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An Ancient Evil
Part 1
By Mystic Jade

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to neither Sailor Moon nor the Ronin Warriors (I wish I did, I'd be rich)! The following fanfic is strictly for your entertainment. Enjoy. Author's Note: OK, this may not make sense time-wise. This takes place after the Sailor Scouts defeat Queen Beryl, but before the Doom Tree Series with Alan and Anne. However, unlike what really happened, the Scouts retained their identity and powers in case any threats were to surface.

An Ancient Evil, Part 1

"Serena," Rei said to her friend, who was stuffing her face with food, "you really shouldn't eat so much!"

"Yeah, Serena," Mina added. "Now that the Negaverse is no longer a threat, you'll gain weight because we're not getting as much exercise as before."

"Oh stop nagging me you guys," Serena retorted between chewing. She swallowed the food that was in her mouth and added, "Besides, I get plenty of exercise running to school every morning."

"She's got a point," Amy and Lita said in unison. All the girls began to laugh, except for Rei.

Serena, Lita, Mina, Amy, and Rei, also known as the Sailor Scouts, were sitting at their favorite after-school hangout. With the defeat of the Negaverse and Queen Beryl, the five friends were finally able to hang out and act like normal teenagers. However, they did not forget their role as the protectors of Tokyo, and held weekly Scout meetings and Rei's Temple.

"Well, if you guys are finished goofing off, we should head over to the Temple," Rei said. At that point, Rei's friends knew not to further upset their temperamental friend. Amy waved for the waitress to bring them their tab. Once the bill was paid for, the five girls got up to head towards the Temple.

Four figures, shrouded in shadow, knelt in front of what looked like a holographic picture of a floating head -- and an angry looking one at that. The figures appeared to be battered and bruised, as if they had just returned from some sort of battle. These four figures, Anubis, Sekhmet, Kale, and Dais, were four of the five dark Warlords of the Dynasty. The four men were waiting for their Master, Lord Talpa, to speak.

"You have failed to destroy those pests once again," Talpa said to the men.

"Master Talpa," Anubis began, "it's that blasted Ancient who interferes and ruins our plans."

"Anubis," Talpa said, "you can not blame your failure on the Ancient. You are young and naïve, and have much to learn. And I expect the three of you to help him learn from his mistakes."

"Lord Talpa, if I may say something," a woman's voice said from behind the four Warlords.

"Ah, yes. Lady Kayura," Talpa replied. "Step forth."

The fifth and final member of the dark Warlords joined her kneeling companions on the floor. "Thank you, my Master," Kayura began. "I believe that I may have a plan that will prove useful. Here, the Ronin Warriors have a slight advantage over our forces. This is especially evident since all of our efforts to destroy them have been futile." She smiled slightly when she noticed the sneers upon the other Warlords faces.

"How dare you, Kayura," Sekhmet growled. "You have done nothing to stop the Ronin Warriors. Therefore you have no right to speak of the matter."

"Silence," Talpa yelled. "Continue, Kayura."

"My plan involves going to Tokyo in an alternate dimension, where the Ancient can not follow," Kayura continued. "If we lure the Ronins there and destroy them, we will be able to take over this world with no further problems."

"Excellent plan, Kayura," Dais said sarcastically. "And how do you propose we get there?"

"Are we to sprout wings and fly," Kale asked, trying to contain his laughter.

"As a matter of fact, yes, in a sense," Kayura shot back.

"I don't understand, Kayura. Enlighten me," Talpa demanded.

"Well, you see, sir," she began, "I have already talked to the Nether Spirits and it can be done with the use of a portal. They have already given me the power to create this portal. We can send the four Warlords through the portal and - -"

"Let me get one thing straight," Talpa cut in. "You contacted the Spirits, without my permission?"

Kayura suddenly realized the grave mistake she had made and cleared her throat nervously. "Y-yes, Master, I did."

"I see," Talpa paused before continuing. "The plan seems like a sound one. The four of you, under the leadership of Lady Kayura, will go," Talpa concluded.

"B-but Master, I did not intend on going," Kayura said, as she was shocked at what she had just heard. "If I go, who will stay to protect you?"

"If you lure the Ronins into the trap, then I will not need protection," Talpa replied. "The Ancient is smart enough not to attack my castle. You four prepare to leave," he said, looking at the men. "Kayura, stay behind for a moment."

After Anubis, Sekhmet, Kale, and Dais left the room, Kayura turned to Talpa. "Yes, Lord Talpa?"

