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Saute 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts in a skillet that has been sprayed with cooking oil spray. Cook the breasts four minutes on each side. Add salt and pepper to suit your taste. Remove from skillet to plates. To the same skillet, add 1 Tbsp. lime juice, 3 Tbsp. chicken broth, 1 tsp. minced gingerroot, 1 tsp. dried basil, and 1 tsp. dried mint. Heat and serve over the chicken breasts. Makes 2 servings.

Saute 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts in a skillet that has been sprayed with cooking oil spray. Cook the breasts four minutes on each side. Add salt and pepper to suit your taste. Remove from the skillet to plates. To the same skillet, add 1/2 sliced onion, 1 minced clove of garlic, 1 tsp. minced dried rosemary, 1/4 cup no-fat chicken broth, until bubbly. Add chicken and cook 4 more minutes then serve. Makes 2 servings.

Mix 2/3 cup chopped red onion, 4 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar, 2 tsp. dried oregano, 2 cloves garlic, minced, and salt and pepper to suit your taste. Take 1 lb. of flank steak and salt and pepper both sides. Divide the steak into two equal pieces, or you can make 4 four oz. servings if you like. Save 1/2 the marinade to serve over the grilled steaks when done. Pour the other half of the marinade into a plastic bag, then add the pieces of steak. Marinade in the refrigerator for at least one hour or up to overnight. Have your grill pan really hot, then add your marinated steaks, and cook until done to your desired state. Discard the marinade in the bag. Bring the other half to a boil, and pour it over the steaks when serving them.

How do you know when steaks are done?

For rare steaks, grill 4 to 6 minutes on each side.

For medium steaks, grill 5 to 8 minutes on each side.

For well done steaks, grill 6 to 10 minutes on each side.

I give a different amount of time on each one so you can choose the doneness that you want, as some like steak cooked red to pink and others do not want any pink showing at all but still want a juicy steak.

Shred 1/2 head cabbage, chop 1/4 cup red onion. Place in a skillet sprayed with a cooking oil spray. Saute until done, then remove from skillet to a plate. Whisk 6 large eggs, 1 Tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tsp. minced garlic, 1 small can drained bamboo shoots, and salt and pepper to suit your taste. Pour the cabbage mixture into the egg mixture and mix well. Spray skillet with cooking oil spray. Make individual patties using about 4 oz. of the mixture and cook 4 min. on each side. When you flip the patties over after the first 4 minutes of frying, add 4 shrimp to each patty, and let it fry for 4 more minutes. Garnish with chopped green onions and red bell pepper strips. Serve.

1 lb. ground round
1 tsp. minced garlic
2 cups diced celery
1/2 onion, sliced
1 cup fat-free beef broth
7 oz. can sliced mushrooms, drained
8 oz. can bamboo shoots, drained
6 oz. can low-fat mushroom steak sauce
3 Tbsp. light soy sauce
1/2 tsp. cornstarch
Brown ground round in a skillet over medium-high heat, breaking up meat with a spoon and stirring well. When fully cooked, drain off any fat and add celery, onions, and beef broth. Reduce heat to low, add a cover, and simmer until desired tenderness of vegetables is reached. Add mushrooms, bamboo shoots, steak sauce, and soy sauce. Mix well. Add cornstarch that has been dissolved in some cold water to the mixture and heat until thickened. Serve with chow mein noodles sprinkled on top.

Butter spray a 9 X 13 inch glass baking pan. For the sauce, saute 1 chopped onion, 4 cloves minced garlic, 1 tsp. each basil, oregano, and parsley. Stir. Add 24 oz. chopped tomatoes. Simmer.
Slice 2 lbs. zuchini lengthwise in thin strips. Spray all the strips with no calories, butter spray. Place the zuchini strips on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 5 minutes.
Dice some yellow squash and baby eggplant to make 2 cups when diced. Bake the veggies on a cookie sheet for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.
Buy some portabello mushroom slices to use instead of meat in this recipe.
In your glass baking dish, layer some of the sauce, then the baked zuchini strips. Top with half the roasted veggies, then a thin layer of low-fat ricotta cheese. Add the portabello mushroom slices. Add a layer of grated low-fat mozzarello cheese. Add the remaining roasted veggies, and the remaining sauce. For the topping, add more of the low-fat grated mozzarello and some parmesan cheese. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes. Serve.

Purchase two salmon filets. Slice a pocket in the center of each filet. Spray the exterior with olive oil cooking spray, then rub in some dillweed and lemon juice mixed together. Thaw a pack of frozen spinach and squeeze out the water. Mix the spinach with 1/2 cup low fat cream cheese, the juice from one lemon, and 1 tsp. dillweed. Divide this between the two filets placing the stuffing into the centers of each. Bake at 350 degrees on a cookie sheet in parchment paper for 20 minutes. Serve. Makes 2 servings.

