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Ronin Scout Clash
By Patricia

This is my 1st fanfic EVER!! Please be kind. I do not claim any of the characters for myself, I own nothing but the story idea and plot. If you sue me the only thing that you would get would be Sailor Moon mangas and my Star Wars collection, (But I will give up my sister for free! LOL!!) Thanks!!** -Patricia O.


Sage and Ryo left the guys and Mia in the stands and went to look at the scores. As they stood before the massive score board, they silently read the names each fighter dojo names, along with their placement rank. Ryo smiled at Sage's placement, he had the top score; first place.

"You're doing great!" Ryo said patting his friend on the back. Sage on the other hand didn't say anything; he was waiting for the newest scores to be put up. Out of the corner of his eyes he watched the official be handed a clipboard and walk up to the scoreboard.

"Well, lets see here..." The Official said as he began to punch the new scores into the computer, that changed the score on the digital board. When the newly achieved scores were finished the official punched enter and the board flashed.

The new scores shocked the two Ronins; Sage was now second. The Date DoJo was no longer at the top. The newest number one fighter and dojo was a girl named Lita and the Moon Thunder DoJo.

"What type of fighter score so many points to go from third place to first in one match?" Ryo asked his friend. "A good one." Was all Sage said as he turned away from the scores and started to walk to his next match. He didn't get very far when suddenly he was nearly knocked over by a bunch of girls.

"Sorry." Said the tallest one, she was wearing a green and white fighting outfit. "I was so happy to see my score that when I turned to tell my friends I guess I didn't see where I was walking. Please forgive me."

"Sure, no problem just be more careful." Sage said, "So since you were so excited about your score tell me where are you placed?"

She smiled at him 'He looks like my old boyfriend' "Why I'm in first place of course, I really creamed the guy in my last match."

Ryo's mouth dropped, "You're Lita?" 'I was thinking this Lita person would be tougher looking."

"That's me," Lita said smiling, "So where are you at?"

"Well, he was in first place, till you knocked him down." Ryo said.

"Really, then I guess I will see you later, in the finials." She winked at them and the turned to leave, "Bye." She said waving.

An hour pasted and Sage was still unable to break Lita's hold on first place. Sage still remained in second place. The two fighters, Sage, and Lita were all that was left at the end of the day everyone else had been defeated.

"Well, it's time." Sage said as he walked to the fighting mat, where Lita was waiting. 'It's time that I see for my self, just how good this girl really is."

"Nice to see you again, Sage." She said his name as if she had been rehearsing it in her mind all day. "So you're still in second place."

"I guess you've been asking around about me."

Lita laughed and then readied herself as the referee got into the position to start the match.


Sage took the first of many kicks to his side and then began to defend himself. He was told never to hit a girl, but this was not the time to remember such morals. He hit her arm and then swung her legs out from under her, but she jumped up and delivered a blow to his chest.


Sage rubbed his chest, 'Man she's tough.' He returned to his line and waited.


This time Sage got the upper hand, dishing out kicks and finally the point hit to her back.

"AAAHHH!!" She cried out in pain, and grabbed for her back.

'I didn't mean to hit her that hard.'


"I'm sorry, Lita." Sage tried to say, but the crowd, was cheering for the scored point so loud that his voice was drowned out by it. The referee looked to Lita and she nodded signaling that she wished to continue. "TO YOUR LINE."

"Never again, Sage." She said in a tone that only meant that this was a promise. Sage looked at her and was momentarily frightened, her eyes seemed to spark and crackle with lightening.

"READY..." The official never finished his statement, for as he went to bring his hand down and say fight, a dark portal appeared and out of it came Dynasty Soldiers.

'This can't be good.' Lita and Sage both thought as the Soldiers began to advance on the crowd.

"Hey Tin Cans, over here!" Sage yelled as he saw one go after the referee.

He turned to Ryo who threw Sage his armor crystal. Soon both Ryo and Sage stood in their sub-armor.

Lita had run to the crowd and yelled to her friends, "Rye, Mina, Amy, Serena, transform."

"RIGHT!!" Came their reply and then each turned from school clothes to their sailor scout uniforms.

"Let's go!" Sailor Jupiter said as she turned back to the mat, where most of the soldiers were standing. She suddenly stopped, the other scouts ran into her from behind. "Ouch!" Jupiter said as she grabbed her back that was in pain. She was still sore from Sage's hit.

"Why is did you stop?" Sailor Moon asked.

"Look, Sage, the guy I was fighting, what is he doing?" She pointed to Sage and the others noticed the same thing that Jupiter had seen. Sage was fighting the soldiers off, but what surprised them was that he and his friend were wearing armor.

Sage fell to the mat, and then jumped back up and did a flying kick knocking down a soldier and then came up behind Ryo where the other Ronins had gathered after coming down out of the bleachers, "Call us to arms, Ryo."

"RONIN WARRIORS, TO ARMS!!" All of the Ronins armored up and began to kick butt, but the more soldiers they knocked down the more came thought he portal.

"We have to help them," Sailor Mars said as she spied the portal, "We have to destroy the portal, to stop more from coming."

"Right," Sailor Mercury said analyzing the portal's data on her mini- computer, "We will have to hit with everything we've got."

"Let's do it!" Sailor Venus said.






Their powers combined in the air and smashed into the portal taking it and about half of the remaining soldiers out.

"What was that?" Kento said as he finished off one of the soldiers.

"I don't know." Came Rowen's reply.

"Over there," Ryo said pointing, "Look!"

Sage saw the girls and lost his footing once again falling to the mat. Sage closed his eyes as the soldier raised in spear and brought it down. Instead of having his spear hit and go through the body of a Ronin Warrior, the soldier punctured the stuffed mat and embedded it's self in the wooden floor.

Sage opened his eyes to see Sailor Jupiter lying on top of him, 'She must have rolled me out of the way.' "Thanks"

"Sure, no problem just be more careful." She said to him.

"What?!" Sage said, 'That's just what I told Lita, but she can't be...'




"Come on we can finish our match after we finish off these bad guys, okay?"


She looked around and saw the one soldier still trying to retrieve his spear, "JUPITER THUNDER!!" He was blown away.

"Nice." Sage said, "but watch this."

"THUNDER BLOT CUT!!" He took down two soldiers with one slice of this sword.

The others, having finished off their fair share of soldiers, just watched as Sailor Jupiter and Sage fought off the soldiers. By the time all the soldiers were down for the count, the total for Sage was 16, but Sailor Jupiter also had 16.

"Well, it's a tie."

"Yeah, I guess so."

They all detransformed and stood looking at each other.

"Thanks for the help." Sage said to them.


"Well after that workout I really don't feel like fighting much more today." Lita said.

"Me neither, so I guess that it's a draw.'

"Yeah, a draw" Lita said bringing out her hand so they could shake, but Sage did something that no one expected, he took her hand and kissed it.

"ooooooooooooooo" Kento said, and Sage and Lita both blushed.




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