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Adventure of a Lifetime
Chapter 3 : Sailing to You
By GameGirl



Disclaimer: I do not own SM or Ronin Warriors.  Man, that sucks.


Mollynn ran into her lady's room and opened the drapes around her bed, "wake up, my lady, wake up!"


Luna, Serena's cat perked up her head.  Mollynn picked her up, petted her head and placed her on the floor.


"Hmm?" Serena mumbled


She shook her awake, "wake up!  My lady, wake up!"


"Did the cook burn my breakfast again?" she groaned.


Mollynn always had trouble waking up Princess Serenity but not this much.   She ripped the covers off her.  She took a deep breath and bent over her, "WAKE UP NOW!" she screamed


"Ahhh!" Serena sat up, "I'm awake! I'm awake!  What is it?"


"It's Rowen, my lady, he's--he's gone!"




"Quickly, get dressed!" she grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dressing frame.  She threw a red dress over the top.  She helped take her nightgown and put her corset and dress on.


"What do you mean he's gone?" Serena demanded.  "Why would he leave? Where would he go?"


Mollynn did not answer and dragged her to the stables, "see, my lady.  I came to bring him breakfast and he was gone!"


Serena stepped inside, "oh, Mollynn, he probably went to bathe in the river."


"No, look!" she pointed to a note to the wall with an arrow holding it in place, "see, he left a note!"


Serena pulled the note off and removed the arrow from the wall, "hmm."


"What does it say, my lady?" Mollynn asked.


"It says," Serena began in a clear voice, "'Princess Serenity and Mollynn, thank you both for taking care of me this last week.  Now that my wounds are healed I'" Serena's voice died down to a faint whisper, "'I see no reason to stay here.  Goodbye and I wish you well.  Rowen.'"


"I don't understand," Mollynn took the note away and looked over it, "he didn't say anything about leaving."


Serena stood in shock.  He left.  On my wedding day. She held the arrow and looked at it.  She felt like he shot her with an arrow of love and it made her fall in love with him.  Serena tried to stay strong and pretended it was no matter, about to break the arrow, "well, now that he's gone we can go on like it was.  He was scaring the horses anyway." She looked at the stall where her father's horse was.  The horse was gone.  "He took my father's horse!  I knew he was nothing but a horse thief!"


"My lady, how can you say that?" Mollynn demanded, "He became our friend!"


"Nonsense!"  She hissed, "He was a burden."


"You know that's not true. You're just acting this way because you don't want me to see that you care for him.  Well I'm not convinced, your highness."  Mollynn stepped closer to Serena, "I know why he left, because you are getting married today and he can't stand to stay here another second!"


"How dare you talk to me that way!"


"My lady, I know you love Rowen," she said, "I've seen you two together.  The man is wonderful, why; I even fell in love with him!  You told him you loved him, didn't you?"


Serena said nothing.


"My lady, didn't you?" she waited for Serena to answer.  "You're just going to let him leave?"


"Why would it matter, Mollynn?  I'm getting married to Darien today!"


"But you don't love Darein, you love Rowen!" she cried. 


"I can't chose!"


"Yes you can.  You are the princess."  She corrected.  "You have a right to chose you want to spend the rest of your life with."


"I wouldn’t be able to find Rowen anyway," Serena said.  "He's gone, Mollynn, just accept it."  She turned around and put her hand on the wall.


"No!" Mollynn shouted, "You love him, my lady.  I know you do.  You don't have to marry Darien today. Just run away."


"How will I be able to find Rowen?" she demanded.  She turned away from the wall and tears formed in her eyes.  She folded her arms, "hmm?  He may have left right after I talked to him last night.  I haven't been outside the palace wall!  I'll get lost!"


"Follow your heart, my lady," Mollynn said, "Follow your heart."


Serena sighed, "I haven't been on a horse for years."


Mollynn raised an eyebrow, "what kind of excuse is that?  Go after him, my lady, go after him!  You'll never be able to forgive yourself if you let him go!  I won't either!"


