart and throughout the body such as depression or discouragement; ebullient heart forces, buoyant courage and optimism

Imbalance - Feelings of low self-worth, inability to acknowledge or experience one's inner light and uniqueness
Positive Qualities after Essence - Radiant inner light, unattached to outer recognition or fame

Imbalance - Using cutting or sharp words; argumentative, lack of receptivity in communication with others
Positive Qualities after Essence - Healing warmth and receptivity, especially in the use of the spoken word and in conversations with others

Imbalance - Feeling listless, anemic; disassociated from or fearful of your instincts
Positive Qualities after Essence - Earthy vitality, especially integration of the more instinctual and bodily aspects of oneself

Imbalance - Seeking outside oneself for false forms of light or higher consciousness, especially through addictions or escapism
Positive Qualities after Essence - Finding spirituality within one's heart; balancing light and love; developing an inner center of knowledge; helps one discern spirits as between God and Satan

Imbalance - Apathy; resignation; inability to catalyze will forces through the heart; needed when one cannot take hold of responsibilites and tasks on Earth
Positive Qualities after Essence - Love for the Earth and for all human life, enthusiasm for doing and serving; very helpful in adolescents and young adults who want to find themselves

Imbalance - Confusion or ambivalence about one's sexual identity or gender
Positive Qualities after Essence - Clarity about sexual identity, sexual self-acceptance; balance of the masculine and feminine qualities

Imbalance - Distorted psychic experiences; preoccupied with mediumism; overinflated involvement in psychic or charismatic experiences
Positive Qualities after Essence - Healthy spiritual opening, balanced psychic and physical energies; grounded presence in everyday life; positive charisma

Imbalance - Stagnation; inability to move forward toward change
Positive Qualities after Essence - Fiery and energetic, inwardly mobile, capable of change and transformation of Self

Imbalance - Weak-willed, Passive nature; dominated by others; servile (wants to please others); difficulty saying, "no"; neglects one's own needs to give to others
Positive Qualities after Essence - Serving others from an inner strength, with a healthy recognition of one's own needs; acting from strength of inner purpose; saying "no," when appropriate to avoid being exploited by others; can rely on their own self-validation instead of being vulnerable to others for validation needs; self awareness; self responsibility; gives the ego strength

Imbalance - Doubting oneself or intuition; putting oneself down; invalidating what one knows, overdependent on advice from others
Positive Qualities after Essence - Trusting one's inner knowledge, or one's intuition; self-confidence, certainty in making decisions

Imbalance - Easily upset, moody and irritable, inability to release emotional tension; ever-fluctuating emotions, accumulating them in the stomach region throughout the day, suffers from insomnia, cannot let go of stress at night
Positive Qualities after Essence - Serene, sunny-like disposition; emotional balance; greater emotional peace and stabiity

Imbalance - Psychic and physical toxicity; disturbed dreams; chaotic inner life; drug addiction
Positive Qualities after Essence - Balanced psychic awareness, deep penetration and understanding of the transpersonal aspects of oneself; works especially through the dream life to cleanse the psyche

Imbalance - Fear of losing control, or of emotional or mental breakdown; desperate, destructive impulses
Positive Qualities after Essence - Spiritual surrender and trust, feeling guided and protected by a Higher Power; balance and equanimity despite extreme stress

Imbalance - Poor observation of life, failure to learn from experiences; repeats mistakes made in life
Positive Qualities after Essence - Learning the lessons of life experiences, understanding the laws of karma; wisdom; helps breakthrough deeply resistant karmic patterns

Imbalance - Expressing love by being possessive, demanding, and needy; getting attention through negative behavior; self-centeredness
Positive Qualities after Essence - Gets rid of emotional congestion and misdirected love forces; Selfless love given freely, respects the freedom and individuality of others; no longer possessive, demanding, or needy and has no need to manipulate or control others

Imbalance - Fear of aging and mortality; Identifies with youth and lower personality; Mid-Life crisis
Positive Qualities after Essence - Shifting the ego identification from one's personality to a higher spiritual identity;
feeling oneself as transpersonal and transcendent

