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I am one of the lucky ones. I married my best friend and got to be with him for all of our lives. We grew up together, played together, experienced all the good times as well as the bad ones together, dated, got married and loved with a passion so great. It was fabulous, and still is!

I can't remember exactly when he and I knew we wanted to spend our lives together but it must have been at a very young age because we have always enjoyed spending our time together. We liked the same things for the most part, with the exception of the gender toys and literature. I liked dolls and playing house and he liked being a cowboy or 007. We always managed to incorporate what we both liked into one play scene. You see we both have vivid imaginations. He likes suspense-filled mysteries and I like funny stories.

We do have a few different interests also, just enough to make life interesting and never boring. We can spend hours together that seem only like a few minutes as the time flies so fast.

When we are down, we pick each other up. Depression never lasts long in our family. Daily we build each other's egos up, and we never tear each other down in any disagreement. In public, we show just as much respect and love for each other as we do in our private lives.

It would not be uncommon for one of us to reach to hold hands or publicly kiss each other or say, "I love you, Honey."

We can crawl inside each other's minds we know each other so well, sometimes better than we know our ownself even. We both can automatically sense when the other needs something and reach out to fulfill that need. It's a wonderful feeling to know that there is a soulmate made just for you who can supply all the emotional support needed.

Our parents' houses were side by side in a small town in sunny Florida. There were lots of kids to play with but we always sought each other out. We just liked each other's company better than anyone else's. He and I were confidants and could trust each other with any secret.

We never dated anyone but each other, and we were both virgins on our wedding night. Our sex life is still just as rich and passionate as it was when we first got married. Daily we reach out and give each other hugs, caresses, and passionate kisses. He never pushes me for more than I am willing to give, nor do I him. We let each other have space when it's needed, but the love is there so strong, neither of us need much space. If we feel the need for some time alone, then we just go shopping for a few hours and that is it. When we get back home, we are fine again. Our relationship is truly a blessed one. We both realize we are very lucky to have such a strong bond between us. People are always telling us how much we inspire them. Even after all these years together, we still hold hands when we go for a walk. We still sit and talk to each other on a daily basis. If something bothers either of us, we talk it out and never let it fester. We both know no one is perfect so we don't try to change each other. We both know that as we grow older our bodies will change from the taut, nubile creatures we were and we can accept that simply because we love each other unconditionally. We just relish what we have and nurture each other. We cover each others' backs at all times. Either of us would die defending the other if it came to that. The trust is so strong between us, like a three-corded knot that cannot be broken, with Jesus Christ at the core of both of us.

When we wake up each morning, we both give thanks to God before we get up that He allows us be together and are so happy. Our thoughts are how can we make the other's life a little better each day. Before bed we have a prayer to God, thanking Him for all we have enjoyed that day. We both have a great respect for each other and admire each other tremendously. We retired early, but even in our senior years, we still enjoy the same things. We watch the beautiful sunrise or sunset each day revelling in the paintbrush of our awesome God. Our days are spent walking, cooking, eating, painting, fishing, crafting, playing board games, watching movies and television, and gardening, just to name a few. We both enjoy writing as our occupation and have written twenty best selling novels as a team thus far. We love romantic picnics to quaint little towns, browsing the stores, shopping on a daytrip, and dining out before we come back home. We share all our chores, and then we both sit down to rest. He's always doing little things for me to show me in his actions how much he cherishes and desires me. He spoils me just as much as I do him. God has provided us with much abundance and love. And for all this we are ever so thankful.

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