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Final Chapter of Gone With The Wind

"But Rhett, what about me?" Scarlett sobbed.

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn," he retorted and closed the door.

Scarlet was so very tired. She didn't know what to do. She knew somehow she would get Rhett back. She loved him more than life itself. Without Rhett, she had nothing to live for. But she would think about all that tomorrow when she went to Tara. Tara would be there for her. It was the only place she could count on to be there when she needed it. Her beloved Tara! How she wished she were there already. She barely had the strength to drag herself up the steps to her bedroom. She threw herself onto the bed and wept until she fell asleep.

Ashley was supposed to see Scarlett safely to Tara, but he was not sure she would let him escort her now after last night. He must at least make sure she is all right and apologize for his inappropriate behavior.

Ashley dropped by the next morning to see if Scarlett was okay. He apologized for the night before. She told him how angry Rhett had been when he left her.

"I really think he's left me for good this time, Ashley," Scarlett cried.

"There, there, now honey, don't you cry over that man. There's not a man alive who's worth making you cry like that," he consoled her, patting her shoulders as he said it.

"Ashley, I only realized how much I really do love Rhett last night. If he's truly left me then I have nothing to live for anymore," she lamented tearfully.

"Now Scarlett, you hush talking like that. You will think of a way to get him back," Ashley said hopefully.

"Do you think it would help if I go talk to him for you?" he asked Scarlett.

"Right now, that would not be a wise thing to do and it might even get you killed, Ashley," she told him.

"I have never seen Rhett so angry as he was last night. He could have killed me and you both," she cried.

"Have you had your breakfast, Scarlett? We have to get on the road if I am going to see you get to Tara safely," he reminded her.

"Oh, I can't eat a bite, Ashley. And my things are packed and ready to go now," Scarlett said as she looked around one more time before she left.

Scarlett and Ashley made it to Tara in record time. It was so good to see the family again. But most of all it was good to be home at Tara. Scarlett loved Tara so much. And she knew Tara loved her!

Ashley returned to Atlanta to take care of things there. He promised Scarlett he would keep in touch.

Sue Ellen was not unhappy to have her sister there. She helped her cook and clean and they got to chat about a lot of things like sisters do.

She saw a big change in Scarlett this visit. She had never seen Scarlett so humble before. She thought she must have really loved Melanie to miss her so much.

Scarlett did miss Melanie with all her heart. She wished so much that it had been herself that had died, not Melanie, poor sweet Melanie. All she had ever done was good her entire life. And now she was dead.

"Fiddle-dee-dee! I am going out and work in the garden. You coming with me?" she asked Sue Ellen.

Sue Ellen was sure Scarlett must be really sick now. She had never volunteered to work in the garden ever.

"Scarlett, now you tell me what's wrong with you this instant, you hear me," her sister ordered her.

"It's Rhett! He's left me. He doesn't want anything else to do with me ever again," Scarlett said as she burst into tears.

"Whatever made him get so angry towards you, Scarlett? The man was crazy in love with you," Sue Ellen said.

"He overheard Ashley and me talking, after Melanie died, and he thinks I want Ashley but I don't, Sue Ellen. It's Rhett I truly love, not Ashley," Scarlett bawled.

"Well, I knew something was strange about you, Scarlett. Now you just leave things to me, sister dear. I will help you get Rhett back," Sue Ellen comforted her.

"How on earth can you do that, Sue Ellen? Rhett hates me so much," Scarlett remembered his venomous words as he left.

"I don't know but I will think of something," Sue Ellen said assuringly.

Something in her voice told Scarlett that she meant business. She still didn't know what to do so she gladly left it in Sue Ellen's capable hands.

"Sue Ellen, I am sorry for all our little problems in the past," said Scarlett.

"Forget it, Scarlett, that's the past now," Sue Ellen hugged her. She had never felt so much love for her sister as she did right now. Scarlett actually needed her and she was humble.

"Let me discuss this with Will, Scarlett. Maybe he can think of some way to get Rhett and you back together," Sue Ellen said.

"Fine with me. The whole state of Georgia probably knows it by now anyways," she sobbed again.

In the privacy of their bedroom, Sue Ellen told Will what Scarlett had told her. Will told her to give Rhett some time away from her, that men need space to think things over. He told her when Rhett was ready, he would come looking for Scarlett.

A month went by. Scarlett was enjoying being at Tara with her family so very much. Not a day went by that she did not pray that God would get her and Rhett back together again.

"Someone's coming!" Sue Ellen hollered. "I think it's your husband, Scarlett."

Scarlett quickly looked in the hall mirror and prissed up her hair, then went out on the porch to see for herself.

It was Rhett. He rode up on his big horse like a knight in shining armor. He had never looked so handsome to Scarlett. She ached for him to hold her in his arms.

"Hello, Scarlett and Sue Ellen," he said as he dismounted.

"Rhett," both greeted him.

"Scarlett, I have come to take you back home with me. I have done a lot of thinking about us this last month. I want us to give our marriage another try," he told her.

"Oh, Rhett, yes, yes, yes, let's do give it another try," she told him as she ran into his waiting arms.

They kissed passionately, so passionately that Sue Ellen was embarrassed and went into the house to let them be.

"Scarlett, I said some mean things to you that last night. But I was so hurt when I heard you and Ashley talking that I just wanted to lash out at you," he told her.

"Ashley told me yesterday that you only love me and only want me," he told her. "Is that true, Scarlett? I need to hear it from your lips."

"Yes, Rhett, it's very true. I have never really loved any man but you," she confessed.

"Well go get your things, Scarlett. We are going home. The war is over! And so is our war. As the South shall rise again, so shall our love for each other, and it will be even stronger than ever before," Rhett said as he kissed her again.

Scarlett knew that Rhett was right, this time it would last forever. She had never been happier in her entire life.

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