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The Offworld Wars
Part 05: Fiery Tempers
By Lady Halcyon

"Ouch. That's the last time I use that airline," Ryo said as he sat up, rubbing his head. 

"Are you okay?" Rae asked. She came over to check on him.

"Just a bump on the head and a few bruises," he said. "Nothing that some aspirin won't cure. Where are we and where is everybody?"

"We're on the top of a volcano, and I don't know where the others are," Rae said.

"Not good. Uh, Rae, are we alone up here?"

"Yeah. Why?" she asked. Then she heard something moving in the shadows.

"Not anymore we aren't!" Ryo shouted as several huge monsters appeared from out of nowhere. They quickly surrounded Rae and Ryo, effectively cutting off escape. Rae took out her transformation wand, but a blast of energy from one of the monsters knocked it out of her hand. It fell down the side of the volcano. Ryo watched this and realized that it was up to him to get them out of this mess. 

"Armor of Wildfire! Dao Jin!" he shouted. In a burst of cherry petals and rice paper, he stood there in his armor. Drawing his katanas, he attacked. 

"Flare Up Now!" he shouted, sending a burst of flames towards the monsters and incinerating two. He began to slice and slash as the monsters quickly retaliated. Rae just stood to one side, watching and wishing that she could help. Suddenly a blizzard of feathers destroyed a monster that had been about to attack her. 

"Need a hand?" asked a familiar voice. Rae looked up and saw Sailor Star standing on an outcrop, holding her glaive diagonally in front of her. Rae thought, Sailor Star always looks impressive, no matter the situation. She had a white body suit with a dark blue skirt and flap. Both were sprinkled with little white dots. The bows were of a pale blue, and there was a star shaped locket on the front. She had short gloves with dark blue piping; on one arm was a bracer, lined with throwing stars, which held several staffs. Her boots were ankle high, heeled, and dark blue. She didn't have the tiara like the other Scouts; instead she had a silver circlet with a star sapphire. The most impressive part of her appearance was the wings, which extended from her shoulders. They were a pure white, like the moon, and each feather was razor sharp.

"Thanks, Sailor Star."

"Not a problem, Mars," she replied. She tossed something to Rae, which turned out to be her wand. "I believe that belongs to you. I suggest you use it. Your friend is starting to get tired." Sailor Star spread her wings and vanished into the air.

"Mars Crystal Power!" she shouted. (AN-if you have problems with the fact that this is technically impossible [these powers are in the dream stealer series], you need a life. This is my story and I can do whatever I want with it-within reason.) In a flash of fire and red light, Rae stood there as Sailor Mars. She ran over to help Ryo.

"Mars Flame Shooter!" An arrow of fire pierced several of the monsters, turning them into dust. Ryo looked up and saw Sailor Mars standing in front of him. "You want to fight? Bring it on! C'mon, I dare you."

"Rae, what are you doing?" Ryo croaked from his position on the ground. 

"Mars Celestial Fire Surround!" Nine rings of fire flew out and destroyed the remaining monsters. She brushed her hands and walked over to Ryo, who had shed his armor. 

"Are you all right, Ryo?" she asked, quickly checking him over. 

"I'll be fine," he replied. "I'm just worn out from the battle."

"You should be glad that's all that happened to you," someone said from behind them. They turned to see Kieren standing there, hands on her hips. She was glaring at him. 

"Kieren, are we glad to see you!" Rae exclaimed. "Where'd you come from?"

"After the white ball we were in split, I landed on a mountain not far from here. After discovering that I was alone, I surveyed the area. I saw the volcano and figured that you two would be somewhere nearby. So I grabbed my pack and started walking. After I got up here, I noticed signs of battle. That's when I raced over here and saw Mars blast the monsters into oblivion."

"Oh," Rae and Ryo said in unison. By then, the two of them had returned to their street clothes. Rae asked, "So what do we do now?"

"Start looking for the others. I don't know where to start, though," I said.  The three of them sat there and pondered where to start their search. A little while later, they decided that they would think better after some sleep. They curled up on the ground and were soon fast asleep, while Kion, Ven, Zen, and Von stood watch. Unbeknownst to the group, they were being watched by a dark and sinister being. 




(Author's Note - This story is told from Kieren's POV. However, the chapters when she isn't in them are supposed to be normal points of view.)  in the chapters that don't have her in them, it's a normal POV.)

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