Serena walked to her mare and rubbed her head, "well, Ginger does look like she would like to go on a little ride."  Serena smiled, "oh, what am I thinking?  You're right, Mollynn, I do love Rowen!  I must go after him!"


"Of course I'm right!" Mollynn laughed.  She opened the door to Ginger's stall and threw a blanket over her back and saddled her.  Serena sat on her sidesaddle and Mollynn led her out of the stables. 


"Please don’t' tell anyone I left," Serena pleaded.


"I won't, my lady."  Mollynn promised.  "I give you my word.  Good luck."


"I knew I could count on you," Serena said with a smile.  "Let's go, Ginger!" Serena rode off only a few feet and she fell off Ginger.


"My lady!"  Mollynn ran to her rescue, "are you alright?"


"I should have practiced horse-back riding more when I was younger," Serena groaned.



While Serena was out searching for Rowen, Luna was searching for the sailor soldiers.  She was able to reach them with Serena's vanity mirror.  Amillynn the water sprite, Raye the priestess, Lita the amazon, Mina the outlaw, Hotaru the healer, Amara the horse racer, Michelle the mermaid and Trista the astronomer all looked down to their amulets to see that they began to glow.  It gave a strong light that projected an image of a cat.


"Greetings, Sailor Soldiers," Luna said.


"Soldiers?" Amillynn gasped, "There's no one here but me."


"I am able to reach you all at once with your amulets."  Luna said.  "If I were to reach you one by one it would take too long."


"I see," Amillynn said.


"How are you able to talk," Raye demanded, "are you possessed?"


"No, I'm not possessed," Luna replied, "I'm a guardian, like Artemis."


"You know Artemis?" Mina asked.  She looked at her cat, "Artemis, what have you been doing when you're out catching mice?"


"Listen, the world is in grave danger.  An evil darkness is coming.  It will change all that is good to evil."


"I've heard about this," Raye said, "my grandfather told me about it.  A warrior that stayed at my temple just left to go fight it."


"Warrior?" Luna mumbled. 


"Oh, yes," Lita said, "I met a warrior too.  I found him in the snow.  If I came to find him any later, he would have frozen to death.  He left to find the evil darkness just yesterday.  Although I begged him to take me with him, he said he should do it on his own."


"I've met a warrior too," Mina said.


"So have I," Amillynn said.


Soon the girls were talking about their story how they met the warriors all at once.


"Quiet!" Luna hissed, "We don't have much time.  Make haste to the castle of Serenity."


"I know where that is," Raye said, "it's just east of my temple."


"I live in the forest below the mountains," Lita remarked, "I don't know of any castle."


"Your amulets will show you the way," Luna's voice began to fade out, "hurry, sailor soldiers. Hurry!"


"We'll come as soon as we can, Luna," Amillynn said.

The image of Luna disappeared and the light went back to their amulets.  The soldiers followed the path to the castle with only their amulets and hearts to guide them.



"The wedding is tonight," Darien said, "where could she be?"


"I do not know, son," his father replied.


Both parents and Darien stood in the throne room asking where Serena could be.  Mollynn walked past the room carrying a feather duster.  She knew they were talking about Serena. She was almost down the hall when Serena's stepped out of the room and called Mollynn.


"Mollynn, do you know where my daughter is?" she asked.


Mollynn tightened her hands into he fists, "curses!" she muttered under her breath.  They were going to make her talk.  She knew it!  Mollynn plastered on a fake smile and turned around, "yes, your majesty?" she wlaked into the room.


"Where is Serena?" she asked again.


"I'm not sure, your majesty," Mollynn said, "but it's such a beautiful day, perhaps she went out for a ride.  I just came from the stables and I saw that Ginger was gone."


"A horseback ride? Doesn't she know what day this is?" Serena's father demanded.


"Where did she go on her horseback ride?" Darien asked.


"I'm sorry, I don't know."


"She's lying," Darien's father muttered.


"I am not!" she cried.  "I honestly don’t know where she went!"


"Here, sit down, Mollynn," Darien took her hand and sat her down in a chair.  He took a knee before her.  "Why do I get the feeling that you're holding something back?  You know where Serena went, don’t you?"


