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For years people told me I should write books on romance and recipes. These web pages are the results of many years of research. For your convenience, I have some of them, the romantic ones, divided into specific courses. I hope you enjoy them all! You will find thousands of free recipes ranging from being very frugal to elaborate in meals. Be sure to read my suggestions for the perfect romantic evening. After reading these pages I am sure you will be able to come up with some wonderful ideas for romance.

Most aphrodisiacal recipes tend to use herbs and spices. Herbs and spices are very healthy to cook with in recipes. Here are a few research-tested aphrodisiacs if you want to use them: caviar, truffles, champagne, wine, figs, asparagus, cucumbers, oysters, basil, rosemary, honey, grapes, pine nuts, chocolate, guacamole, saffron, mint, vanilla, chili peppers, organic red maca powder, chocolate pistachio brownie bars, doughnuts combined with licorice, and lavender combined with pumpkin pie. Whether or not aphrodisiacs really work seems to me to depend more on how such recipes are presented to the senses. After all, the most powerful aphrodisiac of all is your mind. If food smells good while cooking, looks appealing when plated, and tastes absolutely delicious when eaten, or perhaps invokes wonderful memories from the past, then it is more apt to put people into a romantic and relaxed mood after the meal, provided they don't overeat and feel miserable. People's tastes vary. What works for one might not work for another. It's all about what you enjoy and getting into the correct mood for romance. Sometimes just knowing you are eating a food reported to be an aphrodisiac can work wonders on the mind as well.

You can enjoy these recipes even if you are alone or live with your family. No one ever said that you have to be a part of a couple to enjoy nice things in life. Why save that nice dinnerware just for special occasions? Use it for yourself or your family to show just how much they mean to you today.

Did you know that about half the world's adult population is now single and living alone? If you live alone, all the more reason why you should enjoy life right now while you still can. Don't wait for someday to happen. Enjoy your life right now, just as it is, creating delicious, healthy meals and a home that you can enjoy every day. Your home is your castle! Even the smallest spaces can be made to feel comfortable, cozy, romantic, and well-organized. There is a special beauty and appeal to living alone because you can eat what you want when you want, and do everything you want when you want to do it, without having to please anyone else, take care of others, clean up after other people, or be on someone else's time schedule. Now you can take those long, scented, warm bubble baths that you so enjoy and smell so nice. You can be as clean as you want to be in your home that you have to share with no one else.

People over the age of seventy, lose 75% of their sense of smell, so be sure to take a daily bath or shower and always wear clean clothes. Try Lume Deodorant because it really works to stop body odors. Shampoo and condition your hair. Brush and floss your teeth, and use Listerine amber mouthwash and Dr. Katz Thera Breath Minty Mouthwash. Apply lotion to your body. Make your own fragrances using pure essential oils mixed into water and glycerin and sprayed in your home. You can create your own signature fragrances from fragrance oils and essential oils you enjoy most. Be sure to check out my free recipes for Beauty and Home Cleaning links on this website. Once you learn the basics, you can easily customize them to suit your own needs.

Buy Ortho Home Defense Max Spray online in a gallon size at Amazon, Home Depot, or Walmart to keep your home pest-free inside and outside. It does not stain your baseboards, floors, carpets, or walls, and is not supposed to harm pets or humans. It works for up to 12 months. Pests do not like the smell of peppermint and cloves essential oils if you prefer not to use chemical sprays.

Always make sure your home is clean and neat and smells nice. This works wonders for your own sense of self-esteem and confidence. Use your best dinnerware, silverware, and table linens. Add some soft relaxing dinner music and battery-operated candles, (much safer to use than lighted candles,) or use Himalayan Salt Lamps for ambiance. May I suggest Jackie Gleason's CD, "Music For Lovers Only"? His music was designed to relax women, and it does. In just half an hour, you will feel so much more calmer and relaxed. You can instantly download his music inexpensively to your smartphone, tablet, or computer on The ambiance is the mood your setting creates. Lights that cast a soft pink glow seem to make people relax more than regular lighting, and they complement all skin tones. You can purchase pink light bulbs from Purchase Himalayan Salt Lamps from that produce negative ions to cleanse the air and relax you when they are turned on and the salt heats up to create a very relaxing atmosphere. They really do work to relax people!

I also recommend purchasing a set of ten pairs of Pro Color Therapy eyeglasses that sells if you are suffering from depression or glare from using a computer so much. Those colors really should help your system rebalance. The larger Baker-Miller Pink Pro Color eyeglasses seem to help autistic children stay calmer, and adults who have problems dealing with anger. Create a webpage where they can stare at the background color Baker-Miller Pink for ten minutes to help dissipate their anger. Wrapping your arms around them and telling them you love them helps as well. Keep a rocking chair in their room so they can rock as often as they feel the need to do so.

