Antimicrobials: Fights microbes and pathogens.
Antispasmatic: Helpful to stop spasms.
Antivirals: Fights viruses.
Astringents: Natural cleansers and antibiotic in nature.
Calmatives: Herbs used to calm the nerves and reduce stress, anxiety, and tension in the nervous system.
Decoctions: A strong extraction process for bulky herbs or woody pieces. They are soaked in boiled water for ten to thirty minutes, strained, and used.
Diuretics: Diuretics increase the output of urine, removing harmful substances from the system through the kidneys and bladder.
Essences: Herbs or flowers petals that are soaked in water for at least 24 hours, then strained and used to treat emotional imbalances.
Expectorants: Expectorants cause the expulsion of mucus and phlegm and help to break up congestion when coughing. Taking an expectorant causes more coughing.
Infusions: Teas made from steeping herbs or flowers in boiled water for five to twelve minutes, then strained and drank while warm.
Nervines: Nervines relieve nervous irritation caused by stress, anxiety, and tension.
Poultices: Herbs mixed with something else and placed either on the body or on a clean white cloth and placed over the affected area for relief.
Stimulants: Stimulants increase stimulus to the entire system plus increases the circulation of blood in the circulatory system.
Suppressants: Herbs or medications that quiets coughing.
Tinctures: Herbs soaked in water, vinegar, or alcohol for a period of time, then strained, and used in drops.
Tonics: Tonics benefit the whole body by strengthening the organs that are affected by the action of the digestive system.
Agar Agar - Thickening or jelling agent from the ocean that is high in minerals.
Agrimony - (Agrimonia Eupatoria) Whole plant used. Assists liver functions. Stops bleeding of wounds. Stimulant to the bile ducts. Tea is used as a blood cleanser to reduce jaundice, kidney, and bladder problems.
Agrimony, Chinese - (Agrimonia Pilosa) (alt. Xian He) Leaves used. Chinese parasitical used externally in tincture or taken internally. Kills tinea (versicolor or otherwise) malaria plasmodia, and vaginal infections. Assists liver function. Used to stop bleeding and prevent infection.
Agrimony, Hemp - (Eupatorium Cannabinum) Leaves used. Tea is used as a blood cleanser and purifier. Good for liver and to reduce jaundice.
Ajmud - (Carum Roxburgianum) Seeds used. Ayruvedic medicine and Indian spice. Digestive. Reduces bronchitis, bowel pains, and asthma.
Ajowan - (Carum Copticum) Leaves and seeds used. Ayruvedic medicine and Indian spice. Digestive. Reduces sore throats, bronchitis, and coughs.
Alfalfa - (Meidigo Sativa) Leaves and flowers used. Binds serum cholesterol, bladder cleanser, Vitamins A, E, K, D, B6, calcium, and trace minerals. Blood cleanser. Helps ease arthritis, fatigue, helps to redeposit calcium in teeth.
Alkanet - (Anchusa Officinalis) Blood Cleanser, diuretic, helps induce perspiration.
Allheal - (Prunella Vulgaris) External and Internal wound healer. Good for convalescence after surgery. Use as an infusion, a poultice, or a gargle.
Allspice - (Pimenta Dioica) Warming cordial. Used in cooking.
Aloe Vera - (Aloe Ferox, Aloe Barbadensis) Leaves are used. Vitamins C, A, niacin, and selenium. Contains salysilic acid which soothes and aids in the healing process for abrasions, burns, sunburns, skin disorders, and can be used externally as well as a tonic. Reduces inflammation of stomach lining from allergic reactions to food. Also has Laxative action.
Alpha Lipoic Acid - A supplement that helps prevent wrinkles, improves memory and brain function, and anti-aging, helps reduce cataracts formation, combats chronic fatigue, improves blood flow to nerves, high in antioxidants, helps the liver remove toxins from the body, and in Type 1 and 2 diabetes treats nerve damage to improve glucose lowering action of insulin.
Angelica - (Angelica Archangelica) Leaves, seeds, stems and roots used. Good for the circulation of blood and body fluids. Relieves symptoms of cystitis, reduces inflammation from Arthritis and Bursitis. Expectorant and Anti-spasmodic. Stems are usually candied. Eases upset stomaches, gastric ulcers, and reduces stress. Aids in reducing bronchial problems, however, it can make you sensitive to the sun.
Anise Seed - (Pimpinella Anisum) Stimulant, Tonic, Coughs, Gastric problems, bronchitis, asthma, increase mother's milk production.
Arnica - (Arnica Chamissonis) (alt. Arnica American) (Arnica Montana) (alt. Arnica, European). Leaves Used. Should be used Externally only. Especially effective in salve or linament form for burns, bruises, and inflammation. Stimulates the healing process. Avoid during pregnancy. Homeopathic Arnica Montana can be taken internally.
Asafoetida - (Ferula Asa-foetida) (alt. Devil's Dung, Food of the Gods) Persian and Indian. Gummy dried juice of 4 year old non-flowering plant roots makes up the spice. Stimulates the mucus membranes to treat digestive/respiratory complaints. Native to Afghanistan, Iran, and Turkestan.
Ash Bark - Bitter tonic, astringent.
Ashwagandha - (Withania Somnifera) Ayurvedic Indian herb. Strengthening tonic. Combats infertility, impotence, general weakness.
Asparagus, Chinese - (Asparagus Cochinchinensis) (alt. Tian Men Dong) Chinese Herbal. Antibiotic and Anti-inflammatory. Treats dry cough, dry throat, and bronchitis. Has been used to combat diabetes and breast cancer.
Aster, New England - (Aster Novae-angliase) American Indian treatment to reduce fever and bronchial complaints. Smudging herb for romantic interludes.
Astragalus, Chinese - (Astragalus Membranaceus) (alt. Chinese Milkvetch, Huang Qi) Immune enhancing. Fortifies spleen and Qi/chi Tonic, Lowers blood sugars and blood pressure. Good for kidneys and liver functions.
Aztec Sweet Herb- (Phyla, Lippia, Dulcis) Sweet herb containing camphor compounds. Used to treat coughs, colds, bronchitis, and other respiratory ailments in South America.
Baby's Breath - (Gypsophila Oldhamiana) (alt. Yin Chai Hu) Chinese TCM herb. Reduces jaundice, rheumatism, used to combat side effects of tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and lung disease. Used for Yin deficiency.
Bai Zhi - (Angelica Dahurica) Chinese medicinal herb. Strengthens spleen. Builds chi energy. Roots are used to treat diarrhea, fatigue, lack of appetite.
Bai Zhu - (Atractylodes Macrocephala) Chinese medicinal herb. Strengthens spleen. Builds chi energy. Roots are used to treat diarrhea, fatigue, lack of appetite.
Balloon Flower - (Platycodon Graniflorus) Chinese medicinal herb. Cough syrup made from the leaves.
Balm - (Melissa, Lemon Balm) Heart Stimulant, Wound healer, fights herpes. Calmative. Nervine. Use as an infusion/tea, a poultice, or a gargle.
Balm of Gilead, American - (Populus Balsamifera) Not the herb of The Bible. Stimulant, Tonic, and Diuretic. Tincture used for chest, stomach, and kidney problems as well as rheumatism. Ointment made with oil or creme base is useful for bruises and swellings.
Balm Lemon, Citronella - (Melissa Officianlis} Bug chaser of yore. The oil repels insects.
Balsam Fir - (Impatiens Balsamina) (alt. Tou Gu) A medicinal herb in China. Gargle for sore throats, resin is a treatment for sinus congestion and can be applied as a poultice to help arthritis, cuts, and bruises.
Ban Xia - (Piniella Ternata) Chinese TCM herb. Contains ephedrine. Stimulant. Used to combat conditions of dampness & phlegm. Used to control volmiting. Strengthens spleen. Builds chi energy and directs flow upward.
Barberry - Root Bark used. Contains saponin which is a cleanser and an alkaline called berberine which has the ability to kill parasites: expels worms and treats ringworm, Good for liver, spleen, reduces blood pressure; helps stem acne, boils, ulcers. High in calcium, iron, chlorine, sulphur, B-1, B-2, niacin, and folic acid.
Basil - (Ocimum} Sweet spice, nervous disorders, digestive, anti-bacterial, reduces swelling from bee stings. Leaf wine is an aphrodisiac, mosquito-repellant, fly repellant, expel worms and treats ringworm, snake bite, insect bites, and acne. Used in cooking.
Basil, Camphor - (Ocimum Kilimandscharicum) East African native. Commerical source for camphor. Leaves used. Infusion in tea relieves stomach and cold symptoms.
Basil, Sacred - (Ocimum Sanctum) (alt. Tulsi, Holy Basil) Hindu, Indonesia. Mildly intoxicating. Grown in houses all over India.
Basil, Wild - (Clinopodium Vulgare) Leaves used. Infusion in tea brings relief to overcome jelly belly.
Bay Leaves - Said to purify food, aid in digestion, mildly narcotic. A leaf decoction may be used as a soak for sprains and rheumatic joints. May irritate the skin.
Bayberry - (Myrica Pennsylvania) Root Bark used. Skin Circulation, stomach, cleanses intestines, aids in digestion, clears toxic mucus in female tracts, High in Vitamin C and calcium. Trace elements: phosphorous, potassium, and zinc. B-1, B-2, niacin, and Vitamin A.
BCAA - Branched Chain Amino Acids - Essential amino acids found in most good protein powders. The body cannot produce them so sufficient quantities must be obtained from supplementation. Three BCAAs, Valine, Leucine, and Isoleucine, make up approximately 70% of the amino acids in the body. BCAAs are unique in that they are utilized directly by muscle tissue during long workouts. The body only has a limited number of these amino acids, so it can be forced to break down lean muscle tissue when daily nutrition is not meeting the body's needs.
Bedellium - (Commiphora Africana) (alt. Gum Bedellium) True source of gum bedellium mentioned in Old Testament. Tribal ritualistic herb used by Arabic cultures. Carminative, Stomach relief, and to help relieve congestion in colds and bronchial problems.
Beard Tongue - (Penstemon Barbatus) American Indian "life medicine." Used to allieve menstrual and stomach pains, draw wounds, reduce swellings, and coughs.
Bedstraw, Yellow - (Galium Verum) (alt. Lady's Bedstraw) Decoction or syrup is useful for bladder or kidney complaints.
Bee Balm - Menstrual cramps, colds, nausea, fevers.
Bee Pollen - Helps allergies, quick energy, slows down aging process.
Beet Powder - Energy, susbstantive drive, sweetener, contains minerals.
Belladonna - (Atropa Belladonna) Antispasmatic. Helps treat eye diseases. helps lessen inflammation/pain of joints and bruises. Source of Atropine. It is a drying agent used in allergy meds.
Benzoin Gum - (Styrax Benzoin) Antiseptic. Tincture is used for poultices and skin problems.
Bethroot - (Trillium Erectum) (alt. Red Trillium, Birthroot, Wakerobin) American Indian herb. Root tea used for menstrual problems. Induces labor; reduces pain associated with menopause. Helps coughs, bowel problems, and lung disorders.
Betony - (Stachys Officinalis) Asthma, bronchitis, heartburn, and kidneys.
Bergamot - (Monarda Fistulosa) Principle flavoring of Earl Grey tea. Oil form. Can make a person sensitive to the sun.
