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The storms lashed the seas with mighty force, battered he shores with great vengeances, not seen by any for more  then a hundred years. The wind and rain lasted for weeks  endlessly, rattling the nerves of even the mightiest  warrior. Was this the end?..........Was life, as we know it finally over? During the day, it seemed that even the sun had given up all hope for mankind, it given up trying to shine through.  On the darkest of all nights, the storm was so brutal; mothers cradled their babies in their arms, lovers held each other fearing the end! Deep in the darkness there was a series of bright flashes of such intensity that some would have thought the sun crashed into the earth, and the sound of the thunder was so deafening, it was enough to stop the hearts of even the bravest of knights. Then with a horrific crash, the world went silent. No rain, no wind, nothing!!! Out of the darkness the roar of a beast was heard echoing across the water, a sound unheard in hundreds of years by human
ears. As Knights and commoners alike stumbled from their beds and homes to investigate, all they could see was the oldest and wisest among them staring out to sea, some with tears in heir eyes. The spell was broken with the words that were quietly whispered..........They Have returned............
The Dragon has returned!!

Greeting and welcome to our humble home. The Realm of Mystic Crystals has returned. Both King and Queen Crystals would like to invite you to look around our lands freely, but please have respect for our land as if it is your own. We have completed our long leave from VP, and decided to return with a vengeance. Mystic Crystals will still have the same high standards of respect and dignity that we have been remembered for, but at the same time our new goal is to build a realm of quality not quantity. A Realm of respect and power that we once were but with a lot less problems that had
burdened the realms of our time. Those that know and remember us, we greet and welcome you warmly. We made this decision from our hearts, and it is a decision that we know many will be happy to see. For those that don't know us yet, all we ask that you take the time to get to know us, the time to see what MC can truly be to VP. To our old members, we ask not that anyone return home, but you are free to do so if you choose, and we will welcome you with open arms.