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By Lady Halcyon

One: The Quest Begins


'Anubis, what's going on?" I asked, still trying to understand what was happening. 'What's happened since our battle with Turok?"


'Where should I begin?" he asked with a weak grin. 'You were defeated by Turok. You and the rest were placed in a deep sleep and hidden.

After that, Turok's forces came and turned the planet into a wasteland. I was resurrected to awaken Lady Kyra, the Warlords, and the Outer Scouts and we were given the task to find the rest of the champions of Earth. They have been awake a couple of months.


'All we have to go on is a poem. We were able to decipher your location from it, but we haven't been able to do the same for the others. We figured you would be able to find them, since you knew more about the ancient legends than even Mia."


'Out of curiosity, how long have we been asleep?" I asked, assimilating the information I'd been given. I realized that I had a lot of catching up to do.


'Roughly a thousand years," he replied. 'Why did Kyra give you the Star staff and the Star Swords?"


'Later," I said. 'So how do we get out of here?"


'You don't." The pile of rubble exploded and a figure walked through the mist. He was wearing a dark two piece suit, and had short blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. 'You see, I have orders to destroy you. Yet, I can't help wanting to wait so that I can get credit for also destroying the rest of your little posse as well."


'Jetite, I can't say it's a pleasure to see you again," I said with contempt. Anubis stepped in front of me, and said, 'Lady, please leave. I'll take care of this pest."


'No," I said stepping around him, my hands clenched into fists. This man had just destroyed my friend and I was not going to let him destroy me, and destroy this planet's only hope for peace. 'This is my fight. I will send him back to the Negaverse in pieces."


'What can you do to stop me?" Jetite asked, contempt dripping from every word. 'You've been sleeping for so long that you are weak and can't use your powers. There's nothing you can do to defeat me." He started to laugh and began to shoot dark energy from his hands. We ducked behind a piece of a wall. 'It's hopeless,' I thought, 'I can't use my powers because I'm so weak. How am I going to be able to defeat him?'


'Lady Halcyon, don't give up. He's making you think that you're weak,' Anubis thought, looking me straight in the eyes, 'You have the strength to defeat him, if you just believe in yourself.' I looked at him and nodded. I stood up, held out my hands, and concentrated. A star shaped locket, with the symbols of the Sailor Scouts and the kanji of the nine armors around the star in the middle and the kanji of hope in the middle of the star, appeared in the palm of my right hand. I walked out from behind the wall, faced Jetite, and said, 'You shouldn't underestimate the power of Heaven. Celestial Crystal Power!" In a flash of white light and feathers, I stood there as Sailor Heaven. 'You've hurt my friends and annoyed me for the last time. I am Sailor Heaven, the champion of justice. On behalf of the heavens, I will right all wrongs and triumph over evil! That means you are toast!"


'WHAT! This isn't possible! You should be too weak to transform!" Jetite shouted. I summoned my bow and arrow and shouted, 'Celestial Arrow Shock Wave!" My arrow pierced his body and the energy turned him into dust.


'That was for Kyra," I said softly, as I became a normal person again. 'No one messes with my friends and lives to tell about it."


'What happened to him?" someone croaked from the entrance of the passage. I turned and saw Kyra leaning against the wall. I smiled as she walked over to where Anubis and I were standing. I said, 'He underestimated the power of Heaven, and Sailor Heaven showed Jetite his mistake."


'Good," she said. She started to waver, and I supported her. I said, 'You don't look so good. Let's get you back to whatever base you have and get you patched up."


A few hours later, we arrived at the main underground base for the Resistance. The three of us were escorted inside. Once inside Kyra's suite, I put her on her bed and went into a healing trance. I was vaguely aware of people coming in and Anubis explaining what had happened. A few minutes later, I pulled out of the trance and said, 'Kyra will be fine. I healed all of her injuries, except for the exhaustion. That, only rest and food will cure. She should rest for a few days."


'As you should," Dais said, coming over to help me stand up. Healing like that takes a lot of energy. 'You need your rest as well, Lady Halcyon. You have had a long day. Welcome back."