Billberry - (Vaccinnium Myrtillus) Fruit used. Rebuilds retina purple pigments in the eyes; helps night vision and light sensitive eyes. Helps varicose veins. High in Manganese, phosphorous, iron, and zinc. Trace elements: calcium, sodium, and silicone.
Birch, White - (Betula Alba) Good to reduce effects of gout, rheumatism, arthritis, and dropsy/edema.
Bistort - (Polygonum Bistorta) Rhizomes are Astringent. Soothing and cooling. Used to reduce inflammation. Helps control woes from dysentery.
Bittersweet - (Solanum Dulcamara) External use. Helps reduce swelling, bruises, and corns.
Black Cohosh - (Cimicfuga Racemosa) Root used. Tonic; strengthens uterine wall for future contractions in child birth. Nervine; acts directly on the spinal cord as a relaxant. Stimulates natural estrogen production in women, hormone balancer, clears mucus from bronchial tubes. Rich in phosphorous, calcium, and selenium.
Black Pepper - common spice used to flavor foods to give them some heat. Helps some herbs work better when black pepper is taken with the herbs.
Black Walnut - Hulls and leaves, Contains natural floride. Cleanses teeth and repairs tooth enamel, helps to regulate blood sugar levels, ulcers, varicose veins, acne, carbuncles. High in manganese, potassium, selenium, and iodine. Moderate amounts of iron and sodium. Also includes some of the bioflavinoids. Tincture is a Pain reliever.
Blessed Thistle - The whole herb is used. Strengthens memory, heart, lungs; helps increase mother's milk, helps young women with menstrual pain. Helps blood circulation. Rich in vitamin A, potassium, and selenium.
Blood Root - (Sanguinaria Canadensis) To cause expectorant action, lowering high pulse.
Blue Cohosh - Root used. Stimulant. Uterus, nerves, muscular pain in joints, reduces muscle spasms. Rich in iron. High in manganese, selenium, and Vitamin E.
Blue Vervain - The whole herb is used. Circulation, lungs, nerves, spleen, and bowels. Promotes sweating, diaphoretic, and expectorant, helps reduce mucus from flu or colds. Moderate amounts of Vitamins C, E, Calcium, and manganese.
Boldo - (Peumus Boldus) Chilean evergreen shrub. Leaves used as diuretic, stomach calmative and sedative. Boldo stimulates the flow of bile/gastric juices and helps in the excretion of uric acid from the system. Used in South America as an STD fighter, especially for gonorrhea. May be a good gout defense in the form of tea.
Boneset - (Eupatorium Perfoliatum) (alt. snakeroot) Whole herb is used. Stomach, liver, intestines and circulation. Considered one of the best helpers for colds and flu. Vitamin C, B-complex, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
Borage - (Borago Offiinalis) Stimulant, Energy source in a tea form. Reduces depression, fevers, and bronchitis.
Bo-Tree - (Ficus Religiosa) (alt. Pipal) Sacred tree for Hindus amd Buddhists. Antibacterial.
Brigham Tea - (Ephedra Nevadenses) (Ma Huang or Ephedra) Causes the heart to beat faster, speeding up the metabolism.
Broom, Scotch - (Cytisus Scoparius) Tea is suggested to reduce drospy or swelling of the lower extremities. Diuretic. Aids in reduction of Bladder and kidney disorders.
Buchu - (Agathoma Crenulata) Leaves used. One of the best herbs for the urinary tract, bladder, and kidneys. Soothes enlargement of prostate gland and irritation of the urethral membrane. South African herb. Decreases inflammation of the colon. High in Calcium, potassium, sodium along with phosphorus, iron, zinc, and selenium.
Buckthorn - (Rhamnus Cathartica) Bark and berries used. Liver, gallbladder, blood and intestines. Stimulator for the bile ducts; cleanser for lower bowels and kidney disorders, safer than Buchu for liver. Moderate amounts of calcium, phosphorous, and potassium. Sea Buckthorn helps keep body tissues more supple as people age, therefore could help prevent wrinkles. Sea Buckthorn Oil is used to lubricate body tissues.
Buckwheat - (Fagopyrum Esculentum) Flowering tops are high in Rutin. Rutin combats arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries by scrubbing them clean. Buckwheat pancakes, breads, honey, and even beer are ways to ingest this product. High in Calcium, potassium, sodium along with phosphorous, iron, zinc, and selenium.
Bugloss, Viper's - (Echium Vulgare) (Blueweed) Infusion of leaves helps reduce fevers, nervous system problems, and headaches.
Buplarium - (Bupleurum Falcatum) (B. Chinesis) TCM medicinal herb. Tea made to Reduce Stagnation in the Liver.
Burdock Root - (Articum Lappa) Root is used. Blood purifier. Eliminates uric acid and excess waste material in blood. Reduces pain from gout, eczema. Contains mucilage; soothes hypothalamus; helps the pituitary gland to adjust hormone balance, relieves congestion of lymphatic system; helps to break down calcification in joints. One of four herbs in the Rene Caisse anti-cancer formula. Rich in Vitamins C and B-1. High in phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and silicone.
Burdock, Japanese - (Arctium Lappa "Takinogawa Long") (alt. Gobo) Blood Purifier. Tea made of roots useful for skin disorders, such as eczema, psoriasis, etc. Anti-Tumor properties being evaluated.
Bur Marigold - (Bidens Pilosa) (alt. Water Agrimony) Chinese TCM ingredient for flu, colds fever, sore throat, gastroenteritis, and malarial infections. Whole plant utilized for tea or syrup or tablet form.
Burnet, Saxifrage - (Pimpinella Saxifraga) (alt. Lessor Burnet) Root used and made into tea. Used for intestinal inflmmation, lower bowel complaints, coughs, bronchial infections, and to aid in reduction of side effects of asthma.
Butcher's Broom - Root used. Good in improving circulation to prevent post-operative thrombosis, varicose veins, phlebitis, and hemorrhoids. Reduces "heavy legs syndrome." Prevents clotting of the blood by acting as a diuretic, strengthens blood vessels and keeps them clean and healthy. High in iron, niacin, B-1, and zinc.
Butterbur - (Petasites Hybridus) Migraine reducer. Relieves respiratiory ailments. Reduces mucus and has been used as a cough medicine since the Middle Ages.
Butterfly-Pea - (Clittoria tenatea) Seeds and roots are used. Indian Ayurvedic treatment as a Purgative, Cathartic, and Diuretic.
Calamus - (Acorus Calamus Americanus) (alt. Sweet Flag) American variety does not bear carcinogens like the European strain does. Used to reduce flatulence, colic, and upset stomach. Dried root powder works as a vermifuge and also for getting rid of household insects such as fleas. Helpful in quitting smoking.
Calendula or Marigold - (Calandula Officinalis) Flowers are used. Blood and Skin. First aid remedy. Good to reduce swelling/infection from bee stings, skin diseases, wounds and varicose veins. Heals with speed and relieves inflammation. Oil used for earaches. Tincture applied to sprains. Salve for cuts and bruises, great treatment for open sores. High in phosphorous. Contains Vitamins A and C.
Camphor Tree - (Cinnamomum Camphora) Source of topical camphor. Used to reduce rheumatic pain, sprains, and inflammations. One of the ingredients in Tiger Balm.
Cancer Bush - (Sutherlandia Frustescens) South African. Leaves used. Tea used to treat cancer, reduce fevers, pain, and itch from chicken pox, helps with stomach and liver problems. Wound wash.
Candy Tuft - (Iberis Amara) Homeopathic ingredient. Bitters. Used to reduce inflammation from gout, rheumatism. Helps reduce water retention such as edema/dropsy. Aids in reduction of phlegm from bronchitis.
Capsicum or Cayenne - (Capsicum Annuum) Fruit is used and ground up into a powder. Good for heart, circulation, kidneys, blood pressure regulator, digestive. Insect and animal repellant. Stops bleeding, powerful stimulant. Rich in zinc. High in vitamin A, C, iron, calcium, potassium, and rutin. Used in cooking to make foods hotter. Eat some daily. Cayenne works as a catalyst to carry other herbs or nutrients where they are needed in the body.
Cardamom - (Elettaria Cardamomum) Breath sweetener, reduces indigestion and flatulence. Used in cooking.
Cascara Sagrada - (Rhamnus Purshiana) Bark is used. Considered to be one of the best and safest laxatives in the herbal world. Antibiotic effect on harmful bacteria in the intestines. Reduces insomnia, reduces high blood pressure and digestive complaints and restores tone to the bowels. Rich in calcium. Moderate amounts of potassium, phosphorous, selenium, and Vitamin A. Catnip - (Nepeta Cataria) The whole herb is used. Calmative for stomach, colon, nerves. Expectorant for coughs. Helps curb cigarette cravings. Rich in iron amd selenium. High in potassium, manganese, Vitamins A and C.
Catnip, Japanese - (Schizonepeta Tenuifolia) (alt. Jing Jie) Chinese TCM herb. Expels wind and promotes eruption. Helps lower temperatures and promote sweating. Good to treat colds, fevers, chills, sore throat, and headaches. Antibacterial.
Cat Thyme - (Teucrium Marum) Carminative. Good for ailments of the Gallbladder and stomach.
Cat's Claw - (Uncaria Tomentosa) (alt. Una de Gato) Peruvian/South American. Tea made of the inner bark and root. Used for bone pain, urinary inflammations, colic, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, to help heal deep wounds. Being researched as an immuno-stimulant.
Cayenne or Capsicum - Fruit is used and ground into a powder. Good for heart, circulation, kidneys. Stops bleeding. Powerful Stimulant. Rich in zinc. High in vitamin A, C, iron, calcium, potassium, and rutin. Works as a catalyst for other herbs in the body. Used in cooking. Use daily. When added to lotion becomes a good arthritis rub to relieve pain.
Cedar - (Thuja Occidentalis) External use only. American Indian therapy for menstruation and headaches. Helps relieve skin conditions and muscle aches. May remove plantar warts.
Celandine - (Chelidonium Majus) Juice makes a latex. Mixed with vinegar, it may remove warts and corns. Brewed into a tea, it will help in reducing output from the bile duct and relieves stomach pains.
Celery - (Apium Graveolens) Reduces blood pressure, improves appetite. Used in cooking.
Centaury - (Centaurium Erythaea) European herb. Appetite, Digestive and lower bowel stimulant.
Chamomile - (Matricaria, Chamaemelium) Flower used. Nerves, stomach, uterus, and circulation. Contains tryptophan; works like a natural sedative on the body. Helps with drug withdrawal. Rich in calcium and magnesium, medium amounts of potassium, phosphorous, and manganese.
Chapparral - (Larrea Tridentata) (alt. Creosote Bush) Leaves and Stems used. American Indian medicinal herb. Rebuilds tissue, fights free radicals from radiation, a natural detergent for cleansing system of toxic impurities. Anti-cancer herb. High in Vitamin A, calcium, and selenium, moderate amounts of Vitamin C, protein, potassium, and iron.
Chasteberry - (Vitex agnus-castus) (alt. Chastetree, Vitex). Seed extract used. Regulates menstrual cycles and ovulation. Promotes milk flow. Reduces breast tenderness. Reduces fibroid tumors when used several months.
Cherry, Wild - (Prunus Virginiana) (alt. Chokecherry) Bark Infusion used. American Indian medicinal herb. Controls diarrhea. Sedative.
Chervil - (Anthriscus Cerefolium) Stimulant, Diuretic. An Expectorant and a Stimulant. Lowers high blood pressure. A good Wash for skin disorders.
