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Jane had found the address her boyfriend had given her. She was driving up to a quaint little cottage by a waterfall. The sign said, The Sweetheart Cottage. She got out and wondered why his car was not parked there. I will get my suitcase out and just go on inside, she thought. She unlocked her trunk and got out her suitcase and lugged it up the long flight of stairs to the front door of the cottage.

On the front door, a note was stuck on it. Here is what it read: "Hello Darling! Welcome to the Sweetheart Cottage. I had to run an errand. Please go on inside and enjoy what I have waiting for you. I will return shortly, and we shall start our fantasy weekend of romance. Love, John."

John always thinks of such wonderful ideas, she thought as she smiled at the note and opened the door.

John and Jane had met on the internet just six months before. Both of them had been divorced after bad marriages. They had hit it off well right from the beginning. Never had she met a man so sweet and romantic as John. He was exactly what she needed but had almost given up on ever meeting someone like him.

Jane was exactly what John wanted in a woman too. Right from their first contact, he knew she was different than the other women who had run through his life. She aroused a passion in him that he had never felt with another woman, and it was more than lust. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Jane. That's why he had rented The Sweetheart Cottage in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. He had read an article about it and contacted the realtors who rented it to lovers wanting a special romantic weekend together.

Luckily, the weekend he wanted was available. He was surprised but happy since the weekend he had asked for was Valentine's Day weekend. He figured it was just one more sign that he and Jane were meant for each other.

Jane walked into the living room. It was a breathtaking view for such a small cottage. She saw a ribbon on the floor and a note attached to it. She picked up the note and it read: "Jane, dear, follow this ribbon to your first treasure. Enjoy it while I am gone. Love, John."

She followed the ribbon into a bathroom where John had her a tub full of bubbles waiting. It was scented with her favorite fragrances.

John knew I would be tired after a long drive up here to meet him. How nice of him to run me this lovely bath! There on the door hung a beautiful red negligéé he had bought her and on the vanity was a bottle of her favorite perfume. John had thought of everything.

Soft music was playing in the background and she lit some scented candles around the tub and let her clothes fall to the floor. She entered the heavenly scented water and soaked in it for about half an hour. She felt wonderful now and ready to enjoy their romantic weekend. The doorbell rang.

That must be John, she thought.

She answered the door and a small Asian woman was there. She presented her with another note which read: "Sweetheart, here is another gift for you, a massage after your bath. Enjoy! Love, John."

The Asian woman set up her massage table in a private room and worked magic on Jane's body. She was so relaxed she fell asleep. The woman woke her up and said the massage was over. Jane went for her purse but the woman said John had already taken care of the cost and the tip too. Jane thanked the woman for the relaxing massage and she left.

Jane smelled something that smelled absolutely delicious. She walked towards the kitchen where she saw John working on their dinner.

"Hello Jane, darling!" he greeted her.

She walked up to him and they embraced. John kissed her passionately and she kissed him just as passionately in return.

"Keep that up and there won't be any dinner," he teased her.

"Oh, John, this place is so nice. I so enjoyed my bubble bath. And I love the negligéé you bought me and my favorite perfume too. And the massage was out of this world. Thank you so much for the nice gifts, John," she told him.

"It was my pleasure, Sweetheart," he replied giving her another kiss. We are going to have such a nice weekend together here."

"This is the perfect Valentine's Day present, John, a weekend getaway just for romance. You are such a wonderfully romantic man. I appreciate that so much about you."

"You seem to bring it out in me, Jane," he laughed. No one else has ever made me feel like you do."

"I feel the same way about you, John."

They kissed again. She said to him, "What smells so good?"

"You smell wonderful!" he teased.

She opened a pot on the stove and it was spaghetti and meatballs cooking, her favorite dinner. "And you are making my favorite dinner too?" she kissed him again.

"Come look at the table I have for us by the fireplace," he told her.

They walked into the dining room and John had a table for two set by the roaring fireplace. It was decked out with a linen tablecloth and napkins and candles burning. He had fine china and silverware set for the two of them and soft music playing in the background. The sight of it all just took Jane's breath away.

"Oh, John! It's wonderful," she gasped when she saw it all. "You are so special and you treat me like I am a princess."

"You deserve to be treated like this for the rest of your life, Jane."

"Now sit down here and let's eat this dinner I have prepared for us." he told her as he served them the dinner.

Everything tasted so delicious. They laughed and talked and fed each other as only two lovers can do. The would get up and dance beside the table, taking time to kiss each other passionately. Just seeing them no one could doubt the love they shared for each other.

After their dinner, they both cleaned up the dishes and kitchen together. That was one thing Jane loved about John. He never went into watch the television and left her with the cleaning part. He told her it would be much nicer to do the cleaning together and then they could both enjoy the remainder of the evening together. She had always wanted a man who would feel this way, and now she had found John.

Jane felt like she was the luckiest woman on the earth. She loved John with all her heart and soul. You could see her love for him when she looked at him.

When the kitchen was clean again, John took Jane into his arms again and kissed her passionately.

"I want this weekend to be one we will both remember forever, Jane," he whispered to her.

"You have made it unforgettable already for me, John," she whispered back to him.

