..And So, Farewell..

On the morning of Friday, July 16, 1999, Carolyn was at a store trying on a dress that she planned to wear fro her cousin-in-law's wedding. John was in his office in Manhattan, attending meetings, and tying up loose ends before they left that night. George magazine was doing great, and John was as happy as happy could be. He called Carolyn's sister, Lauren Bassette, asking her what time she was going to be at his office that day, so they could leave for the airport. John's friend, John Perry Barlow, had just lost his mother, and John sent is last email to him that day at 4:05. John Barlow would not open the email until Saturday, when John would end up missing at sea.

Lauren Bassette worked at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. That day, she left work, and walked ot John's office a few blocks away. At 6:30 p.m., they left for Essex County Airport in Fairfield, N.J. At 8:00 p.m., they arrived, just before Carolyn arrived by a private limo. Lauren called her friends telling them they were about to leave, while John went and got batteries, 3 bananas, and water at a gas station.

At approximately 9:32 p.m., their plane was over the ocean of Massachusetts, which was about 34 miles from the Vineyard airport, where Lauren was to be dropped off. By 9:38 p.m. the plane turned left, as John tried to correct the path he was on. The weather was foggy, and dark, which made visibility low. Reports had called for 8 miles of visibility, but pilots flying in the same air space say that the visibility was much lower.

Just as the clock hi 9:39, his single-engine Piper Saratoga entered a state known as a dead man's spiral. John could not gain control of the plane by this time. The plane crashed into the ocean, killing Carolyn, John, and Lauren instantly.

When John and Carolyn passed away that day, another part of Camelot died with them. Caroline is the only survivor of the "Camelot" family. John, Carolyn, and Lauren were buried at sea, as there ashes were carried in the wind, landing in the great Atlantic Ocean, near Cape Cod, where John loved to be.