Chickweed - (Stellaria Media) The whole herb is used. Blood, liver, lungs, bladder. Helps maintain a youthful appearance with skin, helps to dissolve plaque in system as well as fatty tumors. Poultices of leaves will reduce abscesses, ulcers. and inflammation. Rich in Vitamin C, iron, and zinc. High in calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and silicone.
Chicory - (Cichorium Intybus) Egyption, Greek & Roman herb. Potherb. Roots & young shoots used. Tonic, Nervine, Diuretic. Flower tea makes sedative for the nerves.
Chicory, Coffee - (Cichorium Intybus) Coffee substitue. Roots used. Roasted and ground; serves as a coffee extender, additive, or replacement. Caffeine free.
Chinese Wormwood - (Artemisia Apiacea) Leaves used. Asian herb used in TCM for their cooling properties. Antibiotic, Digestive, Vermifuge, parasite chaser. Breaks fevers, used to combat malaria, bronchial diseases, cough, colds, gout. Used to stop nosebleeds. External wash clears up skin infections.
Chitosan - A fiber whose fat-binding ability is so strong that it can be used effectively to promote weight loss. The most important health benefit of chitosan is its ability to bind to fat molecules in the digestive system, which are excreted through the body's waste system. Chitosan cannot be digested. Take chitosan fifteen minutes before eating a meal to inhibit the fat eaten.
Chives - (Allium Tuberosum) Lowers blood pressure. Used in cooking.
Condroitin - A supplement useful for arthritis sufferers, but it takes several months to work.
Cilantro - (Coriandrum Sativum) Leaves, roots, and seeds used. Also known as Coriander. Cilantro refers to the leaves, and Coriander refers to the seeds. Ground seeds in an ointment will reduce painful joints. Leaves in tea or mixed with food act as a Digestive. Appetite Stimulant. Reduces stomach spasms. Used in cooking.
Cinnamon - (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum) Relieves Diarrhea and nausea. Foods cooked with cinnamon will not grow mold. Used in cooking.
Cinquefoil - (Potentilla Recta) Rhyzomes/Roots used. Reduces diarrhea. External application to relieve pain of burns. Reduces nausea.
Clary Sage- (Salvia Sclarea) (alt. Clary) Leaves used - heals wounds, sores, insect bites. tonic for colic or intestinal problems, mouthwash for canker sores and for sore throats, Tea from seeds - eyewash removes particles from eye (hence: clear eye or Clary Sage.)
Cleavers - (Galium Aparine) (alt. Clivers) Juice or infusion used. Applied to skin eruptions and diseases; it reduces inflammation.
Clove - (Syzgium Aromaticum) Stimulant, Antiseptic and anti-parasitic. Clove oil is good to stop toothaches. Cloves are used in cooking.
Clover, Red - (Trifolum Pratense) Infusion may help to prevent or cure cancer. Reduces bronchial edema, side effects from ulcers, gastric disturbances, and may reduce length of attack from whooping cough.
Cnidium - (Cnidium Monnieri) (alt. She Chuang) TCM medicinal herb. Stimulant. Aphrodisiac. Used to treat impotence. Vaginal wash for fungal and other infections.
Cocklebur, Siberian - (Xanthium Sibiricum) (alt. Cang Er) TCM medicinal herb. Treats headache, dispels wind and dampness. External use recommended. Reduces pain in legs/arms. Reduces pain from sciatica, ezcema, and most itching.
Cockscomb - (Celosia Cristata) TCM medicinal herb. Stops hemorrhages and reduces diarrhea. Clears vision.
Coconut Oil - Use only extra virgin coconut oil to fight viruses, lose weight, and helpful for a plethora of ailments in easing pain. Take 4 Tbsp. daily. You can buy this online at
Codonopsis - (Codonopsis Pilosula) TCM medicinal herb. Similar to ginseng. Infusion of roots used. Can boost red cell and hemoglobin production. Tonic. Good to encourage poor appetite. Reduces stomach upset. Helps in sugar metabolism.
Coltsfoot - (Tussilago Farfara) Leaves/Stems/Seeds used. Cough & lung tonic, bronchitis.
Comfrey - (Symphytum) Leaves and Roots used. Stimulant, Tonic, Nervine, Speeds healing of wounds, Sprains, pain in humans and animals, skin problems. Makes a good poultice. Contains allontoin, an herbal hormone that stimulates skin growth. Rich in Vitamins A and C, and trace minerals. High in protein, calcium, phosphorous, and iron.
Coriander - (Coriandrum Sativum) Leaves, roots, and seeds used. Also known as Cilantro. Coriander is used to refer to the seeds, and Cilantro is used to refer to the leaves. Ground seeds in an ointment will reduce painful joints. Leaves in tea or mixed with food act as a Digestive. Appetite Stimulant. Reduces stomach spasms. Used in cooking.
Cornsilk - (Zea Mays) Silky tassels from corn on the cob. Tonic, Kidney, Prostate. Diuretic. High in iron, silicone, and vitamin K which is used to clot blood. Will help all kidney and bladder problems by drinking a tea, 4 cups daily, until problem is gone.
Cornflower - (Centaurea Cyanus) Leaves/flowers used. Insfusion or tea. Used as a Calmative for stress/nervous disorders. Eyewash for weak eyes.
Cowslip - (Primula Veris) All parts of the plant used. Tea/Poultice, wash. Good for the face and skin; used to reduce insomnia.
Cumin Seed - (Cuminum Cyminum) Used as a Stimulant, Antispasmodic. Used in cooking. May induce hay fever-like symptoms in allergy sufferers.
Damiana - (Turnera Diffusa) Mexican medicinal herb. Aphrodisiac. Hormone balancer, Parkinson's disease, pregnancy, fragility.
Dandelion - (Taraxacum Officinale) Leaves and Roots used. Liver, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas. Absorbs toxins from blood; relieves anemia, cleanses the blood, Diuretic, reduces age spots. Rich in minerals to balance body and help in healing. High in potassium, calcium, Vitamins A, C, and E, as well as iron.
Dandelion Root - (Taraxacum Offcinale Sativum) Leaves used. High in Iron. Blood cleanser and fortifier. Liver cleanser. Source ingredient in Bitters. Ground-up Root is used as a substitute for coffee.
Devil's Claw - (Harpagophytum Procumbens) Root used. Liver, stomach, joints. Used as a blood cleanser. It reduces effects of Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis. Cleanses vascular walls. Rich in iron and magnesium.
Devil's Club - (Oplopanax Horridus) Roots and bark used. American Indian medicinal. Stomach ailments, cramps, swelling, and sores. Tonic.
DHEA - Dehydroepiandrosterone - A supplement that reduces the effects of aging for only as long as you take it daily. Recommended dosage is 25 to 50 mg. daily. It increases the body's production of estrogen and testosterone. Believed to be useful to improve the immune system, great ability to cope with stressful events, elevates mood, may fight cancer, gives a feeling of well-being, decreases body fat, lifts energy levels, makes bodies leaner, gives a more relaxed feeling, improves concentration, promotes a deeper and restful sleep, and increases mobility and muscle strength. Sometimes referred to as the Fountain of Youth for older people.
Dill, Indian - (Anethum Sowa) (alt. Surva) Japanese and Indian. Foliage eaten fresh. Essential ingredient for curries. Used to combat flatulence, stomach upset, and stimulate the digestion.
Dill Seed - (Anethum) Carminative to stomach. Used in cooking.
Dill Weed - (Anethum Graveolens) Increase milk production, reduce colic, helps stomach disorders in children and adults. Spice used in cooking.
Dittany of Crete - (Origanum Dictamnu) (Hop Marjoram) All parts of plants used. 1,001 uses in ancient medicinal books. Combats upset stomach, coughs, and headaches. Wash or gargle will reduce throat inflammation. Greek Honey plant.
Dock - (Rumex Sanguineus) (alt. Red-veined Dock, Bloodwort) Leaves used for burns, cuts, scrapes.
Dong Quai - (Angelica Polymorpha Sinesis) (A. sinesis) (alt. Dang Gui, Chinese Angelica) Root used. Uterus, blood, muscles, useful for all female problems, men use it for migraine headaches, liver problems, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia, chronic bronchitis. Increases blood flow through heart muscles. Treatment for cyrrhosis and jaundice of liver, shingles, and other organ/nerve ailments. Rich in Vitamin E and Iron. Moderate Vitamins A, C, B-12, magnesium, potassium, and niacin. Good herb to help rebalance both genders hormones.
Dulse- Seaweed, helps with cravings.
Echinacea - (Echinnacea Augustafolia) Root used. Antibiotic, lymph system, blood purifier, immune system, wound healer. High in iron, selenium, zinc. Medium in magnesium, potassium, niacin, Vitamin C.
Echinacea - (Echinacea Pupurea) (alt. Coneflower) Antibiotic, antibacterial. Strengthens the immune system. Do not take over six months at a time.
Edelweiss - (Leontropoduium Alpinum) Traditional diarrhea remedy of the Alps. Also used to treat repiratory ailments. Current studies indicate that edelweiss neutralizes free radicals which prevents the formation of superoxides, which contribute to wrinkles. High in bioflavanoids, it strenghens veins, arteries, and capillaries. It can be used to treat varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and may have cancer-fighting properties as well. Antibiotic, antibacterial. Useful at treating sore nipples and mastitis.
Elecampane - (Inula Helenium) Coughs, bronchial problems.
English Tea- Famous British Bitters.
Epazote - (Chenopodium Ambrosioldes} (alt. Wormseed) Mexican amd Guatemalan oil used to expel intestinal parasites. Also the leaves dried or fresh are used as a seasoning in cooking.
Ephedra - (Ephedra Nevadensis) (alt. Mormon Tea, Brigham Young Tea, Ma Huang) Only contains traces of ephedrine. Used as a tonic, improves kidney action, relieves asthma. Most banned ephedra products are chemically derived and therefore much stronger than the actual herb. Relieves respiratory spasms. Causes the heart to beat faster.
Ephedra, Green - (Ephedra Viridis) (alt. Joint fir, Desert Tea) Only contains traces of pseudophedrine - used in allergy medicines and ephedrine. Folk remedy in tea format using leaves for colds, headaches, migraines, urinary and venerial diseases. Most banned ephedra products are chemically derived and therefore much stronger than the actual herb. Relieves respiratory spasms. Causes the heart to beat faster.
Eucalyptus- (Eucalyptus Globulus) Clears congestion, antiseptic.
Evening Primrose - (Oenothera Biennis) Contains an oil called Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA). Helps to reduce effects of PMS, eczema, heart disease, and cancer. Particularly is being looked at as an anti-aging agent.
Eyebright - (Euphrasia Officinalis) The whole herb is used. Eyes, liver, blood. Strengthens eyes, nose, throat. Strengthens memory and brain. Helps to dissolve styes. Warm oil of eyebright will help diminish ear infections. Rich in Vitamins A & C, silicone. High in calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and niacin.
False Unicorn - Root used. Uterus and kidneys. Beneficial in infertility cases. Eases nausea in pregnancy. Good for depression in menopause. Rich in calcium, potassium, and vitamin C. Good for both humans and animals.
Fennel - (Foeniculum Vulgare) Seeds used. Stomach, nerves, intestines, and eyes. Purifies blood, expels gas, dispels phlegm from the throat. Once used as a door charm to ward off evil spirits. High in calcium, magnesium, phosphorous. Moderate in potassium. Promotes lactation. Do NOT use fennel oil, only the seeds.