"I can't tell you," Mollynn said, hanging her head, "I promised my lady I would not tell."


"She admits it!" Dariens' father shouted.  "She does know where she is!"


"Stop it, Father!" Darien shouted, turning his head back, "you're scaring her!" he looked at Mollynn and smiled.  "I'm pleased that you are very loyal to Serena, but you must tell her where she went.  It's dangerous out there. What if she got hurt? What if she were kidnapped.  Do you want to be held responsible if something were to happen to her?"


"No," she mumbled, her head still hanging down.  She could not meet his eyes.


"Please tell us where she is," Darien lifted her head.  He hoped he could get through to Mollynn if he would be polite and kind, unlike his and Serena's demanding parents.


"I swear I don't know where she went," Mollynn said, "she didn’t know where she was going either.  She ran away."


"Serena ran away?"  Darien asked. "Do you know why she left?"


Mollynn sneered and changed the subject, "why are you suddenly concerned about my lady when in truth you never loved her?"


"What?" he mumbled.


"She does not want to marry you, Darien!" Mollynn stood up and pushed the chair back, which she had been sitting on.  She walked to a wall and leaned against it.  "You can not make my lady happy."


"How dare you say that!" Darien's father threatened.


"'Enough, Father!" Darien spun around, "you can't get the truth from Mollynn if you talk to her that way!  None of you are helping so why don't you just leave?  She won't talk to you."


"Darein's right," Serena's mother said, "after all, the three grew up together.  Let's go."  They left the throne room.


"There's no one here but me," Darein walked to Mollynn and placed his hand on her shoulder, "now why do you think I can't make Serena happy?  I'm her friend, aren't' I?  Can't friends make each other happy?"


"She needs more than you friendship, Darien," Mollynn said, turning to him to reveal her tears.  "She needs your love and you can't give that to her, can you?  The three of us were very close friends and we are still close friends.  But you don't love Serena, do you?  She's nothing but a friend to you and that's how she'll remain."


"I'll try to make her happy," Darien promised.  "I'll try to love her."


"That's good of you to consider that," Mollynn said, "but you shouldn't have to.  You can't make yourself fall in love with someone, Darien.  It just happens.  You never loved my lady, so what makes you think you will?  You can't make her love her the way she deserves to be loved so she left to find someone who can!"


"She's in love with somebody?" Darien asked.


"I said too much," Mollynn said, "you'll have to get the rest from her." Mollynn began to walk out of the room, "I have chores to do."


"Mollynn, wait!"  Darien called, "I don't understand!"


"Of course you don't," she stopped and looked over her shoulder, "you don't love Serena.  And no matter how hard you try, you never will."  With that, Mollynn left the room.


Darien ran his hand through his hair.  "I have to find her."  He whispered to himself, "although what Mollynn says is true, I have to find her.  I may not love Serena but I do care about her."  He sighed and walked out of the room, "guards!  Guards!"


"Prince Darien," the guards came to him immediately, "how may we be of service?"


"Princess Serenity has," he almost said she was kidnapped but he knew he would be lying, "has run away!  There are wild animals out there!  We must find her before they do!"


"Yes, your highness!" they bowed and followed him outside.  They saddled their horses and quickly fled to the forest. 


"Don't worry, Serena," Darien whispered, "we'll find you."


"Rowen!"  Serena cried, "Rowen!  Oh, where could he be?"


Rowen kept going deeper into the forest.  He wanted to be far away from the castle as possible but the farther he went, the more he missed Serena.  He stopped and started to go back and then he turned back to the direction he was going.  Rowen had a problem making up his mind.  He growled under his breath as he tried to make the decision.  The horse almost became disoriented and was about to buck him off.  "Take me to Serena," he said to the horse.  "If I’m going to leave, I want to say goodbye to her first."  The horse reared up and took off with an amazing pace to the castle.


"Rowen, where are you!" she made Ginger go faster, "Faster, Ginger!" I don't know where to go, should I go east, west, north or south? Serena wondered, how am I supposed to find Rowen with my heart?  I never was out here before!  Serena's heart told her to go west, which was the direction Rowen was coming from.    "Rowen, if you can hear me, please answer me!"


