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Classification of Sightings

Credibility Rating

The scores are given out for three categories. The first digit is the source reliability. The second is the sight visit. The third is a possible explanation. A score of 222 is considered a credible sighting.

Source Reliability

0 - Unknown or unreliable source

1 - Report attributed to unknown reliability

2 - Reliable source

3 - First hand experience

4 - First hand interview with the witness by a reliable source

Site Visit Rating

0 - No site visit or answer unknown

1 - Site visit by a casual person not familiar with the phenomena

2 - Site visit by a person familiar with the phenomena

3 - Site visit by a reliable investigator

4 - Site visit by a skilled analyst

Possible Explanations

0 - Date consistant with one or more natural causes

1 - Natural explanation requires slight modification of data

2 - Natural explanation requires major modification of one perameter

3 - Natural explanation requires major modification of several perameters

4 - No natural explanation possible