Imbalance - Avoids the present by daydreaming; other-worldly and impractical ideals
Positive Qualities after Essence - Awake, focused presence; manifesting inspiration in practical life; embodiment; helps realize the great gifts within

Imbalance - Inability to stay centered in the body; unfocused; cannot concentrate for long at a time; disoriented; full of stress, particularly in urban environments
Positive Qualities after Essence - Alignment with the Earth, especially through the body and feet; grounded presence

Inbalance - Unfocused, disorganized communication; Overexcited speech; Overwhelmed by too many ideas
Positive Qualities after Essence - Integration of ideas of speech; ability to express thoughts with coherence and clarity so that the true spirit can shine forth from the personality

Imbalance - Feeling unclean and impure; obsessed with imperfections; obsessive-compulsive disorders pertaining to hygiene
Positive Qualities after Essence - Cleansing, bringing a sense of inner purity; lessens OCD's behavior patterns

Imbalance - Overly tense, especially in the musculature of the body; overstriving and hard-driving
Positive Qualities after Essence - Dynamic, effortless energy; lively activity balance with inner ease

Imbalance - Mixed or conflicting motives; subconscious feelings which propel outer actions
Positive Qualities after Essence - Gentle purity, clarity of purpose; sincerity of motives

Imbalance - Overwhelm due to overstimulation; hypersensitivity to environment or to outer activity; sensory congestion
Positive Qualities after Essence - Experiencing and absorbing the fullness of life, especially its sensory aspects

Imbalance - Awkward and painful awareness of the body; emotional trauma stored deep within the body
Positive Qualities after Essence - Grace-filled movement; physical and etheric harmony - helpful for children or adults who do not seem to have graceful movements

Imbalance - Feeling that sexuality is impure, unclean; inner conflicts about sexuality
Positive Qualities after Essence - Inner purity of the soul, especially the ability to integrate sexuality and spirituality

Imbalance - Feeling shattered by severe trauma or abuse which has destroyed one's sense of Self; threatened by physical or emotional disintegration
Positive Qualities after Essence - Core integrity, contacting and maintaining an integrated sense of Self, especially when severely challenged - this essence is needed for many soul and physical illnesses, especially when the individual has experienced shattering and destructive forces in life

Imbalance - Overwhelmed by duties and responsibilities, feeling unequal to the task required
Positive Qualities after Essence - Joyous service, faith, and confidence to complete one's task

Imbalance - Feeling rejected, unwanted; avoidance of commitment in relationships; fear of parenthood; sexual and emotional repression
Positive Qualities after Essence - Awareness and healing of early painful emotions absorbed from the mother in the womb and in early childhood; ability to open up emotionally and form deep, committed relationships - literally rebirths the soul providing the emotional nutrients that were lacking in early childhood; very good essence for men who would like to be more emotionally available

Imbalance - Immaturity, helplessness, neediness, childish dependency; unable to take responsibility - has a childlike personality
Positive Qualities after Essence - Healthy maturing; acceptance of adult responsibilities - can be useful in going through retarded phases of emotional or physical development that have been blocked

Imbalance - Withdrawal, isolation, self-protection; overly delicate, lacking the inner strength to face the world - persons who need to meditate, contemplate, and pray a lot to cope with life in general
Positive Qualities after Essence - Accepting and becoming involved with the world; sharing one's spiritual gifts with others - Can cope with stresses and strains of modern society - stimulates the natural healing and teaching capacities from cosmic virgin to world mother

Imbalance - Disproportionate and obsessive worry; unable to gain a wider perspective on daily events
Positive Qualities after Essence - Star-like vision, a cosmic overview which holds the events of ordinary life in perspective - liberates overly suppressed psychic energy, allowing greater receptivity to spiritual inspiration and vision

Imbalance - Panic, disorientation, loss of consciousness
Positive Qualities after Essence - Calmness and stability in any emergency or time of high stress - useful in long term development of the soul
Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, and Star of Bethlehem are the flower essences that compose this. It is useful in rebalancing the inner self when any shocks or traumas have taken place.
This and yarrow are highly recommended for HSPs to begin the flower formulas healing process for the emotional self.

