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Jack Downing - Part 1

Part 1

Somehow it's being circulated that I was a MIB. Let me set the record straight on this. My father was an initiated member of the Black Ops Brethren, which people call the Men in Black, and my family has been in "black" intelligence for the United States for over two centuries. I myself served in the intelligence community all of my life, having been groomed for it since childhood. There came a day when my shoulder was tapped, and I was informed that I had been selected to serve as a probationer with the Black Ops Brethren. This means that I was "in training", which includes a deep study of history and doctrine of the group, and supprtive participation in some of their operations, but unfortunately I was not given the privilege of being a duly sworn member of this group. After two years as a probationer, circumstances in my life caused me to lose my security clearance with the NSA, and consequently was I stripped of my probationer status in the Black Ops Brethren. In the past I have stated that the cause of this is that I was simply too much of a loudmouth. The dark and dirty truth behind that is that I had an uncontrollable drinking habit, and came near to compromising national security too many times. Well, this is what happens when you give firewater to injuns, right?

I'm not going to bother telling you what the Black Operations Bureau was called prior to 1947. That was the year the cold war really got rolling. Intelligence got a huge boost in funding, and the whole scene was re-organized. A very old intelligence fraternity got a fresh lease when the CIA bill was passed, and, what with the UFOs and other strange developments in America, a new purpose was forged for this team. The Black Operations Bureau became the Black Ops Brethren ( though they also bear a cryptic and esoteric name as well), and under new leadership, and better support from not-so-black intelligence agencies, became a bigger power in enforcing secrecy. Several projects were initiated at the same time. A first was to create strong ties to some foreign intelligence organizations, independent of any relationship the US had "on the record". Very quickly such nations as Great Britain, Israel, Australia, Canada and France fell within our jurisdiction. That is to say, with the cooperation of local intelligence groups similar to ours, we could move freely in those nations without interference. Our second project was to get together a strong doctrine, a new way of going about our business. We honestly wanted to carve out a niche for ourselves, because there was no desire to step on the toes of other, more visible agencies. Though our ranks were made up of top people from FBI, CIA, ONI, CID, and numerous other covert action and intelligence organizations, our purpose differed in that we had to monitor leaks of ultrasecret information into the press and popular culture. Aware that enemy nations relied on such media to see "which way the wind blows", our top man (yes, we had Lansdale) devised the "hall of mirrors" approach and other proto-PSYOPS methods to carry out our agenda. We could control pop culture by exploiting it. With our strong historical literacy, and a deep knowledge of movies, comic books and radio, we sought to make truth as strange as fiction. So we adopted this film noir g-man look, and added some science fiction twists to it. We had among us several scholars of the paranormal and occult. Their contributions were significant as well. From them we learned to apply some nifty martial arts head game techniques, hypnosis, and the surrealist art of defamiliarization. A heady brew when all put together. History shows that you cannot really silence people 100 % unless you kill them. We really wanted to avoid this, prefering a non-lethal method. Our attitude was: if you can't make them shut up, at least warp their memories of what was seen, thus rendering their stories unbelievable. Flying saucers were all the rage back then, so it was very easy to turn a sighting of a US top-secret stealth, surveillance, or experimental aircraft into an H.G. Wells-type invasion. This kept the press busy chasing wild geese, so America could go on with the cold war-era race for military supremacy. We even had the Air Force and CIA chasing flying saucers. Technology-wise, we had a small advantage over others. From the fey (or "elemental" MIBs) we appropriated a device which they had stolen from the British government's research into microwaves (which was stolen from the nazis). In the form we got it, it was way too big for our purposes, so we experimented with smaller sizes and output. I recall it did not just emit microwaves, but also some other energies, such as strong telluric currents. I'll have more to say about this devise and about the fey MIBs later. A big player in the Black Ops Brethen was a fellow called Red. He was actually an important figure in steering the Black Operations Bureau into it's Cold War role. He had already been at work on the model for what became the Men in Black modus operandi in '47, when in the guise of an Army officer, he effectively silenced some of the witnesses of the Roswell incident. Red hit upon the Black suit/black car scheme, and pioneered the idea of one visitor doing all of the talking while one or two other companions stared menacingly. Red was at that time our expert on voodoo and black magic. He died in 1955 and since then the organization names a new "Red" every 15 years. Lately, some people in the BOpFFOr are calling Red "Morris", because the red-haired cat keeps being replaced by identical cats.

