..John Kennedy: The Family Man..

John Kennedy adored his children. When the couple had their first baby, who was delivered stillborn, Jack was on a trip with his friends. He did not return home to be by Jackie's side when she need him most.

When Caroline was born it was another story. She was healthy, and beautiful. Jack was busy working on his Senate work, and his Presidential campaign. His life was much more stable when John Jr. was born. The family moved into the White House shortly after, and play wherever. Jackie's goal was to make sure they were not taken up in all the media, and attention. She wanted un-spoiled children, who lived normal lives. Jackie did not like photographers taking pictures of her children, but JFK adored the photos. When Jackie was away, JFK snuck photographers into the White House to make pictures of his children. The most famous is the one in the Oval Office, when Caroline and John Jr. are dancing, while Jack is clapping.

Jackie did not want her children photographed so much so that she even opened a school at the White House for Caroline and her friends to attend. Caroline walked her Daddy each morning to his Oval Office, while she got some candy. Jack called her "Buttons" but she insisted that her name was Caroline.

Caroline was a creative child, and very serious. She loved to draw, ride horses, and paint. She always talked about her parents, and was always drawing pictures for JFK.

John Jr. was wild, carefree, and adored airplanes, and helicopters. He was full of adventure, just like his father.

Caroline was always walking around in her mothers shoes, or riding her tricycle into her fathers meetins, but they were used to it, and adore Caroline. Jackie wanted them to experience what life is really like. Not to be hidden and guarded by secret service men. She built a playground, a fountain, and made sure parties were thrown for them.

JFK loved to joke around and tease Caroline and John. He listened to their stories for hours, and read the them. While he worked, he let them play around in his office, not a bit distracted by them.

He played in the White House pool with them each night, and helped John learn how to dive. When they drew him pictures, he put them up on the wall of his outer office, along with family pictures. Due mainly to the children, they allowed Jackie and Jack to grow closer, and keep their marriage intact.

The only time people said they saw Jack cry was when his son, Patrick died on August 1963, due to problems breathing. After this, he was more effectinat towards Jackie, and made sure his children knew that he loved them.

Jack Kennedy was a proud father, and was always ready to drop everything if they wanted to tell him something, or just be with him. When the Cuban Missle Crisis occured, he wanted his children to be safe, and wanted all the other children in America to as well. He wanted them to grow up in a country that was free, and peaceful.

The last time the children saw their father was when he boared Air Force One, for the last time, for that fatal trip to Dallas. The children always hated seeing their father leave, and sometimes cried. When JFK passed on, Maud Shaw told Caroline and John that their father had gone to live with Patrick, and to watch over them, and that's what he will always do.