"Serena!" Rowen heard her calling for him.  "Serena!"


Serena heard his voice and tears of joy filled her eyes.  She saw him coming to her. "Oh, Rowen!" she stopped Ginger and came off her, calling Rowen's name as she ran to him.  Rowen stopped his horse, or King Serenity's horse, dropped his quiver and bow and jumped down. He went to Serena with open arms.  She jumped into his arms and Rowen held her close.  "Wherever you are going, please take me with you."


Rowen breathed in the scent of her hair, "Where I'm going is too dangerous."  Rowen said, "I want to take you with me but I need to find my friends.  I sense they are in trouble." He held her closer and kissed her forehead, "but I just want to stay here with you."

"Please don't go," she begged.


"I don't want to leave," Rowen said, "I wish I could take you with me."


"I love you," she whispered.


"I love you too," he whispered back.  They looked into each other's eyes and Rowen kissed her the way he always wanted to.  The way Serena wanted to be kissed. 


Serena melted into the kiss and her hands went to his thick blue hair.  The kiss took her breath away. She felt tingly all over.  No one has ever kissed Serena this way before.  In fact, she hasn't been kissed at all.  Even by her soon to be husband, Darien.  He didn't show any affection to her, which was something Serena thrived on.  Rowen kissed her like he would never kiss her again.  Because that was how he felt.  He was afraid he would never see Serena again.  The kiss ended and he pulled her into his arms again.


 "I could hold you like this forever," he breathed.


The love they had for each other took over their ability to stand up and they knelt down, still in each other's arms.  He rubbed his hands over her back and stroked his hand through one of her long tresses of hair. 


"Milady!" a guard called out, "Princess Serenity!"


"They came looking for me!" Serena gasped.


"Serena, can you hear me?" Darien called.


"Darien!" she cried in a whisper.


"You should go to them," Rowen said. 


"Don't leave me again, Rowen," Serena begged. 


"I'm sorry," he apologized, "I wish I could take you with me."  He kissed her on the forehead and got on the horse he was borrowing.  "If they find me here with you they might think I kidnapped you."


"I understand," she sniffed.  "They will hang you for that.  Go to your friends.  Good luck on your journey.  Be careful."


"Are you going to marry Darien?" he asked before leaving.


Serena nodded.


"I wish you all the happiness in the world," Rowen gave her a sad smile and left.


"Goodbye," she whispered.  She took Ginger by the reigns and walked to the direction she heard Darien calling her, "I'm here," she cried, "here I am!"


"She's alive!" Darien shouted, "Oh thank God!" he made his horse gallop fast to her and he stopped in front of her.  "My lady, are you alright?"


"Of course I am," she said, "I just wanted to take Ginger for a ride, that's all.  I'm sorry if I caused alarm."


"We were worried about you, your highness," a guard said, "afraid that an animal would have gotten to you."


"Next time you want to go for a ride, I'll go with you," Darien said.  "The woods are dangerous, my princess."


"I understand," she said, "I'm truly sorry."


"No need for an apology," Darien smiled, "at least you are alright."  He bent down and wrapped an arm around her.  She placed her arm on his shoulder as he helped her up on his horse.  She sat in his lap and a guard took Ginger by the reigns. 


Serena leaned against Darien, "were my parents angry?" she asked.


"Yes, and so mine," Darien replied.  "But don’t' worry about that.  Neither of our parents knows how to have fun.  They're not like you, Serena.  You are carefree and you love the outdoors.  I wasn't all that surprised when Mollynn told us you went out for a ride."


"She told you I was gone?" she asked with a frown.


"Not until your mother made her speak," he said, "Mollynn told us that gave you her word not to tell us.  It was not her fault, my princess.  We were all worried about you.  Why ever did you go on a horse back ride on today of all days?"


"It's just been so long since I went out on a horse back ride," she answered.  "I just wanted to do something before we married."


"Then I'll make you a promise," Darien said, "every morning after breakfast we will go on a horseback ride together.  How does that sound?"  He gave her a smile.