In the early 50's as a result of some still-classified gov't experiments in clairvoyance, a certain gypsy secret society named the Kalo Lowve was put on the Black Ops payroll. They seemed especially well suited for the Men in Black thing because they had so little respect for witnesses, and because they had so much fun pretending to be aliens and/or robots in black suits. I have to say, though, they loved the cars, and lavished such adoring care to their upkeep, that they put our professional mechanics to shame. Some of those old cars are still on the road, which is a tribute to the quality of care they got.

Immediately in the wake of early MIB reports in the popular media, numerous other groups jumped the bandwagon, and took to imitating our style. While few of these were connected to "UFO" sightings, they still possesed a lot of stylistic similarities to our approach. Among those who took on MIB techniques were Russians, ufologists, satanists, and scientologist (let's not forget that Hubbard was conected to the ONI before he became a SciFi writer). Of these groups I will say more later. (end of pt 1)

Part 2

Because of the experimental nature of our approach, and the absurdity of what we were doing, some early actions taken against witnesses were laughable failures. At least, by that I mean that, instead of silencing some witnesses, we effectively drove them mad. This famous character Bender is a good example of a successful "failure". More often than not people were silenced by the absurdity of our approach. Nobody particularly cares to be called insane. Think about it: You see some unidentified thing, and then call the police or the airport to ask about it. Then a couple of really bizarre thugs visit your home and play head games with you. One of them has a black box which you think may be the reason why you feel dizzy and passive. Maybe these thugs distort, fade out a bit, or change shape right before your eyes. Now you are convinced that the flying/hovering/landing thing you saw was a FLYING SAUCER. So you shut up about it for about 10 years, but eventually you decide you are out of danger, so you talk about it. The only people who listen to you or believe you are other witnesses. The mainstream of people think you are just a disenfranchised UFO kook who's only trying to get attention. That's what we sought to do. Warp the memory and perceptions of some hapless witness, and the potential compromise of national security is neutralized. Some people, who witnessed far too much to merit just one visit, have to be monitored indefinitely. After initial contact, we keep that individual paranoid by calling them at home or work just to ask "are you being a good citizen?"

