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Falling Stars-for Aaron

And the stars fall as i awaken
shattering near my feet
only shards i hold in my hollow hands
throw them back into the heavens
in time i'm taken back

stars shine and flicker
that only our eyes can see
your hand goes softly through my hair
how beauty shone from you that night
never can i forget that

the stars fall once again
land whole around your head
it is all your world
your solid hands hold on
they are made of all my tears

Story:The stars are sorta my hope and my memories. And i throw them back because i want to live in the past. And part about the past was when i walked on the beach near my house with Aaron. i had always wanted to share that with him and i was so happy when we got to. It was just me and him. and then they get all of their hopes and memories and its his choice for us to carry on as a couple or not.

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