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An Ancient Evil
Part 11
By Mystic Jade

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any of the characters that I'm using. It's strictly for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy! An Ancient Evil, Part 11

Mia, Yuli, and the Ancient were at the lake just outside of Mia's house. Mia was sunbathing, however she also kept a close eye on Yuli, who was wading on the shore. The Ancient sat in the shade the trees provided as he diligently kept watch over them.

"I haven't relaxed like this in such a long time," Mia murmured as she rubbed sun tan lotion on her arms and legs. She looked over at Yuli and smiled. "Yuli, come over here and get some sun tan lotion on!"

"Alright, Mia," he yelled. He ran towards her, splashing water everywhere. As he got nearer to her, the little boy jumped into the woman's lap.

"Yuli," she shrieked in surprise. "You're all wet and cold. Get off of me!" He laughed and rolled off of her lap. "Here," she said as she playfully tossed a towel at him. "Dry yourself off." After he had dried off, he sat down in front for her.

"Mia," Yuli asked as she began rubbing lotion on his back. "How long have the guys been gone?"

She sighed as she thought about his question. "They've been gone for a little over a week."

"When will they be back," he asked. "I really miss them, especially White Blaze."

"I know you do," she replied. "I do too, Yuli." She turned him around to face her, and brushed back a lock of hair that had fallen into his face. "You shouldn't worry about them so much," she said gently. "They'll come back as soon as they can, I promise."

"Mia," he began.

"What is it," she asked.

"Do you think we can have some lunch now," he asked, seemingly forgetting the exchange they had just had.

"Sure," she said as she grabbed the picnic basket. "Lay out your towel next to mine."

"Can we go swimming after we're done," he asked hopefully.

"Sure," came her reply, "but we'll have to wait for half an hour before we go."

The Ancient looked over at them as Yuli danced around Mia. The rings on his staff clinked together almost inaudibly. 'Only through patience and time will I learn the meaning of the staff's behavior,' he thought to himself as he closed his eyes.

"And then the staff began to glow," Serena said. She was telling the Ronins and the girls about the dream she had the previous night. "I heard this ringing sound, and then a voice began talking to me. That's when I woke up."

"What did the voice say to you," Rei asked, a frown set on her face.

"I don't remember," Serena replied. "It said something like, 'use the power inside of you,' whatever that means."

"It almost sounds like the Ancient," Sage commented. "What did the staff look like?"

"I don't know," she answered. "It was glowing too brightly. I didn't see any details. I just heard the ringing and the voice."

"Well, that definitely sounds like the Ancient's staff," Sai commented. "It's too big of a coincidence."

"Yeah, but what does it all mean," asked Rowen.

"Maybe Serena is the key to you getting home," Amy suggested. "The crystal holds powers that we don't quite fully understand."

"What do you think it means, Luna," Serena asked the cat.

"I think it means trouble," Luna said. "Nothing good can come out of mysterious staffs and weird dreams."

"The power of the Ancient is as mysterious as the crystal sounds," Ryo said. "If, in fact, the staff in the dream is the Ancient's staff, then there will be nothing to worry about."

The friends sat in silence as each pondered over what Serena's dream meant. They decided to go outside to get some fresh air. For some reason, it had begun getting hot inside the Temple - almost suffocating.

"What's with the sudden heat wave," Lita asked.

"Perhaps I should answer that question," Dais said from his upside down hanging position in a tree.

"Dais," they all exclaimed. Suddenly, the ten warriors began to float up into the air. That's when they noticed that they were floating up towards one of Lady Kayura's portals. They looked back towards the ground when they heard her laughter.

"Ronin Warriors, Sailor Scouts, this drawn-out tedious battle ends today," Kayura began. "Our time runs short, Warlords. Prepare yourselves." She folded her hand together with her index and middle fingers both sticking up in the air. Her eyes began to glow red as she whispered an incantation. The atmosphere turned black, and all fifteen warriors disappeared into the portal. As the black energy dissipated, the Ronins, Scouts, and Warlords found themselves in a forest. Animals scampered everywhere because of the sudden disturbance of the peace.

"This doesn't look good," Serena commented. "Sailor Scouts, transform!"

"Ronin Warriors, to arms," Ryo commanded. "Armor of Wildfire, tao jin!"

