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In a food processor, place half a loaf of sliced whole wheat bread and process it for 15 seconds to make breadcrumbs. Add 1 large egg, 1 tsp. sesame oil, 1 Tbsp. soy sauce or Bragg's Amino Acids, 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1 tsp. onion powder, and 2 condiment-sized Beef Flavor Enhancers packets or use 2 of the seasoning packets from the Ramen Noodles and 2 tsp. beef bouillon powder, mixing well. Form 4 equal patties from this mixture the same size as a real hamburger would be. Cook them on both sides in hot beef broth in a covered skillet for ten minutes per side. Drain on white paper towels. Set aside your 4 cooked Faux Hamburger Patties.

Cook four bricks of Ramen Noodles in a large pan of water for five minutes. Drain off the water. Do not use the seasoning packets unless you want to use two of them in your 4 Faux Hamburger Patties above. Mix 4 large beaten eggs into the cooked and drained Ramen Noodles in a large bowl. Use 8 eight-ounce butter sprayed ramekins and divide the Ramen Noodles' mixture evenly among them. Cover each ramekin with plastic wrap, and press down on the Ramen mixture with your hands to flatten the mixture as much as you can. Set a heavy can on top of each one over the plastic wrap and place the ramekins in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes to set up. Gently remove each Ramen "bun" from the ramekins, and fry them on both sides until lightly browned in hot vegetable oil. Drain on white paper towels. Use two of these Ramen Noodles "buns" to assemble with one of your Faux Hamburger Patties. Put cleaned arugula over one "bun". On the other "bun" place one of the cooked Faux Hamburger Patties. Add a cooked fried egg, a slice of white cheese, a slice of sweet onion, and some mustard/mayonnaise. Wrap in parchment paper, and enjoy your Ramen Burger with plenty of napkins, some Lay's Potato Chips, and a SodaStream Fountain Jet homemade soft drink. Makes 4 Ramen Burgers.

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