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Private Tears

I place the mask upon my face
Trying to keep it firmly in place
So hard it could be
If I had not done it before
Talking as if it doesnt matter anymore

Deep inside I hide myself
Keep it revealed only in private
Allowing the emptiness explode
Seeing everything familiar
Knowing none of it at all
All of it gone inside

And the tears flow
Not knowing why
They'll create the river you've all wanted
Never stop until I've drowned

Story:this is on more about how i just pretend that everything is alright. and i just pretened to be all happy and that i've done it before so its not so hard to pretend. And the only time I cry and truly be me is when I'm alone. And not only people, but things too, seem so unfamiliar even though i've seen them a million times over. and i cry from what ive gone through and that some people have caused and probably have wanted. and the only time i might stop crying is when i'm gone ((not necessarily dead, but from here at least)).

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