During the period leading up to and following the Vietnam War, our methods became more focussed and refined. We now had a more mature PSYOPS doctrine. The fine art of brainwashing (psychic driving/indoctrination) was being perfected, and it became less important to menace "UFO" witnesses, because society had by then internalized the skeptical/gullible attitude toward such sightings. That is to say, people were automatically either silencing themselves, or else racing forward to announce the alien presence. This is a tribute to the feedback loop we had with Hollywood in those days. Much of our work through the 60s and 70s was in "System Maintenance". That is to say, we began to silence politicians and other people in power who, by their actions, threatened certain systems or processes in place to ensure the warfighting supremacy of the US. For this reason there are some among us who are fully aware of the mechanisms behind the termination of JFK's command. The 70's brought about significant changes in our function and structure. By then we had pretty much shed the Men in Black look for a more mixed needs-based style, ranging from full paramilitary to plainclothes. At that time, some of our silencing function was being turned over to the Army Special Forces, who, it was felt, would be more capable of staying on top of the technological and warfighting end of this practice. The new approach for us then was to serve as propagandists. That is to say, monitor many of the more prominent ufological groups, encourage their most marginal, far-out beliefs, then make the necessary funding available (fronting as advertisers, etc) to bring these groups into the mainstream. While it is and has always been our strongly held conviction that THERE IS NO EXTRATERRESTRIAL PRESENCE ON PLANET EARTH AT THIS TIME, it was our method to promote just the opposite position, expending huge resources to actually create a pantheon of extraterrestrials to titillate the imaginations and needs of every segment of the population. As of the late 70's we would still occasionally take the old cars out for a visit to keep the MIB legend alive, we mostly utilized modern, functional vehicles such as sedans (any color) and military aircraft and vehicles. At all times the vehicles used by us were invariably the property of an extent, higher profile agency, such as the Secret Service or the Army. Another late 70's development is the privatization of intelligence. The balck Ops Brethen began to get funding from some big corporations which, in my opinion, was the beginning of the end of the "golden years" of the fraternity. During my brief tenure with the Black Ops Brethren, I was already witnesses a major influx of Scientologists, Mormons, and Special Forces personnel. No more was it possible to actually just go out and have some fun silencing UFO witnesses. The mission of the organization dating back to 1947 was now coming to an end. Things were getting too serious and too dangerous. That is to say, the policy of non-lethal harrassment was dropped, and now the mission was to neutralize those who actively investigated the funding and/or covert activities of agencies known to be acting against the interests of the democratic process. In 1982 the Black Ops Brethren became the Black Ops Fed Fraternal Order. They are still to this day very much involved in Black Operations. Tech and personnel support for the new BOpFFOr comes from Army Spec Ops/Special Forces, CIA, FEMA, UN, BATF, Air Force, ONI, and FBI. In the early 80's when these changes were taking place, a number of older Black Ops Brethren retired themselves, and sided with the Kalo Lowve and the fey (elemental) MIB to observe and/or protect the "black dogs". This schism took the last of the occultists out of the fraternity. The new grouping, which could well be called just "MIB", is now completely severed from the US government, and consequently no longer has the privilege of black budget funding. These offshoot MIBs took with them the Black Box technology, and are privately active in studying better means of harnessing telluric energies to create their own stealth vehicles and weapons. This project would go far in realizing the goals of both Tesla and Reich, and confirm the hypotheses of those who study ley lines. (end of pt 2)

Part 3

It's a well-established fact that the Soviets have been spying on our military technologies since WWI. They even had some of their people watching our first atomic tests during WWII (when they were presumed to be our allies). Interestingly, they also had some of their spies in the US to suppress knowledge of soviet technologies which might leak into the American press. In the wake of reprts of UFO witnesses being visited by strange men clad in black, the soviets quickly picked up this trick. There were soviet surveillance and stealth aircraft fling over US soil, and these Russian Men in Black sought to silence witnesses of these flyovers by the same means as us. Could it be that they had a spy infiltrate our ranks and share secrets about our technique? That I don't know. Believe it or not, we American MIB did not have any awareness of the activities of the Soviet MIB until the 70's, when a retired KGB approached one of our people and told about it.

The first head of the Black Ops Bureau (ca. 1947) envisioned a non-lethal approach to suppressing or cloaking reported sightings of ultra-secret stealth or experimental technologies. This was an innovative approach, and thus the Black Ops Bureau (later, Brethren) was to be a laboratory for developing what became PSYOPS. Psychoanalysis, surrealism, witchcraft, and Madison Avenue advertising savvy all came together in this team to create a formidable organization, a hybrid of propagandists and ninjas. The intent of the mind-game techniques was to induce a hypnotic state by means of confusion and defamiliarization (shades of Erickson here). By making the witness doubt his or her recall (was it a dream? am I crazy?), and by actually warping the sequence or details of a witnessed event (it was a saucer, not an airplane0, the witness was a) less likey to report a sighting, and b) the witness would be dismissed as a delusional crackpot by others.

