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An Ancient Evil
Part 4
By Mystic Jade

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story. All other disclaimers apply. Enjoy! An Ancient Evil, Part 4

"We don't know the exact reason why the Warlords brought us here," Ryo said. "However, we do have our suspicions."

"For now, I guess our fate rests in the hands of you girls," Sage added with a slight smile.

Serena and the girls listened to the Ronin Warriors as they relayed the same story they told the Sailor Scouts the previous night. It would seem that the Ronins still did not realize that the girls standing in front of them were also the Scouts, and it appeared that Serena's plan to keep their true identities hidden was working.

"What are we supposed to do until the next time we meet the Sailor Scouts," Kento wondered out loud. The other Ronins shrugged in response.

"Well," Mina began slowly, "I suppose you get to hang out with us! Excuse us for a minute, please, and we'll figure something out." She motioned for the other girls to follow her off to the side so they could talk without the Ronins overhearing them. "What are we going to do," she whispered.

"I guess we could take them somewhere to eat," Lita suggested. "I bet they're hungry. We didn't exactly leave them any food last night."

"That solves that problem, but where are they going to stay," Amy asked. "We can't rent out any rooms, because we don't have any money for that!"

"Well," Serena said slowly as she began to blush, "each one of them could stay with one of us. We all have an extra room in our houses. It seems like the only thing we CAN do . . ." As she looked at each of the girls, their faces showed the same embarrassment she felt.

"Serena, that's just as half thought out as any of your other plans," Rei exclaimed.

"Well, I don't see you coming up with any ideas," Serena shot back, raising her voice a little. "I am so sick of the way you . . . Rei, what's the matter," Serena asked with concern.

"L-look b-behind you," she stammered barely above a whisper.

"What? I don't understand what you're saying," Serena replied, even more confused than before. "Are you going to tell me what . . ." Before Serena could finish her sentence, something cold and wet touched her hand, and she let out a blood-curdling scream. She jumped forward a bit and spun around on her heels. To her relief, White Blaze was sitting down near where she had been standing. She inched warily towards the tiger, and then kneeled down in front of him. "You scared me, kitty," she cooed, scratching him between his ears.

"Be careful," Ryo exclaimed when Serena began to pet the tiger. "White Blaze doesn't like . . . strangers." He looked on in amazement when White Blaze began to purr as Serena petted him.

"Seems like they're getting along fine to me," Rowen commented.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but have you girls come up with a plan yet," Kento asked. "I, for one, am starving, and could really use some food right about now!"

Serena's head snapped up at the mention of food. She gave White Blaze one final pat on the head and then stood up. "Yep, we've got a plan. We'll treat you guys to something to eat. We should probably leave White Blaze here for the time being. A tiger running around on the loose isn't exactly the norm around here," she added with a giggle.

"That sounds like a plan, then," Ryo replied. He turned to White Blaze. "Sorry boy! It looks like you'll be here by yourself for a while."

"Which brings another question," Sai added. "Where will we be staying? There's no telling how long we'll be here, and that warehouse . . ."

"Oh, well we've got that figured out, too," Serena said as Sai allowed his voice to trail. "You guys . . . Well, what I mean is . . . uh . . . How can I put this?"

"What Serena is trying to say," Lita began, "is that each one of you will be staying at each of our homes."

"The five of us combined don't have enough money to put up for rooms, and as of right now, your stay is indefinite," Amy explained. "So this is the best way we can handle the situation."

"It will be like an exchange student program," Mina added. "The only difference is that you're, well, guys!"

"And what will your families say," Rowen asked. "I'm sure they'd ask questions about your bringing a strange guy home."

"I didn't think about that," Serena replied. Serena noticed as Rei gave an 'I told you so' look, and glared at her friend. Suddenly, Serena's face lit up, and she smiled. "I've got it! What Mina said made sense. All we have to do is tell our parents that you are exchange students, and that they signed the papers months ago. Their memories are sure to fail them," she added as she winked at her friends.

A look of understanding crossed all the faces of the girls. "That's perfect," Rei exclaimed. "Our lives have been so hectic over the past few months. Grandpa won't even notice a visitor at the Temple."

"My mom is a doctor, so she's always on call," Amy said.

"I live by myself," Lita said quietly. A shadow crossed over her face, but she smiled slightly. "I'd love to have some company."

"At my house, we all have busy schedules," Mina commented.

"And my mom always welcomes a new visitor to the house! So it's settled, then," Serena concluded. "That is unless you guys have objections?"

"Sounds like a plan to me," Sage said with a shrug. "I doubt we would be able to come up with another suggestion."

"Great," Kento exclaimed. "So let's go eat!"

"Not so fast, Kento," Ryo said. "What about White Blaze? Where will he stay?"

"Well, we can talk about that at the restaurant," Rei replied. "Between Serena and Kento, we'll have a real problem on our hands if we don't get something to eat soon." Everyone burst out laughing except for the two that were unfortunate enough to be the butt of Rei's joke.

"Hey," Serena and Kento exclaimed at the same time. They looked at each other, and began laughing along with everyone else.

Meanwhile, six Dynasty soldiers were perched on the roof of one of the abandoned warehouses watching the ten people below them. They were far away enough not to be noticed, but close enough to know that five of the ten were the Ronin Warriors. The soldiers sat poised, ready to battle at the command of their leader.