'Thanks," I said. 'It's good to be back." I was led to a suite next to Kyra's and put to bed with the order to sleep. Sleep I did, mostly because the day's events had worn me out. During my period of enforced rest, I was disturbed by strange dreams. I saw my friends in chambers like mine. I felt as if someone who had plans for the sleeping warriors was watching me. All throughout the dream, I heard a poem in the background. I recognized part of it as the poem that had helped Mia find the Ronins a long time ago, but the rest of it was confusing.

I woke up a couple of hours later- I had too much adrenaline running through my body to sleep. I got up and put on a robe I found on a chair.


I walked out of the bedroom and towards the sitting room, where I could here Anubis, Dais, Kale, and Sekhmeht discussing today's events. I stood in the doorframe as Anubis brought up the fact that I had recognized one of the enemy's minions. That started a heated discussion of my loyalties, Anubis and Kale defending me and Dais and Sekhmeht trying to find fault with me.


'You know, you could just ask me," I said, walking into the room and sitting on an empty chair.


'You should be resting," Kale objected. The others nodded their agreement to his statement.


'I've got too much nervous energy running through my body to make that feasible. Now, about how I knew whom Jetite was," I said, then explained how he had been one of Beryl's goons, how he fought the Sailor Scouts and lost. 'Turok has the power to revive the dead, which means anyone of the toadies we faced in the past could come back and cause trouble. Most of them are itching for a fight and may want revenge for their defeat."


'That's just perfect!" Dais shouted. 'There are ten of us now and who knows how many toadies. We'll be outnumbered a googol to ten."


'Not really," I said, causing them to turn and stare at me in utter confusion. 'I know how to find some of the sleepers. I heard the poem you told me about, and recognized it. After Talpa had split the Ronins apart, Mia used part of it to find them. We should be able to do the same. The only hard part is actually finding the places where the Ronins are."


'How is that the hard part?" asked Anubis.


'The geography of this area has changed greatly since the time when you worked for Talpa. I don't know if some of the places still exist."


'That could be a problem," he admitted. 'We could use our computer to see if the places you found in the poem are still there. Then, a team could go and explore them. If the Ronins are there, they'll be awakened. If not, we'll keep searching."


'Mia and I should be on the team. Mia, because she's the one who found them the first time and knows where they are, and me, because with Kyra on light duty for the next few days, I'm the only other person who probably knows how to open those chambers."


'What are they?" asked Anubis. 'I've never seen anything like them before."


'They are magical preservation chambers," I replied. 'It was the only way to keep us alive until we could be awakened."


'Oh," Dais said. 'So how do we go about finding the rest of the warriors?"


'You are missing part of the information you need," someone said from the far side of the room, but there was no one standing there when we looked. There was a flash of light, and a young woman stood there, in a dress similar to the one I'd been found in. She winked at me and motioned for me to keep quiet.


'Who are you?" asked Kale. 'How did you get past security?"


'Majesty," Anubis said, with a slight bow. 'I can't say I'm surprised that you are here. What do you mean we're missing part of the information we need? I thought that we had all the information we needed, except for the locations of the Ronins and Sailor Scouts."


'That is not what I am talking about, Anubis," she said, taking the seat that Sekhmeht offered her. 'I am Lady Halcyon, the original Guardian of Earth. I represent the gods of the Light, and will be your aide and guide in this quest."


'So what information are we missing?" asked Hotaru, as she and the other Outer Scouts walked in.


'The Dark gods are cheating, so I can tell you some of what you need to know," Halcyon replied. 'Turok is the real threat to the planet. With his power to resurrect the dead, he has brought back several of the more vicious villains that the Ronins and Scouts faced."


'We may not have defeated him when we fought him a thousand years ago," I said, 'but didn't we trap him in an alternate universe or something?"


'You did, but the bonds that are keeping him there are weakening. That's why he can send all of the monsters you fought before to harass you now. Eventually, the bonds will break and the Ronins and Scouts will have to fight him again."


'That won't happen unless we find them," said Amara, 'and the only way to find them is to decipher the poem."

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