Fenugreek - (Trigonella Foenum-graecum) Seeds used. Good for digestion. Stomach, fortifies nerves, flushes intestines and purifies blood. Also supposed to be good for the reproductive organs. High in Calcium, magnesium, phosphorous. Medium in potassium, sulphur, sodium, and iron.
Feverfew - Leaves used. Good for the circulation, migraine headaches, muscular tension, intestinal worms, inflammation in arthritis. Good to take alongside headache OTC products. High in potassium, niacin, and B-complex.
Figwort - (Scrophularia Nodosa) Cream, Tincture, or Salve. Used to aid in healing of minor cuts and scratches, rashes, and bruises.
Flag, Licorice - (Acorus Gramineus Licorice) Thai and Chinese medicinal herb. Stimulates appetite, improves depression, reduces gastritis.
Flax, Omega - (Linum Usitatissimum "Omega") Grown for supplements. Contains linseed oil. Treats muscle, bone aches, bursitis, and used as a chest rub for bronchial complaints. Rich in Omega-3 oils (linolenic acid); helps supplement the body's metabolism.
Flax, Blue- (Linum Perenne) As with other flax seeds, contains linseed oil. Treats muscle, bone aches, bursitis, and used as a chest rub for bronchial complaints.
Flax Seed - (Linum Perenne) High in Omega oils for those who do not eat fish, essential for cell development, high in fiber.
Flossflower - (Ageratum Conyzoides) Indian Ayurvedic and Napalese medicinal herb. Antibacterial. Antifungal. Treats skin diseases and stops bleeding of wounds.
Forsythia - (Forsythia Suspensa)(Lian Qiao) Chinese medicinal herb. Antibacterial. Antifungal. Treats flu, cold. Boosts immunity to infection, reduces inflammation. Reduces fever. Lowers excessive heat in body.
Fo-Ti - (Polygonum Multiflorum) (alt. Ho-Shou-Wu) Roots are used. Tonic. Restores Blood, liver, and kidney functions. Reduces high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries. Asian "elixer of long life."
Garcinia Cambogia - (Brindleberry, Uppagi) Indian Ayurvedic and rapidly becoming important dietary supplement herb which helps reduce weight by blocking fat formation. Digestive. Antiseptic.
Gardenia - (Gardenia Jasminoides)(Cape Jasmine, Zhi Zi) TCM medicinal herb. Feverfuge, Antibacterial. Antifungal. Reduces fevers. Treats flu, cold, high blood pressure. Boosts immunity to infection, treats hepatitis, reduces inflammation, bruises. Lowers excessive heat in body.
Garlic - (Allium Sativum Ophiascordon, Ampeloprasum, Sativum) The bulb is used. Dissolves cholesterol and loosens plaque from sides of arteries. Helps rebuild intestinal flora. Kills or reduces infections caused by microbes or parasites. Normalizes blood pressure, kills yeast and bacterial infections. High in Phosphorous, potassium, sulphur, and zinc. Studies show that garlic helps babies to nurse better and can reduce the effects of mastitis in women. Used in cooking. Antibiotic. Garlic is known as the "poor man's penicillin."
Gayfeather - (Liatris Spicata) Roots used for tea or gargle. Reduces kidney dysfunctions and Sore throat, dropsy, gout, and rheumatism.
Gentian - (Gentiana Lutea) The root is used. Stomach, liver, blood, spleen, and circulation. Bitters tonic. Balances stomach acids. Relieves indigestion. High in Iron and B-complex.
Gentian, Tibetan - (Gentiana Tibetica) TCM medicinal herb. Expels wind dampness, damp heat. Treats jaundice, liver complaints, and used to change dry constipation. Used as a tonic. Antibacterial. Antifungal. Treats flu, cold, boosts immunity to infection.
Germander - (Teucrium Chamaeedrys) Reduces stomach irritation/upset, sore throat, dropsy, gout, and rheumatism.
Gingko Biloba - (aka, Maidenhair Tree) Helps circulation, anti-aging, gout, brain, and memory.
Ginger - (Zingiber Officinale) The root is used. Stomach, intestines, joints, muscles. Reduces stomach cramps, flu symptoms, vertigo, and motion sickness. Reduces morning sickness. Helps expel gas. Heart and blood tonic. High in potassium, manganese, and silicone. Used in cooking.
Ginger, Wild - (Asarum Canadense) American Indian treatment for indigestion, colds, sore throat, nervous conditions, fevers, and gas. Root is used. Heart, Beneficial effect on whole body. Combats stress and depression. High in B-complex vitamins as well as Vitamins A, C, and E.
Ginseng, American - (Panax Quinqeufolius) Tonic. Adaptogen. Improves bodily response to stress, boosts immune system, regulates blood pressure and helps to lower blood cholesterol levels.
Ginseng, Korean - (Panax Ginseng, P. Pseudoginseng) True Asian Ginseng. As per TCM guidelines it warms and strengthens the Qi/ Chi. Root is used. Man's Ginseng to build and strengthen the prostrate. Aphrodisiac. Vitalizes organs, calmative. brightens vision, prolongs life. High in Vitamins A, C, and E. Increases synthesis of nuclear RNA.
Ginseng, Siberian - (Eleutherococcus senticosus) (Eleuthero Ginseng, Ci Wu Jia, Acanthopanax Senticosus) Root is used. Russian cosmonauts used this ginseng to help with their memory and stress levels during early space flights. Tonic and Restorative. Improves concentration span; increases speed and accuracy. Good for circulation. High in Vitamins A, C, and E. Increases synthesis of nuclear RNA.
Ginseng, Suma - Root is used. Woman's ginseng, to build and strengthen female genitalia, Aphrodisiac. Improves concentration span; increases speed amd accuracy. Good for circulation. High in B-complex vitamins as well as Vitamins A, C, and E.
Goldenseal - (Hydrasis Canadensis) Rhizome/root is used. Stomach, intestine, spleen, parasites, tinea, bruises, and wounds. Helps fight gum bacteria. Fights infection, is a natural insulin, cleanses urinary system. High in Iron, manganese, and silicone.
Glucomannan - Root is used. Helps the digestive tract and the colon. High fiber content helps move products in intestinal tract. Good for colitis, diverticulosis. Great for diets; produces a fullness if taken with water an hour before meals. Has Calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium.
Good King Henry - (Chenopodium Bonus-henricus) Pot herb, shoots and leaves used. Stomach, intestine, spleen, parasites, tinea, bruises, and wounds. Fights infection, is a natural insulin, cleanses urinary system. High in Iron, manganese, and silicone.
Gotu Kola - (Hydrocotyle Asiatica) (Centrella Asiatica) Fresh leaves used in salads, dried in capsule formulation. Strengthens Heart, Brain, and memory. Considered a brain food, boosts vitality, reduces depression and senility. Stimulates healing properties of body including growth of connective tissues. Useful in epilepsy- balances body acids. Combats stress. Good for burns, wounds, scars, and varicose veins. High in Vitamin A, B-complex, and Calcium.
Grape Vine - Leaves and Stems used. Good for the bladder, kidneys, and digestive system in general. Helps eliminate excess water, reduces dropsy/edema along with regular exercise. Helps flush out kidney stones.
Gourd, Snake - (Trichosanthes Anguina) Indian and Chinese vegetable. Vermifuge. Also used to treat syphillus and diarrhea.
Goutweed - (Aegopodium Podograria) Pot herb, shoots and leaves used. Diuretic, Sedative. Anti-Inflammatory. Fights gout, sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis, and other auto-immune diseases, cleanses urinary system. High in Iron, manganese, and silicone.
Greek Mountain Tea - (Sideritis Syriaca) (Ironwort) Pot herb, shoots and leaves used. Sold dried for tea. Treats common colds and indigestion. Anti-inflammatory.
Green Tea - Combats mental fatigue, may combat cancers. Many anti-oxidants to fight diseases. Drink 4 cups per day.
Griffonia - (Griffonia Simplicifolia) African herb. Remedy for diarrhea, vomiting, stomach ache. (Precourser herb for 5-HTP) Anti-Depressive. Works to boost seratonin levels. Used to treat depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive behavior. Treats common colds and indigestion. Anti-inflammatory.
Ground Ivy - (Glechoma Hederacea) (Alehoof, Gill Tea) Pot herb, shoots and leaves used. Sold dried for tea. Treats indigestion, kidney ailments. Used as a poultice for skin ailments, such as ulcers, sores, bites. Cancer fighter. Anti-inflammatory.
Gum Arabic - (Acacia Senegal) Resin used. Soothes inflamed tissues. Used for sore thoats, diarrhea, dysentery.
Gum Plant - (Grindelia Robusta) Leaves and stems used. As a tea for reducing effects of colds, congestion and UTI complaints. Also used as a wash for rashes, poison oak/ivy and burns. Soothes inflamed tissues.
Hawkweed - (Hieracium Pilosella) (Mouse-ear) European herb. Whole plant used. Diuretic, Expectorant, Astringent. UTI and kidney complaints.
Hawthorn Berries - (Crataegus Monogyna) Berries used. Prevents hardening of the arteries, strengthens heart and veins, regulates blood pressure. High in Vitamin C and selenium.
Hawthorn Leaf - (Crataegus Monogyna) Used as a tea for Energy, and to reduce stress.
Heartsease - (Viola Tricolor) British herb/flower used. Reduces swelling, coughs, effects of UTI and skin problems.
Heartseed - (Cardiospermum Halicacabum) (Kanphuti, Balloon Vine) Leaves used with oil as Linament for muscles, bruises, back ache, and an ointment to soothe arthritis and rheumatism. Root is Diuretic and Laxative. Leaf juice is used for earache.
Herb Robert - (Geranium Robertianum) British herb/flower used. Tea helps treat some forms of cancer.
Holly Hocks - (Alcea Rosea) British herb/flower used. Tea helps treat irritated mucus membranes. Sore throat, bronchial complaints.
Hops - (Humulus lupulus) Beer Herb. Female plant is the beer plant. Flowers used. Insomnia, nerves, blood, liver, and gall bladder. Relaxes tension and relieves anxiety. High in Potassium, niacin, and B-complex Vitamins.
Hops, Japanese - (Humulus Japonicus) (Lucao) Used as a Tonic for urinary and genitalia. TCM herb for tuberculosis, Typhoid, mastitis, tonsillitis. Anti-bacterial, Diuretic. Also helps reduce effects from dysentery, premature ejaculation, malaria, and cystitis.
Horehound - (Marrubium Vulgare) Soothing as a tea for lack of appetite, persistant bronchitis, coughs, or throats. Usually found in candy or losenge form.
Horehound, Black - (Ballota Nigra) (Stinking horehound) Controls nausea, vomiting, morning sickness. Anti-spasmotic, Expectorant.
Horney Goat Weed - (Epimedium Macranthum) Aphrodisiac.
Horsetail Grass - (Equisetum Arvense) - Coagulant. Reduces excessive menstrual flow, aides in healing ulcers and other skin ailments. Helpful in absorbtion of calcium supplements; is calcium supplement, helps nails, hair, teeth, bones & skin as it contains silica gel.
Ho-Shou-Wu - (Fo-Ti) Linament for muscles, bruises, back ache.
