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What Is Salvation?

Perhaps because of my counseling experiences or maybe just because I am a born-again Christian, I would like to tell you something if you don't mind. No one has to go to any church to find Jesus Christ as their Savior. It is good to find a church that believes as one does so the Soul can get fed on a regular worship basis, and to have Christian fellowship with other believers. Tithing one's time and income is what supports any church, so that is good to do also, as is Baptism. But there is no prerequisite that one must go to a church before finding Jesus Christ. It is all a matter of a person's heart being ready to accept and believe in Him. One must only realize they are a sinner born into sin because of Adam Nature. They must sincerely want to become born-again into the family of God. We talk to God by prayer which is called meditation by some people. Some people will tell you that you must kneel down on your knees to pray. I don't agree with that. Anyone can talk to God at any time without saying a word. You can talk to God in your own mind at any time. When anyone initially asks forgiveness of their sins and sinful nature, it should be confessed to God by speaking aloud, but it can still be done in private. This can be hard for someone who has tried to live a good life all their life because they do not see where they have willfully sinned and have tried to be good and do good things as best they can. When they can see that they were born into a sinful world of mankind through the fall of Adam and Eve, and that it was God's Plan to purchase mankind back from that sinful nature of Adam and Eve, when they listened to the half-truths of Satan through his being disguised as a serpent and ate the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that Satan gave to Eve, then she gave to Adam, and then became carnal and of the flesh, knowing good and evil from then on, and having a sinful nature. God sent His Only Begotten Son, who was conceived by a Virgin named Mary when The Holy Spirit overshadowed her, having never known a man sexually. God had to use a virgin from the lineage of David. Mary was the virgin vessel He chose. The man she was betrothed to marry was Joseph. He was quite a bit older than she was but was also of the lineage of David. Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant. He was going to quietly reject her as his wife but was told by an angel to not fear to take her for his wife because the Child she was carrying was the Only Begotten Son of God who would save the world from sin. So Joseph married Mary but did not touch her sexually until after her Child had been born. (I believe that Mary was only the chosen vessel and that God restored her virginity after the Birth of Christ.) Jesus Christ was born with a purpose to save the whole world from sin if only they would believe on Him. Jesus Christ is our Key to Salvation. Accepting Him into our heart, our mind, and our life, confessing that we are a sinner by nature, then asking Him to forgive us of our sins is when He applies that Precious Blood He so freely shed on Calvary's cross. That is when we become a born-again Christian. We receive the Holy Spirit to help us live cleansed lives, but this must be done on a daily basis, because that carnal, sinful nature of the flesh will always be there to tempt us back into sin so long as we live as human beings. Part of the acceptance of Jesus Christ being The Only Begotten Son of God is that we also believe that He lived on this earth for about 33 years, that he was beaten with a cat-of-nine-tails whip with 40 stripes on His back to heal us of all diseases, then was crucified on the cross at Calvary. He was The Lamb of God, Ultimate Sacrifice for all time. He actually became Sin on that cross for all mankind who had ever been born and would ever be born. Until that time, animals were used as sacrifices for the atonement of people's sins. Their blood was used. When Jesus Christ died on that cross at Calvary and when his back was laid open by that whip, the Blood that He shed was for everyone if they will only accept Him as their Savior. Believing that on the third day after He was crucified that He arose from the dead, and after appearing to His disciples a few times, ascended back into Heaven and is now at the Right Hand of The Father, God, making intercession for us. He is our advocate to the Father. This is Salvation. It is God's Plan for us all, and it is free. Jesus Christ paid the Price for all of us to be able to go to Heaven when we die. This life is but an illusion. The real life begins when we die and is eternal. What happens to us on this earth is nothing compared to the wonderful things God has in store for us there in Heaven. He knows our heart and whether it is pure or not. If it is pure, then He will lead us in the right path always, even when it seems we are alone, rejected, forsaken, and cannot find a purpose for living. Jesus Christ never leaves us or forsakes us. He is always there, in good times or bad times, in sickness or in health. He is our True Friend. He is the Only One we need and can trust. Mankind will always disappoint us, frustrate us, and let us down if we trust in them. It was no accident that the center verse in the Bible is Psalms 118:8 that says, "Put your trust in God, not in man." God has to be the Source of all our supply, no matter what. The God of the Old Testament is a God of Wrath. The God of the New Testament is a God of Grace, Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the Light of the World. He teaches us to forgive others who sin against us, even as He forgives us for our sins. He teaches us not to fight with each other, but to live peacefully as much as is possible with all mankind. He teaches us to help others if we have the means, and to share what we have if we know of someone in need. We are to forgive others and help others without numbering how many times we do this. This is what Christianity really is. It is not a religion at all. It is Salvation through the Blood of Jesus Christ. Daily praying and asking forgiveness for sins. Living and being the best we can be at that time. Putting our will last, and God's Will first in our life. Always doing our best because we are doing it for Him because our heart is right with God. We love God, we love ourself, and we love all people.

God created us all, and He does not make junk. All of us are equal in His Eyes. He loves us all the same. I hope that you will accept Jesus Christ as your Savior today. If you want to find a church to worship God at, that is fine and will help you progress in your faith. Just make sure the church you choose believes as you believe, and that you will be able to follow its teachings and rules.

Remember many people profess to be Christians, but the real Christians possess Christ's Spirit inside so they exhibit a Christlike attitude and behavior every day. We are not perfect but we do our best every day, and ask His forgiveness when we make mistakes or sin.




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