"Mars Star Power!"

"Kayura, this had better work," Kale warned.

"Armor of Halo, tao chi!"

"Jupiter Star Power!"

"For your sake, you'd better hope it does," Sekhmet commented.

"Armor of Torrent, tao shin!"

"Mercury Star Power!"

"We don't have time for you quarrel right now," Anubis growled. "Keep quiet, and stick to the plan."

"Armor of Hard Rock, tao gi!"

"Venus Star Power!"

"We shall be victorious in the name of our Master," Dais replied.

"Armor of Strata, tao inochi!"

"Moon Crystal Power!"

"They're done," Kayura said calmly as the Scouts and Ronins finished their transformations. The fifteen warriors stood facing each other. Behind the Warlords, a portal opened and literally hundreds of Dynasty soldier stepped out.

"Remember, Scouts, you take out those soldiers first," Ryo told them.

"Right," the Scouts said in unison."

"Now the real fun begins," Dais said.

"Take care of the Sailor Scouts," Kayura told the soldiers as she turned to face them. She released her swords from their sheath, and as they extended to their full length, she jumped into the air towards Ryo. He blocked just as she was about to land her hit. "You're very agile, Ronin," she complimented. "Let us finish our battle."

Kale leaped at Sage and landed in front of him. "You shall succumb to my dark lightning," he declared as he rose his sword. Sage twirled his own sword in a circular motion and fell into a defensive stance.

"We'll see, Kale," he replied confidently . . .

Sai dug his trident into the ground as Sekhmet kicked him roughly. He stood slowly and pulled his weapon out of the ground. Sekhmet stalked over to him a smirked. "Why we haven't been able to defeat you pests until now is beyond me," he said smugly.

"We'll defeat you yet, Warlord," Sai replied. He ducked as Rowen went flying past him. "Rowen, are you all right," Sai asked as he helped him up.

"Yeah," Rowen replied. He set an arrow on his bow and let it fly towards Anubis. Anubis, in turn, blocked it with his weapon.

"Is that all you've got, Rowen of Strata," he challenged. Anubis jumped back and Rowen followed him . . .

Kento and Dais were the only two warriors left who weren't fighting. 'Great,' Kento though grimly. 'I'm stuck with Dais.' He tossed his staff from hand to hand. "None of your tricks this time, Dais," Kento began. "Or do you always fight like a coward?"

"I'm going to take great joy in destroying you, Kento," Dais sneered. Dais jumped towards the Ronin with his weapon held up high in the air . . .

Meanwhile, the Scouts, who were completely surrounded by soldiers, stood back to back.

"None of these soldiers are part of an illusion," Mercury confirmed as she pushed her earring to make the visor slide back into place. "We've got to defeat them all." She crossed her arms across her chest. "Shine Aqua Illusion," she yelled as she sent her attack towards a group of soldiers.

"Mars Celestial Fire Surround," Mars shouted as her fire attack destroyed another group of soldiers.

The rod on Jupiter's tiara came out, and lightning came down from the sky. "Jupiter Thunder Crash," she yelled as she sent her attack flying.

"Venus Crescent Beam Shower," Venus shouted. She sighed as more soldiers filled in the place of the soldiers she had just destroyed. "This isn't working too well." The Scouts all jumped as five soldiers attacked simultaneously.

"Moon Scepter Elimination," Sailor Moon shouted. The blast came out from her wand and destroyed a line of soldiers immediately. "Jump," she commanded the Scouts as she spun around in a circle. The technique was very effective, and it destroyed a majority of the soldiers.

"That was impressive," Jupiter complimented.

"Thanks," Sailor Moon said as the remaining soldiers regrouped. "We can finish these guys off. Moon Tiara Magic!" As the disk flew towards the soldiers, they jumped into the air, and out of harm's way. As Sailor Moon caught her tiara, a soldier sung his scythe and cut her on the side. The cut wasn't deep, but she still fell down in shock. The other Scouts were too busy to notice what had happened to their leader. 'Oh no, not again,' Sailor Moon thought frantically. The soldier rose his weapon a second time, and seemed to smirk down at her. Thinking quickly, Sailor Moon rolled out of the way and threw her tiara as the soldier brought his weapon down in the empty spot. Lightheaded from the loss of blood, she fell back into the grass and closed her eyes.

