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New Friends and New Enemies
Part 1
By GameGirl

New Friends and New Enemies


The Sailor Scouts were on their way to the Negaverse to put a stop to Queen Beryl once and for all, but something went wrong. Their Sailor teleport took them somewhere else and they were separated from each other…

Sailor Mercury found herself drowning in a lake. She struggled to keep her head above water and she began shouting for help.

Sai of the Torrent was catching some sun on a large rock in his sub armor when he heard Sailor Mercury shouting for help. "What could that be?" he stood up and saw a girl with short blue hair with a gold band across her forehead. "I'm coming!" he dove in the water and swam to her. Sailor Mercury spat out salty, bitter water. Sai pulled her on the shore and propped her up by a tree trunk, "you all right, love?" he asked, pushing her hair back. Above the tiara gem, he saw a blue symbol on her forehead, the sign of Mercury.

Sailor Mercury smiled up at him, "Hi, what's your name?"

"Sai of the Torrent," Sai reached for her hand and shook it, "I'm a Ronin Warrior."

"I'm Sailor Mercury of the Sailor Scouts," she said, "Have you seen sailor scouts like me?

Sai shook his head, "my friends, the other Ronin Warriors should be at the house with Mia," Sai said, pulling her up on her feet and wrapping an arm around her waist. "Maybe they can help you." A stream of water went around them and they stood on it like they were magic stairs.

"Well, this is one way to ride the waves!" Sailor Mercury shouted with a laugh.

Sailor Mars woke up, close to an active volcano. "Oh no!" she looked up to see the volcano erupting. Lava started to come down the volcano, straight toward her.

"Looks like you're in a hot seat!" Ryo of Wildfire cried.

Sailor Mars heard a loud roar and looked up to see a boy in red and blue armor with white horns coming from his red helmet and he was riding a white tiger. The tiger ran to her and the boy picked her up and took her out of the lava flow. When she was out of harm's way, Sailor Mars jumped off.

"Mars Fire…IGNITE!!" a flowing stream of fire struck Ryo's armor. She probably didn’t realize that the boy just saved her.

The blast didn't even phase Ryo. "Hey, you can't hurt me with heat," he said, "my armor protects me from it."

"Who are you?" she demanded.

"Ryo of Wildfire."

Sailor Mars was silent.

"Aren't you going to tell me your name?" Ryo asked with some rudeness.

"Sailor Mars," she grumbled. "Wow," Sailor Mars whispered to herself, "maybe he's on my side. He does look pretty cute, maybe cuter than Darien."

Ryo mounted White Blaze, "Hop on, White Blaze here won't hurt you."

Should I trust him? Sailor Mars asked herself. She felt good vibes coming from him, so he must be on her side. "The Sailor Scouts have cats too--but Artemis and Luna are not tigers." She walked to White Blaze and slowly petted his head. White Blaze gave a deep purr.

"See, White Blaze likes you."

Sailor Mars looked into his deep blue eyes and couldn’t resist them. Oh, what the heck! She thought and hopped behind Ryo.

* * *

"Jupiter, Thunder Crash!" Sailor Jupiter shot her attack through the dark cave to see where she was. "Darn it, I can't see a thing in here!"

Sage heard the sound from the cave and he was certain someone must be in trouble, "Hey, is anyone in there?" He was wearing his sub armor. "Hell-oooo! Are you okay?"

Sailor Jupiter couldn't hear him. "Jupiter Thunder CRASH!" her attack nearly got Sage. He saw the lighting and he ducked before it hit him.

"Hi," Sage said, "you lost?"

"Yeah. I'm not sure how I got here. Can you lead me out before the whole thing caves in on me?"

"Follow me, stay close now."

She followed Sage to the end of the cave and they stopped to talk. When they were in the light, Sailor Jupiter couldn't believe his face. "Wow, he looks just like my old boyfriend," she whispered to herself.

"What's your name?" Sage asked.

"Sailor Jupiter," she unfolded her arms and shook hands with him. "And you?"

"Sage of the Halo," he smiled at her for a small moment. Cute girl, he thought.

"I'm looking for my friends, have you seen them? Other Sailor Scouts, like me?"

"No, Sage turned around, "maybe I should take you with me. Maybe Mia can help you."

Sailor Jupiter frowned, "Mia, your girlfriend?"

