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Kate Marshall was desperately trying to cancel her profile online. She was sick of the hundreds of men who replied to her personal ad. Jerks, nothing more, all of them. She knew that finding the type man she wanted was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Every time she clicked on cancel, her mailbox had another letter in it. Her curiosity kept hoping it was the One, so she would go back and read it.

Kate was a very rich woman, so she had to be very careful of men online. She pretended to be in severe financial need in order to scare away any man who was only interested in her money. She would tell the right man about her money when she was sure he really loved her.

This letter was from a man who claimed he thought they were soulmates. He lived in Florida. He told her she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen online. He said he had fallen instantly in love with her after he had viewed her pictures and read her entire profile. He, too, had had many failed relationships in his own life. He had so much love to give to the right woman though. Women took his kind nature for granted. He was a sensitive, good natured person and got used by women so many times.

Kate wrote Calvin Smith a return letter and told him she was cancelling her profile and if he wanted to continue to write her to do so at her regular email address. He wrote her two more letters after that, even though she had told him she was trying to cancel her profile. That should have been her first big red flag warning. He did not listen to what she was saying and he cared nothing about her needs as a person.

Calvin did not want to get to know Kate slowly through emails. He preferred Kate calling him long distance. He wanted her to connect him as a Buddy to Instant Messenger for a few minutes then he would ask her to call him. They would chat for hours. He carefully avoided any questions that he did not want to answer. Each time Calvin seemed to Kate like she was only one of many women, that he had trouble keeping who she was straight in his mind. She sensed the things he was telling her were probably the same things he was telling a lot of women online. He came across as a desperate and needy man, a man women used to get things done that no one else would do for them. When she questioned Calvin about these things, he always laughed and said women had used him his whole life but that he is such a kind man he holds no grudges against any of them and they are still his friends. He assured her she was the only one that he wanted to marry. Yes, he had proposed to her that first night they had begun talking. She had told him there is no way I can make that kind of commitment to any man until I get to know him well enough and have some real interactions with him. Calvin told her he would not take his profile offline until she said yes to his marriage proposal. He asked Kate to call him the next day at 5:00 pm when he would be home from work.

Kate should have listened to her intuition because it was giving her red flag warning signals all over the place to avoid this man. She wanted a loving relationship so much it hurt though. So she ignored the red flags and kept hoping she was wrong about Calvin.

Kate gave Calvin an extra hour to get any personal chores done and to sit and relax a bit before she called him. When she did, there was no answer. She tried three times then gave up, sure that he was not there.

At 7:30 pm he sent her an instant message that he was home from the movie he had stopped to see on his way home from work. She was very upset that he had told her to call him then callously stopped to watch a movie. If he had wanted to go to a movie, then he should have come home and left her a message that he would be gone to a movie when she called and to please call him back later so they could chat. This was another red flag warning. He did not take seriously what he said to her and he was not considerate of her feelings.

That night on the phone he even pretended to not know what her name was, and asked her if she was another lady online. She explained to him why she was so upset with him and told him to just leave her alone from now on.

He gave her a couple days to cool off, then wrote her an apology for his behavior. He said that some nights he was so stressed out from his job that he would stop and watch a movie, alone, just to unwind. He said he realized now he should have come home first and got in touch with Kate, and that it would never happen again he promised. All he begged for was her forgiveness.

Kate wondered now if he had been drinking that night. She asked him if he drank and he told her he hardly ever drank anything alcoholic.

So Kate forgave him and they began chatting again. Calvin didn't want to waste any further time in coming to meet her. He said he was sure they are true soulmates. She needed some minor repairs done on her house and he said he was the handyman who would do them without charge. He just wanted to show her there was one nice man online.

Kate and Calvin discussed his leaving Florida and moving to North Carolina. She had asked him upfront if he would not need to give a two-week's notice at his job out of common courtesy, and what about his mobile home being sold? He had told her his job meant nothing to him and neither did his piece of junk mobile home. He said he could walk away from both of them for a woman like her in a heartbeat. He was very convincing in his feelings for Kate.

She agreed to let him come visit her when he told her a hurricane was headed his way. His mobile home was in the projected path of the storm. He called his job and told his boss he was headed north to visit his family for a few days. He left and drove all night just so he could surprise Kate early the next morning.

