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The Insane Marine Corps
Internet Gaming Organization
Updated: 29/Dec/2003

Welcome to the Insane Marine Corps Star Craft clan. The clan is back up and running once again. For members comming back you may notice we are have made a lot of changes. If you have never been in the clan before then feel free to cruise this site and see what we are about.

What is the IMC?
The Insane Marine Corps is a Battle.Net based StarCraft clan dedicated to helping you have fun on Bnet, as well as providing a great learning background for better Star Craft playing skills. We do not limit members to Terran Players only. Anyone can join. We offer excellent organization, a laid back fun loving leadership, plenty of well respected ranks, awards and offices as well a lots of new friends. After all, what the hell are clans for, right?!?!?

Why Should I Join a Clan?
Do you ever get tired of going online and joining a large public game, beating the game, only to find out some bastard on your team decided he was going to back stab everyone? Tired of playing endless games were even though you have team mates there is no team work? This is what clans are for. It insures that you will always have a trusted ally to work with. Clan members will help you better your skills and have a great time in the process. But the most mportant reason that anyone joins any organization, is the fellow ship. Let me put it this way: No matter how much your job sucks, as long as you enjoy the people and supervisors you work with, the job will be fun. On the other hand, no matter how good the job is, if you can't stand the people and bosses you work with, the job will suck to no end.
That is what IMC is all about. Our goal is to help you have as much fun on bnet as possible.