Sage smiled and shook his head, "Oh no, Mia's just a friend of the Ronin Warriors. She helped us find each other when we were all lost." He paused, "If we hurry now, maybe the Ronin Warriors can help you."

"Lead the way!"

* * *

Sailor Venus was buried under the sand. She wasn't sure how long she was there or how she got there, but she knew she had to get out somehow or she'll suffocate. Trying hard to pull herself up, she tried calling for Artemis, but it was no use. Artemis, where are you? Because she was too weak, she only managed to stick out her hand.

Kento of Hardrock was searching for the other Ronin Warriors. "Hey, Sai, where are you buddy? Ryo, hey someone answer!"

A white cat jumped on Kento's shoulder. "Whoa," he mumbled, startled, "Hey, White Blaze, did you shrink or something?" He laughed at his own silly joke.

The cat purred and rubbed his head on Kento's ear, letting him know he was a good kitty.

"What is it, little kitty?" Kento asked, "are you hurt?"

The cat jumped from Kento's shoulders and ran to where Sailor Venus was stuck in the sand, "You want me to follow you, fella?" He ran after Artemis. He found Artemis rubbing its head against and licking a girl's white gloved hand that was sticking out of the sand. "Whoa, somebody's trapped!" He bent down and dug the sand away from Sailor Venus' hand. He then reached deep in the sand to grab her arm. He grunted and bared down his teeth and he pulled her out of the sand. She was down deep, like she was almost buried alive. Good thing Sailor Venus wasn't a claustrophobic.

Sailor Venus coughed hoarsely and spat out grains of sand. "Ugh! Sand tastes terrible." She groaned, kneeling down.

"You all right?" Kento asked.

"Yeah, thanks." Sailor Venus sighed.

"What were you doing in the sand? Sunbathing?" He picked her up and wrapped his arm around her and put her arm around his neck. "I'm Kento of Hardrock," Kento said with a friendly smile. "What's your name, babe?"

Sailor Venus smiled back and blushed, surprised he didn't hear of the Sailor Scouts and also surprised that he called her babe, "you don't know? I'm Sailor Venus. The Sailor Scout?"

"Uh, sorry," Kento mumbled.

"I don't believe it! Everyone knows me. I had a bunch of Sailor V comics. You never heard of me?" Sailor Venus frowned.

"Trust me babe, if I've heard of you before, I would have asked for your autograph already."

Sailor Venus put her hands on her hips, "this is so unbelievable."

" I bet you never heard of the Ronin Warriors before, have ya?" Kento challenged.

"The who?" Sailor Venus looked spacey. "No, I guess not."

"Well, we're even." He looked at Artemis, "this your cat?"

"Yeah, his name is Artemis," she said.

"Nice cat," he rubbed Artemis back.

"I need to find my friends, can you help me?" Sailor Venus asked. "They're sailor scouts, like me."

"Sure, I'll take you to Mia's house." He said. "She's a smart girl. Maybe she'll help us."

"Mia, she your girlfriend?" Sailor Venus asked.

"Nope, but she's a good cook!" he said with a laugh.

"You should try Lita's cooking then."

"Well, let's go," he picked her up in his strong arms and jumped on the trees. "Hold on."

Artemis had to run to keep up.

* * *

Sai reached Mia's house first, "Hey, Mia," he called, walking inside, "where are you?"

"I'm right here," she called from the study.

Sai walked in to see Mia on her computer, "I found somebody."

Mia looked up, "Oh, hi, who are you?"

"I'm Sailor Mercury."

"Mia, I can't find the other Ronin Warriors and Sailor Mercury here is searching for her friends, the Sailor Scouts. Has your grandfather told you about them?"

Mia shook her head, "no, nothing."

Sailor Mercury sighed.

"Gee, Sailor Mercury, I'm sorry," Sai said with sympathy.

"Hey, anybody home?" Ryo shouted.

"Ryo's here," Mia said thoughtfully, "maybe he's found one of your friends,"

Ryo walked in, Sailor Mars right behind him, "I found this girl at the volcano I was stuck in."

"Sailor Mars, you're okay!" Sailor Mercury ran to embrace her friend.

"Sailor Mercury, good to see you." Sailor Mars said, "where are the others?"

"I don't know."

