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Do you believe you have been abducted? Please feel free to e-mail us, and we will be happy to e-mail you an abduction questionaire to help us evaluate your case.

Most Abducions involve one person occassional a couple. Multiple witness abductions are very rare.

Pattern of abduction:
1)initial experience with physical effects
2)suspicion or abduction-missiing time
3)memory or nightmares that involve aliens or medical procedures

OZ Factor-The higher level of encounters are nearly marked by this. Witnesses say all sound fades away and time and space lose its normal hold on consciousness. As if they are temporarily taken ou of the normal world and enter another reality.

Doorway Amnesia-Most all abductees have no memory of their actual entry into the UFO, they remember waking up in a well lit environmet they assume to be the UFO.

Time Laps-Lost time, occurs where during, an encounter, there is a discontinuity in the flow of time.

Marks and Scars:

These are some of the common marks and scars that adbuctees have reported finding on their body after an adbuction experience.

1) Sudden blood or pain in your eyes

2)Bruises that appear overnight, generally on arms and legs(some look like finger marks called clasp marks)

3)Scoop marks, they can resemble biopsy marks

4)Have unusual scars or marks with no possible explanation on how you received them, especially if you have some emotional reaction to them

Screen Memories- Screen memories are commonly reported among abductees. They are a cover story or false image implanted in their minds to mask the true abduction experience.