John led her into the bedroom and made passionate love to her. Time always flew when they were together. Hours passed as they took turns pleasuring each other. They finally fell asleep in each other's arms with smiles on their faces.

Saturday morning, the sun shone in brightly on them still sleeping soundly. The crisp mountain air could do wonders for the appetite. When they finally awoke, they kissed each other and showered together, making love again in the shower.

They prepared breakfast together in the kitchen and ate a hearty breakfast. Both had ravenous appetites. It was going to be a beautiful day! Today was Valentine's Day!

John suggested they go on a picnic out by the waterfalls. Jane thought that was an excellent idea. John had bought fried chicken, potato salad, and fresh fruit salad the day before so there was nothing for them to do but just enjoy the picnic and surroundings. The waterfalls were beautiful and the area could not be more romantic. It was perfect!

John and Jane went on a short hike to check out the area. The views were fantastic. She had never seen such natural beauty. The Smoky Mountains seemed to just go on and on forever no matter where you looked. The views were fabulous.

John and Jane were so much in love.

The picnic went nicely with both of them feeding each other again, stopping to chat about anything and everything that came to mind. John told her about seeing a family of deer on his drive down from the North. Jane's drive was from the South. They both had stories to tell each other, so again the time seemed to just fly.

They spent the day just relaxing and doing things they both enjoyed. They rode into Gatlinburg and did some sight seeing and rode the Ober Gatlingburg tram up to the top of the mountain. It was cold up there so they didn't stay long. They rode back down on the tram, and went back to The Sweetheart Cottage.

"Oh, John, it's been such a lovely weekend with you," Jane told him.

"Yes, but there's still more to come yet," he promised her.

When they got back to the cottage, John presented Jane with a box of Valentine candy and a beautiful card. Jane had brought him a card too, so she gave that to him, along with a bottle of his favorite cologne as a present.

They kissed each other passionately and made love again for hours, pleasuring each other.

Both were getting hungry, so they went into the kitchen to make something to eat. There was still plenty of fried chicken and potato salad to eat so they shared some cold foods together.

John poured them two flutes of champagne.

Jane started to drink from her flute when she noticed something in the bottom of the glass. It was a diamond ring.

She fished it out, smiling at John. "Is this what I think it is?" she asked him excitedly.

John got down on his knees and took the ring and looked into Jane's eyes and said, "Jane, darling, I love you more than life itself. You are my soulmate. Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Jane kissed him repeatedly.

John placed the engagement diamond on her finger and kissed her passionately.

"I love you so much too, John." Jane told him. "You are the finest man I have ever met. I believe we are soulmates too."

They made passionate love again and again until way into the night when they fell asleep in each other's arms with big smiles on their faces.

Sunday morning came with the sun shining brightly upon them again. John woke Jane up with a kiss. He said, "You know we have to go back home today. Have you had a nice weekend, my love?"

"It would be perfect, John, if we didn't have to separate and me go to one state and you another." Jane told him.

"Yes, Jane, I feel the same way about it. So how about us getting married today in Gatlinburg? Then we can start our new life together as husband and wife," John suggested to Jane.

"I don't like the North though, John. Would you be willing to live down South in my home?" Jane asked him.

"I sure will, Honey. It doesn't matter where we live to me, just as long as we are together." John told Jane.

"What about your job?" she asked him.

"I am a writer and I can write my novels any place," John said as he kissed her.

So they went into Gatlinburg, where John had made all the arrangements in advance. He seemed to know her so well. He said it was easy to know what she wanted and liked because she was a carbon copy of him. And he was right! They always enjoyed everything about each other.

The wedding was beautiful, just as she had always dreamed it would be. The entire weekend was perfect! And now they would be driving home as husband and wife.

"John, let's drive in your car. Can you get someone to drive my car back?" Jane asked.

"I already thought of that too," John confessed.

"My stuff should be arriving tommorow at your house," he told her, "And I hired a driver to drive your car back home."

"John, dear, you are so perfect for me. You seem to know my thoughts before I do," she laughed.

Home would be exactly that now. Not just a house but a home to be filled with their love.

Back at The Sweetheart Cottage, John and Jane made passionate love again before leaving for home. After all, this was their honeymoon.

"John, I wish we could spend one more night here since it's our honeymoon night," she said.

"Your wish is my command, my lady," John told her as he kissed her passionately.

"John, you are amazing!" Jane laughed.

"You seem to be right there in my head, thinking just as I do all the time. You knew I would want to have a honeymoon night with you, didn't you?"

"Well, Jane, I want a honeymoon night with you too," he confessed. "After all, we want this weekend to be something we can tell our future grandchildren about. And yes, we sure do seem to think alike about almost everything. We ae perfect soulmates."

"You have made it the most special weekend of my entire life, John," she kissed him.

"I love you so very much, John, my wonderful husband."

"And I love you even more, Jane, my darling wife."

They kissed each other passionately and made love way into the night again, falling asleep in each other's arms after giving each other pleasure repeatedly, with the biggest smiles on their faces.

They both knew how lucky they were to have found the kind of love that they would live together happily ever after. Theirs was a fairy tale romance that others only dreamed about having!

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