"I'm sending you with the other Warlords so that you will learn patience," Talpa said. "Never take action without my permission ever again. Now go." She obeyed quickly and followed the other Warlords from Talpa's throne room. As she disappeared from the room, Talpa said, "Do not fail me, Kayura. The consequences will be severe."

"That last battle with the Warlords was too easy," Sage said in a voice that was full of concern.

"I agree," Ryo said. "Do you suppose they have something else planned?"

"I doubt it, Ryo," Rowen said. "We thrashed them pretty good. I don't think that they'll be bothering us for at least one day."

"I say we attack them head-on," Kento suggested as he balled his fists. "I can go for another round. And you guys probably could, too."

"That's not a good idea, Kento," Sai said. "Although they would never expect such an aggressive movement, we're not at our full fighting capabilities. And to make it an even worse plan, they would have the advantage over us."

"It seems like a good plan, but Sai has a point, Kento," Mia added as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Failure would be inevitable."

"And you guys might die," Yuli added in a scared voice.

"Don't worry, kiddo," Ryo said with a smile. "We won't do anything rash!"

"Quake with Fear," Anubis shouted, using his special attack. The five Ronin Warriors looked up in surprise. However, before any of them could react, Anubis' chains had formed around the Ronins, and had entrapped them.

"Anubis! What are you doing," Ryo demanded. He sighed in relief when he realized that none of the Warlords had noticed Mia and Yuli, who were hiding behind a bench.

"We," he answered, motioning towards his companions, "are finally going to get a fair fight."

"That's right," Sekhmet added, "and this time you will surely lose."

"Without the help of that old man, you'll be as helpless as sheep are in the presence of wolves," Kale finished.

"Quiet Anubis, Sekhmet, and Kale," Kayura ordered. "Dais is the only one of you with enough sense to keep silent." She glared at the other Warlords and gave them an evil smile. "It's no wonder you can never win. You talk too much."

"Who are you," Kento demanded. The other Ronin Warriors were wondering the same exact thing. None of them had ever seen this woman before.

Lady Kayura turned back to face the Ronins. "In time you will know my name and fear it," she answered, narrowing her eyes. Suddenly, her hands began to glow and she began chanting an incantation. "Nether Spirits, come to my aid. Come forth and serve me, your dark master. Create for me a portal of time and space." The glow from her hands turned into a black, eerie light. The energy left her hands and swirled together, forming the portal that would send them all into an alternative dimension. "OK, men," Kayura ordered. "Let's go."

Anubis separated his weapon from the chains that bound the Ronin Warriors, and threw them into the portal. Then the five Warlords stepped inside and disappeared. As the portal began to close, White Blaze jumped in after the ten warriors. Mia and Yuli came out from their hiding place and were about to follow when suddenly a staff flew down in their path. As the portal closed, the Ancient, who seemed to come out of thin air, materialized next to his staff.

"Why did you do that," Mia demanded, pulling Yuli to her protectively. "Now we can't follow them!"

"If the two of you followed, you would only be in the way of the Ronin Warriors," he answered. He turned and began to walk away. "Follow me, and I shall protect you with all of my power."

Mia took one last look at the place where the portal had been only seconds before and sighed. "Come on, Yuli," she told the small boy as she grabbed his hand and followed the monk.

"Rei," Serena whined, "do we have to do this? We destroyed the Negaverse ages ago! There's no longer any threat."

"Honestly, Serena. I don't understand why you're our leader. You're such a crybaby, Meatball-Head," Rei snickered.

"OK you two," Lita broke in. "Let's just do this so we can all go home."

"Yes, please," Amy added. "I've got homework to do as well as five tests to study for. The sooner we finish here, the sooner I can start."

"Well, if Serena is done whining, we can start," Rei said, glancing at her friend with a demeaning look on her face. "Now, then. Oh Great Spirits of Fire. Show us the evils that threaten to invade." As usual, the fire burned silently.

"See, Rei," Serena stated. "There's nothing to worry about! No one would dare to invade while the Sailor Scouts are around!" She stood up and stretched her arms and legs. "I'm going home, now, to get some sleep. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

All of a sudden, the room became dim. The girls looked towards the fire, and instead of a red flame, there was a black one in its' place. The fire then exploded in a burst of hot flame and began to roar violently. The dark flame casts shadows on the wall that took the form of warriors. Then, just as suddenly as it had began, the fire returned to normal. The girls glanced at one another with a "what just happened" look on each of their faces. After several moments of silence, Serena was the first to speak.

"What was that? Rei, does that mean that there's . . . something out there," she asked with concern in her eyes.

"I don't know, Serena," Rei replied. Her voice sounded just as confused as all the girls looked.