"Sounds wonderful," she replied, "thank you."


 Darien kissed her lightly on the forehead.  A tear came down her cheek.  Darien noticed the tear and wiped it away.  He didn’t say anything.  Instead he looked casually behind him.  Was there a reason Serena left or did she really just want to go for a horseback ride?



Serena stood in her corset and slip.  Mollynn came in with the wedding dress, "your mother asked me to help you with this, my lady."


"Thank you, Mollynn," Serena said.


"Did you find Rowen?" Mollynn asked, pulling the long white dress over her.




"What did you tell him?"


"I told him goodbye," she frowned.


"My lady, I'm sorry that I told them you were gone. They knew I was the only one you left."


"It's alright, Mollynn," Serena said, "I should have known they'll take the information from you."


"You are not angry with me?"


"Of course not," Serena said, "you are my best friend."  She hugged her.


Mollynn hugged her back then positioned her in front of the mirror, "you look lovely, my lady."


"Thank you," Serena said with a sad smile, "I only wish I felt good about with my decision to marry Darien."  She said as she placed in a pair of dangling earrings in her ears. "But he is my friend. Maybe I can learn to love him." She looked at Rowen's arrow and placed it down on her dresser; the only thing to remember Rowen by.


Mollynn nodded, "at least you're willing to try."


"Serena, it's time," Queen Serenity said, poking her head in the room.


"Yes," Serena said and she placed the veil on her head.  She walked out with Mollynn carrying her train.



Darien waited patiently for her at the altar.  When he saw Serena come through the doors, he smiled.  Serena could not smile.  Tears came down her eyes and her lips trembled as she forced herself to take each step.  Please, tell me this is a dream.  Someone wake me up!  But it wasn't a dream.  It was real.  Her sobs became louder and people thought that they were just tears of joy.  They weren't.  They were tears of anger and pain and sorrow.  Darien took her hand and they knelt down in front of the bishop.


The bishop began to welcome everyone.  Serena cried harder.  The bishop looked at her oddly as it kept him from doing his business.


"Prince Darien, do you take Princess Serenity to be--,"


"No," Darien blurted.


"But I haven't' finished the question yet!"


"This wedding does not need to proceed," Darien said.


"Darien, what are you doing?" his father demanded.


"What?" Serena mumbled.


Darien lifted Serena's veil, "I understand why you ran away this morning.  We both know that we don’t love each other.  We are good friends so why don't we just leave it at that?" he smiled, "besides, you're so much like a little sister to me and you whine too much."  He kissed her forehead.


"Oh, thank you, Darien!" Serena embraced him and ran up the aisle.  Everyone whispered around, wondering what was going on.


"Darien, why did you do that?" his mother said.


"I don’t' want to get married now," Darien replied, "Actually, mother, I'd rather go to the university in France."




"Yes.  I want to travel and go to school."  He folded his arms.  "I don’t want to get married!"


"But all these people came to a wedding!"


"There will be no wedding!" he shouted and left the throne room.


"It's you he takes after!" she muttered to her husband.


"Hush, woman!"


Serena ran down the steps and to the gate where she found Luna and eight young women. "Luna who are these women?" she demanded.


"They are the sailor soldiers," Luna replied.


"Their amulets look like mine," she noted.


"Yes," Luna said.  "You're a sailor soldier too."


"I am?" Serena mumbled, "how come you never told me?  I don’t want to be a soldier!  I don’t know anything about fighting."


"It is your duty as a sailor soldier to protect the world from evil," Luna said, "The crystals inside of them are from an ancient orb of power.  They broke away from the orb and sent to you not long ago."


"So that's why we have them," Lita said, "I just found this in the earth after a thunderstorm.  I never knew it held powers!"


""There is trouble." Luna said.  "A dark evil is coming to destroy the world and the sailor soldiers need to stop it!"


"The warriors we met are also going to fight it," Lita said, "if this evil is as bad as Luna says it is, they'll need all the help they can get."


"What kind of warriors?" Serena asked.  "I met a warrior too.  He was hurt and I took care of him."


