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The Offworld War
Part 04 : Sparks Fly
By Lady Halcyon

"It's dark down here. Why can't I ever land in a sunny place?" Sage groaned as he got up. "Where is everybody? If this is someone's idea of a joke, it's not funny." Sage continued to mutter as he walked down the tunnel. He stopped short when he saw four sets of eyes. Please let those eyes belong to Kieren's pack, he prayed. As the eyes advanced, Sage saw that they belonged to four very hungry animals. 

"Oh, brother," he groaned, calling up his sub-armor. One of them jumped for his throat, but never made it. Sage hit it on the head. Another tried to bite his arm, but he shook it off. The first one had gotten back up and jumped on him again, knocking him down. It tried to bite his throat, but Sage got his hands on its mouth before it could. He tried to push it back, but couldn't. 

"Need a hand?" asked Lita, as she punched the creature in its side hard enough to make it go slack. Sage threw it off to the side.

"Nice to see a friendly face down here," he said. "Any idea where the others are?"

"Nope," she replied. "You're the first person I've seen."

"Great," Sage growled, punching another of the creatures. "You wouldn't happen to have any idea how to get out of here, would you?"

"Nope," she said, avoiding the fourth creature. "Though, if you've got a good plan for getting rid of these monsters, now's a good time to say it."

"Yeah, I've got a plan," Sage said, just as the creatures began to morph into a humanoid form. "Armor of Halo! Dao Chi!"

"Interesting," Lita commented. 

"Thunderbolt Cut!" Sage shouted, frying one of the monsters. 

"My turn," Lita said. Holding up her transformation wand, she shouted, "Jupiter Crystal Power!" In a flash of green light and electricity, she stood there as Sailor Jupiter. 

"Jupiter Oak Evolution!" she shouted, sending a flurry of electric balls at one of the monsters and obliterating it. Sage stood there with an eyebrow raised.


"You ain't seen nothin' yet, Blondie," Jupiter replied. "Sparkling Wide Pressure!" A disc of electricity destroyed another monster. Sage's eyebrows went up even further.

"Thunderbolt Cut!" he shouted, finishing off the last monster. He shed his armor and turned to face Lita, who was still Sailor Jupiter.

"Now what?" she asked. Sage pointed down the tunnel. 

"We follow that and pray that it leads us to our friends," he replied. The two of them started to walk down the tunnel, unaware that they were being watched. 

Far away, in a dark room, a shadowy figure sat, watching a crystal globe. Inside, the scene of Sailor Jupiter and Sage destroying the monsters played.

"Hmm," a deep and sinister voice mused. "These children are stronger than I originally thought. They should provide adequate amusement for the time being." 


It began to chuckle dryly.



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