As the last of the soldiers were destroyed, the scouts stood together. "Where's Sailor Moon," Venus asked. They saw her lying down in the grass, and rushed over to her. They all kneeled down beside her as reached her.

"She's fine," Mercury said as she checked for a pulse. The Scouts stood and got into fighting stances as a rustling sound came from some nearby bushes.

"White Blaze," Mars exclaimed as the tiger came bounding out. "How in the world did you find us?" The girls gathered around him and stroked the tiger lovingly.

"We should go help the Ronins," Jupiter suggested as she glanced over in their direction. They were fairing well, however it was apparent that they were growing tired. "White Blaze, stay here with Sailor Moon." The tiger obediently sat down next to the fainted girl as he watched the Scouts run off . . .

"Snake Fang Strike," Sekhmet screamed as he attacked Sai. The multiple attacks hit him, and he stumbled to the ground. "I win this, Ronin!"

"Mercury Bubbles Freeze," Mercury yelled. Sekhmet was frozen solid as he was taken by surprise.

"Coming to my rescue again, I see," Sai said as Mercury helped him stand.

"What are friends for," she asked. They both looked over at Sekhmet as the ice began to chip away. Sai gently pushed Mercury to the side.

"Super Wave Smasher," he shouted. The attack washed over the Warlord, and when it cleared, he was unconscious on the ground . . .

"Kento, duck," Mars shouted. She threw an ofuda at Dais, and he was paralyzed on the spot. "Are you alright, Kento?"

"Yeah," he replied. "But Dais made an illusion. That wasn't him." He smiled as the illusion wore off.

"Dais," Mars gasped.

"Play with fire, and you get burned," Dais commented. "Web of Deception!" Mars screamed as the attack hit her. Behind Dais, Kento was back on his feet. Rocks began to float up into the air as he swung his staff.

"Iron Rock Crusher," Kento shouted as he slammed his weapon on the ground. The attack took Dais by surprise, and he went crashing through some trees. Kento rushed over to Mars' side. "Are you ok," he asked as he helped her to her feet.

"Yes, I'm fine," she replied. "I'm really sorry for attacking you."

"That's okay," he assured her. "I should have known Dais would resort to his tricks . . . What I don't get is why I didn't stay paralyzed."

"Well, that's because you're pure-hearted," she explained. "My evil seals don't work on someone who's good. It only stuns them briefly." Mars pulled the bow from her hair and wrapped it around the ankle she had twisted . . .

Meanwhile, Venus watched as Rowen and Anubis exchanged punches. Anubis threw his weapon towards Rowen, and he blocked it with his bow. 'Be careful, Rowen,' Venus thought to herself.

Anubis grunted in frustration. "I'm through playing, Rowen of Strata,' he screamed. "Quake With Fear!" He threw the scythe-like end of his weapon and it hit Rowen directly in the chest. The weapon began to glow, and Rowen screamed as chains appeared all over his body. Anubis breathed heavily as he watched Rowen fall to the ground.

"Venus Love Chain Encircle," Venus yelled as the attack wrapped around Anubis. "Let's see how you like it, Anubis," she told the Warlord. "In the name of the planet Venus, I'll punish you for hurting my friend!" She began to glow as she raised her arm in the air. "Venus Crescent Beam Smash!"

"NO," Anubis shouted. He tried to dodge the attack, but it was too late. As he fell to the ground, Venus went to Rowen's side to help him remove the chains . . .

"Forget it, Kale," Sage said as their swords clashed together. "I've got you beaten." He took a quick glance towards his friends, and Kale took the opportunity to attack.

"Black Lighting Strike," Kale shouted. The attack hit a surprised Sage. As he was thrown back, Sage dropped his weapon, and fell facedown onto the ground. Kale strode over to him, and looked down at the fallen warrior. "Pathetic," he commented. Suddenly, he felt two arms lock around his waist. He felt himself being flung backwards, and then grimaced as a knee dug into his stomach. He looked at his attacker. "What . . . what do you think you're doing, girl," he demanded as he stood on shaky legs. Jupiter stood in front of him with a smile on her face.