1 cup any preferred nuts, pulverized
3/4 cup drained cooked chickpeas
1 beaten egg
1 Tbsp. oil
1/3 cup bread crumbs
1 Tbsp. grill seasoning
1 tsp. paprika
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
Put everything in a food processor on high until the mixture becomes a dough-like consistency. Form the mixture into patties and fry in hot oil until browned on both sides. Drain the patties on white paper towels. Place each pattie on a bun, and add any condiments you prefer, such as sliced avocadoes, sliced tomatoes, sliced purple onions, or lettuce leaves.

Mix 1 pkg. water based tuna, with the juice of one lemon, salt and pepper to suit your taste, 1 Tbsp. dill pickle relish, 1 tsp. mustard, 1 Tbsp. no-fat mayonnaise, 1 diced apple, and 2 Tbsp. chopped pecans or walnuts. Serve on a platter on top of a bed of lettuce.

You can make chicken salad with this same recipe, just substituting a pkg. of boneless, skinless, chopped, cooked chicken breasts instead of the tuna.

You could also substitute a can of boneless, skinless salmon or a can of shrimp to make other versions of this recipe.

5 eggs
4 Tbsp. parmesan cheese
2 Tbsp. skim milk
1/4 tsp. lemon zest
1 tsp. salt and pepper
8 asparagus spears cut into bite-sized pieces
4 slices Canadian bacon, chopped
Mix and cook 9 minutes in a skillet sprayed with olive oil cooking spray. Then place skillet under the broiler for one minute. Let sit for five minutes and cut into wedges. Serve.

Use wheat tortillas, sprinkle low-fat grated mozzarello cheese all over the top of one. Microwave it on high for 1 to 1-1/2 minutes or until the cheese has melted. Roll up like a burrito to eat if you want just one, or serve in wedges by using two wheat tortillas with the melted cheese in between them. Serve.

Using wheat tortillas, sprinkle grated low-fat mozzarello grated cheese all over the entire tortilla, sprinkle on some dried basil, then add some canned diced tomatoes, salt and pepper. Microwave for 90 seconds on high, then roll the tortilla up and serve it.

Using wheat tortillas, layer some cooked roast beef down one end, top with low-fat grated cheese, roll them up and microwave for one minute on high. Serve.

Slice some leftover steak into thin strips. Saute bell pepper strips and sliced onions in an olive oil cooking spray skillet until done. On a bed of salad greens, sprinkle some grated low-fat mozzarello cheese, then place the cooked steak strips, and sauted peppers and onions. Serve.

On a large wheat tortilla, sprinkle low-fat mozzarello grated cheese to cover it, add cooked strips of steak, bell peppers, and onions. Heat in the microwave on high until the cheese has melted. Serve.

You can substitute leaf lettuce for the tortillas in these recipes, if you don't eat bread.

To make your green salads, use those bags of triple washed greens you can purchase at your supermarket for convenience when in a hurry.

Mix 1/4 cup lemon juice, 3/4 cup olive oil, 1 tsp. Dijon mustard, 1 Tbsp. minced gingerroot, and 1 tsp. rice vinegar until smoothly mixed. Keep in a bottle and use on your green salads.

Mix 1/4 cup any citrus juice, 1 tsp. citrus zest, 3/4 cup olive oil, 1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar, and salt and pepper to suit your taste, until smooth.

1 can diced tomatoes
1/2 diced cucumber
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 diced yellow bell pepper
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to suit taste
Blend all ingredients and chill in refrigerator overnight. Serves 2.

1 cup tomato juice
1/4 cup no-fat chicken broth
1/4 cup low-fat milk
1 cooked and diced boneless, skinless chicken breast
Mix and heat ingredients, then serve. Makes 2 servings.

1/2 cup flaxseed meal
2 cups grated squash, onions, and zuchini
1/2 cup Egg Substitute
1/2 tsp. each salt and black pepper
Mix and form into patties. Use olive oil cooking spray in the skillet. Fry latkes 4 minutes on each side. Serve with applesauce or low-fat sour cream.

1-1/2 cups snow peas
1 tsp. soy sauce
1/4 tsp. sesame oil
1 tsp. sesame seeds
Microwave for 90 seconds on high, then serve.

Chop 4 cups bite-sized mixed vegetables and spray them with garlic-olive oil cooking spray. Add 1 tsp. dried basil or rosemary, salt and pepper to suit your taste. Place in aluminum foil and bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Serve.

Open a can of mixed vegetables or use frozen ones if you prefer. Place in a saucepan. Spray in some butter spray cooking oil for flavor. Add 1 tsp. Hickory or Mesquite Smoke Flavoring. Stir well. Serve warm.

Use one whole tomato for each person served. Slice each tomato in half. Spray them with olive oil cooking spray. Sprinkle on some salt and pepper, then some dried basil and top with parmesan cheese or mozzarello cheese. Broil until the cheese has melted. Serve.