In the 1950's, when the idea of Men in Black had entered the collective imagination of popular culture, some other groups came along wanting a piece of that action. This is where things get complicated, and explains why it is difficult to easily answer the question Who are the Men in Black? Some religious and political groups started to use these tactics to silence dissenting views within their own organizations. Scientologists, satanists, some mob-controlled unions, and then , as I mentioned before, the Soviets. To ad to this bunch there were those various ufologists who would play this tactic on their competitors, and of course the pranksters who dress up in black suits to attend conventions for abductees of ufo fans. The CIA, the FBI, and the Mafia are also occasionally guilty of playing MIB, as are intelligence agents from foreign nations. And some masonic-type fraternities have been known to occasionally try their hands at this. There is one more group which I'm almost reluctant to speak about, only because I find it so hard to accept that nature has a place for such individuals. But history, and my senses, tells me otherwise. They are indeed of this earth, this plane, this time. They have always worked behind the scenes, and they do walk among us. Most active from the Near East, through central Europe, and up into the British isles, they are nevertheless found as far east as the Himalayas, and as far west as the Pacific coast of the Americas. Essentially (I'm pretty certain) they are Homo Sapiens, but they have an unusual alliance with the geomagnetic powers of this planet. In appearance they range from willowy fair folk to squat asiatic types. I don't know if they stand apart on the evolutionary scale, but it's evident they are different. The thing which most unsettles me about them is their relationship with what are called the "Black Dogs". These enigmatic critters, variously seen flying about or loping along, are described as smoky whirlwinds, bales of dark wool, or giant shaggy dogs, always with glowing red lights, or eyes, peering from somewhere. They never cease to invoke in me a horror akin to that inspired by the tales of H.P. Lovecraft. But these things are real! They have been recorded, world-wide, since ancient times (think of dragons), and have even been caught on film. How could humans tame such a force? These other "Men in Black", whom I've encountered, and with whom the Black Ops Brethren (and predecessors) have a lon-standing truce, are like some kind of classical demigods, or elves. I recently noticed that some ufologists have identified MIBs with "elementals". That about hits it on the head. That's the best way to think of them. High-tech fairies, perhaps. I'm embarrassed to say this, but their display of paranormal power leaves me with no other conclusion. These people are not "competition" with the Black Ops Brethren, as the other groups might be deemed. As stewards of the black dogs, they are simply interfering with human efforts to capture and/or understand the phenomena they are commited to protecting. I was told once by one of the old guys in the Black Ops Brethren that these black dogs were trained to make fabulous designs in wheatfields, just to keep them out of trouble. It is, I must confess, my visceral reaction to recoil from these fey MIBs, because the very presence of them gives me the disturbing feeling that I'm in the presence of something very, very, ancient that I'mnot supposed to know about. Most of these fey MIB that are seen around Europe and in the Us are of the tall and fair sort. I have heard them speak their own peculiar tongue, and they manage somehow to live apart from the general population, even while living in our midst. They are mortal. They do NOT live in caves, tunnels, or in some other remote place. They live in cities and in the country, and are skillful at passing as locals. It is from them that the Black Ops Brethren got their cloaking and mind-control technology back in the 50's. It was still such a primitive thing back then. When switched on it would cause intense staticky and skin-crawling sensations in anyone standing within its field of influence. Aside from that it was very effective at cloaking very large things. They needed to wear these goofy silver bodysuits to protect themselves from the radiation coming out of the things though. Without the suits, one would become very disoriented and unmotivated. When we got hold of this technology we promptly went to work on miniaturising the device and correcting the direction of output. I personally do not know the physics of these things, so I cannot verify what energy they project, but my understanding was that it was telluric and microwave. Depending on the setting, it could simply be used to pacify someone and make them suggestible, then at a higher setting it distorts one's perceptions, causing one to see people in a really distorted way (think "big heads, waxy grey skin") , and at a very high setting, it simply cloaks objects with its area of influence. Early on it was difficult to really tighten the direction of output, and so some MIBs fell under its influence and had to practically drag themselves away from the locale of their visit (""). The fey MIB were very active in the 40s, because of the impact of human terchnologies on the geomagnetic grid. The constant launching of rockets and testing of atomic bombs had them worried about the black dogs. Curiously, the black dogs were not weakened after all, but rather became larger and more intelligent. Now the fey MIBs have a Dr. Frankenstein situation on their hands. A great deal of time and energy is being devoted to keeping the Black Dogs away from urban areas, where they could wreak havoc and cause alarm. Mind you, these Black Dogs are not springing up all the time. But on those occasions when they do (most often in Europe and England), they have to be kept out of view.

