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I have no reason to not believe there are ghosts that haunt places. I have experienced paranormal experiences. This is the true story of what happened in one instance.

My boyfriend had taken my son and me to go swimming at his sister's house. We were all outside in or around the inground pool area. I had to go inside to use the bathroom.

I was in front of a large mirror taking off my bathing suit, when I felt eyes staring at me from behind the mirror as if they were trying to identify me. I went ahead and finished, then washed and dried my hands. While drying my hands, I heard a young boy's voice running down the hallway, yelling, "Mother! Mother!"

Naturally, I thought it was my son, so I opened the door asking him what he wanted, and there was no one there.

I went into the room behind the mirror to see if anyone was in there or if there were any peepholes. No one was in there nor were there any peepholes. But there was an eerie coldness to the whole room.

I returned to the pool area. I asked my friend if anyone had ever mentioned anything strange about that house before.

He said his sister and her husband had bought the house because the people who did live there had a young son who had gone over to visit another friend and had been accidentally killed by a gun while there. They could not live there any longer, so they had sold the house and moved away from their painful memories.

He told me the room I went in and felt the coldness was said to have been the dead boy's bedroom. He also said his neice had seen the boy's ghost on the stairway several times.

Previously, I had heard that when a tragic event takes a person's life, they sometimes return to the place they felt most secure. I had always heard that all that was needed to help a ghost find rest was to explain what happened to him/her and tell them to go on towards the light.

I went back inside alone and explained to the boy's ghost that he had been accidentally killed with a gun while visiting a friend, and the house no longer was owned by his parents. I told him he just needs to go on towards the light to find peace and rest. I then said a prayer for the young man to find rest and peace.

Later I was told they never heard anything more from the boy's ghost again.

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