"I'm finishing with you what I didn't finish with your buddy, Anubis," she replied. "Jupiter Thunder Dragon!" Kale was too weak to move, and he watched in horror as the attack drew nearer. As Kale fell to the ground, Jupiter made her way towards Sage.

Sailor Moon slowly opened her eyes as something rough and wet touched her cheek. "White Blaze," she murmured as the tiger came into focus. He nudged her with his nose and she sat up. She looked in the general direction where the battle was taking place and noticed that the only people fighting were Ryo and Kayura. "Come on, White Blaze," she told the tiger. She used him to pick herself up and grasped her side at the sudden wave of pain. "Look like we're winning," she commented. She slowly began to make her way towards the fight, with White Blaze following close behind.

"How's Ryo doing," Venus asked as she and Rowen joined the group. Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Kento, Sage, and Sai had grouped together to watch the battle between Ryo and Lady Kayura.

"Pretty good, actually," Sai commented. "But he's beginning to get tired. I don't know how much more he'll be able to stand."

"What's going on," Sailor Moon asked as she joined the warriors.

"Serena, what happened," Kento asked, totally forgetting that she was in her transformed state. Although no one else was around, it still shocked her to hear him call her by her name.

"It's just a little scratch, Kento," she replied. "Nothing a little bit of rest can't fix." She placed a hand on his arm gently as he began to make another remark. "How long has this been going on?"

"For about as long as you were unconscious. I'd say for about twenty minutes," Mars replied. There was no hint of malice or discontentment in the way she answered. If anything, it was concern. That brought a smile to Sailor Moon's face.

"Well, it looks like you've all done your part," she commented to her tattered companions. "I guess it's my turn." She began to walk towards Ryo and Kayura, however Sage stopped her.

"You can't do that," he told her. "They're finishing their fight from earlier."

Sailor Moon frowned and stepped forward. "But . . ."

"No buts about it," Mercury interjected. "Luna told you specifically not to put yourself in any reckless danger, and we intend to make sure you don't."

Ryo and Kayura jumped apart from each other as she blocked one of his hits. "You're getting sloppy, Wildfire," she panted. "Let this come to an end." Once again, she began to move her weapons in an up and down motion. She closed her eyes as the wind picked up around. She opened them once again and her eyes had a glazed look. "Star Sword Scream!" A pillar of dark, swirling energy came twisting towards Ryo, and he gasped in surprise.

"Flare Up Now," he shouted. Ryo threw his attack towards Kayura's attack. They seemed to struggle for superiority before Kayura's attack finally crashed into Ryo.

"Aah," Ryo screamed as he fell back. He struggled to stand however he fell down to his knees. "Ronin Warriors . . . give me your power," he stammered.

"What's happening," Kayura demanded as Ryo began to glow red. The Scouts looked on in awe as the Ronins began to glow. Sage was green, Sai was light blue, Kento was orange, and Rowen was dark blue.

"Wisdom," Sage began.

"Trust," Sai added.

"Justice," Kento said.

"Life-force," Rowen finished. The four colors faded as they formed into balls of energy. They floated over to Ryo and hovered above him.

"Witness the true power of the Ronin Warriors, Lady Kayura," Ryo said. "Virtue!" The balls of energy seemed to disappear into Ryo's body. As the Armor of Wildfire disappeared, Ryo's body took on a bright, white glow. White Blaze ran to Ryo's side as he, too, began to glow. "Armor of Inferno, tao jin!" The glow surrounding Ryo's body intensified as multicolored armor appeared on him. When the glowing stopped, Ryo was wearing the mystical white armor, and White Blaze had transformed into Black Blaze.

"Ryo . . . of Inferno," Kayura asked in a confused voice. "How can that be?"

"That's right, Kayura," he replied as he removed the Swords of Fervor from the sheaths on Black Blaze's back. "Now our fight ends!" He put the hilts of the two swords together and jumped into the air. "Rage of Inferno!" This attack was twice as powerful as his other attack, and Kayura had no time to react.

"M-Master Talpa, I have failed you," she stuttered as she fell unconscious.

All of the Ronins reverted back to their sub-armor as their powers were returned to them. "You did it, Ryo," Mars said as she threw her arms around his neck. He returned her hug, and patted White Blaze, who had also returned to his original form, on his head.