Imbalance - Loneliness, isolation; lack of awareness of spiritual connection with others
Positive Qualities after Essence - Awareness of karmic connections in one's personal relationships and with those in the spiritual world; deep mindfulness of subtle realms; soul-based relationships - especially useful in resolving feelings of abandonment and isolation following the loss of a family member or friend in childhood - can be used by expectant parents to connect with their unborn child - guides us towards greater love for the human family and greater awareness of the incredible depth, beauty, and possibility of soul-based relationships

Imbalance - False states of emotionality which cover more deeply-seated pain and trauma; psychosomatic symptoms
Positive Qualities after Essence - Genuine emotional vitality; ability to express deep feelings - encounters and transforms deep-seated anger, grief, and rejection - emotional catharsis

Imbalance - Fearful; weak; passive; easily influenced; prone to low vitality; nervousness; tension; anxiety
Positive Qualities after Essence - Unitive consciousness; sense of wholeness which imparts strength and active resistance - for people who are prone to viral or parasitic infections due to poor immune system - helps develop psychic powers - helps calms nervous fears - in all cases there will be a vacancy in the eyes and paleness of the features indicating the soul-color and vitality are being drained, garlic essence will replace the wholeness needed

Imbalance - Discouragement after a setback; doubt
Positive Qualities after Essence - Perseverance, confidence; faith to continue despite apparent setbacks; Gentian helps the soul to acquire great inner fortitude and unwavering trust in the outcome of life events.

Imbalance - Suppressed toxic memories of childhood; feelings of pain and trauma about past events which affect present emotional balance
Positive Qualities after Essence - Contacting one's childhood experience as a source of emotional well-being; releasing painful memories from the past

Imbalance - For outgoing people who are overly influenced by their environment and by other people; protecting oneself from vulnerability to others by withdrawal and social isolation
Positive Qualities after Essence - Remaining open to others while still feeling inner protection; active social involvement which preserves the integrity of the Self

Imbalance - Easily influenced by group or family ties; inability to be true to oneself; subject to peer pressure or social expectations
Positive Qualities after Essence - Well developed individuality; inner sense of Self balanced with group or social consciousness

Imbalance - Discouragement, darkness, hopelessness, resignation, depression, apathy, despair, gloom, doubt, sighing too much
Positive Qualities after Essence - Deep and abiding faith and hope; equanimity and light-filled optimism - Gorse helps the soul to use light as an alchemical agent for change and healing, directing a powerful, illuminating beacon even in the most trying moments and bleakest situations

Imbalance - Over-talkative; self-absorbed; over-concerned with one's own problems
Positive Qualities after Essence - Inner tranquility; emotional self-sufficiency

Imbalance - Inability to connect with one's feminine sexuality; lack of warmth and vitality, often due to prior exploitation or abuse
Positive Qualities after Essence - Warmth and responsiveness in female sexuality; integration of soul warmth and bodily passion

Imbalance - Feeling cut off from love; jealousy; envy; suspicion; anger; resentments; hate
Positive Qualities after Essence - Feeling love and extending love to others; universal compassion; opens heart to love

Imbalance - Too nostalgic; emotional attachment to the past; longing for what was
Positive Qualities after Essence - Being fully in the present; learning from the past while releasing it

Imbalance - Fatigue, weariness; daily tasks seen as an overwhelming burden
Positive Qualities after Essence - Energy, enthusiasm, involvement in life's tasks

Imbalance - Seeing the world in materialistic terms, weighed down or dulled by a mundane or overly scientific viewpoint
Positive Qualities after Essence - Holistic thinking; perceiving the physical world and physical life with spiritually clear thoughts

Imbalance - Impatience; irritability; tension; intolerance; anger; frustration; restlessness; learning difficulties; burnout
Positive Qualities after Essence - Patience, acceptance; flowing with the pace of life and others

Imbalance - Low vitality and exhaustion; difficulty rousing physical forces to sustain the intensity of creative work; inability to bring creative forces into physical expression
Positive Qualities after Essence - Lively, energetic creativity, exuberant artistic activity - helps artists in expression of their art

