Jack Downing Part 3
These postings were found in the archives of a Men in Black message board.
Posted by Maj. Jack Downing on May 01, 1997 at 12:12:18:
Some notes concerning historical precedents to the order called the Men in Black. As I mentioned in the earlier posting, the PsyOps Modus Operandi of the MIBs is to exploit the cultural memory of the target population. Among the prototypes for their style are the classic representations of G-men, spies, and gangsters. Even the cars of choice have a strong intimidation factor. A long black Cadillac with tinted windows is a great fear-inducing symbol. I have reason to believe that in some recent operations a more military look is used (black BDUs and Hummers). I imagine that in tapping into peoples fear of ETs, they may now be carrying scary-looking sci-fi props which make high-pitched electronic sounds just to add to their scariness. In any event, the order does have a strong historical consciousness. Men in Black of various kinds have been visiting people since time immemorial. The Sicilian "Black Hand" used some of the same terror tactics that our MIBs are using (does that make them MIBsters?). European folklore has quite a few examples. Schwarze Peter and Swaarte Pieter are characters in black who are used to threaten kids with abduction if they are not good. These characters wield certain supernatural powers, being devils or shapeshifters. African and Carribean cultures have tales of secret societies of sorcerors who come out at night clad in strange black outfits and driving black vehicles (or horses, bicycles, etc.) which cast a black light and emit a horrible high-pitched sound. Those who are caught outdoors are killed or abducted, maimed or sickened. The druids had a similar order, and even the Bon-Po of Tibet are alleged to have a similar lore. with such a pervasive folk history to tap into, it is easy to see why the order can have so much power over the imagination without having to kill anyone. Have you noticed that despite the visits from the MIBs, people talk anyway? That is exactly what they want. as I mentioned earlier, the whole point of a visit is to alter memory, not so silence a witness. As an organization, they have been extremely effectice at converting sightings of test operations of weapons systems and aircraft into preposterous UFO tales.
Posted by Maj. Jack Downing on May 01, 1997 at 09:54:22:
It is with much amusement that I read the conspiracy media concerning the notorious MIBs. In my years of research and association with the counterintell field, I have learned much of the exoteric data regarding an interagency fraternal order known (1940-89) as the Black Ops Brethren or (since '89, when women entered the order) the Black Ops Fed Fraternal Order. They also have a very secret name, which I don't know. Popularly, they are called the Men In Black. They are an elite force of Counterintelligence and PsyOps-trained government officers, who are charged with the responsibility of "putting out fires", that is to say, squelching potential leaks of ultrasecret matters of National Security. They have been considerably more active since the early 80s. Members are recruited from diverse counterintell departments and sworn into the order in a fashion reminiscent of Freemasonry. Entering is easier if you already have a relative therein. The "look" of the MIB is drawn from Pop culture images of secret service, G-man, and mobster style. The function of the look is part of their PsyOp M.O. While there certainly are some wierdos, there are no ETs among the MIBs. The oft-described pallor is the result of wearing a wool suit and personal body armor in hot weather. The "hypnotic trance" effect of MIB interrogation is nothing paranormal. Ericksonian trance induction technique is enhanced by the intimidation factor of the circumstances, coupled with the classic "tiger's eye" stare used by cops and martial artists. The black helicopters are interagency surveillance vehicles and are not directly related to the order. The UFO conspiracy is actively encouraged and spread by govt PsyOps in order to cloak certain weopons programs. A visit by MIBs is intended to hypnotize you into thinking that what you saw WAS a UFO, though you are left with the idea planted that they came to intimidate you into "keeping quiet" about the UFO. In my research, I have encountered some groups that call themselves MEN IN BLACK. Usually they are a club of hoaxsters who like to amuse themselves by harrassing "abduction" survivers, sometimes by hanging around where a conference or group therapy session is held, the following participants home. Great fun, eh?
Posted by Maj. Jack Downing on May 01, 1997 at 11:20:42:
The Black Ops Fed Fraternal Order can mobilize its officers and agents to arrive at any point in the US within a matter of hours. So where are they coming from? The concentration of these individuals may be found at 5 or 6 large gov't facilities, where they don't have offices per se, but individuals are distributed among the agencies located on those sites. Two sites I have confirmed as having a concentration of officers and agents are Stennis and Aberdeen, but there are indications that Presidio (formerly) and one or two other sites contain a concentration. Additionally there are branch "offices" manned by agents, usually connected with the Dept of the Navy and Army. Scattered all over the country are hangars and garages wherein the cars and aircraft utilized by the MIBs are on standby. I believe that the "secret service" cars found in the World Trade Center after the bombing may actually have been also used by the order. How do officers differ from agents? An officer is an individual sworn into the order and who oversees the operation in both an administrative capacity, and an active capacity, such as interrogating "witnesses". An agent is not a member of the order, but who has a high security clearance, and is useful to the order, being a member of the Military, govt investigative agency, or local law enforcement. The agent may not be clearly aware of the nature of his or her mission. Incidentally, some of the best known conspiracy "theorists" are unwitting agents of the order. The folks who originated the notion that MIBs are ETs are doing the MIBs a favor by enhancing the terror factor of a "visit". it wouldn't surprise me if some officers are profiting from a little Sci Fi movie makeup in order to play up this matter. Do recall that PsyOps long ago learned that folk superstitions and Pop culture semiotics are powerful tools for exploiting the beliefs and values of the target population. I have been told by some UFOlogy "experts" that I am part of the "coverup conspiracy". Not so. in fact I have found that as an investigator, the best way to reach the truth about anything is to negotiate the channels of power in a given system. The natural result of this is that if I am taken down, the system itself is weakened. Though I am under surveillance and have been so since 1982, I am not afraid because I know well how they operate. As for the harrassment, I find that the best they can do is send computer viruses, create mysterious debts and credit problems, search my mail, and send police around with dubious search warrants which do not hold up in court. My home is an electronic fortress, so there is no concern about them planting bugs, cameras, or incriminating evidence. therefore I am not afraid to communicate. From where I sit I have a clear view of the Empire State Building. Every afternoon on a clear weekday, a matte-black unmarked Huey helicopter makes a few passes around the ES building, then flies directly over my apartment. are they trying to get my attention? Do I care?