"Amy, scan the city with your computer and see if anything comes up," Serena ordered. The girls looked at Serena as if she had grown a second head. "Am I your leader, or not," Serena demanded angrily. "Sailor Mercury, do as I said." Serena paused for a second and then said, "Please."

Amy nodded her head and took out her pocket-sized computer. She began to type in a various sequence of buttons, and she scanned over the information on the screen. "According to this, there's some sort of disturbance in the eastern side of town."

"Alright, girls," Serena said. "Let's go check it out. But we won't transform just yet." With that, she turned and walked out the door. The other Scouts followed their leader out the door. Once they were all outside, they ran eastward. "Amy, take the lead since you have the coordinates," Serena said.

As the girls followed Amy's lead, they ran in silence for a distance. "Hey Serena," Mina said, running beside her. "I like the way you took charge back there. It was great."

"Yeah," Lita added, jogging beside the two girls. "You should have seen the look on Rei's face. It was hilarious!"

Serena smiled at the compliments she had received. 'Wow,' she thought. 'Maybe I should be more authoritative all the time!' The girls continued to run, disappearing into the night.

At the same moment that Rei was contacting the Fire Spirits in her Temple, a black portal opened and released the Warlords of the Dynasty in the city. They were standing on top of a tall building as they scanned the city.

"So this is Tokyo," Kayura stated. "It's not very impressive."

"We could take control here in no time at all. How pathetic," Anubis sneered.

"Damn," Sekhmet uttered. "Where are the Ronins?"

Dais scanned the rooftop and the surrounding area for a sign of the Ronin Warriors. "I guess that the Nether Spirits miscalculated the coordinates."

"This was indeed an unforeseen occurrence," Kayura said, facing the other four Warlords. "But as Lord Talpa would say, we must not blame our screw up on anyone beside ourselves. We should have all came through at the same time."

"Always trying to be the good little soldier, eh Kayura," Kale said. "It's sickening. For once, just listen to yourself talking, and you'll hear the same thing we all hear."

"Yes," Sekhmet began, "well the hunt is part of the fun."

"And what's that, Kale," Kayura asked, ignoring Sekhmet's comment.

"Your insecurities of being inferior to the rest of us," Kale replied. "You're so afraid of failing Master Talpa. The thought of being under your leadership makes me sick." Once again, Kayura's hands began to glow. "If you do not wish to stay and carry out the wishes of our master," she began, "I will gladly send you back, Kale." She opened up another portal. "Come, soldiers," she ordered. As twelve of the Dynasty's soldiers came out of the portal, she stepped aside. "Split into two teams and track down the Ronins. Report back to me once you find them." The soldiers bowed and departed, dividing into two teams of six, and going into separate directions. Kayura tuned to Kale. "Here's your chance, Kale," she said. She smiled when he crossed his arms across his chest and turned his back to her. "I thought as much," she taunted.

"Will you both stop your arguing," Anubis said with his on edge. "We don't have time for your damned quarrels."

"Anubis is right," Dais added. "We must prepare for the upcoming battle."

"The disturbance is coming from behind that building," Amy told her friends, pointing towards an abandoned warehouse. They had finally pinpointed the location of the disturbance.

"Should we transform now," Mina asked, turning towards Serena.

"Now that would be a neat trick considering you girls don't have your transform sticks," Artemis said from behind the Scouts.

"That was a good one, Artemis," Luna said, appearing beside him. Both Luna and Artemis, talking cats sent to track down the Sailor Scouts, were the girls' guardians, as well as their advisors.

"Luna, Artemis," Serena exclaimed. "How did you find us?"

"We have our ways, Serena," Luna said. "That's why we are called your guardians."

"We couldn't let you rush into any battles, now could we," Artemis asked. He jumped into the air, and a transform stick appeared in the hands of each of the girls, except for Serena.

"Excuse me, but are you forgetting something," Serena asked.

"Oh yeah," Luna said. She jumped into the air, just as Artemis had done. Instead of getting a transform stick like the rest of the Scouts, a locket appeared in Serena's hands.

"Thanks," she said, placing the locket in the middle of the bow on the front of her school uniform. After it was in its place, she smiled.

"Serena," Rei began, "I suggest we get going."

"Right. We should probably sneak around the side of the warehouse to the back," Serena replied.

As Luna and Artemis watched the girls disappear around the building, Luna said, "Did you notice anything different, Artemis?"

"Actually, yes," he answered. "Serena was taking control of the situation and acting as leader! Unless, of course, my imagination is playing tricks on me."

"No, I think you're right, Artemis," Luna replied. "And it's about time."

To Be Continued . . . .

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