Imbalance - Psychic forces which are easily torn or shattered by too much activity; inability to stay centered during intense activity
Positive Qualities after Essence - Remaining centered and focused, even under stress; managing and coordinating diverse forms of activity

Imbalance - Lacking inspiration or creativity; feeling weighed down by the ordinariness of the world; dullness
Positive Qualities after Essence - Inspired artistry, deep soulfulness which is in touch with higher realms; radiant, iridescent vision and perspective

Imbalance - Estranged from one's inner authority; inability to integrate higher spiritual purpose with real life and work; nervous exhaustion; sexual depletion; Lady's Slipper calms and stabilizes the nervous system helping the person regain inner composure and spiritual strength. It is a tonic for the entire nervous system. This redistribution of psychic energy is particularly pronounced in the feet. The ability to walk one's path in life has much to do with intuitive powers which reside in the limbs.
Positive Qualities after Essence - Integration of spiritual purpose with daily work, bringing spiritual power into the root chakra; spiritualized sexuality and grounded spirituality

Imbalance - Lack of confidence; expecting failure; self-censorship
Positive Qualities after Essence - Self-confidence, creative expression, spontaneity; Larch heals the throat or communication and creativity chakra. Many who need larch are closed down in this center and may even have a physical affliction of the throat or other speaking impediments. It gives the individual renewed confidence and expressiveness.

Imbalance - Leadership distorted by too many burdens or overinflated ego
Positive Qualities after Essence - Charismatic leadership; contagious enthusiasm; joyful service. Larkspur helps those in positions of leadership to align their feeling of life with their spiritual ideals. From this place, the soul learns to radiate inspired charismatic energy which motivates and encourages others.

Imbalance - Nervousness; overstimulation of spiritual forces which depletes the physical body
Positive Qualities after Essence - Spiritual sensitivity; highly refined awareness; Lavender sedates and soothes the nervous, high-strung, wound-up personality. These suffer from headaches, vision problems, and neck and shoulder tension. They are plagued by insomnia and nervous problems. At a deeper level, lavender teaches one how to moderate and regulate one's spiritual psychic energy. In this way the soul learns to use its highly sensitive capacities in balance with the physical needs of the body.

Imbalance - Spiritual pride, inflated spirituality
Positive Qualities after Essence - Open and expansive spirituality; meditative insight and synthesis; Lotus is an all-purpose remedy for enhancing and harmonizing the higher consciousness, and especially for integrating spirituality in a balanced way with the other energy centers.

Imbalance - Intensification of pain and suffering due to isolation; profound melancholia due to the over-personalization of one's pain
Positive Qualities after Essence - Transcendent consciousness, the ability to move beyond personal pain, suffering, or mental anguish by finding larger, transpersonal meaning in such suffering; compassionate awareness of and attention to the meaning of pain and suffering
This remedy works well on broken hearts caused by breaking up of relationships or through the death of loved ones. It helps the depression to dissolve.

Imbalance - Becoming easily distracted; inability to concentrate; dull or listless
Positive Qualities after Essence - Precise thinking; disciplined focus and concentration

Imbalance - Socially insecure; fear of reaching out to others; creating barriers
Positive Qualities after Essence - Warm and personable, open-hearted sharing and friendliness

Imbalance - Estranged from the earthly world; aversion, disgust, or revulsion toward the Self and physical world
Positive Qualities after Essence - Embodiment, integration of spiritual Self with the physical world. The soul is the bridge between body and spirit. When there is an aversion to the physical body and the physical world Manzanita is the remedy needed. This would include anorexia, bulimia, feelings that the body is ugly or corrupted, that it has little value or worth, or doing self-harm.

Imbalance - Alienated from mother or from mothering; feelings of childhood abandonment or abuse - menopause problems
Positive Qualities after Essence - Maternal consciousness, warm, feminine and nurturing; mother-child bonding; healing of the inner child

Imbalance - Extreme dependency and emotional regression; dulling the consciousness with drugs, alcohol, overeating; desire to escape from self-awareness; no personal ego identity
Positive Qualities after Essence - Healthy ego strength; independence and self-reliance

Imbalance - Known fears of everyday life; shyness; timidity
Positive Qualities after Essence - Courage and confidence to face life's challenges; no longer fearful. You can put Mimulus in animal's drinking water and it will make them no longer be afraid.

