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Here are some tips on how to tell if a potential partner is a prince or just another frog in the player's pond of life, regardless of his age.

All females should know that once a male has your phone number, if he is interested in you, he will call you, sooner or later. If he doesn't call you, then he is either too shy or intimidated to call you, or he is just not that interested in you. Males definitely will pursue females with whom they are interested in having a relationship.

The Bible says, "Flee fornication." That means to remain celibate until you are married. The greatest gift you can give to your future husband is your virginity. If a man really cares about you, he will not push you for sex. If a man pushes you for sex without being married, he is definitely a frog, not a prince. Quick sex is all he is out for in life. Sex between a man and a woman who love each other and wait to have it until they are married is a beautiful experience that neither of you will ever forget or regret. It is not popular in the world to wait for marriage to have sex, and takes two strong Christian people to be able to wait.

Ask your questions upfront, before you get emotionally involved with him. If he won't answer you truthfully, then he has things he needs to hide from you for some reason.

Being faithful means staying dedicated to both your mutual verbal agreements to be monogamous with each other.

Being committed to each other means staying dedicated to your future together as a couple.

Honest and daily communications with each other are necessary in a relationship. You must both realize that the consequences of both your actions will determine either the success or end of your relationship.

If you are lucky enough to find a prince, then treat him like he is a king. Don't take him for granted. He wants to be treated like you want to be treated, with kindness, love, appreciation, and respect.

A prince will answer your questions honestly because he has nothing to hide from you. A frog will avoid answering any questions that do not suit his own purposes and hidden agendas because he has much to hide from you. Frogs can lie to you with a sincere look without having any guilt problems. If you persist in asking them questions they won't answer, they get all pompous acting and become angry and project their misgivings onto you, trying to make you look like the bad person. Eventually, when they are caught, they might rarely admit they have been lying to you, but in many cases, they will never admit any fault on their part for anything they say or do. Frogs tend to place blame on others without accepting that anything is ever their fault.

A prince turns off all his profiles online as soon as he meets you without your having to remind him because he wants to give your relationship top priority in his life. A frog leaves all his profiles online active just in case someone better than you comes along, since he's still keeping all his options open. He may even lie to you and tell you he does not have any active profiles. Some frogs never close doors to their past relationships. Narcissists are especially bad about going back and having sex with past lovers whenever they call them. Narcissists will always lie to you and declare you are the one they love. They pick arguments with you when they are needing to get away for a while to go have sex with someone else. They enjoy talking to you about other women they have been involved with. Women are just victims they use to get all their needs met. They do not ever love anyone, because they have no true feelings, ethics, principles, morals, values, remorse, or guilt about anything they say or do at any time.

A prince does not keep company with friends who cheat. A frog feels right at home having friends who cheat, or a father who cheated on his mother is familiar territory for a frog. They feel comfortable with other cheaters, so they probably will cheat on you.

A prince calls when he says he will. Integrity is one of his virtues. A frog has a long list of excuses he uses as to why he didn’t call. Honesty means very little to him, but he will expect YOU to always be honest with him.

A prince puts you first no matter what. He places your happiness ahead of his own. You are his top priority. A frog puts everything but you first: himself, work, drinking, shooting pool, golf, movies, his vehicle(s), and other friends. You name it. You will never be a top priority with a frog, and eventually will be at the bottom of his list of priorities, if you are on it at all.

A prince enjoys just being with you and paying attention to you. A frog could be a narcissist and always needs to be the center of attention. This could be a sign he would cheat on you under the right circumstances, such as being around other females who make him feel better than you do.

A prince wants to meet your family and friends and wants you to meet his when he sees the relationship is moving forward. A frog may take you out with his friends or bring his friends along on your dates, even on the first date. This should be a clear sign that dating you has little to do with building a relationship. A frog does not want to meet your family either, as he fears they will sense he is a frog and say something to you that would hinder his plans. The exception would be if he thinks your family could benefit him in some way. As for his family, don’t ever plan on meeting them. They probably haven't even seen each other in years, and couldn't get along for ten minutes if they did.

