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At age 73, I am completely alone and free,

To begin a new life and to rewrite my story.

Without any stress or strife in my life,

Giving Father God all the Praise and Glory.

Blessings, Miracles, Healings, Serendipities, Synchronicities,

Inner Peace, Truly Happy, Incredibly Wealthy, Godwinking,

Enjoying my life, perfectly healthy, even in my thinking.

Now I have the ideal life I deserve,

With a mentally sound system of very strong nerves.

My environment is calm, peaceful, and quiet.

No more insomnia, I sleep through each night.

Nevermore in need of anyone or anything ever again.

For I am now whole and complete through God, not in humans.

This year 2023 is a new beginning for me and my heart.

A fresh new start was put in my shopping cart.

My son and my Mother I will always love and miss.

When I, too, pass onto Heaven, I can greet again with a warm hug and kiss.

Reunited as a family for Eternal Life with no more anxiety, stress, or strife.

Unconditional Agape Love will be everywhere

Because I know it is there, just not here.

I will finally fit in when for me Eternal Life begins.

I hold no grudges for anyone!

Life is too short to have even one.

Choose to be happy, everyone.