Posted by Maj. Downing on May 01, 1997 at 14:08:41: In Reply to: The "Men in Black" part 3 posted by Maj. Jack Downing on May 01, 1997 at 12:14:33:
Almost immediately after my last posting, I began receiving email asking "who the f*ck are you?". In order to reduce the traffic on my email, I'll just give a quick bio of myself. My family has been in the Intel and Counterintell community since at least the Revolutionary War. One ancestor was known to have worked "off the books" for both Pres. Andrew Johnson and Andrew Jackson. Racially, we are descended from American Romany people who entered the country after being expelled from England circa 1725. In WWI the Intel operations in America became more systematized and compartmentalized, and some people had to function as secret liasons between these depts in order to give "adhesion" to the whole system. My family was part of that. Certain jobs were literally inherited, like in an aristocracy. During WWII and throughout the Cold War, my father was active in the Black Ops brethren. As a child I was made to participate in some remote-viewing experiments, because it was believed (and in fact confirmed) that romanys had an aptitude for RV. I served in the army for many years in PsyOps and Counterintell. Upon leaving, I entered the NSA. Through the Society of Old Crows (an electronic warfare fraternity), I was approached by officers of the Black Ops Brethren and offered to be a probationer. After two years of training and working small operations as an agent, I was told my nomination had been voted down because I talked too much and asked too many questions of the wrong people. There was fear that I would become a "double-agent". Shortly thereafter, I had my commission and security clearance stripped from me, and I found myself being debriefed and told to stay out of trouble. I still have many informants among my old friends in the community, but my family will not now associate with me for fear of losing their clearances. The govt does still look after me because of my father and because of the RV experiments, but I shall not be getting a pension when I retire. Black Ops people are generally "swept under the rug" so they won't draw attention. I have been told never to approach the govt for any kind of assistance, and I recently found out my SSN is void. The reason I can speak out now is that I really have nothing left to lose.
[Here is an interesting comment on the above, posted to the same message board] Posted by Truman van Martijn on May 02, 1997 at 07:23:53:
I can vouch for the truth of what Jack Downing has stated. I have had personal contact several times with the Men in Black. For several years during the seventies I worked in one of the motor pools where the black cars are kept and maintained. These fellows are elite and somewhat ruthless, but they are jokers at heart, and have normal lives and families just like anyone else. Any notion that they are aliens sounds to me like a ludicrous delusion.
Posted by Jeff.Sparks on May 02, 1997 at 18:30:04:
This major Downing dude is a major breakthru in the puzzle to figur out who these MiB guys are. I mean, everything makes sense for the first time. THIS IS A PIVOTAL MOMENT IN U>F>O< HISTORY!#!#!#! If what he says really jibes with reality, then we have cracked their codes. The statements he made are all coherent, which is better than I can say for the MiB's article he is responding to. If he's onto something, then we need to take a better look at our goverment. Are we underestimating their abilty to keep secrets secret? WHOA!! I'm reeling from this. Somebody please look into this matter. God help us if something really important hasn't just been revealled.
Posted by Maj. Jack Downing on May 04, 1997 at 17:43:02:
I have increasingly come under closer scrutiny since my previous postings about "you-know-who", but thus far I have come to no harm. One individual who posted a response and then emailed me with questions about political intrigue gave me an idea for this posting. My experience confirms (to me) that the US gov't will go to any length to cover up not only matters of National Security relevant to military/industrial experiments, but also to suppress the spread of certain kinds of subversion and/or anti-American sentiment. How they do this, though, seems to defy all common sense, but in truth has a sense all of its own. Let us recall certain memories from the era when the civil rights movement was most active. There was concern in high places that many of the left-radical groups were getting too much support from the common folk. The gov't has learned from experience that simply arresting or assassinating leaders of these movements would make them martyrs, and turn sentiment against the government. Therefore (a job for PsyOp experts) how to turn American sentiment against these groups and toward the powers that be? Well, the trick is to reframe perception of these groups as BAD GUYS and the govt as THE HERO. The method used by the govt against these groups (Nation of Islam, Black Panthers, Socialist and Labor Organizations, The Young Lords, Various gay and womens rights groups) is to identify the most marginal and crazed members, infiltrate and disrupt the hierarchy of the group, by increased funding and other political manoeuvers put the most marginal persons at center and top, create schisms and radicalize the activities and perceptions of the group. Sometimes convert an otherwise peaceful group into a band of screaming bomb-throwers. By these act one neutralises the political future of a group and, by turning sentiment against them, the govt is doing the citzenry a favor by suppressing the group. More recently, certain right-wing militias and religious cults were neutralized thusly. While I am not at liberty to say much about Oklahoma City, I have to comment that it very effectively turned American sentiments against any group or individual who posesses guns or bombs, or the means of manufacturing them. With regard to White House intrigues, I must say that is not for nothing that it is called a "White" House, because there is a constant whitewashing going on. Our president is not a Bubba, but a very intelligent machine politician who is keeping America in the dark about quite a few things. The Men in Black have visited a couple of his enemies as well... (continued)
Part 4