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Part 2

by Dr. Robert Anthony

Did you do your assignment? Did you monitor your thoughts? What have you been focusing on most of the time? Are you focusing on what you want, or what you don't want?

If you have habitually been focusing on what you don't want, then it's time to recognize that it will only bring you more of the same - what you DON'T want!

However, the fact that you are conscious of your thinking is a giant step forward. Most people on this planet have no idea what they are thinking. Instead, they just keep REACTING to their thoughts. Observing your thoughts will bring you one step closer to the Million Dollar Secret That Can Change Your Life.

Let's continue.

Today we are going to talk about why most self improvement programs fail. My guess is that this is not the first self-improvement information you have been exposed to. I will even go out on a limb and say that you have probably tried numerous self-improvement books, tapes/CD's, systems, methods, or techniques, and have not had half the results you expected.

Why Not?

Why do most self-improvement programs fail? The answer to this will enable you to rise above the majority of people who are trying to hopelessly to improve their lives.

So let's look at why most our self-improvement programs fail.

1. We Fear Change

Face this fact; no matter what type of self improvement strategy you are using, at some point you are going to have to make a CHANGE. It could be a small change, or a big change, but you are going to have to get out of your comfort zone.

Our subconscious conditioned mind does not like change. In fact, it is designed to resist change and to keep us where we are. The reason for this is the subconscious is primarily a survival mechanism. Its primary function is survival. It perceives any type of change as a threat to our survival. Unless we can bypass our survival mechanism, all our self- improvement attempts will fail.

2. We Seek Instant Results.

Today people are conditioned by media advertising to expect instant results. Hence they want it NOW and expect to see results immediately in one session, one day, one week, one chapter, etc. They give most self- improvement techniques and practices one shot, and if they do not get immediate results, they get discouraged and give up.

Immediate results are always possible, but sometimes we need time to align our energy with our desires. If we do not align our energy properly, we will not reach our goal.

The need for instant results or instant gratification often keeps people from taking the time to align their energy, so it actually takes them LONGER to reach their goals.

3. We Give Up Too Soon.

Most people give up too soon. Part of this is due to the need for instant results and instant gratification. However, one of the reasons we give up too soon is we see temporary setbacks as proof we cannot reach our goal or desire. When this happens we blame ourselves and/or the self-improvement program, book, audio, seminar, etc. and give up too soon.

In order for any self-improvement program to work, you must not give up, even when it looks like it is not working.

4. We are TRYING instead of DOING.

Most people try to get what they want. The problem is every time you try, you are setting yourself up for failure. In reality you can't try to do anything, You either DO it or your DON'T. The whole world is trying and most are failing. You cannot succeed if you "try". Once you stop "trying" and start "doing" you can begin to expect results.

When people try self-improvement programs, they immediately set themselves up for failure. My clients have a 99% success rate when they follow through. But getting people to follow through is almost impossible in some cases.

My point here is that the success or failure with any personal improvement strategy is based on DOING, not TRYING to do! Those who try are guaranteed to fail. Those that DO (follow through until they get the result they desire) are the people who achieve their great dreams and desires.

5. We Focus on WHAT Instead of WHY.

Most people fail at self-improvement efforts because they focus on WHAT they have to do to get what they want. If you lose focus on your objective or WHY you want what you want, and instead you focus on WHAT you have to do, you will give up when the going gets tough. Unless you constantly focus on the WHY (the benefits), you will not be able to make the changes you desire.

Your assignment today is to decide how serious you are about getting what you want. Are you willing to do ANYTHING to make it happen? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Until the next lesson I want you to think about this. And if you are not serious about changing your life for the better NOW, then don't even waste your time with this e-course. Instead, sit back in your recliner, turn on the TV, open a can of soda, scratch the back of your head, and just keep doing what you have been doing. (Of course, you will keep getting what you have been getting!)

But if you are excited about making a major change in your life, if you are really ready to attract what you desire, and you are not going to give up until you reach your goal, then something wonderful is going to happen in your life. And it will be in the next few days.

Part 1

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6