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New Friends and New Enemies
Part 2
By GameGirl

The remaining Sailor Scouts and Ronin Warriors changed into street clothes. Mia was cooking dinner for them and Sailor Jupiter, Lita, decided to help her.

"Thank you for helping me, Sailor Jupiter."

"I'm out of my Sailor Scout uniform, you can call me Lita now," she said, chopping carrots.

"Well, Lita, thanks. It does help to have another hand around the kitchen," Mia said, putting a casserole in the oven.

"My pleasure," she put the carrots in a large bowl with lettuce and began slicing some tomatoes and celery, "it's my dream to become a famous cook and own a restaurant."

"That's a good dream," Mia said with a smile.

"Hey, Mia," Sai walked in, "you need help?"

"Is Kento starving?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"Yeah. And since we've got the Sailor Scouts with us," he leaned against the wall, "you might want to go shopping."

"Yeah, I almost forgot," Lita said, bringing her finger up, "Serena does have a big appetite!"

"I'll take Yuli with me." She called for Yuli and left outside.

"That's a nice looking salad, Lita," Sai said, "can I make the dressing?"

"You can cook too?" Lita gasped.

"You're surprised?" He smiled and opened a cabinet to get oil and vinegar to make the dressing.

"I just don't know many boys that can cook," she explained.

"Well, when you have a friend with an appetite as big as Kento's," Sai said, "you need to know how to cook!" He began measuring the oil and vinegar and poured them in a salad dressing container. He mixed with some water and other ingredients. "Hey, since you're also a good cook, do you know Sailor Mercury's favorite food?"

"Yeah, she likes sandwiches." Lita said, "why do you…oh, you like Sailor Mercury, don't you?"

Sai blushed, "well, yeah." He sauntered to the pantry and started making a sandwich for Sailor Mercury.

"Her real name is Amy. And I should warn you," she cupped her hand around her mouth to whisper, "she's really shy, especially around guys!"

"Well, that doesn’t do me any good, I'm shy around girls!" Sai couldn't figure whether which meat to put on, "does she like turkey or ham most?" Sai bit his lip. "She's not a big fan of tuna, is she?"

"Turkey, I think," she said, finishing the salad, "but look on the bright side. You saved her from drowning didn't you?" she asked optimistically.

"Yes I did," he folded the sandwich together and cut it in half.

"And you both use water for your attacks. Same for me and Sage, we both use thunder lightning."

"Lita," Sai interrupted, "maybe you should talk to Sage about that. Wisdom is his trait."

"What's your trait, Sai?"


"Well, that's good. You just need to get her to trust you!" Lita leaned forward, pointing her finger at him, "you see Sai, she's the smartest of the Sailor Scouts. She works too much and puts so many time in her studies to keep out of relationships."

"Why?" he asked.

"Because, silly, Amy doesn't want to get hurt! She almost lost a good friend because of it."

"So, what do I do?"

"Well, you did a good start by making that sandwich for her," she said, pouring a glass of lemonade. "Now, take this and go talk to her. Hurry up now!"

Sai smiled, "thanks, Lita." He took the glass and turned for the living room.

"Go, before she turns you away!"

As Sai started walking to the living room, Kento tried grabbing for Amy's sandwich. "Sorry, Kento, I made this for Amy."

"Oh man," he mumbled.

"Don't worry," Lita said, "dinner's almost finished.

"Yeah, Kento." Mina said, grabbing his arm. She was amazed by how strong he was. "Why don’t' you show me how many pushups you can do? I just adore strong guys. Are you a body builder?"

"I can't be a body builder unless I get something to eat!" he moaned.

"Here!" Lita picked up an orange and threw it at him.

When he caught it, he winced and flung his hand about, "Man, you've got some arm!"

"Lita's a strong fighter," Mina said.

"I'm glad you're on our side!" Kento began peeling the orange, "okay babe, wanna watch me at my best?" he asked Mina as they walked to the training room. He finished peeling the orange and ate it in just three bites.

"Oh would I!" Mina shouted, clasping her hands, "you should be in my next video game or movie!"

"That sounds like fun!" he pulled out his sunglasses and started acting cool. "Watch out Sailor V!" he shouted and picked her up and swung her around, "that rock was going to fall on you!" he said with a low deep voice, like the way superheroes talk. "Kento of Hardrock and Sailor Venus--the ultimate team!" He laughed at his little game.

"Talpa and Queen Beryl here we come!" she raised her arm in the air.

"Yeah!" he set her down to slap her a high five.