Cut a head of cauliflower into wedges. Spray with olive oil cooking spray, then sprinkle on salt and pepper to suit taste. Bake at 450 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve 3 wedges per person.

Since mashed potatoes are not allowed on a low carb eating plan, try substituting cauliflower for the potatoes. Mash them after boiling and draining and add salt and pepper, a bit of low-fat sour cream, and a bit of low-fat butter. Serve.

Use 1 baby eggplant per serving. Halve eggplant lengthwise and broil one minute skin side up. Turn it over, spray with olive oil cooking spray, then brush with soy sauce. Broil 5 minutes. Serve.

2-8 oz. pkg. softened low-fat cream cheese
1 Tbsp. dillweed
1 clove garlic, minced
5 drops hot sauce
1/2 cup finely crushed nuts
Mix and form into a ball, roll in the crushed nuts, and chill in refrigerator until time to serve. Serve with a knife and cracker assortment.

Bring 2 qts. low fat skim milk to a boil with 1/2 cup lemon juice added and stirred to mix well. Turn off heat when it comes to a boil, and let it sit overnight. In the morning, separate the milky part from the solid parts by pouring it through a sieve or coffee filter. The solids will be the ricotta cheese. Keep working the milk out of the solids until you get it to your desired consistency. Keep stored in the refrigerator.

Chill a can of evaporated milk overnight in the refrigerator. Whip it in your blender until smooth and creamy. You can add any extract to flavor it, as well as some Splenda for added sweetness if desired. This is excellent to dip fresh strawberries in for a romantic dessert.

Mix 1 cup ricotta cheese, 1 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/4 tsp. instant coffee granules, 1/2 tsp. vanilla, and 2 Tbsp. Splenda until smooth. Divide between two dessert dishes. Garnish each with 5 chocolate chips and serve.

You can make different flavors by simply changing the extract and using any citrus zest and some of the juice from it and using zest for a garnish.

Make your crust from no-fat, no sugar cookies that you crush finely. It takes about one cup crushed cookies, mixed with 1 Tbsp. Splenda, and 1 Tbsp. butter flavored oil. Spray your pan with butter flavored cooking spray, then pat the crust into the bottom of pan. Or you can line the whole pan with foil for easy removal later.
In a bowl, cream 12 oz. low-fat cream cheese with 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 cup Splenda, 24 oz. low-fat cottage cheese, 1/4 cup cornstarch, 1 egg, 2 eggwhites, a dash of salt, and 1 Tbsp. vanilla. Pour into your crust and bake in a water bath at 350 degrees for one hour. Cool and serve.

3/4 cup Splenda
1/2 cup Egg Substitute
1/3 cup applesauce
1 cup soy flour
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. instant coffee granules
1 cup hot water
1/8 tsp. salt
Mix and pour in cooking oil sprayed pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes. Cool then frost.

8 oz. low-fat cream cheese
1 Tbsp. low-fat butter
2 cups Splenda
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/8 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
3 Tbsp. skim milk if needed only
Beat all ingredients with a mixer until smooth. If it's too thick you can add the skim milk to make it of a spreadable consistency.

To make vanilla frosting, just omit the cocoa powder. To make different flavors, use a different extract and add food coloring to match the flavor.

1 cup chunky peanut butter
1 cup Splenda
1 egg
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup soy flour
Mix and form into small balls. Place on a cookie sheet. Flatten with a fork. Then make a crisscross design on top by turning the cookie sheet and mash with fork again. Bake at 350 degrees for 9 minutes. Cool. Serve.

1/3 cup Splenda
2 medium citrus, zested
3 cups Half 'n' Half
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
3 eggs plus 3 eggyolks
2 tsp. vanilla
2/3 cup Splenda
Caramelize the 1/3 cup Splenda until it begins to melt over medium-high heat in a skillet. Don't stir. Once it melts, cook for 5 minutes on low heat, until it has turned a golden brown color. Immediately pour into six individual ramikens, making sure the caramel sauce coats the entire bottom of each dish.
For the custard, place the zest from the citrus in a saucepan, add the Half 'n' Half, then the cinnamon for 15 minutes over low heat.
Whisk the eggs and eggyolks in a bowl. Add the 2/3 cup Splenda.
Strain the heated Half 'n' Half, then temper the eggs by mixing part of it into them, before pouring it all into the eggs. Mix until smooth, then add the vanilla and stir again.
Pour equally into the six ramikens. Bake them in a water bath at 325 degrees for 35 minutes. Cool for one hour. Then chill in refrigerator for 2 to 24 hours before serving. To serve, loosen the edges of each ramiken with a knife and invert onto a dessert plate. The caramel should be over the top of the Flan. Serve.

1-1/2 cups low-fat milk
3 Tbsp. frozen apple juice concentrate
1/2 cup low-fat vanilla frozen yogurt
1/4 tsp. cinnamon extract
Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Whip on high speed for 2 to 3 minutes, or until frothy. Serve. Makes 2 servings.