A prince does not hesitate to answer your phone calls because he is only reminded of how much your relationship means to both of you. He adores knowing that you call to tell him how much you love him, and does the same thing to you every day. A frog sees that it is you calling, and does not answer the phone, later making up excuses as to why he couldn't answer your call or couldn't call you back. What he is really telling you is that your relationship doesn't mean much to him at all, and he is probably lining up a new person already. If he is not cheating on you now, he will be soon.

A prince is always considerate of your feelings. If he's late, he calls to let you know. He is punctual. He can be depended upon when he says he will do something. He is a responsible man. A frog is very inconsiderate of your feelings and just thinks about what he wants to do when he wants to do it. He never calls when he is late, is never on time, is undependable, and is irresponsible. He might make a lot of promises to you that he never intends on keeping. You can never count on him to do what he says he will do because he never takes anything very seriously at all. He is a procrastinator. He goes by the rule, "If it's not broken, don't fix it."

A prince comes home to you as soon as work hours are done each day because you are the person he enjoys being with most. A frog begins to find more excuses to not be around you, so he can be with his mistress instead. Watch out for his referrals to some specific woman, or offering to do chores outside the home that will get him away from you and give him extra time to visit someone else. These are warning flags that he could be cheating on you or will be soon. Stay in touch with what is going on at his job as well, since most men meet a mistress at their workplace or favorite hangout. Many men cheat while on their job, but eventually, they will begin to spend more time with their mistress after work.

A prince puts your needs ahead of his own. He is willing to discuss what your needs are and then will try to meet those needs if he can. A frog could care less what your needs are since he is only out to get his own needs met. He probably has a harem of women he can call to meet his needs.

A prince invests time in getting to know all about you, taking time to find out your favorite songs, foods, drinks, dessert, interests, likes, dislikes, etc., a sign of his falling for you as a whole person, not just a sex object. He does not blurt out immediately that he loves you. A frog puts forth little effort to really get to know you, will ignore most of your questions to him, and mostly can only talk about sex and how fast can you and he get it on in your relationship. He tells you sight unseen that he loves you and wants to marry you, or that you are soulmates because he is a player and does this to women online all the time.

A prince remembers the things you have told him and what he has told you because he is honest. A frog cannot remember what he tells you from day to day because he tells so many women so many lies about himself.

A prince is the one who will hand-deliver chicken soup when you’re sick. He will nurse you back to health. He would never abandon you when you need him. A frog is the one who will be way too busy to see you when you’re sick because it won’t be any fun for him, or he can't afford to get sick himself. He will be the first one to exit just when you need him the most. You can count on a frog showing up at your door when HE gets sick, so you can nurture him back to health if he has no one else to do it. Be prepared for him to leave you again as soon as he has recovered.

A prince enjoys being romantic, giving you lots of hugs, kisses, and affection each day without always expecting sex in return. A frog expects sex every time you and he begin kissing, and might, in time, get to the point that he dislikes being affectionate at all, and only wants quick sex.

A prince will hold you in his arms when you are in need of emotional support. He listens to you talk when you need to discuss something that is bothering you, giving you his undivided attention. He shows you by his actions that he is always there for you through thick or thin, bad times and good, in sickness or health. A prince will laugh with you and cry with you and is secure in his masculinity. He does not mind you seeing his vulnerable side because he knows a strong love develops through people's emotional sides. A frog never gives you any emotional support because he has no idea what that is and has no intentions of learning how to give it to you. He gets embarrassed when you cry or are upset for any reason and leaves you in a sad state of mind. A frog will never be there for you emotionally to give you the support you need for any reason. He will tell you emotions are silly or that real men don't show their emotions. A frog is very insecure emotionally.

A prince wakes up each day and asks himself how can he make your day a little better. A frog wakes up each day and asks himself how you can make his day a little better.

