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Offworld Wars
By Lady Halcyon

Author's note: I don't own the rights to the Ronins or Scouts- if I did, I'd be rich. However, I own all rights to this story and the characters Kieren Hiroke, and the Ronin of Heaven and Sailors Heaven and Star. Please e-mail me for permission to use any part of this story, or any of the characters I own. 

{ Note from Dera Gallilean : To those that may ask. This story is not a copy-cat of SAW's crossover. We've talked about this and I don't think it's so exact that she should get any guffa about it. So if I hear someone getting all riled up and flaming her, I may be sending you an e*mail and posting you name on my page as having been rude to one of the authors. That's it. ~_^ Sayonara Mina! }

This story takes place one year after the Ronins defeated Talpa, and after the Scouts have defeated the heart-snatchers. The Ronins have fought beside the Scouts in the past, so they know each other professionally. Also, no one knows that Kieren is the Ronin of Heaven and Sailor Star- the most powerful warrior for both groups. 

Here's some info on Kieren:

Kieren Hiroke is a priestess and a vet. She is an only child. Her mother died when she was a baby, and her father died when she was seven. Her grandfather, an elderly priest of an ancient religion, raised her. She is the tallest of both groups- 6'10''. She has golden eyes, and long dark blue hair that she keeps braided. She lives in the outskirts of Tokyo with Mia and the Ronins- Mia's house was destroyed by a severe hurricane and is in the process of being rebuilt.

Kieren has many special abilities that will be explained throughout the story. She also has a star shaped crystal that she can use for a variety of purposes. She is also Lady Halcyon, the last member of a very powerful family. Kieren is also a direct descendant of the Ancient, guide and protector of the Ronins.


I was standing in a field of dead flowers. I looked around to see if anything might be alive, but all the plants and animals I saw were dead or dying. I walked towards a forest I saw in the distance, thinking that it might still have some life in it, but when I got there, all I saw was more death. I wondered if anything was still alive.

"How can this be?" I murmured, as I continued walking through the dead forest. "What could have caused this?"

"This is what will happen to my world and yours, if you don't stop it," a voice said from behind me. I turned to face a veiled figure. She- it appeared to be a young woman- came towards me, stopping a few feet away and faced the forest. "This is caused by a great evil that takes pleasure in draining the life from a planet and using its inhabitants as its slaves."

"What do you mean, if I don't stop it?" I asked, shocked by what she was saying. How could something be that evil?

"Only you and your friends have the power to stop this evil," she said, staring at the forest. She looked at me and I saw that her eyes hid great pain. "It will be here soon. You must help me protect the people."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused. "What's going on? Is this a joke? Who are you?"

"Call me the Guardian. I protect the people of this world. Unfortunately, I don't have the power to protect them anymore," she said sadly. She started to fade into the rising mist. "That's why you and your friends must help me. If you don't, both our worlds will be destroyed."

"How can we help? What can we do?" I called into the mist, as she vanished, but the mist swallowed up any reply she might have made.

I woke up, breathing hard. It was just a dream, I thought, but what if it was real? What if what the Guardian said was true? I chuckled, How can it be true? This is what I get for watching that scary movie marathon with the girls and trying Serena's dip. I'll go back to sleep and forget about this. I looked over at Rae, who was sound asleep. Shaking my head, I thought, What's going on? Am I going crazy or am I just hallucinating?

Across town

Darien woke with a start, scared by the dream he'd had. Could it mean that we're being tested again, he thought, or is this a new evil for us to face? What does it mean?

Meanwhile.The Guardian opened her eyes, peered at the sky, and sighed. "Are you sure there's no other way, Lena? Are you sure that they're the ones who will help us fight Comoro?"

"I'm positive," Lena replied from her bench. 

"They didn't believe me." 

"They will," Lena said calmly, looking up from her embroidery. 

"They have to. If they want to save the people they care about, they'll have to."

I woke up late that morning. I must've overslept because of the dream I'd had, I thought as I got washed. I braided my hair, then pulled back into a bun, which was held in place by two fake daggers. I pulled a clean T-shirt and a pair of pants from my bag and put them on. I slipped into my soft-shoes and went to the dining room. 

"Morning, sleepy-head," said Rae from the table. "Do you always sleep this late, Kieren?"

"Not really," I replied with a yawn. I sat down across from Rae. "I had a really weird and spooky dream last night. It kept me up for a while. I think it was caused by the scary movie marathon from last night and probably the dip we had."

"Would you describe it for me? I might be able to figure out what it means," she said. I quickly described-and edited- my dream. After some deliberation, she said, "Í can't figure it out. It makes no sense to me."

"It's okay. I wasn't all that interested in what in meant."

"C'mon, I want to show you the rest of the temple," Rae said. For the next couple of hours, she showed me the temple. It was really interesting. 

That afternoon found me hanging out in Rae's room, vegging. This place is so peaceful, I thought, I could learn to like it. It is more relaxed and peaceful than my temple. Something new always happens there. I grinned as I remembered the guys and the trouble that they always seemed to get into when they played around at my temple. 

Rae walked in and said, "There are a couple of guys here to see you, Ren."

"Are they cute?" I asked with a grin. Rae smiled and answered with a nod and a silent whistle. I laughed. "Did they introduce themselves or are they secret admirers here to serenade me?"

"They introduced themselves as Ryo Sanada, Sage Date, Sai Mouri, Kento Lei Faun, and Rowen Hashiba."