"I suppose it was fate that we all met one of them," Mina said. 


"How are we supposed to fight, Luna?" Serena asked, "I don't think there is any armor for me in my castle!"


"Your amulets have the power to change you into the soldiers," Luna said, "Serena, you are Sailor Moon, the soldier of Love and Justice." She looked at Amilynn, "and you, Amillynn, are Sailor Mercury; the soldier of Water and Ice." She looked at Raye, "You, Raye, are the Sailor Mars; the soldier of Fire."  She looked at Lita, "You, Lita, you are Sailor Jupiter; soldier of Thunder and Lightning."  She looked at Mina, "Mina, you are Sailor Venus, Soldier of Love and Beauty," she looked at Hotaru," Hotaru, you are Sailor Saturn; the soldier of Death and Rebirth," She looked at Amara, "Amara, you Sailor Uranus; the soldier of the Far Sky," she looked at Michelle, "you Michelle, are Sailor Neptune; the soldier of the Deep Sea." She looked to the last sailor soldier," and you, Trista, are Sailor Pluto, the soldier of Space and Time."


The girls sighed, "That's wonderful."


"To change into the soldiers inside yourselves," Luna went on, "take your amulets and say your planet name followed by 'Ancient Crystal Power!'"


"Alright, soldiers, it's time for us to help the warriors who became our friends.  Are you ready?" Serena asked, taking the amulet off her neck. 




"Then let's transform!" she held the amulet up over her head, "Moon Ancient Crystal Power!"


The sailor scouts held their amulets up high as they gave their transformation shout.


"Mercury Ancient Crystal Power!"


"Mars Ancient Crystal Power!"


"Jupiter Ancient Crystal Power!"


"Venus Ancient Crystal Power!"


"Saturn Ancient Crystal Power!"


"Uranus Ancient Crystal Power!"


"Neptune Ancient Crystal Power!"


"Pluto Ancient Crystal Power!"


A white light portrayed from Serena's crystal and it swirled around Serena.  Moon Beams shined all over her body.  A white body suit with small sleeves appeared on her body  (the little leotard thing without the bow or skirt.  It makes them look to girly and prissy!)    It had a collar and a heart shaped opened sectioned right above her breasts. A blue skirt slit on both sides came down to her knees. White leather gloves came over her hands and forearms.  Her feet were covered with pinkish-red boots that came up to her knees.  Around her head was a pure white ribbon. The following touch was a blue cape fell down to her ankles, blue in the front but on the back it was decorated with a full moon and moonbeams.  She turned around and the amulet came back over her neck, the amulet and cape swaying around. She held up her hand and in it appeared the Moon Sword; a brilliant long sword with the hilt in the shape of a crescent moon.  {AN: Because the outers have weapons, I'm going to give the inners some too!}  Sailor Moon ended her stance by holding the sword over her head and looking up at it. 


A pale blue light came from Amillynn's crystal and it swirled with her as she turned around.  Water and ice consumed her as the body suit appeared on her body followed by a light blue skirt.  Light blue boots appeared on her legs followed by the light blue gloves on her hands. A light blue ribbon went around her head.  Drops of water and ice decorated her light blue cape that came to her knees.  The amulet came back to her neck and she held out her hands as the Ice Hammer of Mercury appeared in them. As Sailor Mercury, she held the hammer in one hand by her side to end her transformation sequence.


Red light shined from Raye's crystal followed by red and yellow flames.  Her white body suit appeared first followed by a red skirt.  Red gloves and boots appeared on her followed by a red cape covered with fire and a red ribbon around her head.  The Fire Bow of Mars appeared her hand followed by a quiver of red arrows on her lower back.  Taking an arrow and a knee, she became Sailor Mars and ended the sequence with the arrow behind the string.


Green light came from Lita's crystal and green lightning swarmed around her.  Her white body suit came upon her body followed by her long green skirt.  Her green boots appeared on her long legs followed by the green gloves on her arms. Around her head came a green ribbon.  A long green cape graced with lightning came down to her ankles.  In her hands appeared the Lightning Spear of Jupiter; the spearhead shaped like a long bolt of lightning.  With a sneer and a foot forward, she held the spear out and Sailor Jupiter was born.