Imbalance - Dull, toxic, "hungover," inability to fully enter the body especially in the morning; addictive habits in life
Positive Qualities after Essence - Sparkling vital force, feeling awake and refreshed, in touch with life

Imbalance - Absorbing negative thoughts of others, psychic contamination or possession
Positive Qualities after Essence - Strength and clarity of thought, mental integrity, and positivity

Imbalance - Vacillation and withdrawal in the face of challenge; lack of assertiveness; inability to stand up for one's rights or convictions; passive
Positive Qualities after Essence - Forthright masculine energy; warrior-like spirituality which confronts and transforms

Imbalance - Inability to harmonize psychic forces, tendency to hysteria, drama, or emotionality; overactive psychic life out of touch with the physical world
Positive Qualities after Essence - Integrating psychic and dream experiences with daily life; multi-dimensional consciousness

Imbalance - Inability to hear one's inner voice; weakness and confusion; indecisiveness; lying or deceiving oneself or others
Positive Qualities after Essence - Strong sense of inner conscience, truthfulness, greater moral uprightness

Imbalance - General depression without obvious cause, melancholy, gloom, despair, sighs often
Positive Qualities after Essence - Emotional equanimity, finding Joy in Life

Imbalance - Feeling overly "dry" or intellectual; depletion of life force and emotional verve
Positive Qualities after Essence - Glowing vitality flaming, radiant energy and warmth

Imbalance - Numbing of the emotions accompanied by mechanization or hardening of the body; inability to cope with deep feelings and finer sensibilities
Positive Qualities after Essence - Peace which is deeply centered in the heart; integration of physical and emotional well-being through harmonious connection with the Earth

Imbalance - Iron-willed, stubborn, inflexible, overstriving beyond one's limits; workaholic
Positive Qualities after Essence - Balanced strength, accepting limits, knowing when to surrender and when to leave the job and go home to your family

Imbalance - Complete exhaustion after a long struggle
Positive Qualities after Essence - Revitalization through connection with one's inner source of energy

Imbalance - Feeling paranoid or self-protective; unfair projection or expectation of hostility from others; difficulty trusting others
Positive Qualities after Essence - Loving inclusion of others, positive expectation of goodwill from others, ability to trust

Imbalance - Feeling persecuted or sorry for oneself; pity party; inability to bear life's difficult circumstances
Positive Qualities after Essence - Great inner fortitude despite outer hardships; perseverance

Imbalance - Dull or sluggish, especially mental lethargy; unbalanced metabolism which depletes mental forces - learning difficulties, concentration and focus problems
Positive Qualities after Essence - Mindfulness, wakeful clarity, mental alertness
Peppermint tea will help IBS problems, (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) that many HSP's suffer.

Imbalance - Guilt, self-blame, self-criticism, inability to accept oneself
Positive Qualities after Essence - Self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, freedom from inappropriate guilt and blame
This can stem from childhood when a person learns to internalize blame for dysfunction in the family or from a religious background which emphasizes sin and error more than salvation and grace. Pine essence helps the Self to learn true forgiveness.

Imbalance - Feelings of shame, guilt, unworthiness; fear of exposure and rejection; hiding essential Self from others; masking one's feelings
Positive Qualities after Essence - Emotional openness and honesty; courage to take emotional risks with others. Pink Monkeyflower is a remedy that is especially effective for the heart, teaching that is only by remaining open and risking vulnerability that one can experience the warmth of human love and affection.