Kate was expecting him later that day, but her phone rang at 6 am and Calvin told her he was already there now in her town. She got dressed hurriedly and went to meet him to show him how to get to her house. She had given him directions but he had not followed them at all. Instead, he had called a former girlfriend of his from the same area, and got directions. He had also stopped by WalMart to see this former girlfriend before calling Kate and meeting her. He told Kate what he had done. She wondered why he would do such a thing, but figured he just needed to kill some time before daybreak. After all, he said he had only spent 45 minutes talking to his old flame. He insisted this woman had only used him for 6 years of dating and had never even given him as much as a kiss, so obviously there was nothing to be worried about. Right? This was another red flag warning. Why would any man date a woman for six years and put up with her not even as much as kissing him, with her constantly using him? That just does not make any sense at all. She didn't want to appear possessive though so she let it go.

Calvin took one look at Kate and thought to himself, "Oh yeah, I could see myself with this dame for awhile for sure, especially if she had some money, but she's done told me she needs money to pay her bills."

Kate looked at Calvin and thought, "Well, he's not good looking, but he's not ugly either. But look at all that hair all over him?" She had never cared for hirsuit men at all. Calvin was very short and very fat. He was dressed in a white sleeveless undershirt and denim shorts.

Kate asked Calvin if he wanted something to eat. He said he had grabbed a breakfast sandwich after he had called her, so not to worry. She looked to see if he offered her anything to eat and he did not. Another red flag warning. He knew he had awoken her and that she had rushed to come guide him to her place. There was no way she could have eaten yet but he was not concerned about her hunger, only his.

Kate drove to her home with Calvin following in his truck. He brought his suitcase in the door. They gave each other a warm hello kiss. Calvin noticed that Kate was completely relaxed in his arms. Kate noticed it too. That had never happened before with any man. She was usually very tense and nervous when first meeting a new man she was contemplating dating. Calvin's arms felt right, like that was where she belonged.

Calvin said he needed to get some rest for a few hours. He was testing her to see if she would lay down with him, and how much she really trusted him, or better yet wanted him. Kate told him to lay down in her bed, that she would close the door and let him sleep for a few hours without disturbing him. He said not to let him sleep more than four hours or he would not be able to sleep that night.

Kate vacuumed the carpets and mopped her kitchen floor and tidied up the house, then proceeded to cook Calvin's favorite meal. She got everything all ready, then went and knocked on the bedroom door, telling Calvin he had slept for four hours or a little longer.

Calvin told her to come into the room. He was laying there with nothing on but a pair of white briefs. He wanted to see how she would react to his being almost naked. It was not a pretty sight to Kate, but neither was she repulsed by him either. It just felt natural for them to be together, like they had known each other for many years instead of just a few weeks.

Calvin reached for Kate. She gave him another kiss, then when he saw it was not going any further, he got up and put on some denim shorts. He went into the bathroom and took a shower, then ate the delicious meal she had prepared for him. Kate was an excellent cook. He noticed that she served him delicious foods which puzzled him how she could have bought them if she was tight for money.

He continued to work his charm on her the entire day. He went outside and repaired her screen where her dog had punched through it. She was convinced that finally she had met a man who was sincere in his feelings for her. She was considering sleeping with him already, although this was not her usual style at all. She had to have an emotional bonding before she could sleep with any man she was dating. That emotional bond was forming quickly though between them. She deserved to be happy for once in her life. She kept pushing her intuition further in the back of her mind, wanting this man to be Mr. Right. She had had her heart broken way too many times already.

One thing changed her mind though. He had told her he would pay for the supplies needed from Lowe's to redo the trim work on her screen. He said he preferred to do it right the first time, than to have to do it again later. She had told him she could put the trim work on her Lowe's credit card but he had said he would prefer to pay for it, as they did not need to charge anything else on credit. After all, her bills were going to be his bills when he moved in with her. He said he never wanted to leave her, now that he had found her. Little did she know that everything he was saying to her was just a game he played with women online just so he could make some type of sexual conquest.

He showered Kate with romance and affection. He gave her great body massages. He told her exactly what she wanted to hear. He could not keep his hands off her body when they were near each other. He told her how beautiful and desireable she was to him. A few times he even let his eyes get all misty just to show her how emotionally sensitive he was.