A prince will romance you slowly, bringing you a single flower or bouquet when the time is right, sending a romantic card, or going someplace fancy for dinner to celebrate something special. He wants a relationship that will last a lifetime with you. A frog will romance you from soup to nuts right away, sending the most expensive flowers he can afford just because he wants to impress you, going to the more expensive restaurants from the beginning, and other similar extravagances. He’s looking for a quick payoff, sex. Once you have sex with a frog, he's ready soon to leave you for someone else then. And if you don't have sex with a frog fast enough, he will dump you also, because that is all he is interested in with you or anyone else. Save yourself much pain emotionally and possibly physically, and just dump a frog from the start.

A prince is reminded of you when he goes shopping. He might bring you little gifts just to show he cares. A frog never thinks of you at all when you are apart. He buys gifts for himself. On some occasions, he might even buy you a gift that he secretly wants.

A prince shows you how much he loves you by providing for you if he should die so you won't have financial problems and have to remarry just to make ends meet. (Society encourages women to remarry and makes it difficult for a woman to make it alone in life, but it can be done.) A frog will take out a large insurance policy on you in hopes that your death will make him a very rich man someday.

A prince would never cheat on his mate because he is happy with her and would not jeopardize their relationship in any way. A naked woman could stand before him and he would turn her down because he truly loves his mate. A frog would cheat as often as he could get away with it, then block it out of his mind, pretending it never happened. He covers his tracks well. He has an explanation for everything in advance because he does this often. He will never be truly happy or in love with anyone. Physical lust is as far as it goes with a frog, and more notches on his belt are all he is out for where women are concerned. Women are just sex objects to him to be used sexually, then dumped, and move on to the next one. He's like a bee that flits from one flower to the next, sipping its nectar, then moving on to another one. His motto is, "So many women, so little time."

A prince does not mind helping you out with chores around the house so you can spend more time together. A frog watches tv or goes out with his friends while you do all the housework, cooking, and chores.

A prince will be your best friend. The trust that is built that comes with true intimacy, the willingness to be vulnerable, and the confidence that the friendship can withstand conflicts constitute a best-friend relationship. You both respect and acknowledge the values the other person has. You don't have to manipulate, control, or change them to suit your own needs or beliefs. You feel safe and secure within your relationship because both of you know you are valued and accepted as a whole person just as you are, and neither of you would ever abandon the other one for any reason. A frog cannot be a true friend. He is looking for a puppet he can control by pulling the strings. It's got to be his way or none at all. He is a user of people, a manipulator, a control freak, a person with many hidden agendas, and he will need to denigrate or devalue you or anyone else in his life to make himself feel good. If your frog ever becomes abusive, either verbally or especially physically, you need to get away from him immediately and stay away from him. You are only putting your life in jeopardy to stay with someone like that. If you have children, they will see him treating you that way, and think it is okay to do that to women. When they grow up, girls will choose men like that, and boys will treat women badly. So think of them please and what your relationship is teaching them!

A prince will mention his significant other to any other female he meets within the first five minutes of a conversation. This lets the other woman know he is not on the market. A frog never mentions you in his conversations with other females, unless it is to get their sympathy. If you ask why he never mentions you, he will say he does not mix business with pleasure, and that his private life is private. It might sound good, but it is just another lie he tells you.

A prince will not say or do things to purposely hurt you or make you jealous. When you are with a prince, he only has eyes for you. He says and does things that make you feel good about yourself and your relationship. If something is bothering him, he will openly discuss with you what is wrong so the air can be cleared between you. A frog will openly flirt with other females just to upset you or make you jealous. He watches other women to check them out. He constantly makes remarks that are meant to hurt your feelings and make you feel bad. It will only get worse with time.

Never have a relationship with anyone who just pretends to be your handsome prince, but his behavior and actions say, "I am really just a horny toad!" Actions speak louder than words. You will save yourself a lot of hurt and pain emotionally in the long term.

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