"They're back!" I exclaimed in delight, as Rae finished speaking. I raced out of the room, with Rae hot on my heels wearing a confused expression on her face. I ran straight to my friends, who were standing in the courtyard of the temple. They smiled as they saw run towards them. The guys started to laugh as I hugged them.

"Miss us did you?" laughed Ryo, as I hugged him. 

"To tell the truth, it was quiet and lonely at my place," I replied, as Rowen put his arm around my shoulder. They laughed. "I got used to having the five of you there every day and having to replace a window almost as often." They grinned sheepishly. When the six of us would play soccer behind my house, one of them would always kick to hard and the ball would hit one of the windows, breaking it. 

"So how was the tournament, fellas?" I asked. A couple of weeks ago, they'd seemed restless, so I told them of a martial arts tournament I'd heard of from a friend of mine. I suggested that they go and represent my dojo at the tournament. They jumped at the idea. They had left about two weeks ago. I had forgotten that they would be returning today when I'd accepted Rae's invitation to spend the night.

"It was a blast!" Kento exclaimed. Rowen and the others groaned. Kento just grinned. I shook my head, laughing. Kento was always happiest when he was fighting.
"We came in first in all divisions," said Sage, as they beamed with pride. "We left the trophies at your place." 

"Great! Let's go to a nice restaurant for lunch," I said, then added, "My treat."

"We'll pay," Sai said. "I mean, it's one way to repay you for giving us the idea to go." 

"Kieren, would you mind introducing me to your friends?" asked Rae from behind the commotion. She looked at the guys curiously, as if she'd seen them before.

"Pardon my manners, Rae," I said. "From left to right are: Ryo, Rowen, Kento, Sage, and Sai," then added, "Answer me this, guys, how did you find me here? I didn't leave a note or anything."

"We ran into Darien, who told us about Rae's invitation," Ryo said, "and was nice enough to give us directions to this place. If you want to go out for lunch with us to celebrate, you'd better hurry. That way you can get changed and we'll still get a table."

Rae said, "I'll help you get your stuff." 

I followed her back to her room, where we proceeded to gather my clothes together. 

"You guys seem really close to one another," Rae said. "How long have you known them?"

"Years, Rae," I replied with a smile, "although it feels like we've known each other a lot longer than that. I've known Rowen the longest."

"Really?" she asked. "How did the two of you meet?"

"He was my next door neighbor in Toyama. My grand father ran a dojo there, and Rowen joined. After my father died when I was seven, we moved here, and the two of us wrote to each other. Shortly before I started high school, we moved back to our house in Toyama. I met the others in high school. After I graduated, I moved back here. Occasionally, we'd visit each other."

"Wow," Rae said.

"Several months ago, I got a call from Rowen. He told me that the place where they'd been staying in Toyama had been destroyed by the hurricane and that they had no where to stay. I foolishly invited them to stay at my place since I had plenty of room. I should have remembered a couple of things."

"Like what?" Rae asked

"For starters, the guys are into sports and just about every time they play in the back, they break a window. I've had to replace all of the downstairs windows at least twice so far. It's getting to be expensive," I said with a sigh. Rae laughed. "Then, there's the fact that Rowen can't cook and he is more likely to set my kitchen on fire than anyone else. One time, I had to chase him out of the kitchen with a frying pan before he got the point that only Sai and I are allowed in there to cook."

We had finished getting my stuff and had walked back outside. The guys were waiting by the Ford Expedition that I owned (it was the only thing big enough for all of us). We said good-bye and got in the truck. We left the temple and headed for my place. I yawned, and silently prayed for a peaceful rest that night.

"Tired, Ren?" Sage asked, quickly glancing back from the driver's seat. "How late did you stay up?"

"Not that late, Sage," I replied, stifling another yawn. "Rae's friends came over and we watched a couple scary movies."

"I didn't know you were afraid of stuff like that," Kento observed from the front seat.

"Try anything funny, buster," I said, raising my fist in mock anger, "and I will personally take great pleasure in getting revenge."

"Ouch," commented Rowen. Since Rowen had known me the longest, he knew better than to play jokes on me. Ryo and the others didn't know that, so they learned the hard way not to play pranks on me. Yet, after several lessons in why not to play jokes on me, they still did it.

"I'm not afraid of scary movies," I said, yawning again. "I had a really spooky dream last night that kept me up." I described my dream in full detail to them.

"I had a similar dream," Ryo said from behind me, resting his arms on the seat back to talk with us. "In fact, we all had a dream like that. We figured that's what we get for eating airline burritos. We don't know what it means."

"Neither do I," I replied, gazing out the window of the van, "and I don't like it."

* * *

Rae had just finished cleaning up from breakfast, when she heard the others start moving around. Lita walked into the room with the others and asked where Kieren was. Rae replied that several friends of hers had come to pick her up.

"What did they look like?" asked Mina curiously. "Were they cute?"

"They were," replied Rae. Mina smiled speculatively, and Rae added, "Don't get any ideas, Mina. They seemed very attached to her."

"Who were they?" asked Amy.

"They were a couple of guys she knew that were staying with her until their place is fixed," Rae said. 

Yawning, Serena asked if anyone had had a strange dream during the night. When she had finished describing her dream, the others agreed that they had similar dreams. Rae mentioned that Kieren had told her about a very similar dream, but had said that it was probably caused by the movies and Serena's dip. They wondered if it had been a vision or a product of the movie marathon. 

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