"Well, it's finally over," Ryo said, relieved.

"Yeah, but how are we going to get home," Kento asked.

Suddenly, the sky darkened, and a booming voice was heard. "You have failed me once again," Talpa said. "Return to me, my dark Warlords." One by one, the Warlords and Kayura disappeared. Then, as fast as the darkness had swept over the forest, it was gone.

"Talpa . . . TALPA," Ryo screamed.

"Ryo, it'll be okay," Mars said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find a way for you to get home."

"Yeah, but look at the destruction we caused to this place," he replied, gesturing to the forest. It looked like a barren wasteland. Trees were overturned and the vegetation was singed from fire. "We did all this . . . and for what?"

"Everything will turn out fine, Ryo," Sailor Moon said. He was about to make a comment, however the words froze in his throat as he looked at her. The crescent moon on her forehead shined brightly, and she held the Silver Emperial Crystal in her hands at arms length. "Moon Crystal Power," she said softly. A pure light emitted from the crystal, and the light seemed to engulf everything it touched. As the light faded, the Moon Princess stood in the place Sailor Moon had been. The light that spread over the land seemed to have worked like a magic wand. The forest appeared unscathed, as if the battle between the warriors and the Warlords had never occurred. Even the Ronins and Scouts were healed of their injuries.

"Princess Serenity," the Scouts said in unison.

"Wow, she's beautiful," Kento breathed almost inaudibly. Serenity turned towards him slightly and gave him a small smile.

"I understand my dream, now," she told them. "The power of the crystal and the Ancient joined together will return you to your own time."

"You can't do that," Venus said forcefully. "The energy drain from using the crystal will kill you!"

Ryo looked confused for a moment, and then a frown set upon his face. "Is that true, Princess," he asked.

"No, of course not. I'll be fine," Serenity replied. She looked up towards the sky. "I'm ready, Ancient One." She raised the crystal above her head as a phantom image of the Ancient's staff appeared. "Cosmic Moon Power!" The wind whipped her hair across her face at the sudden burst of power from both the crystal and the Ancient's staff. As the energy from the two unfathomable powers joined together, a multicolored portal was opened. "Hurry, Ronin Warriors, and say your good-byes. The portal won't stay open for long," Serenity warned.

No words were really needed as the Scouts and Ronins said their farewells. Hugs and kisses were exchanged, and tears were shed. Even White Blaze seemed to be saddened by the ordeal. As the Ronins and White Blaze went to stand by the portal, Kento walked back over to Serenity and hugged her one last time. They stared at each other for a long time. She kissed him on his cheek and pushed him gently towards the others.

"We'll miss you, Ronin Warriors," she said as the Scouts stood behind her. "You'll always have a special place in our hearts."

"Maybe we'll meet again some day," Ryo said.

"Only in your dreams," Mars replied light-heartedly. The Ronins smiled and waved. Then, as they stepped into the portal, they were gone in a flash of light.

"Ryo. Ryo, please wake up," Yuli shouted as the boy shook him repeatedly. Ryo groggily opened his eyes, and he found himself staring up into the faces of Mia and Yuli.

"What happened," Ryo asked as he stiffly sat up. "Where are the others?"

"They're right over there," Mia said as she pointed behind her. "As for what happened, maybe you should tell me. Yuli and I were walking down here by the lake, and that's when we found you and the other Ronins."

"Oh," was all he could say. 'It must have all been a dream,' he thought bitterly. 'Just a dream.'

After several minutes of silence, Yuli spoke. "Ryo, who are these people in this picture," he asked as he tugged on Ryo's sleeve. Ryo looked down at the picture the boy was holding and smiled. In Yuli's hand was the picture Serena had taken accidentally.

"Yuli, where did you find this," he asked the boy.

"It fell out of your pocket," Yuli replied. "Who are they? They're really pretty."

"These people are friends that mean a lot to me and the guys," Ryo replied with a smile. "Maybe you'll get the chance to meet them some day."

"Really, Ryo," Yuli asked.

"Yes, anything is possible," he replied.

The End

Author's Note: I hope you all enjoyed the ending to my fanfic. I hope it wasn't too disappointing. Liked it? Didn't like it? LET ME KNOW! Don't forget to leave your comments, please!

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