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One thing was sure, this young couple truly loved each other. She wanted him with all her heart, just as he wanted her. But she was not sure it was right to give up her virginity before she married. That would make her a fallen lady and she wasn't ready to become that. Both of them were born-again Christians and had been taught sex before marriage is a sin, and neither of them wanted to sin. She loved him though so very much. He didn't see what it mattered that she had to save her virginity for marriage.

He was sure willing to give up his virginity for her. As a matter of fact, he was very willing to give it up. He had been wanting to give it up for years already. She kept saying no though so he honored her feelings on the subject. He had told her he loved her and wanted to marry her after they both finished college but that was still four years down the road, and as much as he loved her, he just didn't see how he could wait another four years. She had accepted his marriage proposal even if it meant waiting until college was finished.

He went home many a night after their dates had ended and had to take a cold shower just to go to sleep.   He was pretty sure she had some sleepless nights too because he knew she had almost lost control a few times. But he was a true gentleman and during those times she had got so aroused from their petting, he had not insisted she give in to him because he knew that would have been taking advantage of her at a vulnerable time. He had integrity and honor. Horney as he was with all his hormones raging, he would not take advantage of the girl he loved. If she gave in to him it had to be something they both planned well in advance, not something done in the back seat of a car on the spur of the moment. He wanted their first time together to be something they would both remember for the rest of their lives. He would plan something very special for them. He was already saving up his money from his paper route and he had a second job as a bag boy at the grocery store. He would give her a honeymoon four years early. He was sure he wanted her to be his wife already. They just both had to finish college before they could do that. He could not even imagine his life without her in it.

Now all he had to do was convince her to let him take her on an advance honeymoon trip. With both working and going to college, it was not going to be easy to find time to spend with each other. True love finds a way though. It helped that they both got to work the same shift at the grocery store. She was a cashier and he bagged the groceries.

She never would consent to having the honeymoon before the wedding though. It just went against her integrity to do this. He loved her so much he decided if she could wait, then so could he. It was not easy to do though, but he realized anything worth having is worth the wait. It's not always instant gratification that is so important, but self-discipline can prove to you that you can maintain self-control when necessary.

Finally, graduation came and both of them got their degrees in Fine Arts. They planned their wedding three months after graduation. It would be a nice, yet simple, wedding with family and friends invited. Both of them had a good head for money, and instead of spending so much on a wedding, they decided it would be much nicer to take part of the money their parents offered them for the wedding and use it as a down payment to buy a home. They would take good pictures of their wedding and have them to look at in the years ahead they would share as husband and wife.

They also opted for a quiet honeymoon, instead of a lavish one, because this would give them more money to furnish their home instead of having to use so many pieces of furniture that were hand-me-downs from the family. They wanted everything to be their own, never having been used by anyone but them. Of course, there would have to be a few items used but not too many with all the money they were saving by having a smaller less elegant wedding and a quieter, less expensive honeymoon. It just made good sense financially, for them to think ahead like they were doing. Both of their parents were proud of them for thinking so wisely, as most younger people could only think of the here and now, then times were way too hard after the honeymoon was over because all their money had gone for a wedding and honeymoon.

The day of their wedding arrived. She was beautiful in a long white gown and veil and white heels. Her flowers were orchids and roses. He was dressed in a black suit and dress shoes and had a small carnation in his lapel.

The wedding went smoothly and then the reception was held in the Fellowship Hall of the church. Family and friends had decorated it nicely.

They cut the traditional piece of wedding cake and fed it to each other. The photographer they had hired was getting some great pictures of them. The two young lovers were now Husband and Wife. They longed to get on with their honeymoon. When would everyone leave? The reception was nice but they just wanted to be alone with each other now? Didn't people understand this? After hours of partying at the reception, people were finally clearing out now. The young married couple could leave for their honeymoon. People were wishing them well. Hands were being shook. Looks were passed from the newlyweds, reminding each other that they wanted to be with each other as soon as possible.