Hyacinth Bean - (Lablab Purpureus) (Lablab) Indian Vine. Ayurvedic Medicinal herb. TCM Tonic herb used to combat summer heat disorders.
Hydrangea - (Hydrangea Arborescens) (Seven Barks) Tea made from bark and flowers, helps in reducing size of and expelling kidney and bladder stones. Diurectic, good for eliminating water retention.
Hyssop - (Hyssopus Officinalis) Digestive. Blood Cleanser, most quoted herb in Bible, colds, fevers, sore throats, and bronchitis.
Iboza - (Iboza Riparia) (alt. Nutmeg Bush) Leaves used. South African bush used in aromatherapy.
Indigo, False - (Baptisia Australis) American Indian Immune system booster. Purgative, anti-inflammatory.
Indigo, Wild - (Baptisia Tinctoria) Roots used. Antiseptic. Used to combat bacterial infections of the ear, nose, throat, mouth, skin, and chest complaints.
Indrajao - (Wrightia Tinctoria) (alt. Mitha indarjou, Dudhi) Leaves used. Indian medicinal. Toothache reducer.
Irish Moss - Wound healer, scab former, wrinkle reducer, thickener, skin lotion.
Irish Wake-Up Tea- Morning Eye opener.
Jacob's Ladder - (Polemonium Caeruleum) Leaves and flowers used. Nervine. Headaches, heart palpitations.
Jambolan - (Eugenia Jambolan, Syzgium Cumini) (alt. Java Plum) Fruit, seeds, leaves, and bark. Extracts used. Asian/Indian sacred tree. Indian medicinal. Lowers blood sugar for people suffering from certain forms of diabetes. Should be used only in conjunction with the administrations of your personal physician.
Jasmine Tea - Use as a tea or poultice; soothing to the eyes and nose; soothing to the nerves. Jasmine is said to be a powerful aphrodisiac scent to females. Even the most frigid females are said to be swayed by the fragrance of jasmine. Do not use the flower petals as they are toxic.
Jessamine, Night - (Cestrum Nocturnum) A favorite night perfume to scent the air in a garden. Add the flowers to a potpourri as well as steep the flowers in a small amount of water or into honey.
Joe Pye Weed - (Eupatorium Purpureum) (Gravelroot) Whole herb used. Feverfuge, breaks sweats, used to induce urination. Helps reduce kidney problems; helpful in cystitis and bladder infections. Reduces swelling.
Jojoba - (Simmondsia Chinesis) Seeds/Nuts used. Oil from nuts. Stops hair loss; may induce new growth. Used as a lubricant commercially and in shampoos and conditioners for hair and skin products.
Juniper Berries - (Juniperus Communis) Berries used. Restores pancreas, adrenals, diuretic, dropsy, uric acid, may help with gout. Used to make gin.
Kantikari - (Solanum Xanthocarpum, S. Surattense) (alt. Yellow-berried Nightshade) Root is expectorant. Fruits used in Indian curries. Important Ayurvedic medicine in India. Coughs, asthma, chest pain, precourser to sex hormones, cortisone.
Kava Kava - (Piper Methysticum) Roots used. Nervine. Tonic. Helps induce relaxation, sleep. Good to calm the nerves. Helps promote mental awareness.
Kelp - Thyroid, fingernails, takes fat off hip area, cleans arteries.
Knot Grass - (Polygonum Aviculare) (alt. Bian Xu) Whole herb and seeds used. Astringent. Bronchial coughs, mouth soreness, and oral post operative cleanser/wash, and strengthener. Tea reduces diarrhea, bladder infections. Diruetic, anti-bacterial, anti-wormer.
Kudzu - (Pueraria Lobata) (Ge Gen) Chinese TCM herb. Relieves thirst, reduces fevers and flu, combats or retards nausea. Aids in the withdrawal process from certain addictions including alcohol. May induce inflammation in arthritis sufferers.
Laceflower - (Ammi Majus) (alt. Bishopsweed) Ancient Eqyptian medicinal herb for skin afflictions. Also has Anti-cancer and Anti-AIDS properties.
Ladies Mantle - (Alchemilla Vulgaris) Reduces menstrual cramps, muscular difficulties, rheumatism, and gastric disturbances.
Lamb's Quarters - (Chenopodium Album) Pot-herb. Rich in Vitamins A and C.
Lantern, Chinese - (Physalis Alkekengi) Berries used. Reduces pain from fever, gout, and bursitis.
Larkspur - (Sonsolida) (alt. Delphinium) Anti-parasitical, Insecticidal. Revolutionary War Veterans used plant powder to destroy body lice.
Laserwort - (Sapohsnikoba Divaricata, Siler Divaricatum, Ledbouriella) (alt. Fang Feng) Roots used. Pot-herb. Chinese TCM herb. Reduces pain from headaches, migraine, sinus, colds and flus. Aids those with a wind-moist nature. Also used for harmonizing the spleen and liver. Analgesic, Anti-pyretic, and Anti-bacterial.
Lavender- (Lavendula Augustifolia) All parts of the plant used. Aromatherapy ingredient. Aids in reducing stress, headaches, sooth nerves, lung mucus and induces restful sleep. Used in cooking.
Leadwort - (Plumbago Zeylanica) Roots used. External use only. Anti-tumor supplement as well as an Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, and a Vermifuge. India & Africa natives use it for warts, parasitical skin diseases, shrinking external tumors, and to expel worms.
Lemon - (Citrus limon) Dried peel used. Helps to reduce varicose veins and kidney stones. High in Vitamin C & K. Used in cooking.
Leopard Lilly - (Belamcanda Chinensis) (alt. She-gan) Chinese TCM herb. Coughs and other bronchial conditions.
Lemon Grass - (Cymbopogon Citratus) (alt. West Indian Lemongrass, Cymbopogon Flexuosus) (alt. East Indian lemongrass, Fever Grass) Leaves used. Tincture or Tea used. Astringent and Tonic for skin, hair, and nails. Rich in Selenium and calcium. Some vitamin C. Trace amounts of potassium. Used in cooking.
Lemon Verbena - Encourages sweating to break fever, flu, and colds. Cleanser for cuts and scrapes. Syrup made into cough drops. Cologne fragrance.
Lemon Vervain- Indigestion, Antispasmodic. Helps stop coughing.
Lespedeza - (Lespedeza Capitata) (alt. Round headed Bush Clover) Lowers blood cholesterol. American Indian medicinal. Dried stems ashed on skin to aid in reducing bursitis and muscle pain.
Licorice - (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) Adjusts blood sugar, quick energy, cough soother, hoarseness, boosts adrenals.
Licorice, Chinese - (Glycyrrhiza Gralensis} (alt. Gen-cao) Principle TCM or Chinese medicine ingredient. Aids in taste of medicine as well as benefits all systems.
Linden - (Tilia x Eropeaea) (alt. Lime). Body Tonic.
Lion's Ear -Leonotis nepetfolia African folk remedy. Stimulant. Euphoric.
Lion's Tail - (Leonotis Loenurus) (alt. Lion's ear, Wild Dagga) Southern African medicinal. Reduces side effects of epilepsy, hypertension, nervous stomach and reduces bronchial afflictions. Headache reliever. Euphoric. Tonic.
Liver Wort - (Hepatica Acutiloba) Catarrh, Bronchitis, cough.
Lobelia - (Lobelia Inflata) (alt. Indian Tobacco). The most powerful herbal relaxant. Stimulant. Depressant. Can be used to stop panic attacks. Calms the nerves. Larger doses may cause depression. Reduces Asthma, bronchial afflictions, including pneumonia. Tincture useful in stopping smoking, and will stop a seizure.
Lobelia - (Lobelia Siphilitica) American Indian medicinal herb. Used to treat venereal diseases.
Lobelia, Red - (Lobelia Cardinalis) (alt. Cardinal Flower) American Indian medicinal herb. Nervine, Anti-spasmatic.
Lomatium - (Lomatium Dissectum) (alt. Cough Root) American Indian medicinal herb. Nervine, Anti-spasmatic. Treats colds and coughs. Wound wash. Ceremonial medicinal herb.
Love Apple - (Solanum Aculeatissimu) (alt. Soda Apple Nightshade) Raw ingredients for manufacture of many steriods. Anti-tumor ingredient.
Lovage - (Levisticum Officinale) Helps to Regulate Menstrual cycles.
Madar - (Calotrapis Gigantea) Indian herb. Root bark used to combat dysentery, skin diseases. Can be substituted for other emetics. Leaves/ flowers used to reduce fevers, cough, cold, and asthma.
Madder, Indian - (Rubea Cordifolia) Tibetan dyeplant also used to stop hemorrhages, reduce effects of fevers and blood disorders, stops nosebleeds.
Maidenhair - (Gingko Biloba) (Gingko Biloba, Maidenhair Tree) Thickens hair, helps with uptake of calcium, helps to remove mucus. Supposed brain tonic. Helps memory.
Ma Huang - (Ephedra Sinica) (Chinese Ephedra) Stimulant. TCM medication used for 5000 years for dispersing conditions of wind and cold: such as congestion, chills, fever, headache, cough, and wheezing. The active ingredient is ephedrine. Ephedrine also enhances thermogenesis, how the body burns fat for energy. Combine with Guarana and White Willow Bark for best effects for fat burning and muscle developing programs. Take no more than 300 mg. two times a day, as it increases the heartbeat, and should not be used by anyone with any type heart problems.
Maitake- (Grifola Frondosa) (Japanese King of Mushrooms) Immune system booster. Adaptogen - helps body adjust to stress.
Mallow, Common- (Malva Sylvestris) Leaves & Flowers can be infused in a wash to help moisturize skin externally and to sooth a cough, stomach, and intestinal upsets.
Mallow, Curled- (Malva Verticillata Crispa) Leaves used cooked in many fashions. Sooths intestinal upsets, anti-inflammatory & laxative properties.
Mandrake - (alt. May Apple) Antibilious, purgative, cathartic.
Manuka- (Leptospermum Scoparium) Leaves used to brew slightly bitter tea. Captain Cook mentions it in his ship's log. Maori remedy for bladder and kidney complaints as well as reduces effects from colds and flu.
Maralroot - (Leuzea Carthamoides, Rhaponticum carthamoides) Siberian shrub. Russian medicinal plant. Adaptogen. Helps atheletes to increase endurance, reflexes, concentration. Root extract increases the work capacity of muscles and normalizes blood sugar levels after exertion. Also seems to improve memory and learning skills, which may make it a possibility for Alzheimer's patients in the U.S. Contains ecdysteriods.
Marigold or Calendula - (Tagetes Erecta) Flowers are used. Blood and skin. Anti-viral. First aid remedy. Bee stings, skin disorders, wounds, varicose veins. Heals with speed and relieves inflammation. Oil used for earaches, Tincture applied to sprains. Salve for cuts and bruises, great to treat open sores. High in phosphorous. Contains Vitamins A & C. Rich in Lutein which helps eyes to focus. May be used for people with retinal degeneration. When marigolds are planted they repel mice.
Marjoram, Common - (Origanum Vulgare) (Wild Oregano) Medicinal oregano used in Greek Islands to combat indigestion, headache, cough and diarrhea. Used as a gargle for throat problems. Used in cooking.
Marshmallow - (Althaea Officinalis) Soothes eyes, chest complaints, bladder and kidney problems, bedwetting, inflamation.
May Apple - (Podophyllum Peltatum) Anti-cancer ingredient. American Indian traditional treatment for hepatitis, syphilis, fevers, constipation, and other blood illnesses.