From Mina's crystal, shined orange lights.  Orange hearts and stars spun around her from head to toe.  The white body suit appeared on her elegant body followed by her orange skirt.  Orange boots and orange gloves appeared on her followed by an orange ribbon around her head and finally the dark orange ankle-length cape, decorated with orange stars and hearts.  She placed a hand on her hip and in her other hand appeared the orange Heart-Chain Whip of Venus.  Cracking the whip, she was now Sailor Venus.


{An: I hope I'm being accurate with the weapons I gave them. I know these sequences seem to be repetitive but I'm getting closer.  You have to admit these costumes look cooler than what they normally wear, huh?}


A purple light glowed from Hotaru's crystal followed by eerie red and purple ribbons.  Purple gloves and boots followed the white bodysuit and purple skirt.  The purple ribbon went around her head. Her purple cape had a glaive on the back with ribbons surrounding it.  In her hand appeared the Silence Glaive of Saturn.  Sailor Saturn awakened as she held the glaive in one hand; the end of the glaive touched the ground behind her.


A glow of dark blue light came from Amara's crystal and it shined around her.  Everything around her was dark blue, like the sky, with clouds hanging around her.  She looked more like a woman when the white body suit and dark blue skirt appeared on her followed by the dark gloves and boots.  A dark blue ribbon formed around her shorthaired head and her dark blue cape fell down to her ankles, covered with white clouds and the golden sun.  In her hand she wielded the Space Scimitar Of Uranus (it's a scimitar, really it is.  That's what curved swords are called.)   She held the scimitar in front of her with her palm over the blade.  The sequence ended and Amara was now Sailor Uranus.


Aqua and sea green light came Michelle's amulet and around her roared the waves of the sea. Following her white bodysuit and sea green skirt came the sea green colored boots and gloves and ribbon.  The aqua colored cape fell to her ankles with the waves of the sea on the back of it.  A mirror appeared on a belt around her waist and in her hands she held the Trident of Neptune.  {Yeah, I know her weapon/treasure is a mirror but she looks funny with a little hand-held mirror and besides, she's Sailor Neptune, for crying out loud!  A trident really suits her!}  She put a foot back and turned sideways holding the Trident of Neptune at the top and the mermaid became Sailor Neptune.


Dark red light flashed from the dark red crystal belonging to Trista and it spiraled around her.  Around her was the blackness of space.  After her white body suit soon followed the dark red skirt, boots, gloves and ribbon.  A dark red cape covered with stars and a sundial {I know what you're thinking, 'sundial?' but she's the senshi of space and time and sundials was how they used their time back then!}.  In her right hand appeared the Garnet Rod of Pluto, the key of time and space, she placed it behind her left foot and Sailor Pluto replaced the astronomer.


Sailor Moon looked at the blade of her sword to see her reflection in it.  She pulled her sword down. "Sailors, it is time to set sail!"


"Sailors set sail?" Sailor Jupiter mumbled, "Why are we called Sailor soldiers?  We're not going sailing anywhere, are we?  Are we?!"


"Relax, Sailor Jupiter," Sailor Mars said, "I think what she means by that is it's time to find the warriors."


"Good," she sighed, "I hate sailing…"


"I've noticed."


"How will we be able to find them?" Sailor Venus asked.  Her amulet glowing answered her question, "oh, never mind."


"Our amulets will lead us to them," Sailor Saturn said, "let's go quickly before something happens to them."


"We're coming, warriors," Sailor Moon announced, pointing her sword to the path they needed to follow and in a smaller voice, she whispered, "I'm coming, Rowen."


The sailor soldiers followed Sailor Moon through the woods, hoping to find their friends the warriors before the evil finds them.


End Part 3.  Part 4 (maybe the end) will be next "We Are One." Do you like how I made the new scouts' outfits or not?  Are you relieved now that Serena chose not to marry Darien and Darien let her go?  Please review and tell me what you think!

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