They had waited for this night for a very long time. They were both still virgins and wanted their honeymoon night to be very special for both of them. They arrived at their hotel and registered. Now they were alone in the room, and both of them seemed shy all of a sudden. The passion that had filled both of them earlier seemed to disappear and all either of them wanted to do was take a nap. They hugged each other and kissed gently and fell asleep. The day's events had taken a huge toll on both of them.

A few hours later they awoke and felt renewed passion for each other. They decided to take a relaxing bath and see what happened after that. The bubble bath was exactly what they had both needed. It was so very relaxing to soak in the fragrant bubbly warm water. Both of them kept staring at each other's naked bodies, since it was the first time either of them had ever seen that.

He had studied many manuals on sex to learn what to do next. He hoped he did not do anything wrong. He hoped he did not disappoint his new wife. She put on her new negligéé and he put on his new pajamas. They held each other in their arms and kissed passionately. He led her over to the bed, and they undressed each other timidly. He pulled the bed's covers down, and they got into the pristine bed. The sheets felt so cool against their hot bodies. He began to make love to her as he had wanted to do for years but had kept his passions in check until they were married. He slowly caressed and massaged her body, then kissed her all over, licking her clitoris until her body was begging him for more. He got on top of her and used a lubricant called Astroglide on his male member so it would not hurt her so much. He made sure she was extra ready before trying to enter her. He had never felt such tightness. It was not going to be easy to penetrate her. She had had a pre-marital exam and the doctor had told them everything would be okay. So if that was true, how come he could not get it in?

Now she was crying real tears. Had he hurt his beloved? She realized how sensitive the male ego is and did not want him to know how much this was hurting her body, but it was hurting so much she could not hold back the tears either. When he asked her if it was hurting her, she lied and said she was crying tears of joy. He believed her and kept on trying to penetrate her. This was not easy to do. He had fantasized that both of them would be so filled with lust and passion for each other that they would be able to come to orgasm almost immediately. It was not working like that though. Was he doing something wrong? After all, it was his first time too.

He had read some place that it could take months to break in a virgin female. Maybe it would be this way for them. Maybe he just didn't know how to do it right. He applied more Astroglide lubricant. This time he entered her but she was bleeding. He knew he must be hurting her for her to bleed, so he withdrew. "I love you and I don't want to hurt you ever, my darling," he told her as he held her tenderly.

She lied again, "I love you too, and it's just my hymen breaking, Honey. It will be okay."

So he tried again, and this time he exploded in an orgasm, but she did not enjoy the sex at all. It had hurt something terrible, in fact.

Was this what so many people thought was so wonderful, she wondered?

Had she made a mistake by getting married? Would sex always hurt her like it did just now? She knew she could not just keep lying to her husband about it feeling good when it did in fact hurt very much. He had rolled over and had fallen asleep after giving her a kiss and saying he loved her very much. She could not sleep at all. She quietly got up and called her Mother on the phone.

"Mom, does sex always hurt so much?" she asked her tearfully.

Her Mother was very sympathetic. "No, honey, it will get better the more you do it. It will hurt for awhile, but that's just something we females have to go through in life, like menstrual periods or childbirth, whether we want them to hurt or not. Just take your time and use lots of lubricant."

The woman thanked her Mother for the advice and laid back down by her husband. In time, she drifted off to sleep.

They slept late the next morning. When they did awake, he kissed her and said, "Hello, Wife."

She liked the sound of Wife, and responded with, "Good morning, Husband."

"You know, after what happened between us last night, we are officially married now," he said boastfully, like he had climbed Mt. Everest or something.

"Yes, I know," she replied. "You were wonderful."

It took him a couple months to get his wife completely broken in, but after that, she started enjoying sex even more than him. It was like she was insatiable after that. She could outdo him any day of the week with her desire. He had him a hot woman who really enjoyed sex for his wife, and he loved her with all his heart and soul, and she loved him just as much in return. They would stand by each other through thick or thin, through good times as well as bad. They were in it for the long haul.

What more could either of them want but each other? And they had a beautiful home to live in, furnished comfortably, without being heavily in debt.

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