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Offworld Wars
03 : Partners in Peril
By Lady Halcyon

I woke up in a world of white stuff. I sat up and shook my head to clear my senses. When I looked at my surroundings, I realized that the white stuff was snow. I had landed on a mountain, but I couldn't see the others. At first I thought that it was because of the snowstorm, but then I realized that the others weren't here. I got up and took a more detailed look at my surroundings. I saw that I was in a forest of huge trees. Suddenly I was bowled over and my wolfy friends began to lick me enthusiastically. I pushed them off and got up again to look for the others. That's when I noticed a volcano not that far away. Ryo's armor is the Wildfire, so he's probably at the volcano, I thought, and Rae is going to be with him. I should start looking at the volcano. Finding the others won't be as easy, though. 

Rowan woke to the sound of screaming. He got up quickly, and ran towards the source of the screams. He saw a young girl sitting on the ground, being attacked by flying bugs. A black cat was trying to swat some away, but it wasn't working. He walked over and brushed them away.

"You're afraid of bugs, Serena?" he asked, recognizing her once he'd gotten close enough to see her face.

"Not really," she said, as he helped her up. "They just startled me, that's all."

"Have you seen anyone else?" he asked, taking a quick glance around. 

"No. You're the first person I've seen so far," Serena said, picking up her cat. "Where is everybody, Rowan? Where's Darien, Rini, and the girls?"

"I don't know, Serena," he replied. 

"We should look for them, but where do we start?"

"I don't know, Serena," Rowen said. Just then, a swarm of huge bug-like creatures appeared from out of nowhere. They attacked Serena and Rowen. Luna, the black cat, shouted, "Transform, Serena!"

"Moon Cosmic Power!" Serena shouted. In a flash of pink light and hearts, she became Sailor Moon. By then, Rowen had called his armor and was bashing the bugs on the head and turning them into pincushions. 

"Rowen, duck!" Sailor Moon cried, and while he ducked, shouted, "Moon Spiral Heart Attack!" obliterating several of the bugs. Rowen stood there in amazement. He shouted, "Sailor Moon, behind you! Arrow Shock Wave!" His arrow sped past her and disintegrated a bug that had been ready to attack her. She flashed a grateful smile, and helped him destroy the rest of the bugs. 

"Since when do you have armor, Rowen?" Serena asked as they returned to their everyday clothes. 

"Well, the cat's out of the bag now, so I'll tell you the truth," Rowen said. "The guys and I are the Ronin Warriors."

"Back to my original question, how do we find the others?" she asked. 

"Let's follow the tunnel and see where it leads," he suggested.

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