Part 4

by Dr. Robert Anthony

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In the last three lessons we talked about how your thoughts in this moment create your future. This not a new idea. If you have studied any self-improvement material, I am sure you have heard all this before. However, up until now you may have had difficulty BELIEVING this is true. Also, you really had no idea of WHY and HOW this is true.

When you take a look at what is happening in your life, you may have difficulty making the connection between your THOUGHTS and what is actually happening. It seems like the two are separate. Let's try to connect the dots.

Neither success nor failure happens by accident. The assumption of almost every person I have ever met who continues to fail in almost everything they do, is that they believe something or someone OUTSIDE of them is responsible for their present circumstances.

I guess it asks the question, WHO or WHAT is responsible for us NOT having what we want? Our parents? Our background? Our education? God? Destiny?

How do your thoughts, and more accurately your emotions, determine how your life plays out?

Here's how it works.

If you hold fast to the belief that you are a victim of your circumstances, or that whatever happens to you is purely random or predestined, you will keep creating that same reality. This also becomes your "reason," or more accurately, your excuse why others can have what you want, but it can never happen for you.

But here is the REAL problem, You are in a TRANCE and you don't even know it! You see, we all live in a trance. As a hypnotist for many years, I have learned that trances are powerful. They are real. And, we are ALL in them.

You're in a trance right now. So am I. As long as we BELIEVE the trance we are in, we will continue to live in that trance. When we wake up from our trance, we'll just be in ANOTHER trance and live that. Even the "I'm now awake" trance is just another trance.

Unfortunately, the trance most people are in keeps them from understanding how things actually work. I am sure you will agree that we live in a universe that is governed by a series of physical laws. Take gravity for example. We have no idea how gravity works, but we see evidence of it working every day. So it is not a matter of whether we BELIEVE it or not, the law of gravity works every moment of our existence. And there are many other laws like that that run without our conscious attention or belief.

I want to discuss ONE law in particular that is as certain as gravity and that ABSOLUTELY determines the outcome of your life. This law determines whether you have money, health, positive relationships, success or anything else in your life. It also determines whether you live a life that is full of worry, fear and stress, or a life that is carefree and happy.

This law is called The Law of Attraction. Without understanding how this law affects your life, your life will continue to appear chaotic and uncertain. Worse yet, you will spend the rest of your life REACTING to everything and everyone around you - being pushed one way and then another, like a cork floating on the ocean.

The things you react to in your everyday life are a direct result of what you think, feel and believe. Unfortunately, the majority of people will argue that it is the other way around. That things just HAPPEN to us and this is what causes us to feel the way we feel. And all we can do is to try to make the best out of what's HAPPENING because we really don't have control over the events in our lives.

The majority of people live their life this way. They lead lives of quiet desperation, just accepting things as they are, living their lives HOPING for the best, while ACCEPTING the worse.

However, you do not have to be among this sad majority. In fact, you can walk away any time you want, once you understand the Law of Attraction and how it works.

Despite the fact that this law has been around before the beginning of time, most people who pride themselves as being logical thinkers will discredit it. They'll say that it's nonsense, and it is not based on science or reality.

As we know, for centuries we thought the earth was flat. THINKING something is true or false does not make it so. What REALLY matters are RESULTS we experience when we live by those thoughts.

Let's talk a moment about the Law of Attraction and see if we can put it into perspective. You have heard the saying that like attracts like. That is absolutely true. Why? Because everything in our universe is made of energy. Science has proven that like energy attracts like energy.

Everything on this planet - in this universe - including our thoughts, are made up of energy. If you don't believe this is true - that everything is made up of energy - then let me ask you this question. What do you think YOU'RE made up of? You may say, Flesh and bones. Okay, then the next logical question is, what are your flesh and bones made up of? Cells? Okay, then what are your cells made up of? Molecules. Okay, what are molecules made up of?

If I keep asking the question, eventually the answer must bring it back to the basic substance from which we are all made. When you run out of the physical stuff, you are left with only one thing: Energy! You cannot deny that we are made of energy. Quantum science has already proven that this is true.

Here is something important for you to know about energy. All energy has specific magnetic proprieties. To put it in simple terms, we are basically magnets. As magnets, we are attracting things all day long, even if we are unaware of it.

This magnetic energy is also VIBRATING at different frequencies, and those frequencies determine the magnetic properties of the energy that we are vibrating. Essentially what we are saying is this: How we align our energy is the key to making a MAJOR change in our life and attracting ANYTHING we desire.

Maybe this is easy for you to understand and accept. On the other hand, maybe your logical mind has trouble accepting that this is real. You may even be thinking that this is a bunch of metaphysical nonsense. It doesn't matter.

I am going to reveal the Million Dollar Secret That Can Change Your Life in the next lesson. You will learn how and why this secret is the key to creating the life you have always desired.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 5

Part 6