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Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

This has always been a difficult question to answer. Life is trying to teach us a lesson about something that we need to learn. We have a choice to learn the lesson or not. If not, then more or worse of the same will keep happening in your life, until you do learn the lesson. Then you can consciously choose to stop the cycle, by changing your thoughts that are creating your life. You can only do this for yourself. YOUR thoughts create YOUR life, whether it is positive or negative or somewhere in between. YOU are responsible for YOUR mistakes or decisions as to which paths YOU choose to take in life. There will always be different choices along the way for you to make. What transpires from those choices is up to you. If you are able to see ahead as to the consequences of making the wrong decisions as to your paths of choice, then you are one step ahead of the game. One of the first things we have to do as adults is to stop placing blame on others for our own decisions. No one else can be blamed but ourselves. Accepting responsibility for one's own life is the beginning of maturity. There is no turning back. It is a time of sinking or swimming from then on. You will not always make the right decisions and choices, but that is also a part of life. You just do the best you can at any given time. When you give your very best, there will be no regrets later. Remember that the seeds you sow are what you will reap in life. Life will either make you into a better person, or it will make you into a bitter person. The choice is always yours! God gives us free-will to make these choices and will not interfere. You cannot change anyone but yourself, but by changing your own thought patterns, others can be affected through your results.