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Type's of UFO's and Sightings

Lightform-nocturnal lights, ball lightning, rays, columns, cones of light, light formations or array's. They are just bright balls of light in the sky. Lightforms are the most common of all UFO sightings. Also know as lights in the sky.

Spherical- resemble a perfectly round sphere seen close up over time. Some are no bigger than basketballs in size or may be larger than a house. Occassionally these spheres may feature a base of some kind or saturn-like rings.

Discoid- objects that remain disc-shaped, they are the "classic" flying saucer, they can have a dome, finns etc. The Discoid is the most commonly reported UFO shape.

Elliptical--egg or football-shaped UFO. This Type of UFO is most frequently reported when it has already landed or close to the ground so it can be seen close up. Often it is lacking exterior features.

Cylindrical-Cigar-shapped UFO it has tapered or conical ends - sometimes it has one flat end and resembles a missle or bullet. This type of UFO has been known to produce a distinctive vapor trail.

Rectangular-Object with sharp corners, they can look like a dishwasher. Almost exclusivly a South American phemomenon. Some can be as large as an aircraft carrier. Infrequently seen.

Triangular--Top, diamond, cone-shaped, flying wing or boomerang shaped. These UFO's are reported to be low flying and being very large. This type of UFO is rarely seen these days. I believe this to be some kind of military aircraft...possibly the Aurora.

Shape Shifters--UFO's that alter form

Flap - Short concentration of UFO activity usually lasting a few days.

Instrumentally Detected Cases - UFO detected by some instrumental means.

Landing Traces - UFO lands or hovers close enough to the ground leaving physical traces behind.(crop circles, burnt grass)

Low Definition - Poorly defined sighting at night or during the day when little more than color and motion is observed.

Medium Definition - Reasonable degree of stucture is observed behind the UFO either during the day or at night, size, distance and shape can be seen.

Radar/Visual Encounter - The UFO is observed as well as being recorded by one or more radar systems.

UFO Event - The initial event in which on unidentified phenomenon occurs.

UFO Report - Report of a UFO sighting made by the witness to oher people.

UFO Sighting - The act of observing a UFO by a witnss.

UFO Story - A second hand account of a UFO report told by someone other than the witness.

Animal Disturbances - Cats and dogs ofter react to the presence of UFO's. Possibly because they are detecting some energy or sound emissions from the UFO humans can't detect.

Informatiion from: "The Field Guide to UFO's" by Dennis Stacy and Partick Huyghe. 2000