Imbalance - Unbalanced sympathetic forces, overly absorbent auric field; lack of emotional clarity; dysfunctional merging with others
Positive Qualities after Essence - Loving awareness of others from a self-contained consciousness; appropriate emotional boundaries

Imbalance - Fear of intimate contact, protective of personal boundaries; fear of being violated; hostile or distant
Positive Qualities after Essence - Emotional openness and vulnerability; ability to be close and make contact with others

Imbalance - Ambivalent or confused about the focus of feminine creativity, especially between values of career and home, creative and procreative, personal and global
Positive Qualities after Essence - Warm-hearted feminine creativity, actively productive and nurturing at home or in the world

Imbalance - Feeling ugly or rejected because of personal appearance; overly identifies with physical appearance; distorted body image; awkwardness; doing self-harm
Positive Qualities after Essence - Beauty that radiates from within; self-acceptance in relation to personal appearance

Imbalance - Fear of the occult or of any religious experience; fear of retribution or censure if one departs from religious conventions of family or community
Positive Qualities after Essence - Inner calm and clarity when experiencing any spiritual or psychic phenomenon; the courage to trust in one's own spiritual experience or guidance; love-based rather than a fear-based spirituality

Imbalance - Dysfunctional in group settings, inability to balance individual sense of Self and higher needs of a group
Positive Qualities after Essence - Harmonious social consiousness, finding higher identity in group work; flexibility

Imbalance - Projection and lack of objectivity in psychic awareness; distortion of psychic perception or physical eyesight due to sexual or emotional imbalances; Third Eye chakra blurred or not focused; psychic vision needs integration
Positive Qualities after Essence - Spiritual insight and vision; integration of psychic faculties with sexual and emotional aspects of Self; opening of Third Eye chakra

Imbalance - Inability to catalyze or reconcile feelings of strength and power with essential qualities of the feminine; distorted connection with the masculine Self
Positive Qualities after Essence - Loving strength, balance of masculine initiating power (the will) and the feminine nurturing power (love). Quince can be necessary in parenting where there is a needed balance of nurturing gentle love qualities as well as firm discipline and objectivity. The soul can learn from Quince essence that real power can be loving and that true love empowers.

Imbalance - Easily overwhelmed by details; unable to cope with simultaneous events or demanding situations
Positive Qualities after Essence - Active and lively consciousness; alert, flexible and mobile state of mind

Imbalance - Obsessive fear and worry for the well being of others, fearful anticipation of problems for others
Positive Qualities after Essence - Caring for others with calm, inner peace, trust in the unfolding of life events

Imbalance - Susceptible to mass hysteria and anxiety, easily influenced by panic or other forms of group thought
Positive Qualities after Essence - Self-aware behavior, calm and steady presence, especially in emergency situations

Imbalance - Panic, disorientation, loss of consciousness, feeling overwhelmed
Positive Qualities after Essence - Calmness and stability in any emergency or times of high stress - useful in long term development of the soul
Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, and Star of Bethlehem are the flower essences that compose this. It is useful in rebalancing the inner self when any shocks or traumas have taken place.
This and Yarrow Essence are highly recommended for HSPs to begin the Flower Formulas healing process for the emotional self.

Imbalance - Deep fear, terror, panic; fear of death or annihilation
Positive Qualities after Essence - Self-transcending courage, inner peace and tranquility when facing great challenges

Imbalance - Rigid standards for oneself, asceticism, self-denial
Positive Qualities after Essence - Flexibility, spontaneity, and flowing receptivity; following the spirit rather than the letter of the law
Rock Water opens the soul to the plant realm of consciousness, by helping it to experience the flowering, flowing qualities of the feeling life. If flower essences don't seem to work for you, try this essence first to open the soul.

Imbalance - Forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, hypoglycemic tendencies, cold extremities, poorly incarnated in body, lacking physical/etheric warmth; higher ego forces which are not integrated with the physical body
Positive Qualities after Essence - Warm physical presence; embodiment; vibrantly incarnated

Imbalance - Seeing life as ill-fated or undeserved; inability to perceive higher purpose and meaning in life events
Positive Qualities after Essence - Drawing wisdom from life experiences; reviewing and surveying one's life process from a higher perspective
Sage causes the soul to come more in touch with its own spiritual meaning and purpose, and thus acquires profound wisdom to heal and counsel others.