When they got to Lowe's, he told her at the checkout counter, to use her credit card to pay for the trim work. She did so, but this red flag warning stuck with her, so she wondered why he had lied about paying for the trim, then changed his mind. She made him a place to sleep that night on the sofa. She slept alone in her bed, wondering if he was what he claimed to be now.

They both awakened the next morning and she cooked them a good breakfast. This would be their second full day together. He was already calling her Mrs. Smith, saying he was still hoping she would marry him. He even offered for them to go get a marriage license to prove how serious he was about her, but she declined his offer.

At the breakfast table, he made some ridiculous remark about her religious views which she did not understand at all. He had told her he was a Christian but his remarks were very ambiguous. They hurt her feelings, and she withdrew from him. He immediately sensed he had said something to hurt her and he took her in his arms and asked her to tell him what was wrong. She burst into tears and told him she didn't even know what he meant. So he carefully backtracked his remarks and straightened them out, saying his last wife had kicked him out after a month of marriage because he refused to go to church with her, then she cursed him out and divorced him. This was another big red flag. His last marriage had been to a Christian lady whom he had provoked so badly that she cursed him out after only a month of marriage. He was condemning her for cursing when he himself did a lot of that Kate noticed.

Calvin worked hard all day to prove how much he loved Kate. He repaired her lawn mower and weedeater, then mowed and trimmed her grass. She cooked his favorite meals the whole time he was there. They hugged and kissed a lot. It was better than any relationship she had ever had in her life. He had told her the inside was her domain, but the outside would be his to take care of from now on. That was exactly what she had wanted to hear, and he knew it. She was going to melt like butter soon.

That night when bedtime came, she had told him he could sleep in the bed and she would take the sofa for the night, that they could swap each night, until they were both sure they were ready for a commitment with each other. He promised her he would honor her wishes to wait for marriage to have sex with her. He asked her to lay down on the bed with him and watch some television. He assured her he would not try to get her to sleep with him. All she had to do was trust him because he loved her so much.

Kate felt so relaxed with this man, Calvin. She had only met him in person two days ago but she was sure he was genuine in his feelings for her. At least as sure as a woman could be of any man. They had both been married five times and divorced five times. She was glad that Calvin and she shared a similar past. Maybe that would make them both appreciate each other even more now that they had been lucky enough to find each other.

Calvin would tell her stories of all the women who had used him only to give him nothing back in return. He played on her sympathy, and it worked. And all the while he was gently touching and rubbing her body in a hypnotic-like motion, gaining her confidence in his love.

Once she had laid down on the bed with him, he began to touch her body and kiss her. He told her how much he loved her and wanted to marry her and spend the rest of his life with her. Everything he did felt so natural to her, like they were meant to be together, just as she had always imagined it would be. He was not pushy for sex at all. He just seemed to enjoy the romance and affection they shared. He had told her he did not know how to phrase words correctly in order to get his meaning across, because of his lack of an education. So Kate thought maybe he was sincere. He had explained several of his lies to her this way, so she would feel sympathy for him instead of anger.

Calvin knew how to play the role of a martyr perfectly. She told him to just say what he means, and mean what he says, and they would get along just fine.

They were growing closer to making love. He did not insist on sexual intercourse. His love muscle was not even getting erect. He just wanted to please her, so he removed her clothes and pleasured her body. She could not believe all this romance and affection he was lavishing on her. It was the most loving she had ever gotten from a man in her life. Right before he tried to make love to Kate, he asked her again if she would marry him and she told him lovingly, yes she would. He told her he loved her and she told him she loved him too. He could not get an erection, but that did not bother Kate. He finally told her he was impotent, and could very rarely get an erection anymore because of diabetes and high blood pressure affecting his body. This only made Kate feel more sympathy for him and she made sweet love to him in return then to show him that it did not matter if he could get an erection or not.

Afterwards, she prayed and thanked God for sending this man to her, and for the love that they both shared. Calvin wanted to laugh out loud for he felt nothing for her at all. It was just a game he was playing with her and he was seeing how far he could go with her in this game.

For three days they shared this kind of love. Kate was the happiest she had ever been. She was going to tell Calvin how rich she was.