While there are sporadic reports of Men in Black dating through history prior to the 1940's, there is little consistency in them. The organization which bore the name Black Ops Brethren originated the classic MIB appearance and modus operandi in '47 when the new mission was being laid out. No sooner had we done that, then other groups (including the fey MIBs) mimicked our style. We however were the merry pranksters who were actively experimanting with new ways to disorient and defamiliarize witnesses by such comical means as acting lke aliens or robots, talking backwards, speaking goofy secret agent jargon, etc...We were the first to take our black boxes into the field, where we sometimes failed due to technical ineptitude. Too often a session would have to be cut short because of an agent being overcome by his box. We never wore those silver body suits like the fey had, and when we finally finetuned the boxes, they began operating just like us.

The scientologists, who have come to dominate the BOpFFOr, began to imitate the Black Ops Brethren as far back as the 50's. Hubbard, who had ONI connections, was a popular science fiction writer. At some point he got it into his head to start a mind-control cult, and became kind of an American Kurtz figure. He attracted lots of people to himself, always had wise things to say, and went so far as to play his followers off against each other. There is no doubt that he saw popular accounts of Men in Black, through such books as "The Flying Saucers and the Three Men" or "They knew too much". He took to sending Men in Black-disguised thugs out to harrass his enemies. In time, quite a number of his followers were to be found in the ranks of the intelligence community. By gradual means, they seized virtual control of the Black Ops Brethren, and thereupon remade it into the Black Ops Fed Fraternal Order. ....And that's where I got off. It just ain't what it used to be. They'll kill you now, because harrassment takes too much time. Look at what happened to Danny Casolaro. (end of part 3)

Part 4 ------ Men in Black--or Men in Very Dark Green....?

An aspect of speculation surrounding the Men in Black, especially in conspiracy theory, centers on the possible role of the Men in Black in the New WorldOrder project. Connected to this question, naturally, is much conjecture about the MIB/Black Helicopter connection. I'll attack this Black Helicopter question first, as I think that more people invest a great deal of value in this matter, compared to the relatively little value placed in MIBs by conspiracy buffs. The simple and straightforward answer is, these helicopters belong to the US Army (160th SOAR, as some have astutely pointed out). But with the consolidation of forces, and their increased cooperation in tech support, the actual utilization of these and any other vehicles makes more difficult the task of figuring out who is behind such-and-such a manouever. It's one thing to identify who owns a helicopter. It's another thing to identify who's flying it, and why. There are numerous agencies who have access privileges, and might have motives for using these black helicopters. While SOAR has rights to ownership of this species of black radar-foiling copter, such agencies as the CIA, FEMA, BATF, ONI, BOpFFOr, and even the Coast Guard have made use of their NWO-motivated borrowing privileges. Think of these black helicopters as the vanguard of a new way of doing war. Stealth, E-WAR, PSYOPS, C4I, and improved logistics can assure swiftest victory with fewest casualties, especially when you have better capabilities in these categories than your opponent. It would behoove you to not worry too much about these mysterious helicopters, because fretting will not make them go away. If you are being hounded by black (or "very dark green") helicopters, in all likelihood it is "just a training exercise", and you can take comfort in that thought. With regard to the "Men in Black" and their role in the "New World Order" project, I'll have to begin by establishing a clear distinction. The old Black Ops Brethren, from circa 1947, into the mid-70s, was simply very focussed on intercepting and suppressing leaks of Top Secret information relevant to advanced aerial warfighting technologies. In this capacity, they had little interest in, or knowledge of Project Novus Ordo. If by chance they had any awareness of the project, they did not participate or serve as agents for any aspect of this scheme. With the changes that took place in the mid- to late-70s, and the final shedding of the classic "MIB" look for a more conventional Fed/Mil mode, there was also a change in focus for them. Resulting from some of the changes, there was a big changeover in personnel. Now it's a weird mix of Scientologists, Mormons, and SpecOps. Some CIA cowboys, and a few Secret Service. They might better be called the "Men in Very Dark Green" now. For the most part the old-school intelligence gang has been cut out. Now the BOpFFOr is active in setting the stage for the grand coup set to happen around the end of this decade. I have heard it called "X-Day", because it will have the form of a staged (but illusory) D-Day type invasion of Earth from Outer Space (leave it to SciFientologists to come up with this one...sheesh!). We'll get a fabulous demonstration, though, of the new saucers, the water-breathing flight suits, the Mach 8 fighter jets (once they figure out how not to run into their own bombs), and soon an all black-clad army. Head for the hills, kids. This is gonna be the big one. When I got involved with the Black Ops Brethren, I was enchanted and excited by the prospect of being a classic MIB, like my father was. But those days had passed already, and the BOpFFOr was in the process of becoming a rigid and stressful team. Much less fun than it used to be because it has lost its function as a social laboratory for PsyOps techniques, and was now simply protecting aspects of the new project. Some of the same kind of stuff as before, only much less loony. They were trying to force me out, prevent me from gaining full membership by raising my stress and encouraging my drinking habit. While I am still in touch with that group that spun off from the BOpFFOr and is still working with the Kalo Lowve and the elemental MIBs, I am out, retired, not working. Just keeping a very low profile, with relation to intelligence work, and pursuing my hobby as a paranormalist. Those old cars and the various other tools of the trade will be daerly missed, though. Many are still in good condition, like new, all these decades later.