Masterwort - (Peucedanum Ostrutium) Root used. Aids in secretion of stomach fluids, helps digestion and aids the appetite. Cardiac stimulant. Antispasmodic.
Meadowsweet- (Filipendula Ulmaria) Contains salycylic acid, the aspirin base. Tea useful for relieving gout, rheumatism, arthritis, fever. Must NOT be administered to children under the age of 10. Was once an additive to herbal wines and beer.
Melilot - (Melilotus Officinalis) (Sweet Clover) Detoxifier, Blood Tonic, skin cleanser, Anti-coagulant - keeps blood from clotting. Poultice or salve used to reduce swellings, boils, rheumatism & arthritis. Extra fiber, honey plant.
Milk Thistle - (Silybum Marianum) Tonic. Best herb to repair the liver. Detoxifies liver and other organs from other drugs. Blood cleanser. Improves circulation, improves brain and memory.
MilkVetch, Chinese - (Astragalus Membranaceus) (alt. Chinese Astragalus, Huang Qi) Immune enhancing. Fortifies spleen & Qi (chi.) Cardiatonic, Lowers blood sugars and pressure. Good for kidneys, liver functions.
Mimosa Tree, Chinese - (Albizia Julibrissin) (alt. Silk Tree, He Huan Pi) Anti-depressive. Used by TCM practitioners to sooth anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, poor memory.
Mint, Chinese - (Mentha Haplocalyx) (alt. Bo he) Used by TCM practitioners to dispel wind and heat.
Mint, Jamaican - (Micromeria Viminea) Digestive tea. Used in cooking.
Mint, Korean - (Agastache Rugosa) Stomach fortifier and fever reducer. Used by TCM practitioners to dispel wind and heat.
Motherwort - (Leonurus Cardiaca) Cardiac Tonic, reduces palpitations. effects from PMS, menstual pain and delayed menses. Sedative. Calmative.
Motherwort, Siberian - (Leonurus Sibiricus) (Yu-mu-cao) Anti-depressive. Used by TCM practitioners for a diuretic and vasodialator.
Mucuna - (Mucuna Pruriens) Ayurvedic Indian Medicinal. Nerve tonic. holds large amounts of L-dopa which is a base for dopamine. may be used to combat Alzheimers/Parkinson's diseases.
Mulberry - (Morus Nigra) Vermifuge. Bark used as tea to combat tapeworms.
Mullein - (Verbascum Thapsus) Diuretic & Liver tonic, skin disorders, cuts, scrapes, and bruises. Reduces pains, nervous Coughs, lung, ear, and sinus congestion, tuberculosis, lymphatic conditions. Can be used as an outer ear soothing oil for ear infections.
Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplements - Probably the most important single supplement that can be consumed by humans, provided they are of highest quality and have a higher mineral formula. Always the best form of mineral and vitamin supplementation for anyone is to eat a balanced diet that contains them all.
Myrobalan - (Phyllanthus Emblica) Ayurvedic Indian Medicinal and ancient symbol of healing. Anti-dysentery, Antibiotic. Liver Tonic.
Myrrh - (Commiphora Myrrha) Antiseptic, deodorizer, mouth rinse, skin disorders.
NAC - Nacn-Acetyl-Cysteine - Beneficial for prostate and respiratory problems. A powerful antioxidant with ability to neutralize free radicals to help slow down the aging process. Shown to support the body against many toxic hazards such as cigarette smoke, auto exhaust, and certain herbicides. NAC has all the benefits of L-Cysteine and is the least expensive way to boost peptide levels within the body. Benefits prove better than supplementing with Cysteine, Glutathione, and Methionine.
Nasturtium - (Tropaeolum Majus, Tropaeolum Minus) Flowers and Leaves used. Stimulant, Tonic. Flowers can be used as garnish in salads for a peppery taste.
Neem - (Azadirachta Indica, Melia Azadirachta) Twigs, extract, oil, bark used. Indian Ayurvedic ingredient. Twigs used as toothbrushes. Antibacterial, Gum protectants. Oil used for skin afflictions. Leaves used in poultices for external wounds. Powdered bark used to reduce nausea and fever. Insecticidal and insect repellant.
Nettle - (Urtica Dioica) Diuretic. Used to stimulate nerves and reduce pain. Rich in iron.
New Jersey Tea - (Ceanothus Americanus) (alt. Red Root) Similar to Chinese green tea. Used as a tea substitute. American Indian medicinal wash for skin afflictions, cancer, and genital sores. Reduces respiratory ailments and high blood pressure.
Nutmeg - (Myristica Fragrans) Stimulant to the gastro-intestinal tract. Used in cooking. Be careful with nutmeg as too much can be dangerous, especially the nutmeg oil.
Oak, White - (Quercus Alba) Astringent. May be used as a poultice, or wash for external use, or made sparingly into a tea or gargle for sore throats. Externally, reduces varicose veins, menstrual difficulties, hemorrhoids.
Oats - (Avena Sativa) Erection problems, gout, infertility, arthritis, scabies, psoriasis. Excellent for hair, skin and nails. Reduces cholesterol when oatmeal is eaten for breakfast. Used in cooking.
Oatbran - (Avena Sativa) Cholesterol fighter. IBS, constipation, diverticulosis, diverticulitis. Used in cooking.
Oatstraw - (Avena Sativa) Contains silicons which aid in growing hair, skin, and nails.
Olive -(Olea Europea) Gout reduction, wrinkles, mono-unsaturated fat, heart disease preventative. Greek Sunscreen product. Personal/massage Lubricant. Used in cooking.
Onion - (Allium, various) Helps control blood pressure and heart problems, Cataract preventative. Reduces or relieves: Allergies, asthma, burns, colds, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, IBS, insect bites and stings, pneumonia, scabies, varicose veins, and yeast infections. Used in cooking.
Oolong - Fermented green tea from China.
Orange Peel - (Citrus Aurantium) Calcium content varies with grower. Potassium, Antioxidant, immunity booster. Zest can be used for cholesterol reduction. Asthma deterrant. Used in cooking.
Oregon Grape - (Mahonia Aquifolia) Roots used. Antibiotic. Purifies blood and cleanses the liver. Reduces effects of: acne, psoriasis, arthritis, rheumatism, alcohol damage, relieves constipation, herpes, skin infections, reduces ulcerative tissues. Excellent cleanser.
Oregano - (Origanum Vulgare) helps to kill molds, fungus, and parasites. Olive oil and oregano mixed and eaten with fresh veggies or bread, is good for arthritis. Reduces body odor, glaucoma, high blood pressure, sinusitis, and amenorrhea. Used in cooking.
Oregano Oil - Wild Mediterranean - Oregano Oil is a potent antimicrobial and antiparasitic. Evidence shows Oregano Oil to be useful as an antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal agent rivaling pharmaceutical antibiotics in its ability to eliminate microbes and pathogens. It accomplishes this without promoting the development of drug resistant strains and other problems often attributed to the use of standard antibiotics. It is valuable as a food preservative, and has been used to decontaminate foods from potentially harmful pathogen.
Orris Root - (Iris x Germinica Florentina) Anti-viral, toxins to the colon. Used as a cooking fixative.
Osage-Orange - (Maclura Pomifera) Eyewash. Tea used to reduce colon irritation.
Osha - (Ligusticum Porteri) Anti-bacterial, Anti-viral. Native American, Ossawattamie Indian herb used to move bowels, combat viruses, sore throats, upper respiratory infections including pnuemonia. Stimulates circulation.
Oxknee - (Achyranthes Bidentata) (alt. Niu Xi) Principle TCM or Chinese herbal ingredient. Drains dampness. Nourishes kidneys and liver. Promotes circulation and kidney/bladder functions. Used to treat weakness in legs or feet or trauma to the lower back area.
Oxknee, Sichuan - (Cyathula Officianalis) (alt. Chuan Niu Xi) Regional TCM or Chinese herbal ingredient. Clears atrophy of lower extremities and treats pain due to wind dampness. Nourishes kidneys and liver. Promotes circulation and kidney/bladder functions. Used to treat weakness in legs or feet or trauma to the lower back area.
Palmarosa - (Cymbopogon Martinii Motia) Indian Auyervedic oil for lumbago and skin problems as well as a base for mosquito repellants.
Papaya - (Carica Papaya) Bromeine aids in digestion of proteins, enzymes, heartburn preventative.
Pansy - (Viola Cornuta) (Alt. Heartsease) Bronchial coughs and asthmatic complaints.
Parsley - (Petroselinum) Appetite stimulant, Breath purifier. Diuretic, blood builder, kidney cleanser. Used in cooking.
Passion Flower = (Passiflora Incarnata) (Alt. Maypop) Very safe, calming, even for children. Found in many herbal combinations for: Sedative, Eye infections, tension, stress, nervous disorders, sleep, alcoholism. Tea, tablet, tincture available.
Pasque Flower - (Anemone Pulsatilla) Helps to correct membrane disorders of the respiratory & digestive tracts.
Patchouli - (Pogostemon Patchouli) Appetite inducer, sleep aid. Used in aromatherapy and incense.
Pathenium - Lymph nodes, infections, tonsillitis.
Pau' D'Arco - (Tabebuia Impetiginosa) Bark is used. Helps treat or reduce: Cancer, leukemia, tumors, fungus, blood builder, candida sans.
Pellitory - (Parietaria Judaica, P. Officinalis) Whole flowering plant is used. Diuretic and anti-inflammatory. Used to treat kidney stones, cystitis, bladder and chronic urinary tract diseases.
Pennyroyal - (Mentha Pulegium) Gentle Stimulant, Eases headaches. Diuretic, relieves nervous stomach, help cramping during menstrual cycle, cleans lungs and chest of congestion. Not to be used by pregnant women. Use this herb with caution. Repels fleas and ticks on animals.
Peppermint - (Mentha Piperata) Digestive aid, Indigestion and gas reducer. Tea works to settle upset tummy, cramping, or effects of IBS, sea sickness, or morning sickness. Used in cooking.
Peony Root - Antispasmodic, convulsions.
Periwinkle - (Vinca minor) Astringent and Sedative. Staunches bleeding, settles nerves.
Physic Nut - (Jatropha Curcas) Seeds and leaves used. External use only. Skin parasites, venereal disease, herpes, and wound dressing.
Pigs Ears - (Cotyledon spp) (Alt. Plakkies) Wart remedy. Works on pets. Thick fleshy grey green leaves are sliced lengthwise & placed on the wart for up to 12 hours daily. Warts soften and drop or rub off.
Pimpernel - (Anagalis Arvensis) (Alt. Weatherglass) Hot flashes, skin disorders, arthritis, depression, mental distress.
Plantain - (Plantago Majore) Astringent, Diuretic, Expectorant. Soothing to the lungs and urinary tract, poultice for bee stings, breaks down toxins that cause pain, contains papain, which breaks down proteins. Excellent as a disgestive stimulant. Used in cooking.
Plantain, Chinese - (Pantago Asiatica) (Alt. Che Quian) Promotes urination. Clears Heat. Corrects eye problems caused by deficient liver or kidneys functions or excessive heat in the liver channel. Reduces diarrhea and helps with obstetrical pre-delivery problems.
Plantain, Ribgrass - (Plantago Lanceolata) Leaf juice used. Extringent, Diuretic, Expectorant. Blood cleaner. Strengthens respiratory immunity. Antibiotic. Soothing to the lungs and urinary tract, poultice for wounds; breaks down toxins that cause infections.