Imbalance - Over identification with the illusionary parts of oneself; purifying and cleansing the Self to release dysfunctional aspects of one's personality or surroundings
Positive Qualities after Essence - Essential or "empty" consciousness, deep awareness of the Inner Self, capable of transformation and change

Imbalance - Conflict with images of authority, sense of separateness or alienation from the past
Positive Qualities after Essence - Awareness of what is ancient and sacred, a sense of tradition or lineage; ability to learn from the elders

Imbalance - Overly expanded state leading to psychic and physical vulnerablity; deep fears, disturbed dreams
Positive Qualities after Essence - Illuminated consciousness, light-filled awareness and strength
This remedy is recommended to those who are sensitive to light. It helps those with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) who are deprived of light.

Imbalance - Fear of intense feelings, repression of strong emotions; inability to resolve issues of anger and powerlessness
Positive Qualities after Essence - Emotional honesty, direct and clear communication of deep feelings, integration of the emotional "shadow self."
Those who need this remedy often feel they have to keep a lid on unpleasant emotions. These emotions stay bottled up until the straw breaks the camels back and one day they explode in anger or rage. Scarlet Monkeyflower imparts emotional depth, honesty, and vitality to the soul in its journey toward true wholeness.

Imbalance - Hesitation, indecision, confusion, wavering between two choices
Positive Qualities after Essence - Decisiveness, inner resolve, acting from the certainty of inner knowledge, being assertive in actions

Imbalance - Feeling weighed down and depressed; overcome with pessimism and despair, especially regarding one's personal relationship to world events
Positive Qualities after Essence - Positive and optimistic feelings about the world and about future events; sun-like forces of caring, encouragement, and purpose

Imbalance - Inability to take inner responsibility for one's healing, lacking in spiritual motivation for wellness, overly dependent on external help
Positive Qualities after Essence - Healthy, vital sense of Self; healing and beneficial forces arising from within oneself, deep sense of wellness and wholeness

Imbalance - Over-intellectualization of reality, especially seeing information as bits and pieces rather than parts of a whole
Positive Qualities after Essence - Mandalic or holistic consciousness, synthesizing ideas into a living wholeness

Imbalance - Profound feeling of alienation, especially not feeling at home on Earth, nor a part of the human family
Positive Qualities after Essence - Humanized spirituality, cosmic consciousness warmed with caring for all that is human and earthly

Imbalance - Verbal aggression and hostility; repressed or misdirected libido; tension around jaw
Positive Qualities after Essence - Lively, dynamic energy; healthy libido; verbal communication which is emotionally balanced

Imbalance - Shock or trauma, either recent or from a past experience; need for comfort and reassurance from the spiritual world - shocks or traumas stay in the body until this is used as a remedy.
Positive Qualities after Essence - Bringing soothing, healing qualities, a sense of inner divinity

Imbalance - Basing actions on a fear of lack, inability to give freely and openly, or to trust a higher providence
Positive Qualities after Essence - Generous and inclusive, a giving and sharing nature, feeling an inner sense of abundance

Imbalance - Feelings of being hardened or cut-off, inability to feel quiet inner presence or attunement, unable to meditate or pray
Positive Qualities after Essence - Sensitive and receptive attunement; serene, inner listening to others and to higher worlds, especially in dreams and meditation

Imbalance - Repressed sexual feelings, or acting out inappropriate sexual behavior; inabiity to experience human warmth in sexual experiences; deep fear of sexuality and intimacy
Positive Qualities after Essence - Balanced integration of human warmth and sexual intimacy; ability to express deep feelings of love and connectedness, especially in love relationships

Imbalance - Distorted sense of Self; inflation or self-effacement; low self-esteem or arrogance; poor relation to father or masculine aspect of Self
Positive Qualities after Essence - Balance sense of individuality, spiritualized ego forces, sun-radiant personality
When the soul learns how to harness the sun force within the Self, it is able to bless and heal other human beings and the Earth.