Part 5 ---- Hijinks at Point Pleasant

I recently read a magazine article about a "moth man" sighting in Point Pleasant, WV which in 1967 escalated into some unpleasantness for all involved. I was not aware until then that this matter had made its way into UFO lore. I'll share a bit of what I know about that. I was not there at the time, but my father and some of the other Black Ops Brethren were there, and shared some of their experience and knowledge about that farce with me. This incident was an unusual chapter in the history of the Brethren, because on this occasion they were not mobilized to handle a "UFO" or "ET" sighting. The government was fooling around with some experimental warfare technologies, testing the effects of various radiations and electromagnetic fields on a guinea pig population in this sleepy WV town. They'd emit large doses of whatever energy into the town, then sit back and observe pathology clusters, changes in crime rate, mortality, mental illness, and whatever other measurable changes might result from said exposure. What the investigators didn't count on was the attraction the EM activity might have for "black dogs". The so-called "moth man", when it appeared, attracted a lot of unwanted press attention to this little town, which was the last thing the gov't needed, having expended considerable sums in their secret research. So the Black Ops Brethren had to move in to size up the situation, and assess the impact of this black dog presence. My father, who headed a team of Kalo Lowve MIBs, set up observation post all over this town, hoping to catch sight of one of these things, and to silence further witnesses lest they contact the press or police. The whole situation turned into a monkey-house, ultimately. The gov't carried on with the radiation project, the black dogs (moths) continued to pop up, AND the Fey (elemental) MIBs showed up to further complicate matters. They were trying to silence press, witnesses, and us, so we had to keep them at arm's length despite our truce with them. The Fey MIBs managed to round up their black dogs and get them out only by monkey wrenching the gov't project. The equipment used to direct the radiation and EM fields at the town mysteriously disappeared. A couple of gov't scientists were driven to suicide, my father was sighted too many times, and nearly had his cover blown, and the Kalo Lowve threatened to cease cooperating with us. Some wierdo who actually seemed to know too much (a traitor to one of the MIB orgs, possible a KL) started leaking stuff to one of the UFO investigators, but fortunately did not give the whole game away. It was about this time that some of the improved directed-energy and implant technologies come to fruition. The fey MIB had been the sole abductors up to this point, by whatever magical technologies they possessed. Now we had something similar, and put some of this stuff to good use. Unfortunately, some other agency (was it COMM-12?) got their hands on the better equipment and began to abduct people wholesale. It is this other group that really got rolling with the "abduction by greys" scenario. They were not doing any kind of MIB stuff. They just wanted to examine the effects of their germ warfare work, and they were getting sick of schlepping cattle out by night. So they collect random specimens from the human population, do a biopsy, put in a simple tracking implant ("tagging them") and send them back home with visions of aliens dancing in their heads. They did a lot of this to Military dependents too. Anyway, we were not the ones who were killing witnesses back then. As I'd mentioned before, the old Black Ops Brethren had a no-kill policy. It was the Fey MIB who downed that bridge after the Point Pleasant incident. That was one year to the day after the first black dog set down there.