"Here, Sage, I brought you some lemonade," Lita said, handing him a glass.

"Thanks, Sailor Jup--"

"Call me Lita," she cut him off, "That's my real name." She sat next to him, "so can you tell me more about this dynasty? How did it all happen and how did you meet the other Ronin Warriors? And--"

"You ask a lot of questions, don't you, Lita?" Sage grinned as he sipped his lemonade. The tuff of hair that hung over his right eye was so dreamy Lita just couldn’t stand it. She thought it made him look so cute.

Lita blushed, "well, how did it all come to be?"

"It goes way, way back. Almost a thousand years back." Sage explained. "Tulpa fought with the ancient and when he defeated him, he made nine armors. That's where our armors came from."

"and the other four?"

"Taken back from Tulpa when he came back."


"I don’t know." Sage shrugged. "That's something I wasn't able to understand."

"Well, why are we just sitting here?" Lita demanded, standing up and clenching her fist, "let's go and teach Tulpa a lesson!"

"Wait, Lita," Sage stood up and grabbed her arm. "We can't go after Tulpa now without Rowen. He's the most clever one of us all. Besides, what about Sailor Moon?"

"You're right," Lita groaned, "but I can't stand just waiting here when I should be fighting."

"It shouldn't be long now," he said as he sat back down.

"Well, what do we do in the meantime?" Lita asked bluntly.

"Why don't we talk and get to know each other a little more?" He suggested.

Lita sighed, "all right," she sat next to him again and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Okay, my dream is to become a famous chef…"

"Sai, you didn't have to bring me this," Amy said, biting into her next half of sandwich.

"Lita told me you liked sandwiches," he explained, "did I put too much mustard on them?"

"No, they're fine," she said, swallowing her bite. "I don’t know many boys that know how to cook."

"With Kento around, someone needs to know how to cook," he said with a shy smile.

They sat next to each in silence. Amy ate nervously.

She's awfully shy, Sai thought.

He is about as shy as I am, Amy thought, taking another bite.

But she is cute, He thought, glancing at her, and so smart.

He's got such a nice English accent, she thought, swallowing and taking her last bite. He's cute too. "That was good, thank you Sai."

"You're welcome," he said.

They sat in silence again. She began sipping her lemonade. Amy couldn’t stand the silence anymore. She turned to Sai and said, "so, tell me about England."


"You must have lived in England," she said, "I can tell by your accent."

"All right," he said with a smile. He was surprised that they found something to talk about…and glad.

* * *

"You say you lived in a temple with your grandpa?" Ryo asked Raye as they outside with White Blaze.

"That's right, he taught me karate lessons." She said, walking close to him. He's even more talkative than Tuxedo Mask she thought. And he doesn't hide behind a mask! "I learned how to use charms against people. I can sense bad vibes coming from people when they don't belong to my temple.

"You can? Wow!" Ryo wrapped his arm around her shoulders, "so you would be able to tell when something is wrong?"

"Yes," she stopped short, "like now!" She looked up to see a large dark blue bubble coming down to Earth. "Ryo, what is that!?"

He looked up, "It's Rowen!"

Great, just when I was starting to get to know Ryo a bit more! Raye thought bitterly.

"Hey, we didn't miss the party, did we?" Rowen asked.

"We were waiting for you, Sailor Moon," Raye grumbled.

"Thanks, Raye," Sailor Moon grumbled back. Perfect, the first Sailor Scout I see is Raye.

"That must mean why our Sailor Teleport didn't work!" Serena yelled, slamming her hands on the table. She and Rowen were in street clothes like the others. They were eating dinner. "Queen Beryl had sided with Tulpa."

"This could be bad," Rowen added.

"What do you think we should do, Rowen?" Sai asked.

"It's obvious isn't it?" Rowen asked smartly, "If their enemy has sided with ours, the thing for us to do is side with the Sailor Scouts. It's the only way to stop them!"

"Sounds like a plan," Artemis said. He hid under Mina's chair when the Ronin Warriors gasped at him.

Luna hung her head in shame. "Artemis, you little fool," she said quietly.

"Mina--did Artemis just speak?" Kento demanded, "All right Dais, where are you? This better not be another illusion!"

"Hold on, Kento," Mina said, "Artemis can talk."

"So can Luna," Serena said, "say hi to the Ronin Warriors, Luna."

Luna bowed her head in greeting, "Hello Ronin Warriors."

"Man," Kento moaned, "if White Blaze starts talking, then I'm going to cut back on those chili cheese dogs!"

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