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This is another true story of an experience from beyond explanation.

My elderly Mother died at age 94-1/2. I had taken care of her after she had cancer surgery at age 90. Being a caregiver wore my body and mind out completely. I was already depressed when I came here, but while here, I lost my only child suddenly and unexpectedly, my house was foreclosed upon without my even knowing it, and my home was ransacked.

I had waited a few months after Mother passed away before I gathered her clothes together to give them away. My cousin had told me since she was the same size that she would like to have them. We were going through them when she came across a new pair of pink pants. She said these are not her pants. They look more like your size. I took them and looked at them.

She was right. They were a size 12 petite. I had been searching for a pair of pink pants but couldn't find any. These pants were the exact color for which I had been searching.

My cousin asked me if maybe my Mother had bought them for me without my knowing it. I had done all her buying for her though.

I finally concluded that the pants were a gift from beyond from my Mother letting me know she was grateful for my taking care of her. The pants fit me perfectly, and matched the blouse I had bought after Mother had passed away.

Pink represents the color of love in color therapy, so I am assured that was her way of telling me she is okay and happy. I didn't even particularly like that color until after Mother passed away. Now it is one of my favorites, as are those pink pants. No one will ever convince me that Mother did not give me those pink pants as a special gift. Some things just cannot be explained!

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