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The Ghost Wife

Most of my stories that I write are fictional. This story is true. It is about a paranormal experience I had with a deceased woman's spirit.

My local area's weatherman on television was telling us that we were going to get up to eight inches of snow. This is unusual for the Deep South. However, this particular winter we got snow several times. It seems that every winter is getting colder as the years pass.

I had gone to the supermarket to buy a few things I could eat if we lost power. I was getting some bananas to put into my cart, anxious to check out and get back home. A man began talking to me.

I had heard about people meeting in a grocery store, but it had never happened to me. With all the traumatic events that have happened to me in the last few years, the last thing I wanted was to meet someone new.

We stood at the banana section and talked for at least an hour, with the time flying by. It seems we had a lot of things in common. We both had lost a child suddenly and unexpectedly. He had lost his wife to Alzheimer's a few months back, and I had lost my elderly Mother. We were both very lonely, very grieving individuals. I explained to him that I am in no shape to begin a new relationship with a man, nor am I interested. I felt numb and hopeless inside, and chocked full of grief. I didn't want to bring anyone down to what I was experiencing. I didn't even feel like a human being anymore, just a zombie type person operating on auto-pilot.

When the time had passed, he asked me if I would give him my phone number so he could talk to me again. I told him again that I would be happy to talk to him just as a friend, so that maybe we might help each other get through the grief process. We both seemed to feel better just for chatting that day.

I went on through the checkout. He went on to finish his shopping. He told me later that he hurried so he could see me again before I left, but I wanted to get home as soon as I could.

It was very strange that as I was taking my cart out to my car, a young male clerk was walking behind me, and suddenly began singing these words, "Everyone needs someone in their life but you."

I asked the Lord if He was trying to send me a message through that young man's singing.

I barely had put my food up when my phone rang. It was the man I had met earlier. I told him what I had heard. He said there used to be a country song with those words in it. I had never heard it though.

He called me often for the next five days during which time my phones kept cutting off on me so badly that I had to throw them in the trash can. Every time the phone disconnected us, it was at a point where the man could have thought I was upset with him. I connected another phone, and it stopped doing that.

I wondered what was going on to make my phones act like that. I attributed it to the fact they were older phones.

The man wanted me to do some research for him online since he didn't own a computer, which I gladly did for him. I thought it might be interesting to do his natal chart and see if we were compatible, just for the fun of it. I still did not ever plan to have another relationship with anyone.

I was very surprised when his natal chart and the compatibility chart showed that we were very compatible. It revealed we were more compatible than anyone I had ever met. My printer began acting up the minute I began printing out the compatibility chart. It was just too overwhelming for me at that point. The paper began shooting through the printer, like someone was standing there pushing it through, trying to ruin my printer.

I asked two questions, "Who is doing this, and Why?"

Not out loud, but in my mind, I heard a woman's voice identifying herself as the man's deceased wife. She told me she is the one who made that young man sing those exact words, kept disconnecting our conversations on the phone, and was pushing paper through my printer so it wouldn't work right. She didn't want me to give him that compatibility chart at all, so I tore it up.

I asked her why she was doing those things to me.

She said she didn't want her husband talking to me, for us to date, nor for us to be friends. She told me he talks to a lot of women already, and hadn't even given her a year yet after she had died. She felt like for sixty years of married life that he should have at least waited a year to find a replacement for her. She was concerned that he would remarry, and mess up their chances to be together for Eternity.

Fortunately, I understood how concerned she was. I told her I had no plans to date her husband, that I am consumed with grief and depression. She said she didn't even want me talking to her husband on the phone. So I agreed to stop talking to him on the phone, and she agreed to leave me alone.

She said her spirit goes almost everywhere with him still. Their little dog barks at their home when her spirit comes into the house. Her husband can't see her or doesn't know she is there, but their pet knows her spirit is there.

When he called me again, I told him what I had experienced. It was obvious he didn't believe me. I couldn't blame him, for most people wouldn't believe what was happening either.

The next morning he showed up at my front door without being invited. I let him come inside. I told him I would give him a new MSNTV2 so he could occupy his time and mind with it, but that I had given my word that I wouldn't talk to him over the phone, date him, or be friends with him because that was what she had asked me to do. I carefully explained that she wanted them to spend Eternity together, and didn't want him to mess up their chances by getting involved with another woman.

He stayed five hours that day, trying to get me to change my mind, but I wouldn't. I told him not to ever call me again or never visit me again, that I had given his deceased wife my word we wouldn't even be friends. I am normally a hospitable person, and would have offered him something to eat or drink, but didn't that day, because I didn't want his wife to misunderstand and think it was a date. I had a difficult time getting him to leave. I had to load him down with several gifts because he said he was so upset about it. I told him he couldn't care that much about me since we had only met a few days before, and that he would get over it.

He kept trying to call me, until I had to get my phone number changed.

His wife's spirit kept her word and didn't bother me again. I kept mine and ended our friendship. It was obvious she felt threatened by me, perhaps because she knew we would have been very compatible. I just happened to understand how she must feel. I am an Empathic Sensitive and can sense and feel things that most people cannot.

Because of my being ultra sensitive, I have had a few experiences with the paranormal. You can read some of my stories listed in my Stories Index.

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