Imbalance - Strong despair and anguish; experiencing the "dark night of the soul"
Positive Qualities after Essence - Deep courage and faith which comes from knowing and trusting in the spirit world

Imbalance - Wandering, seeking, inability to form bonds with social community or to find one's place on Earth
Positive Qualities after Essence - Commitment to community, social connectedness, a sense of one's place on Earth

Imbalance - Lethargy; procrastination; inability to take straightforward action; habits which undermine or subvert real intention of the Self
Positive Qualities after Essence - Decisive and goal-oriented, deliberate and purposeful in action, self-directed

Imbalance - Overly aggressive, competitive, hostile attitude; excesssive Yang forces (masculine), separatist tendencies
Positive Qualities after Essence - Cooperative service with others, extending feminine forces into social situations; inner peace and harmony as a foundation for outer relationships

Imbalance - Greed and lust for possessions and power; excessive ambition, overcome with personal needs and desires; materialism and congestion
Positive Qualities after Essence
Selfless service, altruistic sacrifice of personal desires for the common good, inner purity

Imbalance - Lack of vitality or soul force in expression; inability to be assertive or to speak clearly, impediments in speech
Positive Qualities after Essence - Articulate and colorful in verbal expresssion, active, dynamic projection of oneself in social situations

Imbalance - Overbearing or intolerant behavior; overenthusiasm or extreme fanaticism; nervous exhaustion from overstriving
Positive Qualities after Essence - Ability to practice moderation, tolerance, and balance; can see "the middle way"; grounded idealism

Imbalance - Domineering, tyrannical, forcing one's will upon others
Positive Qualities after Essence - Selfless service, tolerance for the individuality of others

Imbalance - Profound shyness; reserved; aloofness; fear of being submerged in groups
Positive Qualities after Essence - Delicate, highly perceptive sensitivity, elevated spiritual perspective; sharing with others while remaining true to oneself

Imbalance - Overly influenced by the beliefs and values of family or community, or by past experiences
Positive Qualities after Essence - Freedom from limiting influences, making healthy transitions in life, courage to follow one's own path and destiny; Courage to take one's own life direction

Imbalance - Aloof, withdrawn, disdainful of social relationships
Positive Qualities after Essence - Sharing one's gifts with others; appreciation of social relationships

Imbalance - Worrisome, repetitive thoughts; chattering mind, inability to turn off racing thoughts at night in bed
Positive Qualities after Essence - Inner quiet, calm clear mind; relaxed sleep

Imbalance - Confusion and indecision about life direction; trying many activities but chronically dissatisfied, lack of commitment or focus
Positive Qualities after Essence - Work as an expression of inner calling; outward life which expresses one's true goals and values; work experiences motivated by an inner sense of life purpose

Imbalance - Resignation, lack of hope, giving up on life; lingering illness
Positive Qualities after Essence - Will to live; Joy in Life

Imbalance - Feeling resentful; inflexibility or bitterness; feeling that life is unfair or that one is a victim
Positive Qualities after Essence - Acceptance, forgiveness, taking responsibility for one's life situation, flowing with life

Imbalance - Extreme vulnerability to others and the environment; easily depleted; overly absorbent of negative influences, psychic toxicity; too empathic
Positive Qualities after Essence - Inner radiance and strength of aura; compassionate awareness; inclusive sensitivity, beneficial healing forces; balanced emotions

Imbalance - Disturbance of life-force and vitality by noxious radiation, pollution, or other geopathic stress; residual effects of past exposure
Positive Qualities after Essence - Enhancing integrity of etheric body and of vital forces

Imbalance - Insensitivity to the sufferings of others; lack of awareness of the consequences of one's actions on others; need for empathy
Positive Qualities after Essence - Empathy, receptivity to the feelings and experiences of others, acting from inner truth and guidance

Imbalance - Constricted feelings, particularly in the chest; internalized grief and melancholy; deeply repressed emotions
Positive Qualities after Essence - Free-flowing emotion, ability to harmonize breathing with feeling; capacity to express a full range of human emotion, especially pain and sadness

Imbalance - Overseriousness; dullness; heaviness; lack of humor; overly somber sense of Self; repressed inner child
Positive Qualities after Essence - Childlike humor and playfulness; experiencing the joyful Inner Child (the one who keeps us young), lightheartedness, detached perspective on Self