Pleurisy Root - (Asclepias Tuberosa) (Alt. Butterfly Weed) Anti-Inflammatory, Expectorant. Reduces pain of all upper respiratory complaints.
Poplar - Buds gathered in springtime (also known as Balm of Gilead) Coughs, Asthma complaints.
Prairie Clover - (Petalosternum Candidum) American Indian panacea and Stomachic. Life medicine. Pawnee and Navajo remedy for abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever.
Prickly Ash - (Zanthroxylum Clava-Herculis) Stimulant. Good for the circulatory system. Reduces varicose veins, arthritis, and other skin problems.
Primrose - Menopausal hot flashes, skin disorders, arthritis.
Prince's Feather - (Polygonum Orientale) (Alt. Shui Hong) Antibacterial, Antibiotic. Removes heat, fights infection. Asian cancer figher for infections of lower intestines.
Privet, Chinese - (Ligustrum Lucidum) (Alt. Napal Privet, Nu-Zhen-Zhi) Post Cancer treatment for invigorating white blood cells, kidneys, and liver. Treats tinnitus, blurred vision, dizziness.
Psyllium, Indian - (Plantago Ovata) (Alt. Blond Psyllium, Isphagula) Best fiber, diverticulitis, colon blockage, treats diarrhea and IBS.
Pumpkin, Styrian- (Cucurbita Pepo Styriaca) Juice and seeds used. Central Eurpoean hulled seed oil treats inflammations, prostate, and arteriosclerosis. High in vitamin E.
Pyruvate - Produces ATP in the body, used to boost the body's metabolism for weight loss. Combine with Creatine and Alpha Lipioc Acid for best body benefits.
Queen Anne's Lace - (Daucus Carota) (Alt. Wild Carrot) Infusion used to reduce swelling in ankles, edema, bladder infections, kidney problems. Poultice used to reduce ulcerated skin and external sores when mixed with honey.
Quinine, Wild - (Parthenium Integrifolium) Native American prairie herb used as Diuretic. Reduces kidney and bladder infections. Immune enhancer. Reduces Restless Legs Syndrome, quiets or stops Charlie Horses in legs, feet, and reduces spasms of the lower extremities.
Red Clover - (Trifolium pratense) Stimulant, Anti-Cancer, Anti-tumor, Calmative. Reduces skin problems, relaxes nerves. Reduces nerve spasms. Reduces coughs from bronchial problems, reduces pain from gastric troubles and ulcers.
Red Raspberry Leaves - (Rubus Idaeus) Diuretic, Stimulant, nausea, diarrhea, gastritis, menstrual pain, tea used to strengthen the uterus to avoid miscarriage and easier labor pains during childbirth.
Rose, Apothecary - (Rosa Gallica Officinalis) Insomnia, stomach ache, headache, and toothache relief.
Rose Hips - (Rosa Canina) Rosehips are 20 times richer in Vitamin C than oranges. Vitamin C complex, reduces inflammation, gives clarity of mind, helps colds, infections, blood purifier.
Rhubarb - Enhances gallbladder function, used as a vermifuge (anti-worms.) Vegetable used in cooking.
Rhubarb, Chinese - (Rheum Palmatum) (alt. Da Huang, Turkey Rhubarb) Purgative. Chinese medicinal herb. 5000-year-old remedy. Anti Tumor properties. Anti-Cancer ingredient in EssiacĀ®.
Ribose - Supplement which is a simple sugar that occurs naturally in all living cells and in one of the simplest molecules used by the body to build and restore energy. Very important for the production of ATP, the major source of energy used by cells and muscle tissues for normal functions. Ribose has been shown to increase muscular levels, boost endurance, promote recovery, and increase energy levels.
Rosemary - Headaches, tonic for stomach disorders. Antiseptic, Stimulant. Used in cooking.
Safflower - (Carthamus Tinctorius) Gout, aids in hydrochloric acid production for digestion, reduces cholesterol.
Saffron - (Crocus Sativus) Gas. Used in cooking. It's one of the most expensive herbs.
Sage - (Salvia Officianalis) Flatulence and indigestion relief. Hair growth and rinse, memory, sore gums, throat, nerves.
Sage, African Blue - (Salvia Auretia) Southern Africa. Used for coughs, colds, flu, chest ailments, and to relieve menstrual cramps or heavy blood flow.
Sage, Lyre Leaf - (Salvia Lyrata) (alt. Cancerweed) American Folk remedy. Anti-Cancer properties. Nervine. Used for coughs, colds, flu, chest ailments.
Sage, Red - (Salvia Miltiorrhiza) (alt. Tan Shen, Chinese Sage, Red-Rooted Sage) Nervine. Chinese medicinal herb. Used to stablize the heart and calm nerves. Roots are effective against angina, phlebitis, and intravascular clotting. May have some effect against atherosclerosis.
Sage, Spanish - (Salvia Lavandulifolia) Spanish medicinal herb. Lowers blood sugar without affecting insulin production.
Sage, White - (Salvia Apiana) American Indian Sacred Herb, used whole as incense/smudge. Used in Sweatlodges to cure colds, much as we use herbs heated in water in steam baths.
Sagebrush - (Artemisia Cana) (alt. Blue Sage) Ranges from Sierra Nevada area to northwest Canada. Montana Indian medicinal. General tonic. Hair restorant, reduces skin inflammations.
Samphire - (Crithmum Maritimum) (alt. Sea Fennel) Leaves used. Boiled or pickled. Tonic. Digestive. Diruetic. European/British additive in treatment of obesity.
Santonica - (Artemisia Chamaemelifolia, A. Maritima) (alt. Sea Wormwood, Levant Wormseed) Vermifuge, especially good for children with worms.
Sarsaparilla - (Aralia Nudicaulis) Testosterone, body builder, impotency, and hair growth.
Saw Pametto - (Serenoa Repens) Tonic. Prostate health, prostate cancer preventative supplement. May enlarge female breasts and male genitalia. Also good for relief from cold and flu symptoms, bronchial ailments.
Savory - (Satureja) Regulates menstrual cycles, stomach disorders.
Schizandra Chinese - (Schizandra Chinesis) (alt. Wu-wei-zi) Chinese medicinal herb. Has cough suppressant and calming properties. Nervine. Given to people with stress disorders, chronic coughs, asthma, thirst, incontinence, diarrhea, and IBS. Immune system enhancer.
Scullcap, Baikal - (Scutellaria Baicalensis} (alt. Huang-Qi Ni) Feverfuge. Chinese medicinal herb. Used to reduce fevers, colds, hypertension, insomnia, headaches, hepatitis, diptheria, and to provide relief from shingles.
Senna - (Cassia Marilandica, Colutea Arborescens) Pergative for the lower bowels, anti-constipational. Vermifuge (anti-worms.)
Senna (Chinese) - (Cassia Tora) (alt. Jue-Ming-Zhi) Laxative. Chinese medicinal herb. Promotes clearer vision. Relieves swelling caused by liver inflammation. Used to combat high blood pressure, headaches, and dizziness.
Sha Yuan - (Astragalus Chinensis) (alt. Chinese Milkvetch) Seeds used. Chinese medicinal herb. Tones liver and kidneys. Restores poor vision. Relieves Yang-deficient symptoms for lower back pain, tinnitis, and urinary problems.
Sheep's Sorrel - (Rumex Acetosella) Fever coolant, catarrhs, hemorrhages, and urinary tract disorders. Main ingredient in EssaicĀ® cancer cure.
Shepherd's Purse - (Capsella Bursa-pastoris) Stimulant, stops all types bleeding internally and externally.
Slippery Elm - (Ulmus Rubra, Ulmus Fluva) Sore throat, tender membranes, ulcers, colitis, hiatal hernia, diaper rash, and stomach aches.
Soapwort - (Saponaria Officinalis) Natural shampoo.
Solomon's Seal - (Polygonatum Biflorum) Roots used. Laxative. American Indian remedy used to reduce upset stomach, general debility, cough, constipation, and skin irritations.
Spirulina - 70% protein, reduces appetite and the urge to snack.
Skullcap - (Scutellaria Lateriflora) Sleep aid, heart, improves circulation.
Sneezewort - (Achillea Ptarmica) Powder of dried plant used. Old time snuff ingredient to rid a person of old dried phlegm.
Speedwell - (Veronica Officinalis) Infusion used to reduce coughs. Lotion made from decoction clears slow healing wounds and skin eruptions.
Spikenard - (Aralia Racemosa) Detoxifier. Reduces swelling from asthma, arthritis, and aids in reducing skin eruptions and dryness.
Stevia - (Stevia Rebaudiana) Herbal sugar substitute. 50 times sweeter than sugar. Pancreatic stimulation.
St. John's Wort - (Hypericum Perforatum) Diuretic, Stimulant. Depression, anxiety, immune system, skin disorders, repairs nerve endings. Mood controller. Once used to help combat bedwetting. Liniment used to aid in reducing pain from swollen joints.
Squaw Vine - (Mitchella Repens) (alt. Partridgeberry, Checkerberry) American Indian tea for late pregnancy, pelvic pain, and easier childbirth preparation.
Suma - Anemia, stress, fatigue.
Sumac, Sweet - (Rhus Aromatica) (alt. Anise root) Calmative. American Indian remedy for indigestion, gas, flu, colds, pneumonia, and bronchial troubles.
Sweet Grass - (Hierochloe Odorata) American Indian Cermonial grass used in peace and healing rituals.
Sweetroot - (Osmorhiza Occidentalis) American Indian Calmative, diaphorectic, and diuretic, tonic for liver and heart, soothing to stomach.
Sweet Rocket - (Hesperis Matronalis) Aphrodisiac. Sweet Scented Night Flowering herb. Gland Stimulant. Salad ingredient for amorous adventurists. Tea ingredient for love potion makers.
Sweet Woodruff - (Galium Oderatum) Calmative, diaphorectic, and diuretic, tonic for liver and heart, soothing to stomach.
Tamarind - (Tarmarindus Indica) Ayurvedic Indian medicinal. Laxative. Digestive. Feverfuge. Leaves used. In tea form: Cools fevers, reduces effects of dysentery and morning sickness. Poultice made of leaves used to reduce pain from swelling and to bring boils to a head.
Tansy - (Tanacetum) Astringent. Cosmetic aid in sunless tanning products. Insect repellant especially useful for cockroaches.
Tarragon - (Artemesia) Digestive. Appetite inducer, medicinal flavoring in alcohol products, good for gastric disorders.
Tea - (Carmelia Sinesis - Thea Sinesis) Astringent. Diuretic and Astringent. Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, high floride content is a preventative for tooth decay.
Tea Tree - (Melaleuca Alternifolia) Antiseptic, Antifungal, and antiviral. Oil gathered from leaves. Although can be used on gums and lips for antibiotic purposes, NOT to be taken internally. May cause blistering of delicate skin. Use with caution.
Thistle, Blessed - (Cnicus Benedictus) Historically important Benedictine herbal medicinal plant. Digestive. Tonic. Good for ciculation and blood cleanser. Strengthens heart, brain, and memory. Appetite inducer, medicinal flavoring in alcohol products, good for gastric disorders.
Thyme - (Coleus Ambonicus) Top of the growing herb is used. Great astringent. Good for headaches, gas, fevers, respiration, and cholesterol control. Used in cooking.