Sage walked in, followed by Sailor Jupiter. "Hey guys, did we miss something?" He asked.

"There you guys are!" Sailor Jupiter said, crossing her arms.

"Where were you?" Sailor Mercury asked.

"I was trapped in a dark cave for I don't know how long and then Sage found me." She turned to Sage.

"The same cave too," Sage recalled. "Mia, do you think this has anything to do with finding the other Sailor Scouts?"

"I'm sure it does," Mia said, "you were in the same places where your armor gets its power. And you found the Sailor Scouts there. There must be some kind of connection with that."

"How many Sailor Scouts are left, Sailor Mars?" Ryo asked.

"Two." She gave the number two with her fingers, "Sailor Venus and Sailor Moon."

"There's two more Ronin Warriors also," he said, "Kento and Rowen. If we find Rowen and Kento, we'll find the other scouts."

"Way ahead of you, guys!" Kento said, carrying Sailor Venus in the house. "I found Sailor Venus stuck in the sand."

"You found her in sand?!" Sai demanded, his voice rising.

"That's what I said, Sai." Kento saw all the expressions on the peoples faces, "Okay, what's going on?"

"This is starting to make sense." Mia said, "Kento remember that rock you were in after we started fighting with the dark warlords?"

"Yeah, I was taking a nice nap," Kento smiled as he Sailor Venus down, "what does that have to do with anything?"

"That's where your armor gets its power," Mia explained, "you see, Sai found Sailor Mercury in water, Ryo found Sailor Mars near a volcano and Sage found Sailor Jupiter in a cave. Now you found the Sailor Venus in sand, so that must mean the other sailor scout, who is Sailor Moon, must be with Rowen."

"That makes sense," he said, rubbing his head.

"But I don't understand why you guys found the Sailor Scouts you did," Mia said.

"I think I know," Sailor Mercury said, walking to Mia, "maybe it's because we both have something in common. Like our powers or something."

"That might be true," Mia agreed, "you and Sai are both wearing blue."

"So where's Sailor Moon?" Sailor Mars asked.

"She's the Moon Princess," Venus added, "we need her to defeat Queen Beryl!"

"Moon Princess?" Kento asked, "Sailor V, does that make you and the other sailor scouts princesses too?"

"Yes, in a way," she answered with a smile.

"If she's with Rowen," Mia said, "she's in outer space."

"Wait a minute," Sage said, stepping in the circle holding out his hand, "if she's Sailor Moon, and she's the moon princess, then that must mean…"

"Sailor Moon is on the moon?" they all shouted and once.

* * *

As the others suspected, Sailor Moon was on the moon. And she was freaking out!

"Oh no…this is bad, bad, bad!" she whined, running all over the moon.

"Stop it, Sailor Moon," Luna said, "we have to think of a way to get out of here!"

"This is too much for me," she balled, falling to her knees, "I just, *sniff* want to be a normal teenager….whhaaaa!"

"Oh dear, it never ends," Luna mumbled. "Hmm, what's that?" She looked up to see a boy in a dark blue bubble.

"Serena, look!" Luna shouted, "up there, do you see him?"

"What, is it Tuxedo Mask?" she dried her tears looked at the stranger, "Oh, it's not Tuxedo Mask, just somebody floating around in a bubble." She said, not the least satisfied.

"He's coming here," Luna observed, "we don't know who he is, so be careful."

The stranger, who was Rowen of the Strata landed on the moon, the bubble burst and he walked toward them. Sailor Moon reached her hand to her tiara incase he was going to attack her.

"Who are you?" she demanded, "if you're from the Negaverse, you'll be moon dust!"

"Settle down," Rowen said, " I'm Rowen of the Strata and I am a Ronin Warrior."

Well, he is pretty cute, Sailor Moon thought. "You're not going to hurt me, are you?" she asked.

"I think we're on the same side here," Rowen said, "what's your name?"

"Sailor Moon and this is my cat, Luna," she picked Luna up. "What are you doing way out here? Did you come to save me?"

"Since I'm here, I might as well," he reached out her hand, "come on, let's go."

Sailor Moon took his hand and the bubble went around them again. As she stood next to him, he felt his arm around her waist. She smiled and thought, I wish Tuxedo Mask would be like that to me. She leaned in next to him as they flew to the Earth.

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