"We must alert Lady Kayura to their whereabouts," the Commander said. "I will tell her of our findings. The five of you will follow the Ronins. However, you are not to attack them until we have word from Kayura." With that, the Commander bounded off westward.

The soldiers watched the figures below them patiently. When the group left the warehouse grounds, the soldiers followed noiselessly. Several minutes later, the soldiers stopped as the group disappeared into a building. When it became apparent that they would not be coming out any time soon, the soldiers laid in wait on an adjacent building. At the same time the five soldiers were settling down, their commander returned to them with Lady Kayura in tow. The soldiers stood in attention.

"What have you to report," the Commander demanded.

"The Ronins and five others went into that building," one soldier answered. "We did as you said, and followed them here."

"Very good," the Commander replied. "Lady Kayura, what is your bidding?"

"You will fight them, of course," she answered. "However, the unknown variables interest me. Who were the others, with the Ronins?"

"I saw the same ones you speak of, Lady Kayura," the Commander replied. "They appeared to be females. They did not look like warriors, but I could be mistaken."

"And you most likely are. The Ronins are smart enemies. They wouldn't align themselves with anyone whom would not be of help to them," Kayura said.

"We just await your command," the Commander said.

"Now is not the time," Kayura replied with a sneer. "Let them have their fun, and strike when they would least expect it." She opened up a portal, and fifteen soldiers stepped out. "Under your lead, twenty of you should be enough to serve as a warning to them. I expect at least one of you to survive and report back to me. The Warlords and I will take care of the rest." She turned and jumped off of the building, and disappeared into the approaching sunset.

As Serena was finishing up her light snack, she looked around the table at everyone. 'It really is amazing,' she thought to herself. 'Who'd have thought we would ever have such powerful allies on our side, and cute ones at that!' The Ronins had discussed a little more about themselves and their powers while everyone was eating. Naturally, the Ronins were also curious as to how the five girls had come into contact with the Scouts. Serena smiled to herself as she remembered what she told them; of how she said that the Scouts had found them. In a way, it was the truth. Their powers had found them when they remembered the lives they led a millenium ago. As she was scanning the table, her eyes locked with Ryo's, and she turned her head before he could see her blush. 'He looks so much like my Darien,' she thought sadly. She stole a glance at him, and was relieved that he had turned his attention to something Lita was saying.

"You've been awfully quiet, Serena," Mina observed. "Is something wrong?"

"No," she replied with a smile. "But I do think I've come up with how to solve the housing situation." Everyone grew quiet and looked at her intently. She took a deep breath. "Ryo, you and White Blaze will stay at Rei's. The Temple is huge, and it will be easy to hide him there. As for the rest of you, Sage will stay with Lita, Sai will stay with Amy, Rowen will stay with Mina, and Kento you'll be staying with me. If that's ok, I think we should be leaving soon."

"Well, well, well, Meatball Head. Aren't we the authoritative one today," a voice asked from above. Serena stiffened at the sound of the voice. She knew who it was without having to look up.

"Darien! I really wish you wouldn't call me that," Serena exclaimed. 'Oh no! I wonder how much he heard,' she thought frantically. She looked up at him angrily, but her features softened when she made eye contact him. "How have you been feeling lately?"

"Great, actually. I have had better days," he replied. "But listen, I don't want to break up your date here. I didn't mean to . . ."

"Oh, it's nothing like that," Serena interrupted, standing up quickly. She looked deep into his eyes, and prayed that he saw she was telling the truth. If she was to get things back to the way they were, the last thing she wanted was for him to think she had a boyfriend.

"Whatever," he said nonchalantly. He looked over the boys. "Sorry, didn't mean to be rude. I'm Darien." He shook hands with each of the Ronins as they introduced themselves. "Well, I'll let you get back to your evening," he said. "See ya around. Bye Meat . . . uh, Serena." As he turned to leave, Serena opened her mouth to say something, but thought better of it. She slumped back down into the booth feeling defeated.

Meanwhile, the Ronins sat looking awkward, while the girls felt sorry for Serena. They knew what she must have been feeling because they had watched their friend go through love and heartbreak in almost the same night when they had their final fight with Queen Beryl. They knew the fact that Darien didn't remember anything from that final battle was tearing Serena apart. Lita began to say something, but Serena motioned for her to be quiet. "You don't have to say anything," she said quietly. She looked up at the Ronins and smiled apologetically. "That was our friend, Darien. He had an accident a couple of months ago, and has been a little . . . out of it ever since," Serena explained. "He has a slight case of amnesia."

"He remembers us, and a lot of other things," Mina continued as she looked at Serena, "but he has forgotten some of the most important details of his life. It will pass, and he'll eventually remember it all."

Serena smiled at Mina, and blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall. "Well, it's been a long day. How about we go home," Serena suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement.

After their meals had been paid for the group was standing outside of the restaurant. The Ronins paired off with their respective hosts, and everyone said their good-byes. Serena, Kento, Mina, and Rowen headed north, Amy and Sai headed south, and Rei and Ryo headed back westward to retrieve White Blaze before they went to the Temple. All the while, the horde of Dynasty soldiers watched them, undetected, from above.

"It appears the Ronins are finally on the move," the Commander said. He turned to the twenty Dynasty soldiers. "Ok, soldiers. Divide into five groups of four, and follow each Ronin and female. Strike at the most opportune time. I shall go with the group following the Ronin leader. Move out!" The soldiers did as commanded and followed the teenagers into the night.

To Be Continued . . .

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