Part 6

by Dr. Robert Anthony

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If you have made it this far, congratulations on your persistence! It shows me that you serious about creating the life you truly desire.

Hopefully by now, you have a much better idea of how things work. In other words, how you get what you get, and how you can create what you desire if you use the Million Dollar Secret That Can Change Your Life.

All you have to do to begin to turn things around is to start focusing on what you want instead of what you don't want. It is as simple as that.

We have said this over and over again, but now you know WHY this is important.

Here is something else that is important for you to understand. Each one of us is ALREADY an expert on manifesting what we focus on. This is an inborn quality of the brain (and our energetic system.) The problem is most people's manifesting mechanism is running on "automatic", or by "default."

Whatever you were taught, whatever you absorbed from your parents, teachers, culture, religion, education, all of those different influences, determines what you focus on.

The reason most people focus on what they don't want is because of what they have experienced in the past. For example, they have a negative emotional experience. They lose their money, their business, their mate leaves them, they have problems in their relationships, etc. That tells them that there is danger out there and they have to watch out for it. They don't want to go through the same experience again. So they begin to focus on NOT HAVING that experience again.

The problem is that the brain cannot tell the difference if you are focusing on something because you want it, or you are focusing on it because you don't want it. It just sees something that you focus on as something you WANT. So it just says, "Okay, we can do that. We can create that."

The point here is that people are ALREADY experts at manifesting what they focus on. The problem is they are UNCONSCIOUSLY focusing on the results that they DON'T want.

Here is another important fact. It is impossible to create negative results in your life and do it CONSCIOUSLY. All the negative results you are creating, you will CONTINUE to create for your entire life, as long as you do it UNCONSCIOUSLY. In other words, as long as you are running on "automatic" or by "default." However, it is impossible to create negative results CONSCIOUSLY.

The good news is that when you become consciously aware of where your energy is going, then all that stuff that doesn't serve you any more just falls away. When we become conscious we cannot go back and make the same mistakes again because it just doesn't feel right anymore.

The conscious person is aware of what's going on in every moment of their life, and because of that, they know exactly what to do in every moment without having to stop and figure it out. It is a great place to get to, and it should be your ultimate goal.

If you want to know what it is you are focusing on, you just have to look at what is happening in your life. Simply notice the results in your life.

For example, you find yourself saying. "I'll never be able to pay these bills." Okay, after what you have just learned, what do you suppose will happen? That's right. You will attract more of "not being able to pay these bills." And because this is what you are focusing on and energetically vibrating, it will find its vibrational match, which is "more bills."

Remember the Million Dollar Secret That Can Change Your Life. To create anything we desire, all we have to do is "change" our vibrational frequency to "match" what we want.

So let's go back to our example. In the moment you think a thought that is in opposition to what you want, say to yourself, "My vibrational energy does not match what I want. My energy is going in the wrong direction." Then state what you really want.

In this example, what I really want is a constant stream of money to come into my life. Instead of focusing on what I don't want, or on just paying my bills, I am going to keep focusing on ways to increase my income. This is where I am going to send my vibrational energy to find its match. I now ask my subconscious to make me consciously aware of opportunities that will allow me to do this. I know this can happen as fast as I am willing to accept it, so I accept this is happening right now.

See the difference?

Instead of going about your life sending out a vibrational energy that causes you to unconsciously attract what you don't want, you are sending out a vibrational energy that focuses on what you do want. In addition to that, you have consciously and deliberately instructed your subconscious to attract the vibrational match you desire.

And since the Law of Attraction works with mathematical exactitude, you will begin to attract the very things you have always wanted.

Pretty cool, wouldn't you say!

And the best part is you can start right now. To begin to attract everything you desire all you have to do is to use the Million Dollar Secret That Can Change Your Life.

If you understand the Law of Attraction I am sure you can also see that you have attracted this new information into your life. You have been exposed to this information and to the Rapid Manifestation process for a scientifically specific reason. How do I know that? Because I know for an absolute fact that there are no coincidences in the universe. Nothing happens by accident or chance.

In addition to helping you to create or manifest what you WANT in your life at a MUCH FASTER RATE, the Rapid Manifestation process will also help you to become more conscious so that your default survival mechanism doesn't UNCONSCIOUSLY attract the things that you DON'T WANT into your life. More importantly, it will allow you to create your life by DESIGN instead of by DEFAULT.

Personally, I would welcome the opportunity to help you to start living your life by DESIGN instead of by DEFAULT. And I'm not just talking about making things a little better. What I am talking about is helping you to create the most exciting life you can possibly imagine, and then showing you how to bring it into your experience as quickly as you are willing to accept what I can teach you.

If your logical mind refuses to accept what you have learned in this e-course, or if you think this is metaphysical nonsense, then I invite you to put it to the test.

You can do that right now.

Let me ask you this question. Isn't what you are experiencing right now an EXACT reflection of what you have been thinking on a moment-to-moment, day-to-day basis, at a deep inner level? If this is so, then you are living proof that what you have just learned is absolutely true.

The bottom line is that your life is a direct reflection of what you have been focusing on and the vibrational energy you have been sending out up to this point. The Million Dollar Secret That Can Change Your Life can turn that around.

Remember, EVERYONE attracts according to the frequency of their own personal energy systems. This also includes the collective energy systems of groups and nations. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this, just as there are no exceptions to the law of gravity.

It is a perfect system that ALWAYS works and CANNOT FAIL. Since it is perfect, and since it cannot fail, we can use this system to create whatever we desire.

So why not start now? Isn't it time to allow yourself the freedom to move from where you are to where you want to be? To create a life that defies what you believe to be "logical" and "realistic"? Because being logical and realistic is nothing more than accepting what we already know. And if what we already know is not getting us what we want, then we will continue to create more of what we don't want.

Let me ask you this. Has all the information you have studied so far gotten you what you want? How much time, energy, and money have you spent on receiving that information that got you to precisely where you are right now? Probably more than you care to admit.

I am not asking you to invest in more information that does not work. I know the Rapid Manifestation process works and so do thousands of my clients. It is a small investment that will make a HUGE difference in your life.

You now have a powerful tool that will allow you to create whatever you desire. It will help you to remove the obstacles that have been standing in your way from achieving your dreams and desires.

I know that you have dreams and desires. I also know those dreams and desires CAN come true. Have you ever asked yourself WHY you have dreams and desires? Do you have them just to torture yourself? No! Your Higher Self installed those dreams and desires in you to lead you to take ACTION.

But I promise you, if you don't live those dreams and desires, and you don't take action your life is going to be the same tomorrow, next week, and next year. Nothing is going to change.

But, once you start to live your dreams and desires, you'll never have to look back. You will finally experience the joy and happiness you have always been looking for.

And, it's a lot easier than you think. The Rapid Manifestation process you will discover with "Know How to Be Rich" will enable you to QUICKLY and EASILY change your magnetic point of attraction. More importantly, it will ensure that you KEEP GOING until you have created your heart's desires.

If you really want to discover a path to success and wealth that never fails, I invite you to take a look at my "Know How To Be Rich" program. It has helped thousands of people like you to achieve their goals, dreams, and desires in the shortest possible time.

Get all the details at:

Just scroll down to the bottom and look for the big order link.

Thanks again for allowing me to share this e-course with you.

The rest, my friend, is up to you.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Know How To Be Rich by Dr. Robert Anthony