On the matter of these fey MIBs, I've heard a few interesting tales. One of the old guys, who had been in the fraternity since before WWII, had collected some stories from the usually-evasive elementals. One tale, which they apparently enjoyed bragging about was the role they played in the evolution of American music. It seems this handsome young black fellow was doing a little voodoo ceremony at a rural crossroads. This attracted the interest of a couple of elementals, who find such things compelling. After doing his ritual, this young man sat down by the roadside and began picking at a guitar. It occured to one of these elementals that he could help the boy out, so he shape-shifted a bit (to look the part) and walked right up to the musician. He took the guitar from the player's hand and re-tuned it. Played an unusual melody on it, then handed it back. The contact with his returned guitar had a "shaktipat" effect on him. Suddenly he was a brilliant and charismatic musician. But, when gifted by a muse, there is that unfortunate fact that you burn twice as bright but for half as long. These elementals claim that they've intervened in human history since time immemorial, because they need us for their own evolution. They allege to have introduced drums and double-reed flutes to our remotest stone age ancestors, gave us witchcraft, and even got us interested in psychoactive substances, which they claim were instrumental in the evolution of the human brain.

Part 6 ---- Why am I telling all this?

My main concern early on was to test the waters, find out how much surveillance I am under. So I trickled out some vague and misleading clues about the Black Ops Brethren. I admit that I was even deceptive about the nature of my involvement and the extent of my knowledge. It is as a result of my increasing confidence that I've delved more deeply into my memory, admitted more. But this summer I've had a couple of scares. They have reminded me that I'm not being ignored. A member of my own family has even spoken to me, urging me to be cautious. I am angry, and have already adopted a fatalistic view. How can I care anymore? If you have cancer, but cannot get into hospitals on account of no veterans benefits, no insurance, and no credit, there is little recourse except to rage at the circumstances that brought all of this on. It almost makes me inclined to believe in Karma.

Ufologists have by now sifted through many government documents. The dragnet is getting closer to bringing the "officially nonexistent" Black Ops Brethren and BOpFFOr to light, but will it be too late wheh they do? There is a huge project underway which will truly lead to widespread acceptance of the extraterrestrial hypothesis of aerial phenomena. I'm not likely to see this event take place, though it is much sooner than I am comfortable with. I really don't want to witness the X-day project in execution, frankly. Will our clever UFO investigators effectively expose our government's shame in time? Already one or two have discovered the Air Force agency which functioned as our eyes and ears, which collected analysed, and disseminated the data which we acted on. They are mistaken, however, to assume that the 1127th/AFSAC was the be-all and end-all to the MIB question. How many amateur ufologists still maintain that the MIBs are all aliens! I've indicated that some MIBS are elementals, but these are almost never seen/reported/remembered, as they are quite effective at silencing witnesses. Some of the most unusual aerial phenomena are indeed connected to these "people", but they are less interested in abducting or harrassing than in keeping the "black dogs" out of public view. Of them I shall henceforth say little else.

I've said a lot about the Black Ops Brethren and the BOpFFOr, which are, were, and probably will always be profoundly black operations, despite my detailed recounts. What are the odds that these projects will be leaked or declassified? Well that really depends on all of you. In my lifetime, I expect not to see this stuff brought out, but I feel that if dedicated UFO and Black Ops investigators, in cooperation with the media (naturally) can pry open the history of the 1127th, a veritable Pandora's box of Black Operations will spring forth, literally exposing all of the lies of UFO/alien abductions, and dramatically alter trends in our culture which we take for granted. It will result in a whole new understanding of technology, black operations, and the organization of clandestine operations in government intelligence. If this can be done soon enough, X-day might be averted, as well as the consequent police-state actions planned to coincide with it.

Part 2
