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From "Peace to All Beings," by Judy Carman (Lantern Books, 2003)

Because of the law of attraction, the power of passionate intention, and the divinity that lives and breathes in every one of us, the following prayer formula is power-packed and will really work for anyone.

1. Acknowledge the problem or challenge.

2. Know that the problem has no real power. Only Love has power.

3. Pray and affirm that the best and most loving outcome already exists and is now ready to manifest.

4. Visualize that outcome. Use all your senses to feel it as reality. Breathe power into it.

5. Feel your oneness with the universe, with the Divine, and with the answered prayer and the persons involved.

6. Release it with joy to the nurturing care of God. And so it is. And all will be well.

To get rid of someone who is bothering you, do not curse them, bless them out of your life. Affirm this: "I bless you to your highest good and you go there now." Soon that person will move out of your life and onto their highest good.

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