Toothache Plant - (Spilanthes Oleracea) Australian. Eaten in salads. Watercress-like plant. Antibiotic. Relieves toothaches. Antibiotic against Candida overgrowth.
Toronjil Morado - (Agastache Mexicana) Mexican herb. Digestive. Feverfuge. Relieves flatulence, indigestion, anorexia, colic, and improves appetite. Is recommended for children. Can help with weight loss, anorexia, and central nervous system disorders. Has anti-malarial properties.
Tribulus - (Tribulus Terrestris) (alt. Goatshead, Puncture Vine, Caltrop) Diuretic herb in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines. Reduces kidney, lower back pain, and urinary problems. May be an aphrodisiac. Clinical research shows that it improves male erection and increases sperm count.
Turmeric - (Curcuma Domestica) Protects liver from toxins, lowers cholesterol. Used in cooking. Destroys cancer cells. Often combined with black pepper as a catalyst to carry the turmeric where it is needed in the body.
Turtlehead - (Chelone Galabra) (alt. Balmony) Stimulates a poor appetite. Vermifuge, Reduces effects of hemmorhoids, constipation, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Digestive.
Umkcaloabo - (Pelargonium Sidiodes) (alt. Wild Geranium) South African Antibacterial. Root used for treatments of chronic infections of the ear, nose, and throat. Especially good for sinusitis and acute bronchitis. Root powder is used to combat tuberculosis.
Unicorn, False - (Chamaelirium Luteum) (alt. Fairywand, Devilsbit) Leaves used. Diuretic. Normalizer for uterus and gynecological ailments. Root acts as a hormone regulator for the ovaries. Reduces effects of cystitis, menopause, ovarian cysts, uterine infections, morning sickness, endometriosis, and to help prevent miscarriage.
Uva Ursi - (Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi) (alt. Bearberry) Leaves used. Diuretic. Used to control spleen, bladder, and kidney infections,
Valerian, Anthos - (Valeriana Officialis) Leaves and flowers used. Sedative. Stimulant. Nervine. Sleep aid, reduces insomnia, pain, chest complaints, and muscle spasms. Valium is made from valerian.
Vanilla Grass - (Anthoxanthum Oderatum) (Sweet Verna Grass) Homeopathic. A tincture of flowers aids in reducing hay fever in part caused by its own pollen.
Vap Ca - (Houttuynia Cordata) Vietnamese culinary and medicinal herb.
Vervain - (Verbana Officinalis, Verbena Hastata) Aphrodisiac. Bitter. Disgestive. Nervine. Good for insomnia. Also used in Chinese medicine.
Vetiver Grass - (Vetiveria Zizanioides) (alt. Khus-khus) Oil repels lice, bedbugs, flies, gnats, and cockroaches.
Vick's Plant - (Plectranthus Pupuratus) Smells like Vick's Salve. Used as tincture in cream base to reduce chest cold symptoms.
Virgin's Bower - (Clematis Virginiana) Tea of leaves and flowers relieves headaches, tincture added to cream base can help to heal sores, skin ulcers, and itchy skin. May cause rash in some people.
Violet - (Viola Odorata) Best plant source for Vitamin A. Can be used as a Tonic as well as a Relaxant. Roots used to stop diarrhea and sooth stomach ache. Often seen candied for decorative use on cakes.
Visnaga - (Ammi Visnaga) (alt. Honey plant) Ayurvedic/Indian herb. Leaves and seeds used. Seeds contain khellin & visnadin. Reduces painful menses, angina, heart spasms, cramps, colic, bronchial complaints. Nervine.
Vitex - (Vitex Negundo Heterophylla) (alt. honey plant) Bee pollinator plant. Gives flavor to wildflower and other honeys throughout the world. Used for fibroid tumors, headaches, dizziness, coughs, and mental irritability.
Wahoo - (Euonymous Atropurpurea) Dried Leaves used. Once used as a diruetic, laxative, tonic and expectorant. Has Digitalis-like effect on the cardiac muscles and must not be used without a licensed doctor or herbalist.
Watercress - Cleans the kidneys. High in Vitamin C plus minerals, iron, calcium, sulfur, copper, and manganese. Blood strengthener.
Waterleaf - (Talinium triangulare) (Leaf Ginseng, Surinam Spinach) Leaves and stems used. Tonic. Indonesian cooking herb used like ginseng.
Waterpepper - (Polygonum Hydropiper) (alt. Azabu-tade, Cultivated Smartweed) Japanese herb used in sushi. Good for raising internal temperaure of muscles.
White Oak Bark - Tincture in cream aids in reducing hemorrhoids, bleeding, varicose veins. Tea made of the bark acts as a vermifuge that repels pinworms.
Wild Lettuce - (Lactuca Virosa) Sap called lettuce opium. Induces sleep and reduces nervous disorders. Nervine. Considered as natural morphine.
Wild Yams - (Discorea Villosa) Whole Tuber used. Treated by the body as though it is progesterone. Digestive. Nervine. Bronchial complaints, labor pains, and asthma.
Willow Herb - (Epilobium Parviflorum) Herb used. Original source for Swedish Bitters. Useful for prostate, bladder, and kidneys.
Willow, White - (Salix Alba) Leaves, bark used. Original source for aspirin base (salysylic acid.) Digestive. Stimulant. Tonic. Possible stomach irritant. Reduces kidney pain, headaches, arthritis. High in calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and zinc.
Wintergreen - (Gaultheria Procumbens) Leaves, bark used. Digestive. Stimulant. Tonic. Headaches, arthritis. Anti-inflammatory. Used as flavoring for mouthwashes.
Witch Hazel - (Hamamelis Virginiana) Leaves, bark used. Useful in treatments for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Astringent. Blood clotter. Cleanser. Blemish reducer.
Woad, Chinese - (Isatis Indigotica) (alt. Da Qing, Qiug Dai) Source ingredients for Indigo Blue dye. Treats obstruction in the gall bladder and liver. Effective against flu, hepatitus, and measles. Antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflamatory.
Wolfberry, Chinese - (Lycium Barbarum) (alt. Gou-gi-zhi, Matrimony Vine) aka Goji Berry. Chinese Medicinal herb. Used to restore vital essences. Improves vision, increases bone and liver function, white cell production, stimulates tissue renewal, wound healer. Strengthens muscles and tendons. Berries eaten raw or cooked, leaves and shoots are also used. Goji Berry juice is popular for anti-aging, enhancing moods, enhancing the immune system, fighting fatigue, and fighting free radicals in the body.
Woolly Grass - (Imperata Cilindrica) (alt. Bai-mao-gen) Chinese herb used for heat excess. Blood stauncher, suppresses bruises. Diuretic, antibacterial.
Wood Betony - (Stachys Officinalis) Caffeine Free substitute for black tea. Nerves, liver, and spleen. Acts as a sedative for the nervous system but as a heart stimulant, muscle relaxer. Rich in calcium. Also contains manganese, phosphorous, and potassium.
Woodruff, Sweet - (Galium Odoratum) Helpful for migraine headaches, nervous conditions, and stomach pain.
Wood Sage - (Teucrium Scarodonia) Hops substitute in beer. Used to reduce flatulence and indigestion.
Wormwood - (Artemisia Absinthium, A. arborescens or A. ludoviciana) Leaves used. Breaks fevers, used to combat malaria, bronchial diseases, cough, colds, gout. American Indian Ceremonial Smudge. Digestive, vermifuge, parasite chaser. External wash clears up skin infections.
Wormwood, African - (Artemisia Afra) Native of southeastern continent of Africa. Feverfuge, anti-malarial. Relieves symptoms of bronchial ailments, coughs, colds, indigestion, gout and constipation or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Tincture in cream used to clear skin rashes.
Wormwood, Chinese - (Artemisia Apiacea) Feverfuge. Malaria fighter. Cooling effect. Detoxifying for the bloodstream. Antibiotic. Blood stauncher, herbs used against nose will stop nose bleeds.
Wormwood, Roman - (Artemisia Pontica) Relieves stomach pains, indigestion. Used in Italian vermouths as a flavoring.
Wormwood, Sweet - (Artemisia annua) (alt. Qing-guo, Sweet Annie) Asian Feverfuge. Malaria fighter. Cooling effect. Detoxificant for the bloodstream. Antibiotic.
Yam - (Dioscorea Villosa) Whole Tuber used. Important Native American medicinal. Treated by the body as though it is progesterone. May reduce labor pains. Used in treatment of bronchial complaints as well as asthma. Also important as a contraceptive ingredient.
Yam, Cinnamon- (Dioscorea Batatas) (alt. Chinese Yam, Shan Yao) Phillipine medicinal herb. Traditional Chinese Medicine herb.
Yarrow - (Achillea Millfolium) Whole herb or flower is used. Kitchen garden or pot herb. Salicylates (aspirin derivatives) Antiseptic. Reduces fever, nosebleeds, obstructed perspiration and chicken pox. Roots can be used in elixers to combat blood disorders. Mosquito repellant. High in Postassium, phosphorous, and B-complex.
Yellow Dock - Root used. Balances body chemistry with high mineral content. Anemia, blood purifier, itching, liver, hepatitis, skin. High in Vitamins A, C, iron, and manganese.
Yerba Mansa - (Anemopsis Californica) (alt. Swamp Root) American Indian medicinal herb. Root infusion used. Good as a headache or pain reliever, reduces congestion and pain in colds and bronchial complaints.
Yerba Mate - (Ilex Paraguariensis) Whole herb or flower used. Stimulant. Blood cleanser, age enhancer, slows appetite. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals.
Yerba Sante - (Eriodictyon Californicum) Leaves used. Expectorant. Stimulant, whole body tonic, stimulates heart, digestion, relieves bronchial congestion, good for circulation.
Yohimbe, Yohimbine - Aphrodisiac herb, hormone stimulant, libido, blood flow to erectile tissue.
Yomogi - (Artemesia princeps) - (alt. Japanese mugwort, Kui hao) Leaves and seedlings used. Utilized as a flavoring, color, and scent. Reduces heavy menstrual flow and is also used as a wash for eczema or itchy skin in Chinese and Japanese medicines.
Yucca - (Yucca glauca) Root used. May be used as a shampoo. Helps the blood, digestion, arthritis, gout, bursitis. Contains steroid saponins, a natural blood cleanser and cortisone. Reduces joint inflammation. Contains Calcium, sodium, zinc and B-Vitamins.
Sweet Potatoes may cause inflammation in arthritis sufferers, while true yam varieties should not. Substitutions are rampant due to misidentifications at the grocery stores and herb shops.
Zuta Levana - (Micromeria fruticosa) (alt. Little Mint, Tea hyssop) Israeli and Middle Eastern Tea and Spice. Used as a flavoring for olive oil as a dip with pita bread. Also used medicinally to treat stomach ulcers. Should not be used by pregnant women.
Zhi Mu - (Anemarrhena asphodeloides) Roots used. Anti-diabetic and antibacterial herb used in ancient Chinese medicine. Reduces effects of pneumonia and bronchitis. May aid in reducing insomnia.
Zhi Shi - (Citrus Aurantium) - Bitter Orange. The immature dried fruit of Citrus Aurantium. Appetite Suppressant. More thermogenic than ephedrine and has fewer side effects. Stimulates metabolism without affecting the nervous system. Combine with caffeine, white willow bark, green tea, and cayenne pepper for best thermogenic usage, 300 mg. three times per day.