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Alternate Ending To The Movie, Something's Gotta Give

The dinner in Paris, France is over now.

Outside the restaurant, they offer to give Harry a ride in their cab, but he refuses, saying he wants to walk awhile in Paris. They say their farewells to each other.

Julian and Erica leave in the cab together. He tells her how beautiful she is to him and how much he loves her. He says, "You know you still have not opened my birthday gift to you." She takes it out of her purse and opens it in the cab. It is a beautiful and very large diamond engagement ring. She looks at him and says softly, "It's beautiful." He holds her hand and says, "Erica, we have been seeing each other for six months now and I love you with all my heart and soul. I want you to marry me. Will you be my wife?" She kisses him and says, "Yes, I will marry you. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone." She says to Julian, "But first there is something I would like to tell you about Harry and me." Julian silences her by putting his index finger gently over her lips. "That's not necessary, Erica. All that matters now is that we love each other. The past is the past, and we are the future together, forever." They embrace passionately, then kiss, looking very happy, as Julian places the ring on her finger.

Meanwhile Harry walks around Paris. At the bridge, after he sees the boat going under the bridge, he sees a pretty young lady nearby who is crying. He strikes up a conversation with her and finds out she has just been dumped by her boyfriend. He comforts her, and they walk off together with a big smile on his face and him humming, If You Can't Be With The One You Love, Then Love The One You're With.

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