She told him, "Some day I plan on being very rich. And when I am, part of that money will be yours too, if we are married."

Calvin responded sarcastically, "Then I wouldn't need you in my life at all. I could trade you in for two twenty year olds."

Kate decided against telling Calvin she was rich after all, as his remark hurt her feelings.

Calvin got Kate to call around town to see if anyone could use a man with his job experience. One company told him to come in for an interview. Kate had to show Calvin how to get there then waited on him in his truck for about an hour and a half. When he came out, he told her he had gotten the job at a dollar more an hour than he was making on his job in Florida presently. This was more proof to Kate that he was sincere in his love for her.

On the fifth day, Calvin told her he had to go back to Florida and make arrangements for his mobile home to be sold, and give a notice at his job. She was astounded that he now wanted to give a two week's notice on his job and sell his mobile home. She asked him what had changed his mind. And what about the new job he had taken in town?

He said, "Surely, you did not think I am just going to leave my mobile home and job, just like that, did you?"

Yes, she had thought he meant what he had told her. He asked her if she would like to go back to Florida with him. She did not want to go though, as her intuition told her he had been lying to her about everything now.

Calvin told her he was not even sure he could do that new job at all the more he thought about it.

He looked at Kate and said, "I never forced you into doing anything, Kate." Kate had read that was the main remark all players end up making to their victims.

She cried when she realized he had been lying to her all along. She realized it was just a game to him. She asked him if he had cancelled his profile yet online and he said he had not had time. He told her to do that for him while he took a shower. He gave her his password. She went into his file and saw hundreds of letters he had emailed to other women on the internet, saying the same things to them, he had said to her. He was a player and she realized this clearly now. She cancelled his profile as he had asked her to do, and said nothing to him about the letters she had found. Surely, he must have known she would find them though. She guessed he would turn his profile back on as soon as he got back home.

He took his suitcase with all his clothes he had used, now freshly washed and dried by Kate, and got into his truck and drove away, never to write her or send any further messages. She sent him an instant message later, and told him she still loved him. He sent her a message back that he loved her too and probably always would. Then he promptly picked an argument that ended their communications once and for all time. He had told her the only way he could give up his job and mobile home in Florida was for her to put his name on the deed to her home. This way he would know she was sincere about him. She refused to do this, saying he might divorce her too, after a month, and then she would lose her home.

She saw that his profile was turned back on the day after he had left visiting her. She still had his password, so she read a couple of the letters he had written to over a hundred new women. The one that hurt her the most, was the one that was sent to another lady in North Carolina, saying he would have come by to meet her, if he had only known where she lived, when he had come to meet Kate. He portrayed Kate as a woman who had just used him to do repairs on her house for a few days and given him nothing in return. She had even made him sleep on the sofa while he was visiting her that week. But he said he was used to women doing that to him, he had a big heart and cared about people, a sensitive man who could cry real tears.

Once Kate read that letter, she knew then she could let him go in her heart and mind. She knew without a doubt, Calvin was just another player.

Kate had learned one good thing from something Calvin had told her. He had said that he felt like only part of a man since he could not get an erection anymore. Kate told him that did not matter to her, but she realized now that it did matter to her after all. While the making love between them was very romantic and affectionate, she had missed the intimacy they would never be able to share as mates. Calvin was impotent, and his condition would only get worse with time. He could never have sexual intercouse with any woman. This was how he could be so romantic and affectionate to women. He could give them what they wanted, love them then leave them, and still tell them he loved them and would be their friend. He added them to his long list of women whom he said had used him and given him nothing in return. He did not tell any of them this until the last day, just before he left them. He used his impotence as part of his game up to then, to keep them thinking he was respecting them and their wishes to not jump in the sack too quickly. His game was over, even before his victims even realized what had been going on.

Calvin quickly changed his password to a new word, and his game began all over again with a new woman. He hoped Kate had read some of those letters, so she would not bother him anymore. All he had to do was send out enough bait, and someone would bite his hook. He was ready to reel in another big catch. One day he was sure he would get lucky and find himself a rich fish. He never once dreamed how close he had come to finding exactly what he wanted with Kate. He was destined to go through life searching for and never finding what he wanted, even when it was right in front of him.

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