If you need to lose some weight, I recommend Nutripuris 3-in-1 Garcinia Cambogia, Green Coffee Beans Extract, and Red Raspberry Ketones which are sold on Nutripuris is a young company dedicated to helping people be healthier. sells Garcinia Cambogia Powder which you mix 1/4 teaspoonful into water or juice and drink three times daily thirty minutes before meals to lose weight. Eating 5 Red Delicious Apples spaced evenly throughout your day, and drinking a bottle of pure filtered lemon water with each apple, can also help you lose weight. True Lemon, True Lime, or True Orange individual packets are perfect to add to 16 oz. pure filtered water. To determine how many ounces of pure filtered water your body needs daily, divide your current weight by two. The answer is how many ounces of pure water your body needs in a 24-hour time frame. The key to losing weight and maintaining your weight is not to deny yourself the foods you enjoy so much, but to eat them in moderation for the rest of your life and get some daily exercise, even if it is just walking or fast-dancing inside your home. sells some fast-paced beats mp3s digital music that works great for this purpose.

Don't be afraid to use your creative imagination. You just might be surprised and well pleased with all the free wonderful ideas you get from my websites. Feel free to change any of the recipes to suit your own tastes and preferences. That is what makes your recipes your own. No recipe will do you any good if it doesn't have ingredients you will use and enjoy. All of us have our special ways of cooking and creating, so learn to adapt any recipes you find to suit your own needs and preferences.

A good cook needs to have at least thirty-one recipes, for three meals a day plus snacks, that can be easily adapted to use in different ways that you know you and/or your family will enjoy. I am sure you can find at least enough recipes on my websites to fulfill your personal recipe collection that appeals to your senses and tastes. It can actually be fun to create and customize recipes to suit your own taste preferences and select meals and menu plans that you make that you know you and your family will eat and enjoy. The more time you spend doing this, the better you will get, because practice makes perfect. Don't get discouraged, just keep practicing until you make it the way you want your recipe to be, then write down your recipes on index cards or paper or label them and type them into your computer files, so you won't forget, misplace, or lose them. Cooking and creating new recipes can become a passion, hobby, or even a legacy that you and others can enjoy so very much in your lifetime or forevermore.

I am all for simplifying your cooking time in the kitchen by using as many semi-homemade tips and foods as possible so that more time can be spent with your family or friends, or doing things that you want to do or enjoy doing alone. You don't have to trade off tastes or flavors when you do this, and you can save a lot of time. Your meals may taste even better when you use herbs and spices. You just need to learn what herbs and spices go with certain foods, and what foods, herbs, and spices can be combined to make winning combinations in recipes or meals. Once you do that, you can create your own recipes from scratch, then simplify them with semi-homemade tips. There is no harm in using ready-made products if they taste good, and you can make them taste even better. Remember to read all labels on ready-made products, and do NOT buy them if they contain harmful ingredients or ingredients to which you are allergic or have allergic reactions.

If you or someone you love is diabetic, you can substitute Stevia or Splenda for sugar in most recipes, except for yeast bread or rolls. I like the Sweet Leaf brand of liquid-flavored stevias best.

An example of how you can change something expensive into something that you can afford to make at home as often as you like, instead of having to go to a coffee shop to buy it, is when you buy a jar of your favorite instant coffee. My favorite is Folger's Decaf Instant Coffee. I make a hot mug of it, then add 5 drops each of Sweet Leaf Sweet Vanilla Drops, Sweet Leaf Sweet Caramel Drops, and Sweet Leaf Sweet Chocolate Drops into the mug, plus a splash of Hazelnut liquid creamer, heavy cream, or Half and Half, and stir well. To me, it is so delicious and special!

Another thing I enjoy is purchasing Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink packets in French Vanilla flavor to keep in stock at home, and Da Vinci Sugar-Free Syrups or Torani Sugar-Free Syrups to add to it to make any flavor I choose. It is like drinking a liquid meal containing protein, vitamins, and minerals. You get to choose your own type of milk to use in it. I like to use Silk Unsweetened Coconut Milk. It also makes a great Pina Colada Mocktail when I add Pineapple Juice to the Silk Coconut Milk in equal parts. What you can make is only limited to your own creative imagination and talents.

Make yourself, your family, and your friends a copy of these recipes if you want, and put them into a large vinyl three-ring notebook. It makes an excellent gift for either gender for any occasion. Why pay for something that size when you can get it here for free and without any hidden agendas? It easily makes a six-inch wide notebook full of recipes for any occasion. Be sure to include some plastic page protectors to keep your recipe book usable for many years to come.

Never forget to be thankful to God for all the blessings He sends to you every day. The more truly grateful you are, the faster more blessings will come to you. Praying over your daily meals and asking the Lord to bless what you cook, eat, and drink to help your body and mind heal and be healthy will help your foods and drinks taste much better than if you don't. What you eat and drink will be much more satisfying to your body and mind when you are truly grateful. Try it and see for yourself! Never take anything or anyone for granted. Be appreciative of everything and everyone in your life, and always tell them every day how much you love and appreciate them. Always remember that kindness is a gift we can give to others that doesn't cost us a cent, but to the person receiving it can be priceless. Just one big warm smile can make a sad or depressed person feel better like someone does care about them, after all.

Don't forget to Bookmark these websites to your Favorites so you can easily find them again, and visit often. Thank you for your shared interests.


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