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Family and Friends Page 2

This is me at tech. school in Millington, Tenn. It is an older picture but I think I still look the same.

Savanna's 2000 Dance Picture

This is Savanna's 1999 Dance picture. This is the second year she has attended dance class. She takes Tap, Dance, Ballet and Gymnastics. Dat's my little angel, but that's not all she's good at!

This is Savanna's 2000 T-ball Picture

Here she is again, but this time it is T-ball. She started out a little slow, but ended up a real winner. The last game of the season she hit 3 home runs! What a slugger!!

The Band

This is the incredible band that I work as a Lighting Director for. From left to right, Patrick(Lead Guitar and Vocals),Rudy(Bass and Vocals),Shane(Lead Vocals),Joel(Harmonica)and Jimmy(Drums, Lead Vocals and Back up Vocals).